Thursday, June 18, 2009

Berlin Man Chosen to Fly U.S. Air Force Drones

What an honor it must be for young man Greg Groves, 21, of Berlin, it is an honor for our for out little piece of the Contry. Greg has been chosen from what TDT says was just a handful of young pilots from across the nation to fly a growing fleet of unmanned aircraft for the U.S. Air Force.

Groves started his training in Colorado this week.

His father, Joe, said Greg will be flying the planes by remote control, often a half-a-world away in Nevada.

"He'll be flying that plane and not necessarily be in it," he said. "From a parent's perspective, he's a lot safer sitting somewhere else than actually sitting in that plane."

Greg will be flying planes like the Air Force's Predator and Reaper drones, which fly daily missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each costs millions of dollars and are often armed with missiles and bombs.

Pilot Brian Seeba, who flies small planes locally, but has never flown an unmanned aircraft, said he believes young pilots might be better-suited to flying the planes.

"I think the younger people will have the advantage there with video games. With the exposure they've had to video games and the aptitude there," he said.

Joe Groves said CNN will be featuring a special documentary on the future of unmanned aircraft in August of which his son was interviewed.

Although the first paragraph is a bit confusing to me that Greg has been chosen to "fly" an "unmaned" craft maybe someone can explain that to me.

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