Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Comment Worthy of a Post

In reference to the Pocomoke City budget.
Great ways, and great ideas on how the city could very easily save our tax dollars. A little commonsense goes a long way.

Billy Burke said...
Tom,These are good observations.

I think the City of Pocomoke could save a lot of money by:Getting a new City Manager.Russ Blake has been there simply too long, he is at the highest end of the pay scale one could achieve for the position and he has a negative affect on bringing new business to town.

Limiting the mileage on take home police carsI understand that giving officers a take home car has become industry standard, has a positive effect when the officer lives in the city limits and is a financial motivator.

The lady who lives in Delaware is one of the nicest people on the force but 100 miles plus per day is over the top.
The cop who lives in town or just up the road 5 to 15 miles is not getting the same "bonus compensation" as someone who commutes 100 miles plus daily on the city's credit card.City needs to get out of real estate businessPocomoke City owns at least 60 parcels of land, lots & buildings they have taken from citizens by demolishing their buildings, taxes or whatever.

The City has NEVER publicly sold or offered for sale their real estate, its all back room deals.I can see negotiating for something like Industrial Park space where the land is owned to attract businesses.Lots around town are something else.

This is something Mikey campaigned on and he even took my suggestion to "tie conditions" to the sale such as building a home within a specific period of time.
The property will be on the tax rolls PLUS the city will get cash when it's sold.

Be more business friendlyThis goes back to the city manager wanting to control every business in town.If it's legal then let it go. Why can't someone get an adult beverage downtown?We don't need another Lawsons so Honiss Cane does not need to be a "silent-partner" in the first drinking establishment.

Snow Hill & Berlin are filled with art galleries, small shops and have more than a few places to get a coke or a beer. Why not Pocomoke?Utilize the riverfrontThe riverfront has needed gas & ice sales available since the day we moved here in 1987.

The City says you can't have a pump next to the bridge because that is the spot that makes the most sense.OK why not put the pumps down at the boat ramp? Duh???

Employee's NEED Raises & Benefits
The employees are dedicated and put up with a lot of crap coming out of City Hall.
They don't like to see or hear about Russ & the Chief going to their vacation condo's in Florida on the city's nickel when they don't get a $50 a month COLA raise.
That's about the worst thing you can do for morale and makes people less productive.It's back to getting rid of the City Manager and new blood at City Hall.It's quite obvious that what Russ Blake & Company have been doing does not work.

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