Friday, June 12, 2009

Cypress Festival Disappointment

This was the first time in I don't know how long I was able to get out because of my health so we decided to go to the Cypress Festival tonight, and let me tell you that was a tremendous disappointment other than seeing my good friends the Burton's. Seeing the Burton's made it worthwhile to say the least.

There was a time when the food vendors were strung out from the last bridge piling all the way around to the tennis court parking lot and they had more than every kind of food you could think of for an event as this.

But anyway, armed with my camera all excited to come home and report how nice it was and post some great pictures for everyone and tell them to get out there and enjoy the fun and food at the Pocomoke City Cypress Festival.

To start we entered on the dock at the big bridge end and gladly gave up six bucks for my son, wife and myself to enter we headed straight to the food as we had been waiting all day and we were starved.

There was oh, about 4 or 5, at the most 6 booths for food, each booth had it's own specialty except one booth that had hot dogs AND hamburgers. The wife had her taste buds set on a soft crab sandwich which we quickly found out they didn't have this year. My son loves hot dogs so that was a no brainer until I saw him throw it in the trash, he did eat his french-fries though.

I love most all seafood so a good'ol crab, oyster or clam fritter and I would be set. My only option this year was an oyster fritter so no big deal for me until I found out I'd be lucky to find a bite of oyster in the fritter.

After my son got his dog, fries and a drink the wife and I were his table, holding one of his items until he was ready for the next because there was no place to sit and eat, that was fun trying to juggle his food while holding our own drinks, camera and trying to dodge the mud and water.

There were seats on the bottom of the bleachers but the folks on the second row of the bleachers decided that the lower seats were foot stools so we waded through the water and mud and almost got run over a couple of times by golf carts, one of the golf cart operators was nice enough move over so he didn't throw an over abundance of mud all over us, then we made our way towards the little arch foot bridge on the walkway and found a bench that didn't have to much trash on it have a seat.

We had a seat on the bench and the son finished his fries (remember the hot dog lover threw it away). There was a nice officer standing right next to the bench where we sat, I had never seen him before so I greeted him and he very politely looked away.

All and All, for around 20 bucks for 3, the Cypress Festival was great if you have 6 hands and like French-fries, oyster batter sandwiches, overpriced hamburgers, 2 dollar sodas, playing dodge the mud slinging golf carts, bleachers with muddy foot stools, "police line do not cross" taped off around the pavilion tables, playing musical empty food containers and rude cops. Did I leave anything out? Oh, the drunks on their boats and the dock that expect you to walk on water to get past them seamed to be having a great time.

This festival was a complete disaster, I think it gets worse every year, clearly they need someone that knows how to put this thing together much, much better and sadly with the results I have seen over the last few years if something is not done in the form of a good committee and PR it's a dieing event and that is truly a shame it's been Pocomokes number one drawing card for what, 30 years now?

Hey! the funnel cake looked good but I didn't have any. Don't miss it, I can't wait 'till next year.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:12:00 AM

    That sounds horrible! I don't miss it a bit. For one thing it just doesn't seem to be as nice but maybe that's because we have grown older. And then, it seems it is always muddy there for the festival.

    Sounds like a great place for a mudbog to me!



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