Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Hydrogen Car is Eco-Friendly

Here it comes folks, the future is here.
I'm all for a replacement fuel, not an "alternate fuel" that the liberal government keeps preaching. There's no such thing as an "alternative fuel" if you think about it.
Now soon these little tiny things will be everywhere in the mix with those of us that are Dino's that simply refuse to give up safety for fuel mileage and don't buy into the the liberal theory that the world is coming to an end because we use Dino fuel.
What's going to happen when I decide to be courteous and back my big truck up on the corner to let someone turn in on the street I'm at the corner of and one of these things are on my bumper? I can tell you, I'll run over it and never know it was there, or how about if someone driving one of those baby buggies pulls out in front of a Chevy suburban running 60 down the highway, it sure wont be pretty.

So lets save the oil and cause the price of Dino crude to skyrocket and kill millions driving these baby buggies for the sake of drilling here in the USA where we have enough oil to supply us for many thousands of years.

The first hydrogen-powered car launches and will allow drivers to travel with a conscience and save money.
Embedded video from CNN Video

1 comment:

  1. Having fuel-free cars is one side, the other side is looking for green ways to dispose old cars.


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