Thursday, June 18, 2009

Now The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

the libs are going nuts over the letterman thing huh?the liberal left has be trying to stifle the right wing talkers for years, now that the shoe is on the other foot and they are getting a taste of their own medicine they are going berserk.Gotta love it, do as I say not as I do. What's the word I'm looking for? hmmm?

Yesterday, 15 people gathered outside the Ed Sullivan theater to call for the firing of David Letterman. The long anticipated rally, created to protest a joke David Letterman made about Sarah Palin's daughter, turned out to be a dud despite mountains of media attention. On Monday, Letterman apologized to Palin and she accepted, which rendered the feud obsolete. Apparently 15 people didn't get the message.

Last night, Letterman responded to these critics the best way he knows how: mockery. He had writer Joe Grossman wander out on stage looking for the protest, then did a top ten list of things overheard there. He graciously kept the list self-deprecating, joking that CBS had catered the affair, that his old friend Regis attended, and that his hair looks like a toupee.



  1. Anonymous3:42:00 PM

    I watch Letterman every night and was watching the night he made the comment about Palin's daughter. It doesn't matter which daughter he was referring to or WHOSE daughter he should have known better! I was astounded that he could make a comment like that whether he is responsible for writing it or not. He IS, though, responsible for saying.

    And the apology that he gave a day or two later didn't seem sincere to me.

    Remember: Imus lost his job by making a crude statement about a womens basketball team.


  2. yep and before one opens their mouth they need to take their own inventory.

    If anyone remembers Mr high and mighty Letterman had a child out of wedlock.
    Now in today's times that's really no big deal and I don't look upon anyone badly that does, but like the old saying goes.

    "when you live in a glass house, don't throw stones"


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