Friday, June 12, 2009

Sick and Tired of Verizon

I am soooo sick and tired of dealing with verizon, I have nothing but trouble with their billing. They cannot get my bills correct and I get threatening emails that they are going to "interrupt" my services.
I have checks, I have all the paperwork needed, now they can't send the bills but I keep paying.
A few months ago I canceled my land-line and it's been really hell every since. I called in April and 'thought' I had everything straightened out, I was told I was paid-up and had a $13.00 credit toward my DSL because my final land-line/DSL payment went to the wrong department, today I get a "interruption" notice by email AGAIN for the DSL.

I have the bill AND the canceled check for 5/15 that I overpaid once again. They will not send me a monthly statement to save my life.
So... as it stands right now I have a $13.00 credit but verizon says I owe them $140.00 WTH?
After 17 calls and 4 disconnects and being unwillingly transfered to the wrong departments 6 times and hung-up on twice I'm still right where I started.

I told them they wont have to worry about this after Monday because I was going to cancel verizon after being a good customer since they have been in business and they offered to transfer me to the service cancellation department.

Boy has things changed, I remember when a good customer had problems and they would give you a credit for their error. Now! They offer to disconnect you.

Where do y'all do business with your ISP and cell phones?

How about this new $19.95 per year telephone service being offered now?

BTW; I was on the phone for 2 hours for nothing

oh I forgot to mention my wife was on the phone with them for an hour before i started out.

Today was not a good day for me either.

"press 1 for English" then I get someone that spoke broken English with a headset that was breaking up.

My first words were, "there must be a mistake, I pressed 1 for English"


  1. Anonymous4:35:00 PM

    I tried to cancel my landline this Monday.

    I asked how much it would cost me for just DSL service.

    "$40 to $45 per month," I was told.

    I said I would be better off to just get cable ISP.

    "But for $59.99 we can give you DSL, local phone service, AND unlimited long distance. AND you get to keep the number you have had for 20 years."

    They told me there was no commitment, so I said I would try it for a while.

    I told a friend from Silver Spring about this the next day. He told me he gets DSL plus local phone service with 60 message units for $38.

    I am still waiting for Verizon to explain.

  2. I canceled my land-line but the DSL rate increased but it was still cheaper than having a land-line and DSL.

    If they could get the bill straight it would be fine but they can't and wont.

    I think I'm going with comcast but I want to find out about this $99.00 installation fee. I don't want to pay $100.00 for them to screw a cable into a modem. I can't see and installation fee when I have cable now unless they have to run a separate cable, they also charge more installation for additional computers which I don't understand.


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