Saturday, July 4, 2009

Has Anyone Heard About the Captured Soldier?

We have a U.S. Soldier that has been captured and the MSM is busy reporting on Michael Jackson, a cheating governor, and Palin resigning, etc. in the midst of all we have going on in the country this is what the MSM sees as 'important' news.

I don't see it as news at all and frankly everyone in this nation should be completely pissed-off that we have absolutely no news reported from the MSM on a captured U.S. soldier that is/was fighting for our freedoms that we are losing daily along with Korea firing missiles while the MSM reports on Michael Jackson.

It seams as if they are not reporting real news as it does not fit their agenda, their puppet hussein obama is failing fast so the M.J. death came right on time so they don't have to report on the white house blunder.

Joe Biden is visiting his son in Iraq and the MSM does do a snip here and there on that, now what if it was Bidens son that was captured? Hmmmmm..


  1. yeah but the Prez and Chelle had 1500 guests for a BBQ at the White House tonight and the Foo Fighters what's your deal?

    (Please recognize intended sarcasm)

  2. sarcasm noted]

    that's their problem, hussein obama seams to think he's a celebrity. He's in waaaay over his head and he knows it.


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