Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rep. Mike Castle gets booed

Rep. Mike Castle’s recent “listening session” in Georgetown is bringing him YouTube fame, but not because of the topic.

It’s because the Delaware Republican got booed after vouching for President Barack Obama’s citizenship.

The video of the June 30 town hall meeting on health care reform shows a woman toting an American flag and her own U.S. birth certificate asking why people are ignoring the president’s birth certificate. She said Obama is a citizen of Kenya, not the U.S.

The crowd applauded and cheered as she yelled, “I don’t want this flag to change! I want my country back!”

Castle, attempting to correct her, said, “If you’re referring to the president there, he is a citizen of the United States.”

The crowd then heckled him as he reiterated that Obama is indeed a U.S. citizen.

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