Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blog Moderation is Enabled

Bare with us through this period please. During the last few days weeks, who knows time flies? We have had to put up with some off-the-wall? comments, reason being is NOT that we agree with those comments but not to jump the gun so we could investigate from where they were coming from.

Some of those post were hurtful, some just didn't make sense, some were off topic etc. But rather than just delete those post after they had been read by everyone anyway we have been searching for the source.

Our apologizes to those that have been offended and those that think those comments reflected our opinion, I assure it does not.

I was very happy to see that those comments DID NOT come from our locals but rather from trolls that jump allover the internet causing problems everywhere they go. Now unlike some I WILL NOT expose those trolls as even they have a right to their privacy and I will not violate that.

I will say we know who you are and we WILL warn the other blogs and/or forums if it continues.

Thanks PPE's for understanding, and to those that read and found some comments offensive we apologize, but I do hope you now understand what was happening.


  1. Anonymous11:14:00 PM

    Ahhhh. Thank you for giving me a reason to NEVER come back here again. Of course you know that by moderating your blog 'whatever that means' you have totally enabled a one-sided forum that encourages the bashing of the family of a missing young woman. Have fun kids.

  2. Well, looks like that worked! Funny how opinions and postings really don't seem to be worth it when you know someone is watching... Especially if you hope the post will get blamed on those here.

  3. anon 11:14
    You must be dumber than dirt! We had to use the moderator, not because we wanted to but because we had to. Now, we can't please everyone. And by moderating we can keep those from horribly bashing people. We don't want it one sided, we want it fair!

    When you get over your "stupid" come back. Or better yet use a name and we'll know it's you so you can get a fair chance to be read.

    I don't know what else to tell you.

  4. 11:14

    I can assure you that is not the case, but just the opposite.

    I have no opinion myself so I cannot be swayed in either direction. But I do know when I see a comment that is meant for the sole purpose of instigating from either side.

    If you like to instigate or just spew hate toward anyone, this is not the place.

    I've had to brunt the load and that's ok by me.. because I had a plan and I accept that with mission accomplished. Almost.

  5. Anonymous12:15:00 AM

    well i for one commend you. some of the posts were coming across as creepy and threatening especially towrds my daughter who was previously a reader and poster of blink but became concerned for herself and her family. everyone has a right to there opinions and observations of the christine sheddy case local or not. some of what was posted on blinks site and here caused my daughter great concern. i think moderating comments is excellent. thank you.

  6. 12:15

    Thank you

    And please let your daughter and yourself know that if at anytime you feel uncomfortable here by anything posted you can email directly and we WILL get to the bottom of it.

  7. Anonymous12:37:00 AM

    thank you pe!

  8. Anonymous12:50:00 AM

    oh and sorry about my comments on your blog last night including the one you deleted but i was trying to get your attention. i do apologize for them. i did not mean to offend anyone in your town. it was my need to protect that made me comment at all im sure you understand. again my apologies.

  9. Anonymous11:02:00 AM

    Thank you pe, you are a smart man.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster