Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lies, Lies, and more Lies

As I have consistently repeated I WILL expose any and all Lies that are being posted.

What lies now? I cannot keep track of them all... But what I do know is that it only gives us more to weed through to find the truth and it only diminishes the effort to find a conclusion.

On top of that it sends the family in a tail spin of who and what to believe. Like they need that! really.. I think they have enough on them right now to have to deal with he said/she said BS.

On that note, I'm am sorry that I am constantly put in the position to have to stick-up for myself, a contributor, or any posters here because others seam to get-off on dragging innocent people into their lair of conspiracy theories.

So now that I am out of the picture they need a new target, they aimed, they set, they fired... this time on a person that has never posted on the Blink on crime ahhh,... erm,.. whatever you call it? Blog?

Who might that be ya say? One of our contributors; jmmb, they (Blink) have now accused jmmb of using multiple screen names along with another poster, that I will bring up later.

Do you know what this means folks? It means a couple of things, I'll try to tell you.

1) It means that a so-called investigator does not have the investigative skills to research something as simple as an IP address with multiple free internet IP search tools available.

2) jmmb has NEVER posted on Blinks site, so that means that in order for Blink to have jmmb's personal internet information to even assume that jmmb would be using multiple screen names someone had to give out that personal info for someone/another blog) to try to match that info up to the poster, so, another blog or forum is sharing that personal information. Hmmm? (be careful where you post if value your info)

Now let us visit just a few post, shall we?

  1. Comment by XXXXXX — September 13, 2009 @ 9:39 pm

    Blink, Question. Is soothsayer anyone you know or is he/she from the Tattler?

    No idea, but I answer that out of respect for you, I am not one to “out” people. People post under different ?hats all the time I can’t verify. What’ s the issue?

Errrm, OK...

  1. Comment by XXXXX — September 13, 2009 @ 8:15 pm

    So no more Xtraham either?
    That would be a NO. ( Insert own inference)

Hmmmmm? Did xtraham ever post on blink on crime?

  1. Comment by Brenda in Virginia — September 14, 2009 @ 10:31 am

    Yeah Homegrown can promise to utilize the “red x’, but will he follow through???? (we can only hope and pray ;>)

    I promise he will.

Well by golly, is that two in a row?

  1. Comment by XXXXXXX — September 14, 2009 @ 8:36 pm

    #267, okay, but after you start stealing catalytic converters off of cars, where do you turn them in?

    That seems like it must be someplace under the table.

    Or, I guess what I mean to say is that, unless the scrap metal guy is a crook, he would have to get a little suspicious if someone starts showing up with a whole bunch of catalytic converters, right?

    He could have gone out of town, to various places, I would guess.

    Sorry XXXXXX, I cannot candone multiple IP and email addys. It is deceptive and not permitted here.

Wait; Didn't Blinkypoo just say this?

"I am not one to “out” people. People post under different ?hats all the time I can’t verify. What’ s the issue?


  1. Comment by Brenda in Virginia — September 18, 2009 @ 10:59 am

    Blink, can we post this article (and any others on this site) to another sites so long as we link back. You know, to get more exposure???

    Well, you could if your request was in good faith, JMMB. But as you apparently have the same ip dysphoria as your *cough* associate, no, you may not. BTW, late for the permission request anyway. There is no “retro” in copyrighting, ps..

    Considering your the 7th of 9, that allegedly have access to 3 computers albeit simultaneously, well, really 2 if you believe one of the “alters”. How weird is it in that cramped enviornment to have such diametrically opposed viewpoints within minutes of each other. Wow. It’s like an MPD hive at the water cooler in “real time”. Honey provided.

    Best Regards,

As I stated early on, jmmb has never posted on blinks site.. EVER.
Soooo, How, where, or whom would give blink jmmb's personal internet information to match this person up to jmmb? (refer back to my IP post) IP's are not unique to each user all the time.

Looks like to me they are doing what us PPE's have been accused of doing, wasting valuable time and resources just to look for a fight.

Well the PPE's are NOT, but it sure is obvious who is.

We are, and we continue to drudge through the mud for the truth.... then reveal it. We focus on the issue.. and they will see that in the end. Even if they don't, I know in my heart that I have done the right thing.

The PPE's have been stomped constantly and we come back to help. That folks is real people for the people. Not the garbage we see above from other sites. And that's just a drop in the bucket, I do not have time to even play games with the really stupid stuff like the Wic. co. landfill and/or the Deputy Fire-marshal, fires in Parsonsburg conspiracies (50 miles away) ect. ect. ect. ect. ect. ect. ect.


  1. Anonymous9:59:00 PM

    Great post. Now I say lets expose all Blink's lies.

    Her title has changed more than I want to count.

    1. free lance journalist
    2. investigative journalist
    3. an investigator
    4. a crime writer
    5. an editior in chief
    (with typos, lol)
    6. lead anaylist/investigator
    3View Search Services

    feel free to add to the list

  2. Anonymous10:00:00 PM

    The only thing to say to the foolish little girl who hasn't amounted to anything in her miserable life and is now just trying to pick a fight - WHO CARES!


  3. Anonymous10:01:00 PM

    Blink knows or least should know that she does not need LE's permission to search with 3view.

  4. Anonymous10:01:00 PM

    public relations and communication specialist, 9:59

  5. Anonymous10:04:00 PM

    10:01 where did she say that? That is so laughable, I just choked on my root beer.

  6. Anonymous10:05:00 PM

    She claimed to out a mod on WS but was really banned.

  7. Anonymous10:09:00 PM

    Yes, 10:05 Her made up company Blink Developement Group (it's no group, just her) is supposed to specialize in public relations and communications. I'm telling you while, I am laughing out loud, that she is a real a$$. She calls herself the president-I'm not kidding.

  8. Anonymous10:10:00 PM

    To Christinesmom, please call TexasEquusearch and ask them what they think of Shannon, since you don't believe us.

    Do yourself a favor and ask them. Why would they lie? Tim also lost a daughter and can feel your pain.

  9. Anonymous10:13:00 PM

    1. free lance journalist
    2. investigative journalist
    3. an investigator
    4. a crime writer
    5. an editior in chief
    (with typos, lol)
    6. lead anaylist/investigator
    3View Search Services
    7. President of Blink Developement
    8. public relations and communication specialist (she may need some more training in this area, lol).

  10. Anonymous10:15:00 PM

    great idea 10:10 Lynn, you call them and tell them who you are and start asking questions. Find out the truth for yourself.

  11. Anonymous10:21:00 PM

    All the areas, 10:13. She's self proclaimed, no degree and no kind of certification or training in any of the fields.

  12. Anonymous11:14:00 PM

    "She has a background in PR/Blink Development and a passion for crime sleuthing."

  13. Anonymous11:18:00 PM

    Looks like Shannon forgot add the word FAILED/UNFOUNDED next to this one.

    "States Attorney’s Office 9th Circuit, AG Law of Florida: Trust Fund and Charitable Donations misuse and fraud investigation, multiple entities and subjects."

  14. Looks like she should have more to worry about than an IP.

  15. Anonymous11:50:00 PM

    jmmb, I saw what she did to you. She is a real nut case. She will fall on face sooner than later. I am guessing it will be sooner than later. :)

  16. It's just unfortunate that she feels the need to accuse people. She must spend an awful lot of her time looking back over her shoulder to be sure she isn't being followed. Personally, I thought she had better things to do.
    I am still of sane mind and I know what I do and I do not do.

    And I know I have not and will never waste time posting on blink. I would have no reason to.

  17. Anonymous12:19:00 AM

    Don't you know, Blink is an expert on everything. She is an expert on Corrie Anderson, Caylee Anthony, Attorney Jose Baez, Christine Sheddy, Pocomoke, their VFD, Haleigh Cummings of FL and now she is an expert on the posters and their IPs. Whew, she must be on busy lady. When does she have time to see her shrink?

  18. Anonymous2:07:00 AM

    Even her name is a lie! Her last name is not Stoy! tsk tsk Shannon!

  19. Anonymous3:16:00 AM

    Looks like Blink has been well known for a little while! lol Warning: this site is quite raunchy but this post is worth a c/p.

    "December 12th, 2008 at 8:44 PM Let me shed some light for you…. First I would like to suggest to Shennon that you put have as much energy and time into caring for your own children as you pretend to do for others. Anyone who knows you, even a little, knows that you did this for your 5 minutes in the lime light, a pathetic and immoral way of getting attention. Blink is from a small ass town in the Lehigh County area of PA. Her maiden name was Nidlund, she then became a Walker thanks to the victim, and then a Moser thanks to ignorance of her second victim and yet the 3rd and I’m surenot the last victim has made her a Stoy. She has a daughter from Walker and a son from Moser both of whom she used for what she could, took them for all she could and then abandoned her families for the next larger paycheck. Both her children are in the custody of the perspective fathers and live in PA however Blink chose to pack up and move over a hundred miles away to NJ for her “new man” and Blink is lucky if she sees either half a dozen times a month. She in fact blew off visitations with them to run off to Florida. Recently she has had the cops called on her for domestic disputes in PA which may be why all her information has been removed from the other site as she is trying to stay under the radar. One thing everyone has said about her and is true is that she lives to destroy other people lives, no en. She is a nut job and has the IRS after her as well. In addition the pic posted of her cannot possibly be recent, she is about 50 lbs heavier then that if she is a size 14 that would be giving her the benefit of the doubt and the boob job was courtesy of her 2nd husband with out his knowledge and just weeks before she left him for her current husband. So Shennon why is it that you put more time into other peoples children then you do your own, Why would you move over a hundred miles away from your own two children and not go for custody…Its sad that you cannot stand to be the center of attention even up against your own children…But it’s obvious they are much better off with out you and your absurd personality and antics."

  20. Anonymous3:26:00 AM

    Here is another one worth bringing over here. Look at Blink's answer.

    10-16-2008, 07:48 PM


    Blink34's Avatar
    Blink34 Blink34 is online now
    Attention: This Child's Disappearance is not your Personal ATM!

    Join Date: Mar 2008
    Location: Sunny East Jabip
    Posts: 5,275
    Originally Posted by pb6656 View Post
    I'm still kind of new - with all due respect, why would he PM you? Are you a reporter?


    "LOL, O my No, just a lil ole houswife donning a sheep costume for fun is all, I reckon..

    But seriously, I dunno, you would have to ask the source."

  21. Anonymous5:43:00 AM

    The only thing Blink if proficient in is lying.

  22. Anonymous6:19:00 AM

    Has anyone been able to come up with something good said about Blink, anywhere else besides her own site? I don't think so. She is just a legend in her own mind. How naive some are, not too see her true colors.

  23. Anonymous7:49:00 AM

    jackass of all trades-

    A person who is very hard to work with and a screw up at almost anything but thinks she is good. Tends to be vocal but never about her own ability to seemingly always screw things up.

  24. Anonymous8:23:00 AM

    Everyone would do best to ignore Blink.
    The only thing she has accomplished is turning a terrible tragic situation into a joke.
    The piece of garbage isn't worthy of a response to her accusations.
    She is a well known liar and will say anything when the going gets tough and she is caught in her lies.

  25. Can anyone tell me if she has ever been ever to help solve a case? All the cases I see her name connected with are cases that could have solved long ago if it hadn't been for some off the wall investigator or attorney do a whack up job with the case.

    I have never seen a case where she has been the savior of some poor family searching for a loved one.

  26. Anonymous4:57:00 PM


    I am afraid to say I haven't found anything either. Why? Because Blink is just an online blogger/sleuther who has delusions of grandeur. Period!

    She got what she wanted "THE SPOTLIGHT" and the light is getting awfully hot now.

    Buckle up cuz more baseless attacks will be a coming! lol

  27. Anonymous5:53:00 PM

    Not so long ago the residents of Worcester County were known for their standoffishness. It was the unwritten rule to not trust outsiders and strangers. If you passed a stranger in the street you just nodded and proceded on your way-no small talk.
    I'm going back to the old way.

  28. Anonymous6:56:00 PM

    That's how come no one knows the Jackson's or the Johnson's. They are outsiders and strangers, not to mention socially unaccetable.


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