Wednesday, September 16, 2009

There's an Out of Town Odor (Part 1)

Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator

Most of us “locals” are aware of Christine Sheddy’s disappearance and many of us have offered assistance in finding her in some shape or form. An entire community has reached out to her family and embraced them in their efforts to find Christine. Even the lowliest, kind thought or prayer has been worthy.

Chapter One:
The Characters

Ohhhh and Ahhhh, we’ve really got a juicy story for you.

Just in case you haven’t been following, I’m referring to the newest drama running riot over the Christine Sheddy case. The disappearance of Christine is being spun into a tale of “oh-my- gosh conspiracy” in every nook and cranny of Pocomoke City, Worcester County, and possibly the State of Maryland.

Along comes a spider named Nictitate. She’s spinning a tale from whatever scrap of information, whether it be true or false, with an agenda that has nothing to do with finding Christine. Dissatisfied opinions of local government or politicians and self satisfying needs to blame or bash someone or anyone, further a conspiracy theory.

Nictitate is writing a story about Christine’s case posing as an investigator, telling some she is a detective, and who in reality is a self proclaimed investigative journalist. Adding to the suspense of the story, Nictitate releases one chapter at a time. Why one chapter at a time? In doing so it allows for all of her groupies to comment and speculate and for local blogs to post the chapter. Links are everywhere and always redirect to Nictitates website where she racks up hits.

After each chapter is released bloggers run amok posting questions, comments, and going so far as having cyber arguments. Dissenters of the agenda are quickly “slapped down” by either Nictitate or one of the groupies.

Chapter 1 of the tale starts off with background information and a peek into the private life of Christine. While there could be many reasons for this introduction “exploitation” comes to mind. For the life of me, I can’t imagine why I would discuss or give information to a complete stranger about one of mine without knowing exactly who that stranger is, what they are, and what they want it for.

Now I know that I’m going to catch the devil for that last comment but it’s something that needs to be said. The real “case” is about the disappearance of Christine Sheddy, finding her, and apprehending those responsible for her disappearance. PERIOD!

Christine’ relationship, good or bad, with Levi Hall should remain personal. Unless of course, Nictitate is saying that Levi Hall is a suspect in the disappearance of Christine Sheddy and that their personal life is pertinent to the case.

We can go back and read the chapters of the tale being spun by Nictitate however reading the posts from bloggers is much more interesting. Although it gets quite confusing trying to follow along if you have the time and patience you will find yourself getting the picture.

Nictitate claims to have “eyewitness” accounts and insider information and the tale is supposedly spun from these accounts. We know better. The real people, who Nictitate has written off to being inbred hillbillies, or some such thing, are the “eyewitnesses” and have not given any information for Nictitate to spin her tale from.

Odor Eliminator has decided to search for the truth of the matter and contribute the findings to the Pocomoke Public Eye. It’s expected to get hairy once the groupies jump in so hold on to your seat. Nictitates tale will be analyzed as well as many untruths posted on blogs along the way. The conspiracy will be “outed” and as Paul Harvey used to say, “now you know the rest of the story”. I know that some of you are impatient but sifting through the tale takes time.

Coming next – Odor on Nictitate, Chapter Two: a Who’s Who in the Nictitate Tale

Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON”T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.


  1. Anonymous2:16:00 PM

    Personally I could never understand why all the things were being said that went on between Christine and the boyfriend. All the things about how he never gave her any money and all. How come she didn't go to court and have it court ordered? Then all the griping over the tax deduction and the stolen chicken. Oh my goodness, makes them all out to be a bunch of hillbilly inbreds.

  2. Anonymous2:38:00 PM

    Odor Eliminator....lmao!

    This tragic story and the current events was in need of some comic relief.

    I know, I know, what if it was my daughter? 2 Facts if it was, Blink would NOT be investigating it and I would not be on my computer day and night. nuff said.

  3. Anonymous2:38:00 PM

    Odor Eliminator....lmao!

    This tragic story and the current events was in need of some comic relief.

    I know, I know, what if it was my daughter? 2 Facts if it was, Blink would NOT be investigating it and I would not be on my computer day and night. nuff said.

  4. Anonymous2:43:00 PM

    Poor Christine, she deserved better than Blink, the investigator".

    It makes me sad to think of Christine's children living in such a "house of hate".

  5. Anonymous2:43:00 PM

    Poor Christine, she deserved better than Blink, the investigator".

    It makes me sad to think of Christine's children living in such a "house of hate".

  6. Anonymous3:01:00 PM

    If anyone has bothered or can sift though the writings of Blink it is quite obvious that the investigator wasn't investigated by the family.
    I would have been on the telephone calling references, and wanting to see certifications. Just ask my dog's trainer. I grilled him, checked references and had the fax machine going for 2 days before he was hired.

  7. anon 3:01

    I agree with the references and such. But one thing for sure my loved ones life would not be exposed via the internet.

  8. Anonymous4:58:00 PM

    References for the president of Nictitate Development Group LLC, shall we contact
    Tony Padilla, who was he talking about here (I don't think it was Leonard's assistant as quoted by the prez on her blog when asked about it). Didn't Tracy on the last release say she did computer stuff for Leonard? Don't think Tony was talking about her.
    Leonard Padilla, wonder what he thinks or if he remembers the prez.
    Tim Miller or Mandy Albritton
    Sean Henady
    or any of the many others either listed on the Monkey resume or otherwise name dropped in a post here or there.

    Its amusing how many people used to be name dropped by the prez that no longer are, wonder why?

  9. Anonymous5:25:00 PM

    Wow. Totally disgusting. I can't believe there are humans like ya'll walking this earth. No wonder Tricia was invited to this site. Makes much sense now..

  10. Anonymous5:31:00 PM

    And we can't believe there are pathological liars like Shannon walking this earth.

  11. Anonymous6:34:00 PM

    Hey Marci, don't YOU have anything better to do? How does it feel to be such a follower in life? Always in ths shadows. No mind of your own.

    I'm sure that works for Blink, she likes jumping at shadows and being friends with mindless people.

    Are you her BFF?

  12. Anonymous6:48:00 PM

    who''s marci?

  13. Anonymous7:52:00 PM

    There is a beloved mother, daughter, sister dead in a decent area of America. What does this site stand for when it allows this family to suffer more.

    Here you have allowed a person who uses the internet to make a living for herself by running over to jump in the middle of the mud bowl to be a white knight in shining armor? Surely the community needs better than this. Surely the owner of this site realizes the reputation gained will be long lasting in what is going on.

    A reporter was sent from this "site" to the Caylee Anthony case to send back live reports. This reporter with teeth missing got before her little camera and reported back tidbits of info. What a disgrace...but, wait...exactly what kind of person was she?

    Google Wind Chimes and the name of the site and you will see exactly what you have invited into your homes. Wind Chimes best friend.
    WS happily housed a repeat Sex Offender who had administrative privileges. The owner of WS, upon learning this FACT that her dear friend and admin/mod of her dear website, then allowed the sex offenders sister to post an "excuse" for the offender where she referred to the victims of this sex crime as LIARS. Chaos and upheaval ensued. Members who dared question their fearless (LMAO!) leader, Tricia, and her wisdom in that decision were soon cast aside, ridiculed and basically told to shut the hell up or risk being BANNED...GASP!
    Basically, all a replay of history. Those of you who've traveled the crime forums over the years have already witnessed the many temper tantrums by Tricia when her her is caught in the proverbial sling, she's in the wrong and she knows it, but just cant admit it. Ever. Although, why should she? She's surrounded herself with syncophantic enablers who will never tell her the truth, as they are cowards who not dare have an original thought and are scared they too may cast aside, and BANNED! GASP! Trust me enabling WS members, it's the BEST thing that could happen to you.
    All this drama, why?
    Because someone had the sheer audacity to suggest to Tricia she utilize an editor for her tardbits....Although, wouldn't the world be a better place if she did? Those pathetic tardbits might actually become readable, or in a perfect world, disappear completely....Wait, in a perfect world WS and the tardbits would completely disappear.

  14. Anonymous8:22:00 PM

    Speaking of sisters, isn't Shannon's sister a convicted criminal?

  15. Anonymous8:24:00 PM

    7:52 Well, Hello Shannon, I would have thought you would be too busy to engage in this kind of posts. You do realize how foolish you look with your rants. When your are caught in a lie, you attack. We all see and know that. Your attack on Tricia just proves you are lying yet again.

    You have been outed, dude. We set the bait and knew you would not disappoint.

    Talk about syncophantic enablers. Those are the only "friends" you could have. And talk about immature? They define the word.

    And for whomever asked, Marcia aka GypsyDD is the "new" poster on the Tattler. She is just another jerk trying to bully people. Ya know, Blink like people.

  16. Anonymous8:27:00 PM

    Shannon, watch yourself! I only warn once and you are getting on my last nerve.

  17. Anonymous8:28:00 PM

    Did Blink lose custody of her kids or just up and leave them?

  18. Anonymous8:33:00 PM

    Is Blink starting to lose it or what? I think her fake eyelashes are coming unglued. lol

  19. Anonymous8:42:00 PM

    Both kids live with their respective fathers.

    I feel sorry for all those who have trusted B and are about to find out the truth. Of course, some of these people should have used their investigative skills long before now.

  20. Anonymous9:06:00 PM

    I do feel for this family but I am so tired of them playing the victim card to justify their behavior.

    They are not the only victims of a death, a murder, or an illness. But they are the only ones I have ever seen that spend all day on the internet fighting with people.

    I respectfully say, please get some psychological help before your destroy another generation of children. Even 4 month olds can "feel" the anger you generate.

  21. Anonymous9:44:00 PM

    I could not agree more with the last post. I think everyone can agree that losing a loved one is horrible experience, but it appears that Christine's family is so filled with hate and venom one can only wonder why she left to come to Pocomoke in the first place. Also, not to play devils advocate, but why are they so set on the fact that their loved one is dead? People go missing every day and are found, sometimes years later still alive. Wouldn't you want to think your loved one is alive until you see proof that they are not? Just something to think about!

  22. Anonymous9:59:00 PM

    What Chapter is Blink on now?

  23. Anonymous10:43:00 AM

    Anon 9:06 hits the nail on the head. We are all sorry and sympathetic to Christine's family but enough already!

    Being rude, nasty, and sometimes downright common to all of the people who have tried to help is not justified by excuses of losing a loved one. I for one think that Christine’s family has exhibited inconsiderate selfish behavior and should be ashamed.

    What makes the family think that they need to get down in the mud and wallow with the pigs? Do they think it’s going to help find Christine? Or is it a real need to just have hostile drama going on all of the time?

    It’s really sad that 3 young children are growing up in all of the hate from both sides of their family. They didn’t ask for this and it’s unfair to them. Don’t any of you think that these children hear every word of conversations and sense all of the anger exuded around them?

    A quote from Lynn’s husband - “Every morning my wife gets up, turns on the computer, hits the bathroom, turns on the coffee pot (thank you) goes outside to have a smoke, then returns to the computer and waits. She waits for something new, a word, an idea a phone call. She waits. She knows more people and keeps all the names and dates and things straight. She has more peeps, contacts, and the like out there looking and reporting back to her on every little thing imaginable.”

    Does anyone notice that there is no mention of greeting Christine’s children “good morning”? To read this sounds like the little ones are invisible. Wake up Lynn - Christine lives through the eyes of her children and you are surrounded by her through their presence. Don’t wait on the computer for word of Christine she is right before your eyes every morning when you wake up. Rejoice in them and make their lives happier than what it is now.

  24. Anonymous10:52:00 AM

    I for one am not a follower. I can actually use my brain which a lot of people on here choose to NOT do. Too bad more people can't do that and see this for what it really is.. It is so easy for people to hide behind their screens and key in such vile..
    And here I thought some people actually run some sites to really help others.. Not more time wasted on this garbage. As long as you can sleep at night and feel good about yourself..

  25. Anonymous11:37:00 AM

    10:43, Your comment is excellent.

  26. Anonymous12:21:00 PM

    10:52 Hi Marci (GypsyDD), not only are you a follower but you have a serious problem too. Please go back to playing your little "mean girl" games with Shannon.

    No one cares what you think, what you say. Anybody that could "use" a grieving family is beyond reprehensible.

  27. Anonymous12:27:00 PM

    Especially for blog hits 12:21!

  28. Anonymous12:49:00 PM

    10:43 I agree with your comment ! Please be prepared to be verbally abused now you have dared to have your own opinion .

  29. Anonymous12:57:00 PM

    I am Marci and not afraid to hide that fact. I have no idea who GypsyDD or Shannon is.. Period. Anybody with morals and integrity can see some of you (including) the PB person has taken this way too far and way evil... And IT IS truly disgusting... Some of you talk about how the family has and are reacting but look at the things you write.. It is like they have to constantly defend themselves.. Do you not have a heart. If your beef is with WS and Blink then why not leave it at that?? Why get all disgusting hurtful to a family that has had their fill??

  30. Anonymous1:01:00 PM

    10:43's comment brings to mind the Chandra Levy case and the graciousness shown throughout by the Levy family. She disappeared in 2001. Her remains weren't found until a year later and it wasn't until this year that an arrest was made.

  31. Anonymous1:23:00 PM

    10:43 Great post, I have thought all of this myself. I believe it's time for this family to put the living first and seek help for the pain, anger and grief.

    Marci, you are so full of it. Your attacks are not welcome, go back to Blinks and support a fake and a known liar.

  32. Anonymous1:27:00 PM

    1:01 I agree and I think about Beth Twitty too. She is now helping others. Her pain and loss and anger are just as real.

  33. Anonymous1:29:00 PM

    12:21 you called that one. Geeze, why is Marci even here? I thought she was so "above" all of this.

    Thank you for calling her out. Great detective work. lol

  34. Anonymous1:32:00 PM

    I am who I am... Believe it or not some people don't use the internet to hide. I just speak how I feel and I truly have compassion for this family and don't agree with the attacks on this family. Period!! I have read some of Blink's writings and I say if she is truly in it to help this family then that is a good thing right?? Why beat on the family because they are reaching out for help? What positive result can come from that?
    I am not a Blink crusader and I don't feel like I am attacking anyone on here.. I have been honest about what my name is. This must be something that doesn't happen often as peeps are sitting here trying to guess who I am..
    I am a mother and a daughter with compassion and a heart.
    A heart that actually has blood running through it.
    And now I will leave and let you go on with your "attacking" of families and other posters so it will make yourself feel better.

    Good day

  35. Anonymous1:36:00 PM

    A question for Marci or any of the Blink supporters-do you think it was reasonable or even fair for Blink to accuse the local fire department of possible covering up a death? Do you think it was reasonable or fair when someone disagreed with that scenario, they were accused of hiding something?

  36. I do not 'think' anyone here has a beef with Christine's family, I know I do not.

    It has to be frustrating, very frustrating. Some people can move-on faster than others and we do not know their personal reasons for any of their actions... it must be extremely emotional.

    I/we have only been attacked by one or two of the family members and that's OK by me as it gives them a shoulder to let their anger out. Hopefully.

    I don't really care how many of the players in this get called this or that.. but I would prefer that we leave the family of Christine completely out of this. This must be a extreme roller coaster ride for them. I'm sure they do not know who to believe or which way to turn.

    This shall come out in the wash soon enough and when it does hopefully no one will hold any malice toward anyone.

    It has proven to get people involved and with even more passion so in the scheme of things that is a good thing.

    Blessing to all, we will need it, it will probably get worse before it gets better, and If I have to take the heat... so be it... I can handle it.

  37. Anonymous1:50:00 PM

    Good thing Blink doesn't know Bobby Cowger's a volunteer firefighter AND a county commissioner. Can you imagine the tale she would weave with that?

  38. Anonymous2:25:00 PM

    Public eye, I don't think we are attacking the family. These people are in crisis/survival mode. I understand the roller coaster of emotions. I even feel it and Christine was not my daughter or sister.

    That said, they can not keep taking their anger out on people who tried to help. I am tired of being questioned about my motives.
    If you don't agree with Blink, you become a bad guy. Not so!

    But it nice to see you take the high road. :)

  39. Anonymous2:28:00 PM

    1:32, "I have read some of Blink's writings and I say if she is truly in it to help this family", you must be kidding right? Your use of the word "peeps" explains the rest of your mentality.

  40. Anonymous2:47:00 PM

    1:32 Blink is so obnoxious and arrogant, I find it hard to read her comments. She is so full of herself, it literally makes me sick.

    She claims to be more than she is and she is the one that is hurting this family. PERIOD! (another obnoxious way to make a point).

  41. 2:25

    first thank you for the kind words.

    second, sorry... my post didn't come out right. That was not meant for anyone here. It is a kind of looking into the future post.

    again my apologizes, I didn't mean to sound like I was implicating that we are bashing the family.. cuse it's not so.

    I was kinda trying to tell folks not to bring it with them.

    I hope this makes sense cuse there's no emotion in the written word.

  42. Anonymous3:33:00 PM

    PUBLIC EYE - I understood your post. No need to explain yourself to me.

    I admire and respect your convictions. I am sorry you have become the fall guy but I feel strongly, in time, that will all change.

    God Bless!

  43. thanks, and I do not mind taking the load, I can handle it.

    and yes I also agree that this will change.

    My only disappointment in all this is I lost 2 good friends.

    on the other hand I have gained many.

    everything happens for a reason, I believe that.

  44. Anonymous7:18:00 PM

    Blink just made a post on the tattler about 3view search services. Gawd, I hate her writing, she always sounds like a defensive condescending know it all. Her attempts to sound so superior fall flat.

    PE, can you please bring the post here?

  45. 7:18

    sorry I cannot,

    unlike other blogs, I will not post their articles without their personal permission.

  46. Anonymous7:41:00 PM

    understable Public Eye, can we make our own?

    Headed something like Discussion on 3 View?

  47. Anonymous7:44:00 PM

    Wait a minute...didn't Blink say that 3VSS agreed to work on the case as a favor to her?? Now all of a sudden they need to deal with "professionals"? What makes Blink think that Henady would give her the information on what is going on? If he was running a legitimate operation, he would not associate himself with the likes of Blink!

  48. Anonymous7:52:00 PM

    7:44 There are many questions about her post.

    If 3view did the search maps for TES on the Caylee Anthony search in Orlando, then they still need some work. I heard those maps were terrible.

  49. Anonymous8:02:00 PM


    "Aerial Image is putting each of these tools and methods into
    service while supporting search and recovery operations around
    the country. The Aerial Image Team supports two primary missing persons organizations:
    Texas EquuSearch and INHOPE of Indiana. Both non-profit organizations, along with law
    enforcement groups, contact Aerial Image to assist in various missing persons cases"

  50. 7:41 respectfully;
    you are welcome to make your OWN post about 3view, but please don't copy and paste anything from another blog without their permission, a lot of time and work goes into large post with links and such.
    Thank you

    when the 1st announcement was made about 3view, they did say that they needed the LE's ok, or permission before 3view could search.

    the big question for me is, who is 3view?

  51. Anonymous8:16:00 PM

    I really wish I felt comfortable posting on the tattler but I do not like what they have done to PE .Tey have lost a lot of credibilty with many of us.

  52. homegrown8:19:00 PM

    3D sounds very professional and very legit and I hope they get the request they need from LE to continue. I think they can be of help. I personally had hoped the same for blink. It's what was viewed by many as the unethical way they implicated innocent locals that caused all the stir. That seems to have subsided somewhat and I hope for the good of the cause it continues. Here's to finding what happened to Christine Sheddy and relief for a grieving family.

  53. 8:16

    please don't let that stop you from posting.

    I am humbled by your support and it's greatly appreciated, tell it like is and don't let me stop you

  54. Anonymous8:50:00 PM

    Odor on Nictitate, Chapter Two: a Who’s Who in the Nictitate Tale

    When we going to get to read this? :) Not trying to rush, but yes I am LOL

  55. Anonymous8:50:00 PM

    When Blink first came to the "rescue" her postings made most people think 3View was behind her and they had already been set up to begin work. No 3View. Today they need LE to request them.

    Law Enforcement has the decision to make. This will turn out just like the rest of it. No where except with more people insulted.

    It should have been left ith law enforcement anyway.


  56. Anonymous9:00:00 PM

    yes, Public Eye, we are supporting you. But we also don't like the accusations that have made about posters using more than one name. No one has a way to defend themselves against their accusations. I don't need the tattler.

  57. Anonymous9:14:00 PM

    Why doesn't Blink call LE herself and see what they say? I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with it.

  58. Anonymous9:27:00 PM

    Another Blink fantasy. Notice she calls it 3View Search Services located in Purdue UNIVERSITY Research Park. It's located in Purdue Research Park, which is basically an industrial park. Anyone can rent a space in the park. The university has nothing to do with it. She puts in the University part to make it sound more important. 3View's website's been under construction for months.

  59. Anonymous9:40:00 PM

    Public Eye, this site had "the announcement" about 3View posted on Sept 1.

  60. Anonymous10:01:00 PM

    Blink should just call WCBI and ask them if it's okay if 3View does whatever it is they do. Isn't that what investigative journalists do-Geraldo would be waiting outside the door of WCBI tomorrow morning. Blink could call them tomorrow, inform them the telephone call is being recorded (a must, remember what happened to Billy) and after the call post the audio of the conversation on Blink On Crime. What do you say Blinkster?

  61. 8:50

    I do not know when chapter 2 will be sent in, I'm on pins and needles waiting myself... it should be interesting. Hang in there.

    I'm waiting on permission to post about 3view, we should have something soon.

  62. Anonymous12:30:00 AM

    10:01 ROFLMAO

  63. Anonymous7:45:00 AM

    whew me too!!!

  64. Anonymous1:41:00 PM

    With all due respect,a member of the fire department is a convicted registered sex offender.nothing can change that fact.To whitewash it and overlook it is wrong.Odds are it has NOTHING to do with any of this but what disturbs me is how quickly people jump to defend this guy.He better stay the hell away from my family and if I were to see him in public,I would heckle him.

  65. !;41

    It was not the "guy" at the VFD, it was the implication, and accusations that were made that the whole VFD is in on a conspiracy to cover-up something pertinent to the case.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster