Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fight Swine Flu With Mushrooms

The ordinary white button mushroom can help you beat the swine flu with an immunity boost, researchers at Tufts University say.
This lowly fungus, which was thought for many years to have no medicinal or nutritional value, actually bolsters immunity systems, the researchers say.
The Tufts study, published in The Journal of Nutrition, showed that grocery-store button mushrooms have as much antioxidant oomph as more exotic Asian mushrooms, long-prized for their ability to heal and to prevent disease. Common button mushrooms also contain polysaccharides and ergothioneine, along with other substances that jump-start the immune system. And they raise levels of cytokines, which are hormone-like proteins that help defend against viruses and tumors, the study found.
How many mushrooms are enough, and how should they be prepared? Holistic health counselor Margie King suggests one-half cup serving a day for full health benefits. You can add them to stews and soups or just put them in tossed salads, she says.
Dietitian Glenn Cardwell calls mushrooms one of nature’s “true superfoods” and says, “While it is always tempting to reach for a quick fix vitamin or medical supplement, real food alternatives, such as the mushroom, are a healthier long term choice.”

DC approves same-sex marriage law

Washington DC city council has voted to recognise same-sex marriages conducted in other US states.
As Washington DC is not a state, the decision will now have to be approved by Congress before it can become law.
Four US states - Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Iowa - now permit gay marriage, and legislation to allow it is in progress in other states.
A bill allowing same-sex marriage in Maine is likely to be sent soon to the governor to decide whether to sign it.
On Wednesday, the Maine House of Representatives approved the legislation by 89 votes to 56. The measure will now go back before the State Senate, which is also expected to pass it before going to Democratic Governor John Baldacci.
Mr Baldacci, who has in the past opposed, gay marriage, has not made his intentions public.
In Washington DC, the city council voted 12 votes to one to pass the resolution recognising same-sex marriages performed elsewhere.
Council member David A Catania - one of two openly gay members of the body - explained his reasons for supporting the measure during the debate.
"This issue is whether or not our colleagues on a personal level view me and [Council member] Jim Graham as your equals," he said.
"If we are permitted the same rights and responsibilities and obligations as our colleagues. So this is personal. This is acknowledging our families as much as we acknowledge you."
Fellow council member, and former Washington DC Mayor Marion Barry, was the only member to vote against the proposal.
"I understand this is personal to you and Mr Graham," he said in response to Mr Catania's remarks.
"I resent Mr Catania saying either you are a bigot or against bigotry as though this particular legislation represents all of that."
The law will be sent to DC Mayor Adrian Fenty - a supporter of gay marriage - for approval, before being placed before Congress.

Free cars for poor fuel road rage.

Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work.But the program - fueled by a funding boost despite the state’s fiscal crash - allows those who end up back on welfare to keep the cars anyway.“It’s mind-boggling. You’ve got people out there saying, ‘I just lost my job. Hey, can I get a free car, too?’ ” said House Minority Leader Brad Jones (R-North Reading).

Tail gate story‏

A lady was telling her neighbor that she saw a man driving a pick-uptruck down the interstate, and a dog was hanging onto the tail gatefor dear life!She said if the pick-up truck driver hadn't been going so fast inthe other direction, she would have tried to stop him.A few weeks later, her neighbor saw this truck at the Bass Pro ShopThe pick-up truck driver, is a local taxidermist with a great senseof humor! And it is not a dog, it is a coyote.Can you imagine how many people try and stop this guy?????

Pocomoke hopes for half-million in grants

POCOMOKE CITY -- The Pocomoke mayor and City Council voted to approve an application for $505,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds.

The major portion of the funds, if approved by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, would be used for construction of a new town well off Clarke Avenue. The estimated cost of the project is $365,000.
Another $100,000 would be used for housing rehabilitation. The town has received a number of CDBG grants for this purpose in the past. Finally, $50,000 would be used to repave Lynnhaven Drive.
When these grants are awarded, priority is given to activities that will benefit low- and moderate-income persons. Also, the funds could be used to meet community development needs of an urgent nature, or that are an immediate threat to community health and welfare. The funds are from the federal government, but are administered by the state.
Mike Phillips, the superintendent of the Water Department, also gave the mayor and council a report on activities during the past year. All the fire hydrants are now operational, with the final ones repaired. The department is now in the process of painting the hydrants.
Work has been done in the Pocomoke Heights area with testing of the homes and looping a water line in some of the streets. Flushing has been done town wide, but more often in the Heights area.
Both of the town water towers have been painted and tested daily. New radio reading devices, which will reduce the reading time, have been purchased to be used with some of the meters.
Phillips was expecting to meet with representatives of the Maryland Department of the Environment concerning renewal of the town's discharge permit, saying the town's sewer plant is running well at the present time. Officials are now looking at plans to upgrade the plant to the next level.
They have built a sewage dumping station and are charging haulers from other areas.