Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dental Records Might Give Police A Clue

SNOW HILL -- Dental records could reveal the identity of a body unearthed on a Snow Hill property as soon as Thursday.

Until then, Worcester County State's Attorney Joel Todd won't confirm rumors that the skeletal remains found on the grounds of a Snow Hill inn are those of missing Delaware woman Christine Sheddy.

"It would be inappropriate to comment on the identification," he said. "I don't know who this is. At this point we're referring to the person as Jane Doe. The Maryland Medical Examiner will have to make that determination."

Sheddy was last seen Nov. 13, 2007, at a residence outside Pocomoke City. The single mother of three was 27 years old when she vanished without a trace, police said. Local groups searched for her with no results, and her story had been featured on the TV show "America's Most Wanted."

The remains were found by investigators Feb. 19 buried on the property of the River House Inn, a bed and breakfast adjacent to a municipal parking lot and the Pocomoke River in downtown Snow Hill. Todd said the discovery came as a total surprise to the couple that owns the inn.

The remains were taken to the state Medical Examiner's Office in Baltimore, where the woman's body will be checked against dental records of known missing persons. Sheddy's dental records will be included among those because she's known to police as a reported missing person.

Members of the Maryland State Police, Worcester County Sheriff's Office, Worcester County Bureau of Investigation and the Worcester State's Attorney's Office were led to the site Feb. 19 as part of a larger investigation, Todd said.

Police said in a statement that the remains were found after several hours of searching. Only a pair of shoes and blue jeans were found with the body. Todd said no clear cause of death was apparent, nor was it clear how long the body had been there.



  1. Anonymous10:40:00 AM

    I didn't know this was on America's Most Wanted.

  2. Anonymous10:46:00 AM

    Somebody said some where that the state police cold case investigators solved this case. But then I asked someone else and they said no, that the cold case investigators handle cases where they already have a victim and this case doesn't fit in that category.

  3. Anonymous1:58:00 PM

    Well I'm hearing much "stuff" that I wouldn't repeat until I hear it ether from the mouth of Joel Todd or from WCBI themselves. It's not a good feeling to know that killers are in our midst. I wish we would hurry up and get some official news so we can figure out what's true and what's just gossip.

  4. Anonymous2:38:00 PM

    Every time I see Joel Todd performing in his official capacity as States Attorney I'm so happy I voted for him. I think he does an outstanding job. I don't even like to vote that ticket but I'll always vote for Todd, Hales and Martin, though I think Martin's not running again?


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