Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

1928 Car Repair Mailer

Less than 100 yrs ago,
Automotive repair advertisement in 1928... sent on a penny postcard kinda makes ya wanna go back

Amish Christmas Lights

You know how creative and talented that the Amish are, well check out what they do with Christmas lights.

You know very well that the Amish don't use electricity!


(1). Any use of the phrase: 'Press 1 for English' is immediately BANNED!!!. English is the official language; speak it or wait outside of our borders until you can.

(2). We will immediately go into a two year isolationist attitude in order to straighten out the greedy big business posture in this country. America will allow NO imports, and we'll do no exports. We will use the 'Wal-Mart 's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.' We'll make it here and sell it here!

(3). When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it coming in here.

(4). All retired military personnel will be required to man one of the many observation towers located on the southern border of the United States (six month tour). They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.

(5). Social Security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin in, you AIN'T gettin nuttin out. Neither the President nor any other politician will be able to touch it.

(6). Welfare. -- Checks will be handed out on Fridays, at the end of the 40 hour school week, the successful completion of a urinalysis test for drugs, and passing grades.

(7). Professional Athletes -- Steroids? The FIRST time you check positive you're banned from sports ... for life.

(8). Crime -- We will adopt the Turkish method, i.e., the first time you steal, you lose your right hand. There is no more 'life sentences'. If convicted of murder, you will be put to death by the same method you chose for the victim you killed: gun, knife, strangulation, etc.

(9). One export of ours will be allowed: wheat; because the world needs to eat. However, a bushel of wheat will be the EXACT price of a barrel of oil.

(10). All foreign aid, using American taxpayer money, will immediately cease and the saved money will help to pay off the national debt and, ultimately, lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask The American People if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision as to whether, or not, it's a worthy cause.

(11). The Pledge of Allegiance will be said EVERY day at school and every day in CONGRESS.

(12). The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.

My apology is offered if I've stepped on anyone's toes .... nevertheless....


Guess What This Is?

picture was taken in 1956...
It's a hard disk drive back in 1956...  with 5 MB of storage.   In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first 'SUPER' computer with a hard disk drive (HDD). The HDD weighed over a ton and stored a  'whopping' 5 MB of data. Do you appreciate your 8 GB memory stick a little more now?

Best Wishes

To All My Democrat Friends:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2011 but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great.  Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere.  Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

To My Republican Friends:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  

Hat Tip; Kack

What's Happening with Seniors Benefits

A federal district court in Virginia found a part of Obamacare unconstitutional, but judicial appeals may keep the law mired in the courts for several years.

Judge Henry Hudson ruled that Section 1501, the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision, of the law (officially called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), which requires everyone, beginning in 2014, to purchase health insurance is "beyond constitutional precedent" and "appears to forge new ground and extends the Commerce Clause powers beyond its current high water mark."

In his decision, Hudson also wrote that this provision "is neither within the letter nor the spirit of the Constitution" and that Congress lacks the power "to compel an individual to involuntarily engage in a private commercial transaction…The unchecked expansion of congressional power…would invite unbridled exercise of federal police powers."

However, only Section 1501 of the law was voided and Hudson left all other parts of Obamacare in force. 

Although the law lacked a severability clause (a routine provision in most laws stating that if any portion of it is found unconstitutional, the remaining portions are unaffected), Hudson cited several precedents in which courts stated that "the normal rule is that partial, rather than facial, invalidation is the required course."

Interestingly, the Obama Administration had argued that Section 1501 "is the linchpin which provides financial viability to the other critical elements of the overall regulatory scheme" and "the vital kinetic link" of the "overall regulatory reform."  Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius had said that, without that provision, it "would undermine the comprehensive regulatory regime."

The Obama Administration scoffed at Hudson's ruling that the law was partially unconstitutional and predicted it would prevail on appeal, according to AFP.

But when Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli advocated immediate appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which is permitted under certain circumstances, the Department of Justice said they would rather go through the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.  "The Department believes this case should follow the ordinary course of allowing the courts of appeals to hear it first so the issues and arguments can be fully developed before the Supreme Court decides whether to consider it."

If that course is followed, "The ultimate outcome of this case is really up for grabs," Bloomberg reported, indicating "it may be years before the justices resolve the law's constitutionality."

The Washington Post listed the 23 other cases throughout the nation that have been filed against Obamacare. 

The most significant is being brought in Florida by 20 states, the National Federation of Independent Businesses, and two individuals.  In addition to arguing against Section 1501, this case also contends that Obamacare is unconstitutional by forcing massive new spending on the states for Medicaid.  More information is available on the Florida case online at
The Virginia win over Obamacare was hailed by's Richard Viguerie as "a victory for the entire Tea Party movement and constitutional conservatives everywhere."
Cuccinelli was praised by Viguerie for his leadership in the fight against Obamacare and said the Virginia Attorney General "has taken his place on the national stage as an important conservative leader." has created an online Pledge of Support and Thank You to Cuccinelli for "taking on the Obama administration on behalf of the American people… and appreciation for your leadership in this battle."

VIA: 60 Second Activist 

School Closings

All local schools are closing 2 hours early

Worcester county schools closing 2 hours early

Wicomico county schools closing 2 hours early

Somerset county schools closing 2 hours early

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


DELMAR — Police are seeking the whereabouts of a 23-year-old Delmar woman who was last seen by family on Dec. 3.

The family of Whitney L. Bennett, of the 3600 block of Susan Beach Road, contacted police on Dec. 9 after becoming concerned about her welfare.

Delaware State Police learned that Bennett may have visited a friend in Fruitland, Md., on Dec. 4.

Anyone with information is asked to call Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or visit

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lets Say Thanks

If you go to this web site,  you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving overseas.

You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!   

It is FREE and it only takes a second.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these?  
Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.
This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.  
   Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do.
We can never say enough thank you's. 
Thanks for taking to time to support our military!

"Walk through Bethlehem" Lynnhaven Baptist Church

Don't miss the "Walk through Bethlehem" at Lynnhaven Baptist Church, if you have never visited this wonderful event you have missed a really well orchestrated live Christmas display.

The "Walk through Bethlehem" at Lynnhaven Baptist Church is exactly that, it's a recreated Town of Bethlehem built and put together by volunteers. The Town has actual Bethlehem buildings, stable, manger, etc. it's complete with real animals and the scenic route and buildings are occupied by volunteers dressed in biblical attire.

This is admission free and a must see for all ages and will leave you with a life long memory.

Take the "Walk Through Bethlehem" today, you will not be disappointed. 

Please click on link below to hear our radio ad:
"Walk through Bethlehem" Dates: 
December 11, 12,17,18 & 19 - 6:00 to 9:00 pm
To visit Lynnhaven Baptist Church web site CLICK HERE>>

Accomack County Sheriff's Office Asks Citizens Help In Two Robberies

According to Major Todd Godwin, on Sunday, December 12 at approximately 2:45 AM, the Accomack County Sheriffs Office received a report of a robbery at Shore Stop in Accomac, Virginia. Further investigation revealed that a white male entered the convenience store and robbed the clerk at gunpoint of an undisclosed amount of money and merchandise. The suspect fled the scene on foot prior to deputies' arrival.

The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 30 years of age, 5'8, 180 lbs.

The Sheriff's Office is also looking for a suspect wanted in connection with a robbery that took place on Saturday, December 11 at approximately 6:44 PM, the Accomack County Sheriff's Office received a report of a robbery of two men at Captain's Quarters.

Further investigation revealed that two black males approached a vehicle occupied by two men parked in front of a residence at Captain's Quarters. The suspects robbed the victims at gunpoint of an undisclosed amount of money and property and then fled the scene prior to deputies' arrival.

During the investigation, information was received that led to the identification of one suspect to be Cardell Shavar Mears, age 22 of Drummondtown Road, Accomac. Mears is described as a black male, 5'11, 180lbs.
Felony warrants have been obtained by the Accomack County Sheriff's Office charging Mears with 2 counts of robbery and 1 count of use of firearm in commission of a felony. He has been entered into the Virginia Criminal Information Network and the National Crime Information Center as a wanted person.

Anyone with information concerning these crimes is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 787-1131 or 824-5666.

This Weekend At The MarVa Theater

Friday, Dec 17
Saturday, Dec 18
Time: 7 p.m.
Sunday, Dec 19
Time: 2 p.m.
Tickets: $5


The long-haired Princess Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but when she falls in love with a bandit who was passing by she must venture into the outside world for the first time to find him.
Rated PG

Key Part Of Obama Health Care Law Rejected By Judge

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A federal judge declared the foundation of President Barack Obama's health care law unconstitutional Monday, ruling that the government cannot require Americans to purchase insurance. The case is expected to end up at the Supreme Court.

U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson wrote that no court had expanded the Commerce Clause of the Constitution to allow the government to regulate a person's decision not to buy a product.

"At its core, this dispute is not simply about regulating the business of insurance — or crafting a scheme of universal health insurance coverage — it's about an individual's right to choose to participate," Hudson wrote.

In his order, he said he will allow the law to remain in effect while appeals are heard, meaning there is unlikely to be any immediate impact on other provisions that have already taken effect. The insurance coverage mandate is not scheduled to begin until 2014.

"The outcome of this case has significant public policy implications," Hudson wrote. "And the final word will undoubtedly reside with a higher court."

Even so, Republicans in Congress celebrated the ruling as validation of the arguments they had made for months while the law was pending. Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., issued a statement urging the White House to agree to expedite a final ruling by appealing directly to the Supreme Court without first stopping at an appeals court.

Hudson is the first federal judge to strike down a key part of the law, which had been upheld by fellow federal judges in Virginia and Michigan. Several other lawsuits have been dismissed and still others are pending, including one filed in Florida by 20 states.

White House health reform director Nancy-Ann DeParle said the administration is encouraged by the two other judges who have upheld the law. She said the Justice Department is reviewing Hudson's ruling.

"We are disappointed in today's ruling but continue to believe — as other federal courts in Virginia and Michigan have found — that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional," said Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler.

Hudson sided with Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli, who argued the mandate overstepped the bounds of the Constitution.

"The ruling is extremely positive for anyone who believes in the system of Federalism created by our founding fathers," Cuccinelli said. "It underscores that the Constitution's limitations on federal power really do mean something."

Cuccinelli, a Republican, filed the lawsuit to defend a new state law passed in reaction to the federal overhaul that prohibits the government from forcing state residents to buy health insurance.

He argued that while the government can regulate economic activity that substantially affects interstate commerce, the decision not to buy insurance amounts to economic inactivity that is beyond the government's reach.

"This lawsuit is not about health insurance, not about health care, it's about liberty," he said.

Hudson, a Republican appointed by President George W. Bush, sounded sympathetic to the state's case when he heard oral arguments in October, and the White House expected to lose this round.

Administration officials told reporters last week that a negative ruling would have virtually no impact on the law's implementation, noting that its two major provisions — the coverage mandate and the creation of new insurance markets — don't take effect until 2014.

Man Says He Was Not Let Into Court Because Of His Hair

"I don't like looking like nobody else," says Todd.

But he says his look caused a stir at Southaven, Mississippi Traffic Court Friday.

"The bailiff said you can't come in here with your hair like that. I was like what are you saying. He said, I told you that last time. My captain didn't like how your hair was. I said how is a black man supposed to wear his hair. He asked me to leave," says Todd.

He never got to the courtroom.

"It shouldn't be a problem at all. I'm going in there to conduct business. You got people murdering, killing doing all kinds of stuff and you wanna pinpoint my hair. I just think it's wrong," he says.

At Southaven court, no one would talk to us about the incident.

There is a dress code posted outside the Southaven Court. No halter tops, revealing clothing, tank tops, shorts, t-shirts, but nothing about hair.

Todd says he usually adds ornaments and lights to his hair, but didn't Friday because he was going to court.

At the Razor Sharp Barber and Beauty Shop, he gets help putting it all together.

Workers don't think he was trying to disrespect court.

"It can be a little distracting but that's who he is. Dreadlocks can be a little distracting for some people. Loud hair color," says stylist Kori Randolph.

"Does it say in court you have to have your hair a certain way? You have to have a crew cut. Don't have no law against certain hair styles, do they?" says business owner Waheeb Hammad.

"I am not gonna change it. This is me. I'm just in the Christmas spirit. That's what I do," says Todd.

Bobby Todd says he's been wearing his hair style since 1999 and it's never been a problem, especially at the beauty supply company where he works.

No comment from a judge who sets court dress code.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Accomack And Northampton County Court

Accomack County Court

Ryan Bonniwell, 27, of Painter, was found guilty of burglary and grand larceny. A presentence report has been ordered.

Lavar Johnson, 30, of Mappsville, was found guilty of possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute. He was sentenced to 10 years with all but time served suspended.

Christopher Barcroft, 21, of Cape Charles, was sentenced to four years for two counts of burglary and two counts of grand larceny.

Keenan Goodwine, 19, of Atlantic, was found guilty of robbery and the use of a firearm in commission of a robbery. A presentence report was ordered.

Thomas Bunting, 27, of Melfa, was found guilty of aggravated sexual assault. A presentence report has been ordered.

Joann Ball, 57, of Accomac, was sentenced to 10 years with all but 12 months suspended for possession of cocaine.

Michael Sample Jr., 25, of Painter, was sentenced to 10 years each on two counts of breaking and entering and two counts of grand larceny, to run concurrently, with all suspended upon completion of detention and diversion center programs.

Jonathan Stevens, 27, of Quinby, was sentenced to five years for burglary with all suspended after completion of community service.

Jesse Mariner, 28, of Keller, was sentenced to 10 years each on counts of burglary and grand larceny, with all but three years suspended.

Derrick Reid, 22, of Nassawadox, was sentenced to five years each on counts of breaking and entering, robbery and a firearms charge, to run consecutively, for a sentence of 15 years.

Keshawn Savage, 21, of New Church, was sentenced to three years with all but one year suspended for hit and run.

Terrell Robinson, 33, of Birdsnest, had his probation reinstated.

Northampton County

Yolanda O'Sha Stines, 35, of Accomac, was sentenced to five years with all but 2.5 years suspended for writing bad checks.

Leonard Tromell Brooks, 27, of Cape Charles, was sentenced to 10 years with all but two years suspended for possession with the intent to distribute more than one-half ounce but less than five pounds of marijuana.

Cynthia Rene Weathers, 35, of Pocomoke City, Md., was sentenced to five years with all but time served suspended for four counts of welfare fraud and ordered to pay $5,005.

Terry Wayne McGee Jr., 34, of Newport News, was sentenced to five years for forgery, 12 months for receiving stolen property, 12 months for using a false identity and 12 months for driving on a suspended license, to run concurrently, with all but 12 months suspended.

William Jerome Reid Jr., 31, of Machipongo, was sentenced to five years with four years suspended for possession with the intent to distribute more than one half ounce but less than five pounds of marijuana. He also had a previous sentence imposed and received indefinite probation.

Brian Dwayne Johnson, 31, of Tasley, had his probation revoked.

Deshaun Lamont Corney, 21, of Birdsnest, pleaded guilty of two counts of robbery, one count of entering in the nighttime while armed with a deadly weapon, one count of malicious wounding, and one count of displaying a firearm in a threatening manner during a robbery. A presentence report has been ordered.

Crippen Found Guilty For Attempted Murder

Alexander Crippen could be facing life in jail for attempted murder with the possibility of an extra 20 added to those years for carrying an illegal weapon. Gee, that means for the rest of his life he gets to breath, eat, exist behind bars. No matter where he is and no matter where the man that he attempted to murder may be BOTH are alive. And good for them, I guess. But what about the family of Reginald Handy?

Forensics couldn't prove Crippen killed that young man. And no one saw? Not a soul saw anyone that night but a bullet into the back of Handy? I'm just wondering, because there doesn't seem to be any closure for the family that loved and had to bury Reginald Jerome Handy.

If it can't be proven that Crippen fired that bullet into Handy's back then who did? Or is that the family just has to accept that Crippen probably did do just can't be proven beyond that "shadow of a doubt"? Where is the closure for this family?
What do you say to them? Does anything happen for them?
SNOW HILL -- Friends and family members of Alexander Crippen cried and consoled each other in Circuit Court after Judge Richard R. Bloxom said Crippen was guilty of trying to kill a man.

Testimony in the trial for first- and second-degree attempted murder, first- and second-degree assault and gun charges concluded Dec. 7. Bloxom said he needed time to review the testimony and facts of the case before giving a verdict, which he issued Friday.

During his deliberations, he recalled the instructions given to jurors when they have trouble deciphering witness testimony: that they may believe all, part or none of what witnesses say.

Crippen, who has listed residences in Fort Washington, Md., and Pocomoke City, has been held without bond at the Worcester County Jail since late May, when he was charged in the murder of Reginald Jerome Handy Jr., 22. Handy was gunned down outside a Laurel Avenue home on May 27.

In June, a grand jury indicted Crippen on murder and other related charges connected to Handy's death in addition to attempted murder. But Bloxom dismissed the murder charge against Crippen during a criminal motions hearing. Prosecutors said forensic evidence would have made it impossible to prove Crippen killed Handy. Crippen was instead convicted of attempting to kill another man, Torrance Davis, 28, who was at the scene of the shooting in May.

After the verdict was read, Deputy State's Attorney Michael Farlow asked the judge to order a presentence investigation before Crippen is sentenced.

"Now that he has been found guilty on all counts, we will be seeking the maximum penalty," Farlow said. The maximum penalty life in prison. He said a second charge, wearing and carrying an illegal weapon, can carry an additional sentence of up to 20 years.

Crippen's defense attorney, Arthur McGreevy, said he expects his client to appeal the decision.

"We are obviously disappointed but respect the judge's decision," McGreevy said.