Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Non-Profit Slots For Worcester County ~ By Mike McDermott

Delegate Mike McDermott Press Release

  • Press Release
  • Non-Profit Slots for Worcester County
Apr. 12th, 2011
(ANNAPOLIS)--With less than two hours to go in the 2011 session of the General Assembly, HB-39 was passed on Third Reader providing qualified Worcester County Non-Profit and Fratenal Organizations the ability to utilize slot machines in their establishments. A concerted effort by the Worcester Delegation, including Sen. Mathias, Del. Conway, and Delegation Chair McDermott, moved the bill over the finish line and ended a 5-year effort in victory.

“Passing this legislation for our fraternal organizations and the Ameican Legion was a priority this year for me in the House”, said freshman Delegate Mike McDermott. “Our non-profits desparately needed this and our communities will be the beneficiaries of their charity”.

The bill provides an opportunity for Worcester County to join the ranks of every other county on the Eastern Shore who have enjoyed this provision for over 20-years. Worcester County had asked to opt out of the law when it was first passed when leaders feared gambling coming to Ocean City would be a detriment. Much has changed since that time, including a state operated casino near Ocean Pines.

“The qualified organizations will be able to have up to 5 slot machines on site”, said Delegate McDermott. “One half of the proceeds from the slots must be donated to other non-profit organizations in the community. This is on instance where everybody is a winner”.


  1. Anonymous9:40:00 PM

    and he's a minister?

  2. Anonymous9:50:00 PM

    half of the proceeds to nonprofits?

    the recent report on the casinos in maryland has yet to send monies to the 'education fund'. But the building at Ocean Downs near Ocean Pines looks great.

  3. Anonymous9:53:00 PM

    yeah, the recent article in Wor. Co. Times mentioned questioning the funds.

  4. Anonymous10:49:00 PM

    Has this become a blog for McDermott fan club?

  5. If we're going to analyze the situation, this will not be passed on agreement if there are no good things a bout this and considering that Mike Dermott who's in a reputable level.

  6. Anonymous1:52:00 PM

    He was a minister but his support of the slots and opposition to the alcohol tax leads me to believe he has very few Christian morals. His outburst on the final day of legislature was shamefull!

  7. Anonymous6:14:00 PM

    A law maker shouldn't be basing their decisions on THEIR beliefs. They are elected to represent their constiuents. Their morals Christian or otherwise shouldn't be a factor.


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