Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tommorrow Is "Take Your Dog To Work Day" Woof! Woof!

Better ask today if it's okay to bring your dog to work tomorrow.

Friday is this year's Take Your Dog to Work Day, designated by Pet Sitters International.

Some workplaces don't need a special day or permission. Pets at work are fine any day of the year.

The Humane Society of the United States thinks that's a great way to spread employee satisfaction and general workplace morale.

In fact, at the Humane Society's offices in Washington, D.C., about 60 dogs regularly come to work with their owners and spend the days behind baby gates in the employees' cubicles.

Offices should have designated dog-free zones, noise rules, and make sure the dogs are well-mannered, healthy and up-do-date on all shots.


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