Friday, July 29, 2011

Al Slusser - AKA "IronMan Grandpa" Is Still On The Move

I was on my way to Salisbury this morning and what to my wondering eyes should appear? Mr Al Slusser AKA: IronMan Grandpa pulling his cart in this smoldering heat.

I was headed north on Rt. 13 at the Olsen's Antique Store. I jumped in the left lane so I could make a U turn and see if the Ironman was friendly. I stopped behind him on the shoulder of the road and put my emergency flashers on and stuck my head out the window and I yelled "Could I get a picture please?" the Ironman immediately turned his cart sideways and posed with a smile. I had my phone ready for the picture so I snapped one quick pic and walked up to him, and we shook hands, and I thanked him for what he was doing.

I spoke about how hard his journey must be and with a soft low voice but a great big smile the Ironman said not really. We talked for about five minuets, Referring to a place to stay at night I mentioned that Princess Anne was about 15 miles and Salisbury was about 15 miles past that, he said that 15 miles per day is about what he averages walking while pulling that wagon, I know one thing I couldn't do it. The heat was just tremendous coming off that black top highway, it had to be 100 degrees and getting hotter, I could feel the heat coming off each truck as it whizzed by us.

Once again I thanked him for what he was doing and we shook hands again and with a big smile on his face we parted ways. I wish that we had a place to sit and chat for awhile because within that short time that we did talk I could tell that the Ironman was a super guy with a very big heart.

 I wish him the best of luck on his journey, he still has a long way to go from here. I'm just very happy that I actually had the opportunity to meet and talk to the Ironman, I'm sure he'll go down in history. 


  1. You lucky thing! Great story and I am sure he has so many stories to tell himself.

    What determination. And to think at his age he could just be taking life easy.....I guess this is his 'easy'.

    God Bless him.

  2. Anonymous11:26:00 AM

    My son was riding his Harley over U.S. for vets just got 18,480 miles or so done. He met a man along his travels and I have been searching for this man this morning to followup. Thank you for your blog. Enjoyed it and wish him well. What a guy.


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