Thursday, July 28, 2011

Al Slusser - AKA "IronMan Grandpa" Keeps On Walking

This man is incredible not to mention patriotic!  You can follow his travels on his website or on facebook - The Great America Walk With "IronMan Grandpa Al Slusser"

Al Slusser is known as the Ironman Grandpa. Slusser decided in the summer of 2009 at the ripe old age of 71 to walk across America to honor those who sacrifice part or all of their lives to serve in the military protecting our country. On October 1, 2009 ,Slusser walked out of the waters of the Pacific Ocean and headed East. Several months later after a three month hiatus to tend to a family emergency, Slusser stepped into the foam at Ocean City after walking 3188 miles.

But that wasn't the end of Slusser's journey.Slusser, now 72 decided to add to his legacy by walking up the East Coast of the United States from South Florida to Maine. Slusser stopped by WESR Wed morning and talked about his journey on the air with Felicity Stokes.

Slusser hopes to get to the Canadian Border in Maine by October where he will conduct a memorial service for those who gave their lives to protect our country.

After a trip across America and then one up the East Coast you'd think that Slusser might want to retire and take it easy. Next year at 73 Al Slusser plans another chapter in his travels. He plans to walk the West Coast from San Diego to the Canadian Border in Washington State.



  1. Anonymous5:06:00 PM

    I saw him northbound at the MD/VA line at about 2:45.

  2. Anonymous10:18:00 PM

    But he must have stopped to eat or rest because I saw him again at the 13/113 intersection at 6:00.

  3. Anonymous11:40:00 AM

    I saw him this morning walking north on route 13 in the Westover/Princess Anne area.

  4. Thank you for the update!! I'm trying to keep track of his walk so I can do a story in a few days. And yes, he does take breaks and I'm sure he sleeps and eats. His mission is clearly in his heart to be walking in the heat like today. Most people wouldn't walk outside to pick up their mail.

    God bless him and keep him safe.

  5. Anonymous9:04:00 AM

    Saw him northbound route 13 at the md/de line at 9am

  6. Anonymous11:11:00 AM

    met him today. Rt 13 in DE just passed Delmar around 930ish. Awesome man. said he was on his way to the Cape May/Lewes Ferry. God Bless him on his journey.


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