Sunday, August 7, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... The Lighter Side!

October, 1943

"Gone With The Wind" was playing at Pocomoke City's Fox Theatre. Admission for all seats was 55-cents.

August, 1953

The Pocomoke Drive-In Theatre, two miles south of Pocomoke City on Route 13, was advertising $1.25 a carload admission with opening night features.. Jeff Chandler in Bird Of Paradise, and Fred MacMurray in Smokey, two big features every night. "No Need To Dress Up - Come As You Are- Bring The Entire Family" -- "Enjoy Movies In Your Own Car - Eat- Relax- Smoke"

January, 1975

"The Sting" with Paul Newman and Robert Redford was playing for six nights at the Marva Theatre in Pocomoke. Admission: Adults $1.50, Children 75-cents.

July, 1896

(Peninsula Ledger)

Dr. W. H. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Pocomoke City, MD. prepared to do all kinds of dental work, and guarantees satisfaction. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of ---troas Oxide Gas or Cocaine. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Prices Moderate.
The cheapest place to get your Spectacles and Eyeglasses is at Wm. Sartorious. Eyes tested free of charge.
W. Ulysses Schoolfield, Surveyor, Pocomoke City, MD. special attention paid to adjusting disputed lines.

December, 1972

In a "Scratch Pad" column about Salisbury's old water standpipe, Daily Times editor Dick Moore included the following:

We got a postcard from the Rev. R. Cephia Perdue of Pocomoke City who recalled hearing the great orator, William Jennings Bryan, speak on that very site in 1897. He (Bryan) was a candidate running against President William McKinley. The standpipe was not there then. But in 1908 the Rev. Mr. Perdue recalls going with a cousin, A.W. Perdue, to the standpipe and the latter climbed to the top of it.

Footnote: A.W. Perdue was the father of Frank Perdue of poultry industry notoriety.

January, 1941

(Abilene Reporter-News [Abilene, Texas])

Pocomoke City, Md., Jan. 1-
(AP)- It's been a mild winter, but two local residents hadn't figured as too unusual until:

Young Billy Ross and Clifton Dennis, out hunting with new Christmas rifles, bagged a three-foot, nine-inch allegator- about as common in Maryland as patting a polar bear.

The gator is believed to have escaped from a circus visiting here last year.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


  1. Anonymous1:38:00 PM

    In the July 1896 section.. I'm going to guess the ---troas Oxide Gas was supposed to read Nitrous Oxide Gas which is still in use today.. unlike Cocaine. haha. I love these posts! Any chance of offering the scans of the originals on here someday? Help preserve the past even better...

  2. Anonymous2:15:00 PM

    When I was a kid admission to the MarVa was 55 cents for adults and 35 cents for under age 12. On my 12th birthday I marched up to the ticket booth and told Miss Hattie that I was now 12 and would have to pay 20 cents more. She thanked me for being honest and said she would let me in for free as a birthday present.

  3. Anonymous5:48:00 PM

    What a sweet memory 2:15.

    I remember going to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and also The Poseidon Adventure at the drive-in. Mother always made us wear our pj's and there was a big rush to get out of the house (which annoyed father) so we could park next to my aunt who is mother's sister.

  4. Thanks for the interesting comments!

    Although for technical reasons I'm currently unable to post the original newspaper material, if there's a future item of particular interest, email me at and I should be able to send an attachment of the original newspaper page.

  5. WOW! I'm getting old, I remember when admission to the Marva was a quarter for under 12 and when the admission when up to 35 cent.

    I was at the movies one night when a really bad storm broke out. I always had an arrangement with my mother that if the weather got bad she would come and pick me up after the movie.

    When the movie let out it was pouring down raining so hard it was hard to see. Well I saw my Maw drive up and stop in front of the theater and I ran to the car and jumped in. I was sitting in the car waiting for Maw to leave and we just sat there not moving.

    I looked over at Maw to ask why we were siting there and low and behold I was in the wrong car. To this day I don't know who's car I was in that night.


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