Saturday, September 24, 2011

Have You Thought About Being A Volunteer?

Volunteers are needed.... Please ask a friend to volunteer with you.  If you are a member of an organization get your group involved in this worthy cause.  Let's keep this trail growing......
The Nature Trail Committee is looking for public spirited people!

Volunteers are needed to work with the Nature Trail Committee in continuing the trail extension of the Nature Trail.

To refresh your memories, The Nature Trail is located in the back of Cypress Park. The trail began as a boarded walk through a maze of Cypress trees, fern and other woodsy growth continuing over towards Stevenson's Pond. Benches were provided along the walkway for relaxing and observing those magnificent Cypress trees, birds and wildlife.

Through the years the Nature Trail has taken many twists and turns and now actually runs from Stevenson's Pond to the banks of the scenic Pocomoke River. The newer extensions connect to the original trail and wind their way through the more dense swamp. The trail is also handicap accessible.

Here is where volunteers are needed!! YOUR HELP is needed -as Friends of the Nature Trail- with continuing this dream and keeping the Nature Trail alive. More work needs to be done.

If you are an adult and you love the outdoors but can't seem to pull yourself away from the recliner to take a walk here is your excuse to get out into the fresh air! If you have experience in carpentry I'm sure your assistance would be appreciated in this rewarding work. You don't have to have experience - just be a volunteer.

Ask others in your church, your local organizations, or ask your neightbor to volunteer with you.

Let's see this dream that the Nature Trail Committee began a few years ago goes even farther than they ever thought possible.

I'll have another post in a couple of days giving you information on who to contact. But until then let's see how many wonderful Pocomoke people we can get to volunteer.

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