Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hold on to Your Purse at Wal*Mart They Will Not Call the Police if you get Your Purse Snatched

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she was telling me about a purse snatching that happened at Wal*Mart. It just so happened that my friend was the victim of the purse snatching.

She went on to tell me that she was shopping at Wal*mart, she had her purse in the child seat in the shopping buggy just like every other lady does while shopping. She was standing right beside the buggy and turned to look at something and she caught something out of the corner of her eye. When she turned to look she saw a Hispanic lady taking her purse right in front of her.

She tried to grab her purse but it was too late and the purse snatcher ran away from her. She then took chase and tried to retrieve her purse but the purse snatcher lost her. She then hurried and found an associate to report the purse snatching. The associate located the store manager and she told the manager what just happened. Keep in mind this all went down very quickly.

At this point my friend and the store manager went and viewed the security recording and while the manager was trying to review the security recording my friend pointed out that the purse snatcher was right there on the security camera and was still shopping. The store manager still casually reviewed the recording and found and watched the actual event as it went down on the security system.

My friend then asked the store manager to call the police because the purse snatcher was still in the store shopping.

Now this is where it gets strange and confusing to me and the reason that I'm writing this for all to read.

The Wal*Mart store manager refused to call the police, my friend pleaded with him/her to call the police over and over. The manager repeatedly refused to call the police for reasons unknown all the while the purse snatcher was still shopping and was completely identifiable on the security recording and the security system in real time as she had still not left the store.

So my friend lost all her credit cards, drivers license, SS card, cell phone etcedra etcedra

Why the Wal*Mart manager would not call the police or confront the purse snatcher while she was still in the store is beyond me, and my friend. If I were the store manager I would have at least put a security officer at each exit of the store to nab the purse snatcher as she exited the store.

What would you do if you were in this same situation as the victim or the manager?


  1. Anonymous11:13:00 PM

    I would have gotten a cell phone and called the police myself. The police, and my insurance company would have asked the store manager for the tape.

  2. Anonymous8:13:00 AM

    Last winter my friend had an incident in Walmart also. She is a 70 year old lady, who is on tons of medicine for previously having 2 heartattacks and extremely high blood pressure.
    All she remembers is feeling faint and then coming to on the floor of Walmart and trying to get up. She had taken the cart down with her. Customers were trying to help her up and when the Walmart employees came they couldn't get her out the door fast enough.
    She went and sat at the snack area and they came rushing over w/some paper for her to sign that she didn't even know what it was but we all suspect was something absolving Walmart of any liability.

  3. Anonymous6:50:00 AM

    Where were the security guards Walmart is supposed to have? Didn't they hear what was going on?

    Do you know yet why the manager didn't call the police? She would have ended up calling the police on me because I would have raised so much commotion.

    Shouldnt Walmart shoppers have the right to feel safe while shopping there?

  4. Anonymous4:19:00 PM

    "Shouldnt Walmart shoppers have the right to feel safe while shopping there?" YES
    And if something like a purse snatching or a medical incident does happen shouldn't Walmart atleast act like they care even if they don't?


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