Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Costumes Can't Hide a Drunk Driver - VA State Police Say So!

By Virginia State Police
RICHMOND – As Virginians celebrate Halloween this year, state police is reminding everyone to keep the party off the road and not to drink and drive. Troopers will be conducting saturation patrols looking for impaired drivers and participating in DUI sobriety checkpoints during the Halloween holiday.

“It won’t be the costumes or pranks that will be scary but someone who makes the reckless decision of driving drunk this Halloween,” says Colonel W. Steven Flaherty, Virginia State Police Superintendent. “Impaired drivers put lives at risk. Be smart this Halloween and don’t be one of the statistics. If you plan to drink then make sure you designate a driver.”

State troopers will step up DUI patrols during the Halloween weekend to help make Virginia’s highways and neighborhoods even safer. In addition, State Police recommends these simple tips:          
  • Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin;
  • Before drinking, please designate a sober driver and give that person your keys;
  • If you’re impaired, use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation so you are sure to get home safely;
  • If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact Virginia State Police by dialing #77 on your cell phone. For more information, please visit
In addition, with inclement weather forecasted in parts of the Commonwealth, motorists are reminded to be extra careful if they have to travel tonight through Saturday, Oct. 29. Those needing to travel are advised to:
  • Add extra time to reach travel destination
  • Slow speed for road conditions
  • Increase driving distances between vehicles
  • Buckle up and don’t drive distracted
  • Call 511 for road conditions – not 911 or #77, as these are for emergency calls only

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