Sunday, October 30, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... Old Time Religion--NOT!

February, 1895

(The Telegram- Eau Claire, Wis.)


Performance of a Gang of Free Lovers on Chicoteague Island

There is a gang of free lovers on Chincoteague Island that has greatly demoralized the people and caused no end of trouble. One man, Thomas Bowden, has recently been killed, and more trouble is expected. Joe Lynch is the leader of the gang, and many of the ignorant people have become his followers. It is said that Lynch obtained permission from the authorities of Accomac county to perform marriage and other ceremonies usually pertaining to a minister of the gospel, and in a short time he promulgated doctrines that have led to more trouble.

One of these doctrines- and the one productive of the most trouble- is that each member of the band is to select a "watchman" the man to choose a woman, and vice versa. The couples meet alone together to study Scripture and "meditate." As these meditations frequently last nearly all night, and the "two's" seldom being man and wife, there is considerable objection to the "meditating," especially when a sanctified wife of an "unsanctified" man meditates until 2 or 3a.m. with one of the brethren. Nor do the unsanctified wives feel a sufficient confidence in their "sanctified" husbands to sit contently at home knowing that they are meditating and talking scripture with another woman who is perhaps younger and prettier. Lynch has given it out that all persons who are married according to legal form or by an "unsanctified" minister are in the eyes of God guilty of breaking the seventh commandment and that the children of such unions are illegitimate. These are a few of the teachings of this fanatic, all of them being on a par with the instances given.

The lamentable feature of the case is that Lynch's followers believe him and are energetic in making proselytes. A branch "church" was started at Williamsville, Del., and quite a number have embraced the "sanctified" idea. A few believers also live in Box Iron in the county, a small hamlet near the Sinepuxent Bay and near Chincoteague. An astonishing feature about these people is the readiness with which they quote Scripture and point out how sinful everyone except the "sanctified" are. To do this they display much skill in taking scraps of the truth and severing them from the context to excuse the excesses committed by themselves. The citizens of Chincoteague have got a white elephant on their hands that they would like very much to be rid of, and the desire has only been strengthened by the killing of Bowden. -Richmond State

Footnote: Published reports in September, 1896 placed Joe Lynch, a modern Noah, along a small river in eastern North Carolina with about 120 members of his "sanctified band," with four arks prepared awaiting the "second flood" due December 25th.


January, 1975

Around town, 1975.

Some business locations around Pocomoke City from some 36 years ago (from a newspaper ad indicating where The Salisbuy Daily and Sunday Times was available for sale):

Nock's Atlantic Station, Route 13 North

Riverview Market, just across the bridge

George Reid's, Market Street

Mac Littleton's, Clarke Avenue

Sam Roth's, Clarke Avenue

Paige Webb's, 2nd & 4th Streets

Larry's Market, Market Street

B&B Sub Shop, Market Street

Twin Towers, Route 13 South

Bank's Market, Market Street

Worth's Store, Dividing Creek Road


September, 1881

(The Denton Journal)

Water Ten Cents A Gallon.- Owing to the extremely dry weather of the past month the stock of water on hand in Crisfield has been entirely consumed. The demand is now supplied from the Princess Anne wells . It is brought down by the Eastern Shore Railroad Company and dealt out to the eager purchasers at ten cents per gallon.- Crisfield Leader.



April, 1904

(The New York Times)

Times Square Is The Name Of City's New Center

Mayor McClellan yesterday signed the resolution adopted by the Board Of Aldermen on Tuesday last changing the name of Long Acre Square to that of Times Square. This follows out the recommendations of the Rapid Transit Commission and the Interborough Rapid Transit Company, which is to operate the subway; and it is intended by the Rapid Transit Commission at its next meeting to call the subway station at Broadway and Forty-second Street Times Station.

Times Square takes in the triangle on which the new building of The New York Times is situated, and the name applies to the entire section between Forty-second and Forty-seventh Streets, Broadway, and Seventh Avenue.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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