Friday, December 23, 2011

Being Demolished Today

The next time you travel Route 13 heading towards the Maryland/Virginia line you will see a noticable change on  the north bound side.

Being demolished today is the old Route 13 Truck Stop.

Many of us remember when this was a fully operational business many years ago.  Some of the guys we went to school with found summer jobs there.

These photos are a bit fuzzy but you get the idea.    More photos later.


  1. Anonymous11:04:00 AM

    Originally known as C & D Truck Stop, it was owned by Duke Conway and Al Duncan. The original building burned, probably around 1960. Duke and Al then constructed the most modern truck stop on the east coast at that time. It featured showers and bunks for truck drivers and a small store selling maps, truck geegaws and anything else the modern driver required. During potato season it was a very busy place with hundreds of trucks pulling in and out daily. Potato season also brought the arrival of the pavement princesses who followed the truckers up and down the coast.

    Your friend,

  2. Thanks Slim for the history! Maybe I can find a photo dating back to the original building.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. Thank you for your comments throughout the past year. Looking forward to hearing from you in 2012 so stick around.

  3. Anonymous12:51:00 PM

    Yes, very interesting Slim.

  4. Anonymous9:51:00 PM

    oh yea, they would change tires, check oil, and clean windshields there and had ice for the cabbage, and corn truck loads. the resturant had the best truck stop food around, I had the chance to work there in the summers and earn some back to school money...have lots of good memories of this property...


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