Monday, January 9, 2012

Pocomoke City Police Department ~ Press Release


Pocomoke Police Department
300 Second Street
Pocomoke, Maryland 21851

Arrests – January 3, 2012 to January 9, 2012
1-03-2012 Kevin D. Fisher, 48, of Pocomoke City was arrested and charged with "Driving on the Highway without a required License". Fisher was released on a Citation pending trial.

1/05/2012 Dwight A. Sampson, 40, of Pocomoke City was arrested and charged on a Bench Warrant for "Theft". Sampson was taken before the District Court Commissioner and incarcerated in the Worcester County Jail pending Bond.

1/06/2012 Omar A. Williams, 28, of Pocomoke City was arrested on a Federal Warrant from the US Marshalls Office and has been extradited to Baltimore for prosecution. At the same time, Williams was arrested and charged with Burglary 1st Degree and Theft of a television on a Pocomoke City Warrant for a December 2011 B & E. Williams will be prosecuted after he serves his time with the US Marshalls.

1/06/2012 Diane Mills, 52, of Pocomoke City and Sabrina Trader, 41 of Pocomoke City were arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree stemming from an altercation between the two females. Both Mills and Trader were taken before the District Court Commissioner and released on their own recognizance pending trial.

1/06/2012 Shawn A. Brown 41, of Pocomoke City was cited on a Civil Citation for "Hampering Free Passage" of customers at the Wal-Mart Plaza. Brown was released on Citation pending payment of fine.

1/07/2012 Chico D. Kenney, 39, of Pocomoke City was arrested and charged with Domestic Assault. The victim has an active Protection Order. Kenney was released on a Criminal Summons pending trial.

1/07/2012 Markeshia R. Ballard, 31, of Snow Hill was arrested and charged with "Knowingly driving an uninsured vehicle" after a traffic stop alerted Officers to an active Tag Pick-up Order. Ballard was released on Citation pending Trial.

1/07/2012 Jeremy W. Douglas, 19, of Pocomoke City was arrested and charged by Citation with "Driving on a Suspended License". Douglas was released pending trial.


  1. Anonymous12:11:00 AM

    Hope this is a regular feature here. Nice to see that the people know what the police dept has been doing.
    keep up the good work.

  2. I have lived in Pocomoke City for many years and I tell you it is comforting to look out of your window late at night and see Pocomoke Police actually walking up and down the streets.It gives you a sence of security and this is what we as residents of Pocomoke needed for a long long time.

  3. Anonymous8:09:00 AM

    It will definitely be a regular release. They will be released every Monday afternoon.


  4. Anonymous9:14:00 AM

    I agree Pat. I think you tend to notice things more when you walk and also can hear things you wouldn't normally hear in a car.

  5. normally on new years eve people around here in pocomoke either go to church or shoot off their guns to bring in the new year. this year when midnight came around i didn't hear gun fire instead i heard people outside my house talking. when i looked out my window i saw pocomoke police walking past my house. I went outside to greet them and among the officers was our new police chief walking on foot with his them. great job pcpd

  6. Free at last, free at last thank god almighty Pocomoke City is free at last. Bless you Pocomoke City P.D.

  7. Rob Clarke7:53:00 PM

    Dear Public Eye,

    I am very glad to see the positive comments from the citizens of Pocomoke City with regard to the PCPD. Chief Sewell seems to be taking a very pro-active stance in community policing and using foot patrols. I have heard that residents have come out of their homes in the wee hours of the morning to talk with officers and thank them for patrolling their neighborhood.

    It is my understanding that bike patrols will be back on the street as soon as the weather is suitable.
    To Chief Sewell and the PCPD officers on the street, keep up the good work. To my neighbors in Pocomoke, please let me or your district city council person know what we can do to help you and the police to keep things moving in the right direction.
    Too often it seems the police are only noticed when the perception is that they have done something wrong. It is heartwarming for the officers and also the Mayor and City Coucilmembers, to know that the police are also noticed for the good they do throughout the city.
    Many thanks to those who have taken the time to comment and for the increased efforts by the PCPD!

    I agree with the poster who said that you can notice and hear more of what is going on while walking of biking. That is why I often ride my bike around the district (and town) looking for things that need fixing.

    Councilman Clarke
    District 5

  8. Anonymous8:00:00 AM

    It's good to see Pocomoke City officers being active in the community. Chief soule you and your Officers are doing a wonderful job here in Pocomoke. I do appreiciate the efforts that are put forth to make our city safe. Thanks

  9. Anonymous8:07:00 PM

    I salute Chief Sewell, Green and Perkins (former Baltimore Police). City of Pokomoke I was taught eons ago "To Reach One and Teach One" and I was blessed to have your chief as my 1st protege. Chief Sewell far surpassed my teachings and was a star in Baltimore. Pokomoke city you are a blessed people to have such a star fall upon your beautiful city. I can't wait to visit ya'll.
    Signed "Deep" (ask your chief)

  10. Thankyou Councilman Clarke for your comments. As always your comments are appreciated.

    It is so wonderful to read these comments and find out that the people in Pocomoke are taking the opportunity to know their police department.

    Looking forward to hearing from you again.

  11. "Deep" - you can believe that someone will ask the chief about the nickname...if they haven't already.

    Thankyou for taking the time to let all of us know your own personal feelings towards Pocomoke City's new Police Chief Kelvin Sewell. I will remember "To Reach One and Teach One".

    P.S. If you know the Chief that well I hope you read his book. :)

    My best to you.


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