Monday, July 9, 2012

The NEW Pocomoke City Restaurant


Mark Reeves announced to the crowd present at the ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday "there's not a bad seat in the house."  Well, I knew this was true.  After months of walking through the building-before it even was a building- countless times and standing in just about every corner I already knew that he was telling the truth.  Every single person present on Friday marveled at the beauty of the finished product and I couldn't help but think about all those responsible for this in the restaurants early years of development (when it was just a dream) that are no longer with us to share the excitement.

 The Riverside Grill will be managed by Corey Reeves, the 23 year old daughter of Mark and Leslie. What a responsibility for her and how lucky the Reeves are to have a daughter that can handle such a responsibility at a young age.  And what a lucky young lady to have a father to have such confidence in  a daughter. 

This restaurant will be operating by a computer system.  I'm not sure how it all works but it sounds interesting.  The wonderful thing about the system is that it has never been used in Pocomoke and once again Pocomoke is on the "cutting edge". 

Just think of the view the bridge tender has! Hmm......
  The extended area of the patio is new.  In most of my older photos it shows that the patio area stopped a few feet shorter than shown here, but was still very nice.  Mark however, had a different idea and felt the need to enhance the area with the thought of  possible patrons approaching from the south along  Riverside Drive.  The monies for the brickwork, etc.  came from the Reeves themselves.  Personally, this IS the "icing on the cake"! 

So, chew on some celery sticks while you wait for the restaurant to open.  You have to appreciate the fact that the new proprietors want to be able to give all of us a pleasant dining experience for the first time.  They are as anxious as we all are. 

The best of luck to Corey and everyone at the
 Riverside Grill Restaurant.

The Riverside Grill is on facebook now also.  Be sure to take a look.


  1. Anonymous8:39:00 PM

    Just an FYI, the restaurant was open for buisiness today. Things were great, everyone needs to head on down and have a bite.

  2. I'm sure they will. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous9:55:00 PM

    The interior is lovely. Casual but stylish with the focal point being the river. Very nice.

  4. Anonymous12:16:00 PM

    i wish your blog was not so biased towards downtown. there are existing shops and restaurants that would also benefit from your reports, and we are paying city and county taxes. I'm sure your blog is intended as promotion for the downtown area, but don't forget about those of us who have consistently contributed to this great city for years.

  5. Anonymous2:14:00 PM

    While I can certainly see your point, Anon 12:16, and I do sympathize somewhat, you have to remember it is her blog and she is paying the server fees and she is entitled to print what she wants.

    It's not that hard to start your own blog and she might even be willing to show you how. If you post interesting things it will be a success. If you post boring stuff it will be a flop. Personally, I think the more outlets for Pocomoke topics, the better.

    Your friend,

  6. Anonymous9:18:00 PM

    Someone wrote a nice review about the new sushi restaurant and jmmb posted it on here.


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