Sunday, July 1, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Fourth Of July

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material) 


July, 1830

(The Hagerstown Mail- Hagerstown, Md) (Community's name spelled Hagers-Town in this era.)


The annual return of this memorable day is again at hand, and its arrival will be hailed by millions, with heartfelt joy and sincere gratitude;- gratitude to that all wise Providence, "who made and preserved a nation," and joy to think that this happy land is now in the enjoyment of every earthly blessing- of Civil and Religious liberty, of health, of peace and plenty.

We are like the children of Israel of old, a peculiar people; protected in our infancy, guided in our youth, led on to manhood so quickly, that even we ourselves are astonished at our own rapid growth and prosperity; it seems but yesterday when we took our place among nations, and we are already looked up to as a pattern by the people of every other nation, our march has been onward, and steady, in the cause of Liberty, and the day is at hand, from the least, we shall become the greatest among the nations of the earth; when none will dare to molest us, when all will be proud to call themselves our friends.

Our future prospects are bright, and promise to us a long and unclouded day of happiness, yet our destinies are in the hand of Heaven, which has hitherto been so visibly our friend, will continue to be so to the latest generations.

And our path is plain- our way is straight. To other nations, as well as to each other individually, we have only to follow the Golden Rule, as laid down to us by our great Master; "whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them"- and pursuing this course and adhering to this precept, as men, or as a nation, will ultimately secure to us the blessing and protection of Heaven. And even if the storms of War arise- should the pestilence devour, or Famine consume us- we will not be suffered to perish, but will be preserved through all dangers as our forefathers were.

And like them, let us be true to the principles of Liberty, let us like them resist oppression, and oppose tyranny in every shape and form, and like them, let us be firmly united in support of our country's rights and our country's laws. Be for our country through life, and be true to her even until death.

Fifty-four years have elapsed since that immortal band railed round the alter of Liberty, and proclaimed, "that these United States are, and of right, ought to be, Free, Sovereign, and Independent."- Of that illustrious band of brothers, one, only remains among us, Charles Carroll of Carrollton- he is the last, the only survivor; all the rest have departed from the world, but their memories, their dear memories, will live forever, will be cherished, affectionately cherished, whilst a freeman is to be found in any country, or in any clime.

On the Fourth of July, above all other days, we ought to lay aside party, and party politics; it is dishonoring the day to make it a party day, or through the medium of Toasts and Orations, to use it for the purpose of censure of declamation against those from whom we may differ politically in opinion, from whom we differ either as it regards Measures, or Men.- The Fourth of July is the Peoples day; the day when party ought to sleep or be quiet. The Fourth of July, 1776, the principles which brought about the American Revolution; the Statesmen; the Heroes; the Patriots; the Warriors; of "those times which tried men's soles," will always afford sufficient themes for the orator to dwell upon, and subjects enough for the indulgence of patriotic sentiments, without calling into view the men or the politics of the passing time; the theme of our National Independence, can never cease to be interesting, the subject can never cease to be pleasing, nor can it ever be exhausted.

The Worthies of the Revolution have left us a rich inheritance, nobly earned by their toil, their blood, and their treasure. Their lives, and their fortunes, were freely sacrificed for us, and for our children; shall we not then emulate their great examples? Shall we not then be ready to suffer, or even to die, in the same great glorious cause, in the cause of Liberty- in the cause of our Country? Yes, we will.

And this year, the Fourth of July comes on our day of rest, on our Sabbath day; let it be indeed a Sabbath day to us, let us on that day offer praise and thanksgiving to Him, to whom we owe our all, and let the prayer of every heart be, that what ever party may be in power, whoever may be chosen by the people to govern us that they may be actuated by the principles of Seventy Six; may walk in the path of Washington, and then the people, the whole people, from east to west, from north to south, will be able to unite, and in one loud voice proclaim ALL'S WELL.

July 2, 1830


June, 1887

(The Herald And Torchlight- Hagerstown, Md.)

Worcester County will celebrate the Fourth of July at Snow Hill with a morning parade of citizens on horseback, orations in the afternoon, fireworks in the evening and music all day.


July, 1890

(The Denton Journal)

The Crisfield Leader says: There were fifteen hundred people at the celebration in that town on the Fourth. Prof. George E. Sterling, and Prof. Stephens, of Denton, were the orators, and both efforts werre highly spoken of.




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