Sunday, December 2, 2012

"Project Linus" Blankets Delivered To Saxis

On Tuesday (November 27) I had the pleasure of meeting Donna Clarke the "Project Linus" Coordinator for Delmarva at the Saxis, Va. firehouse to introduce her to Mayor Denise Drewer and to present Denise with  50 clean, warm, snuggly and hand made blankets for the children in the area.

For those of you who may not know Saxis, Sanford and the small surrounding areas were also devastated by the fury of Hurrican Sandy.

Mayor of Saxis Denise Drewer holds one of the colorful quits made by one of the ladies from the Eastern Shore Quilt Guild, Exmore, Va.
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These wonderful blankets bring comfort to so many in times of devastation and both children and teens are fascinated by them!  I am an adult and I was fascinated by every blanket!  Not only do they provide warmth but a sense of security for many children and the blanket is theirs to keep. 

Mayor Denise Drewer and Donna Clarke- Coordinator for "Project Linus" ES
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The blankets Donna left on Tuesday  came  from an Exmore quilter from the Eastern Shore Quilt Guild Virginia, from Pocomoke area quilters, from Project Linus  Blanketeers in Palm Desert CA, Denver CO, and  Merrill WI. 

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"Project Linus - Providing Security through blalnketsEach blanket is labeled with a Project Linus label showing our lovable namesake, Linus Van Pelt. We attach a hang tag identifying the maker of the blanket too."

I know by now these blankets have found homes and are providing warmth for each child wrapped in one. 

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And this is serious business!  Donna reported that 5,000 blankets made by various chapters nationally were sent to the New York/New Jersey areas for children and teens. 

In fact, just a few weeks ago Donna herself organized delivery for 600 blankets to the Somerset County area with more on the way!

If you can sew, knit, crochet, quilt or tie a know and are interested in joining a Project Linus Chapter go to Donna's blog.  You really do need to see her photos of the beautiful blankets that have been made available to so many children.  You also will enjoy her journey to Crisfield to help those in need.  She a busy person with a really big if I can just get her to have someone make me a soft, snuggly blanket with pigs on like I saw at the bottom of that one bag....

Thanks Donna!
Photo Donna Clarke
Above is a thank you note from one of the children.  Donna has them posted on her sight....

1 comment:

  1. I really like this article because it is very useful, if there is time and opportunity maybe the host can play to our place here Syair Togel thanks


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