Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Northampton Circuit Court On Monday

Northampton Circuit Court
Monday~ September 23, 2013

By Wesley Edwards

Harry Anderson pled guilty to a charge of distributing cocaine.
Mr. Anderson from Cape Charles will remain out on bond pending a pre-sentencing report. 

Theany Tor was charged with possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine.

He pled guilty of possession and the intent charge dropped. Mr. Thor was sentenced to 10 years with all but 90 days suspended . A work release for work at the Pottery in Cape Charles was denied.

Shekia Thomas was charged with illegal obtaining a credit card, illegal use of a credit card, and unauthorized use of a credit card. Shekia and her sister faced use of the credit card in question for a total of $866.50. With a guilty plea the case was continued for a pre-sentencing report.

Robin Orsinger was charged with obtaining money by false pretenses and a probation revocation. The probation charge goes back to 2002 for embezzling. The restitution in that case was $74,595 dollars of which approximately $39,000 has been paid. Ms. Orsinger has been serving weekends before her sentencing today for a total of 56 days. Todays charge of obtaining money was related to welfare fraud of filing a false claim for food stamps and free school lunches for her 16 and 18 year old daughters. The total dollars in this charge was $1102 dollars with $220 dollars paid back. Ms. Orsinger was sentenced to 10 years on each charge to run concurrently with all but 10 months suspended and 3 more months for the probation charge for a total of 13 months to be served. Work release was denied.

Jermaine King was charged with Grand larceny, assault and battery of a family member and assault and battery. These charges were from the McDonalds in Cape Charles ladies room where Mr. King took money from his girlfriend and assaulted his girlfriend and her sister. The girlfriend Ebony Collins testified on his behalf and told the judge that she and Mr. King were living together and raising two sets of twins, one of which he was the father. With time serve on two other occasions Judge Revell Lewis III sentenced Mr. King to 5 years on each count with all but 2 months suspended.

Keith Jubilee was charged with possession with intent to distribute cocaine. Mr. Jubilee who was not in court today and had been found guilty in May of 2013. It was reported Mr. Jubilee was in a Seaford Delaware hospital. Mr. Bruce Jones the Northampton Commonwealths attorney said that Mr. Jubilee was not looking forward to sentencing and this report needed to be verified. Judge Lewis said that they would continue this case until October 21, 2013 and deal with it then.

Dijon Gaskins was charged with probation revocation. With a not guilty plea this case had a lot of issues. Mr. Gaskins was allowed to transfer his probation to Richmond Va. back on November 28th 2012 where he was to live with his mother or aunt. His Richmond probation officer went out on a leave of absence and according to Mr. Gaskins was told he would be coming to his home for a visit when he got back to work. A new parole officer reported Mr. Gaskins to Northampton County as missing with no word causing Mr. Gaskins to be arrested on September 11th 2013 and he has been in jail since. The mother and aunt brought to court payroll checks going back to sometime in 2012 where he had been employed since returning to Richmond and testifying that he had lived at one of their houses since returning to Richmond. Judge Lewis after hearing all the testimony and with the check stubs found Mr. Gaskins not guilty of probation revocation after clear instructions about how to prevent this from ever happening again.

Lawrence Bright was charged with probation revocation. With ongoing reporting problems and positive cocaine test Judge Lewis revoked Mr. Brights probation and reimposed the 6 year 6 month sentence with all but one year six months suspended.

Everado Rosales was charged with a 3rd DUI ,eluding, and reckless driving. With a plea agreement to drop all charges except the DUI charges this case was continued for a pre-sentencing report. With a question about was this the third or fourth DUI and questions about the defendant names it was felt that it was important to wait for the presentencing report. Mr. Rosales bond was revoked and as the minimum sentence was 90 days he was taken away to start whatever sentence is handed down after the pre-sentencing report is received. 

Arkiece Montwelle Davis of Exmore pled guilty to providing a cell phone to an incarcerated prisoner. He was sentenced to 12 months in jail.

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