Friday, September 13, 2013

Texas Governor Jolts Maryland’s Anti-Business Politicians

Texas Governor Jolts Maryland’s Anti-Business Politicians
David Craig Campaign releases business climate data showing dismal contrast

Contact: Jim Pettit

Maryland Lt. Governor candidate and state delegate Jeannie Haddaway said Texas Governor Rick Perry’s media onslaught of the state’s business climate and job growth potential is well-deserved as the David Craig campaign for Governor released today a comparison of the two states’ business climates according to third-party sources.

Maryland’s average ranking is 32 compared to Texas’s 4 when compared to other states.  Preventing Maryland’s free fall to the bottom quintile overall in the national business climate comparisons are factors including quality of life, education attainment levels and proximity to research and development facilities such as universities and federal government installations.

“Texas Governor Rick Perry understands something that the O'Malley-Brown Administration is in denial about -states compete with one another for jobs and economic development,” said Haddaway.  “Raising taxes, fees and tolls 40 times that will remove an additional $9.5 billion out of the private sector economy by 2014 sends a loud message to other governors who are concerned about job growth that Maryland is easy pickings.”

The O’Malley – Brown Administration frequently cite narrow metrics in categories other than tax burdens in order to avoid responsibility for the damage they have caused in driving away small businesses at rates that are among the highest in the region and have left the state with just three Fortune 500 companies.  These other metrics are largely based on benefits derived from world-class universities and a high concentration of research and development activity stemming from the post-World War II expansion of the federal government.

“Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown have absolutely nothing to do with the number of PHD’s living in Maryland nor the federal government and university-sector involvement in medical research, cyber-security and information technology that has been going on for years. Yet they take credit for it every day as if they created Johns Hopkins, the National Institutes of Health and Fort Meade,” said Haddaway.  “I am very concerned that as the federal government downsizes due to record debt, that ever-increasing numbers of working Marylanders are going to be left behind.”

Financial service firms, business media outlets, think tanks and site selection consultants routinely rank states’ economic development potential according to a variety of factors.  The Craig campaign released the most recent annual business climate studies from Chief Executive Magazine, CNBC, Forbes, Moody’s and the Tax Foundation. Averaged together, Maryland falls 28 notches below Texas.

In some cases a comparison is not even possible, since Maryland is not included in top-performing states in two reports issued this summer.  According to corporate relocation industry media outlets Area Development Online and Site Selection magazine, Texas ranks number one in the country.

Harford County Executive David Craig said the Lt. Governor will have a meaningful role in his Administration with economic development being a much-needed focus.

“Governor Perry’s visit to Maryland is a wake-up call to every anti-business politician in the state,” said Craig. “The rain tax alone has become a national embarrassment and one of the most blatant anti-business policies Marylanders have ever seen. My Administration will review, reduce or repeal any tax, fee and toll that impede job growth."


Chief Executive Magazine “Best and Worst States for Business”

1 Texas

41 Maryland

CNBC  “America’s Top States for Business”

2 Texas

40 Maryland

Forbes Best States for Business

7 Texas

16 Maryland

Moody’s Analytics State Economic Outlook

2 Texas

21 Maryland

Tax Foundation State Business Tax Climate Index

9 Texas

41 Maryland


  1. Anonymous7:36:00 PM

    The O'Malley-Brown Administration is not in denial; they know exactly what they are doing. They are pandering to the low-information voters, the welfare queens, the long-term unemployed, the unions and any other group that they can get easy votes from. Their goal is power, not what's best for the citizens.

    Your friend,

  2. I am not a citizen of MD anymore but I agree with you, Slim.

  3. Anonymous8:27:00 AM

    Did you move to Virginia or what? I didn't realize you were gone.


  4. Anonymous8:22:00 AM

    We've become a country overwhelmed with the mindset of, ask not what you can do for your country but ask what your country can do for you.
    I'll never understand those who have regressed and whose brains are so undeveloped that they can't take care of themselves and their children without relying on the goverment. It's a basic thing and so many in the US don't have the intelligence to do so.


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