Saturday, December 28, 2013

Acccomack County Circuit Court

Acccomack County Circuit Court ~ Thursday - December 19, 2013

Jacqueline Hunter had been charged with two counts of burglary and two counts of grand larceny. Ms. Hunter pled guilty August 14, 2013 and was in court for sentencing. The burglary charges were at her ex-employers, the Rue family, and at local businesses Turner sculptures and Bundick Well and Pump. With no previous record and a guilty plea, Judge Lewis sentenced Ms. Hunter to 10 years on each count with all but one year and six months suspended. At the completion of active jail time she will be on indefinite probation with restitution to be made on count one of $4,937 and $6,826 on count two along with court cost.

Arely Alvarado had been charged with three counts of welfare fraud. Ms. Alvarado pled guilty to all charges. These charges came about after an investigation by Social Services' Mr. Jack Thompson. Ms. Alvarado when confronted by social services admitted that she had been working under a different name and Social Security number and was here illegally. The charges go back to the beginning of 2012 and run through January 2013 totaling approximately $7,000 with $6,430 having been repaid by family members and a promise to pay the balance promptly. Judge Lewis accepted the guilty plea and sentenced the defendant to three years on each count to run concurrently and suspended all time, except time served. Ms. Alvarado will be retained and turned over to the immigration department.

Keyron Bess was charged with the use of a firearm during a robbery and was found guilty in a bench trial in April 2013. Evidence was presented by the Commonwealth that this was a sale of marijuana turned into a robbery at gunpoint with a child and mother in the home at the time. This offense occurred on April 13, 2010. Mr. Bess was not arrested until February 2012. Judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Bess to 20 years with nine years suspended on the robbery charge and an additional three years to run consecutively for the gun charge. The remaining 11 years of suspension would be on probation.

James Taylor, charged with felony shoplifting, was indicted by the grand jury on June 3, 2013 for shoplifting from the Food Lion store in Oak Hall, Va. With a video tape and eyewitnesses available, Mr. Taylor entered a guilty plea. This case was continued for a presentence report and Mr. Taylor was permitted to stay out on bond.

Rynell Crippen was charged with grand larceny being convicted on July 25, 2013 of shoplifting from the local Walmart store and a record of intoxication in public on multiple occasions. Judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Crippen to five years with all but one year and six months suspended.

Torey Duffy was charged with burglary and a reduced charge of grand larceny to petty larceny. Mr. Duffy's attorney Carl Bundick presented a motion to continue this case to allow time for the defendant to be evaluated for programs rather than jail. Mr. Morgan the assistant Commonwealth attorney said he would have objected at the time that Mr. Duffy was convicted and was objecting again today because he did not feel Mr. Duffy would meet the qualifications of any known program. Judge Lewis granted the motion to continue until April 7, 2014 or until the evaluation was complete whichever comes first.

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