Sunday, December 22, 2013

Statement From Pocomoke City Concerning MD. Department of Environment

Date: December 19, 2013
Contact: Russell W. Blake, City Manager
Mayor Bruce A. Morrison

Pocomoke City is working closely with the Maryland Department of Environment (M.D.E.) to resolve some concerns that have recently come to our attention. One concern relates to grading work that was begun to stabilize the berms around the lagoons at the City’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (W.W.T.P.). The City believes that this erosion control work (which was recommended by M.D.E.) was allowed under the City’s existing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the WWTP as previously approved by M.D.E. However, in early December, the City was notified that another permit (Erosion and Sediment Control Plan) should also have been obtained because the area disturbed exceeded 5,000 square feet. The work done at the W.W.T.P. would have been allowed if a permit was obtained in advance. Upon notification, the City has hired an engineering firm to prepare the additional plan which should be completed before December 31. The new plan will include moving several piles of soil and [ill material from a nearby temporary storage site back to their place of origin on the bemis. to be used in the erosion control project. Once this second permit is approved, the berm stabilization work will be resumed.

Another concern relates to a City-owned lot near the WWTP that has been used recently for temporary storage of materials to be recycled. Those materials include clean fill dirt, broken concrete, bricks, and asphalt from recent street and sidewalk projects. MDE has advised the City that, since there appear to be hydric soils or hydrophytic vegetation on the site, this may indicate that there have been impacts to non-tidal wetlands. In response. the City has arranged for a wetland delineation of the site to be done within one week, with results to be sent to MDE. Following receipt of necessary approvals, the soil materials stored on the site will be removed for recycling as cover material at a local landfill, while the concrete and similar materials will be recycled for re-use in the construction industry.

Pocornoke City has always been protective of our local environment. Our state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant went on-line in 2011, and is producing clean effluent that is monitored daily before release to the river. In 2012, a new Ultra-Violet disinfection system was added to eliminate chlorine. The City operates recycling centers at two locations in town.
And in 2014, a new solar electric generating system will be built on City-owned property, which will produce enough renewable energy to cover approximately 85% of the City’s electricity usage.

No sewage or other contaminants have been released to the ground water or to the Pocomoke River. The City will continue to work diligently with M.D.E. and our engineers to resolve all
concerns within the next 60 days.


Readers: PLEASE before making any comments on this matter take time to educate yourself. IF you have any questions ATTEND a city council meeting, call your council person, go to city hall and ask questions. Pocomoke City is YOUR beautiful town. ALSO- don't forget to look around you and think back at what the city has done over the years to make Pocomoke the great town it is. IF you don't know what those things are then you can't be convinced about anything and you haven't been paying attention. jmmb


  1. Anonymous11:26:00 AM

    Yeah, I know how this works. MDE has absolutely not interest in the environment, per se. All the inspectors care about is how many citations they can write, whether justified or not. They will twist and bend the law, interpret regulations to suit themselves and use the slightest pretext to justify their existence and their salaries. I hope Russ Blake really screws them over this time.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous9:03:00 PM

    I suggest Mr. Blake have a conversation with Delegate McDermott and listen to his stories about how MDE has brought terror and suffering to innocent residents. Mike McDermott is one of the few people who stands up to them and knows how to put them in their place.


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