Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Defendant Sentenced to 30 years for Attempted Murder in Ocean City


March 11, 2014
The Office of the State’s Attorney for Worcester County

 SNOW HILL –  On March 11, 2014, Elvin Mendez-Espada, of PA, was sentenced to thirty years in the Department of Corrections with twenty years of active incarceration. The Defendant pled guilty on January 7, 2014 to one count of attempted second degree murder, two counts of first degree assault and one count of use of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime. 

 The State’s Attorney for Worcester County, Beau Oglesby stated in open court that this case was the poster child for why his Office instituted a policy of forwarding all cases involving handguns to the circuit court when he first assumed office. He noted that the Defendant had a license to carry a firearm in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but not in the State of Maryland. “Had this been a millimeter in one direction or the other, this would have been a homicide and not an attempted murder”. 

 Judge Thomas C. Groton III, said, “I view you as a dangerous person who has forfeited their right to be in society”. 

 Oglesby thanked the Ocean City Police Department and praised their hard work on this case.

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