Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fresh Pride In Parksley - CLOSED

WESR Photo
Fresh Pride is now no longer in Parksley.

Shoppers Tuesday arrived to find the doors locked with a hand written sign posted that the store was now closed. Tuesday afternoon the shelves appeared to be empty and the lights were off.

This leaves two Fresh Pride stores open on the Eastern Shore of Virginia on Chincoteague and in Exmore.

The chain, owned by a Norfolk based Camellia Foods once had stores as far North as Cambridge, Md. and Harrington, Delaware.

The company originally purchased the Meatland chain from a local entrepreneur, the late Nick Styke who purchased local stores from the Gaskill family.

Parksley was one of the original locations for Meatland which originally occupied the building vacated by Acme Markets but later moved to the site of the old Colonial Store.

In addition to Parksley location, locally Meatland had stores in Cape Charles, Exmore, Onancock, Parksley, Chincoteague, Parksley and Crisfield.

 All but the Chincoteague and Exmore stores have now closed.



  1. Anonymous10:14:00 PM

    And Pocomoke....

  2. Anonymous7:57:00 AM

    Been closed in Pocomoke for a lot of years. You can probably say everyone's love for Walmart allowed that to happen.

  3. Anonymous8:58:00 PM

    In fact Pocomoke once had two Meatland Stores that were open at the same time. The original in the former A&P building which was torn down for the new firehouse. Then Mr Styke built the new store where The Veterans Admin is now located. Both stayed open for many years until the bigger Meatland/Fresh Pride opened in the former Tractor Supply. But many of us long for when Pocomoke had three major national grocery stores - A&P, Acme and Safeway. All with delis, fresh cut meats to order and bakeries. Sure miss those days.

  4. I miss those stores myself. The understanding that I get is that neither the customers NOR employees knew the store was closing. The only notice they received was posted on the door.


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