Tuesday, May 20, 2014


(May 19, 2014) – This week, a group of specialized DUI enforcement officers with the Ocean City Police Department will be hitting the streets in an effort to curb impaired driving in the resort town. A group of officers that are specially trained in traffic safety will now dedicate their time to detecting and enforcing impaired driving.
“Impaired driving continues to be an issue in Ocean City and now with this dedicated enforcement team we will be able to combat impaired driving head on,” commented Chief Ross Buzzuro. “Finding a sober ride home is an easy choice one can make to protect their safety.”
This group of specialized officers is dedicated to making Ocean City safer by striving to eliminate the threat of impaired drivers on roadways. Other specialized DUI enforcement teams across the state, including the Maryland State Police SPIDRE team, have seen great success and experienced significant decrease in impaired driving collisions.

“Impaired driving is one of the biggest problems on our roadways,” began Milt Chaffee, Administrator of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration and the state’s Governor’s Representative for Highway Safety. “An average of 175 people have died every year for the past five years as a result of someone being impaired while behind the wheel. I applaud the Ocean City Police Department’s effort to stop impaired drivers and urge all drivers to always find a safe ride home. Call a friend or call a cab but do not get behind the wheel after you have been drinking.”
The Ocean City Police Department reminds citizens to always plan a safe ride home prior to consuming any alcoholic beverages. Citizens are strongly encouraged to designate a sober driver, call one of the many local taxi companies or ride the municipal bus.
For more information on the OCPD’s specialized DUI enforcement initiative, contact Public Affairs Specialist Lindsay O’Neal at 410-520-5395.
Ocean City Police Dept.

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