Sunday, May 11, 2014

TIME MACHINE... 1930, 1959, 1937, 1904, 1899, 1905

(Reader Friendly Viewing Of Newspaper Archive Material)

April, 1930
Salisbury Times



With facts provided by Cooperative Observers representing the United States Weather Bureau in various sections of the Peninsula supplemented with observations being taken at the Del-Mar-Va Airport, Hebron, the Del-Mar-Va Eastern Shore Association today announced that charts are now in the course of preparation for the purpose of supplying information for the twenty questions regarding climatic conditions which have been submitted by Commander Jerome E. Hunsaker of the Goodyear Zeppelin Association.  The data is desired as the first actual step in investigating the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula as a possible base for the Trans-Atlantic Zeppelin service.

Footnote: In January, 1930, it was reported that the Navy Department was considering the Eastern Shore as a site for one of two proposed dirigible bases. 

February, 1959
The Salisbury Times



Giant Food, Inc., on S. Salisbury Blvd., officially opened this morning at 9 as Mayor Jeremiah Valliant cut the ribbon to let in the customers.

Yesterday open house was held and it is believed to have drawn one of Salisbury's largest crowds. Store offiicials estimated that 25,000 or more broused through the store. "We have never had such a crowd as this. It was the biggest opening we have ever had," said John Morrison, director of supervision of Giant. During the open house at Giant yesterday afternoon S. Salisbury Blvd. was filled bumper to bumper with cars. Police Chief William J. Chatham estimated at least 15,000 cars were in the line during the five-hour open house. Extra police were put on duty.

December, 1937 (Time Machine archive)
(Daily News Record- Harrisonburg, Va.)

Warm Water Is Unused By Town

POCOMOKE CITY, Md., Dec.2. (AP)-  An underground stream of water- 85 degrees winter and summer- has been flowing under the business district here for 25 years.  And nothing has been done to utilize it.

The spring was discovered several hundred feet underground when a test well was drilled.  At that time the city was thinking of using artesian water for its city supply.  The warm water kept on flowing and was diverted through a 3-inch pipe to the Pocomoke River.

Residents attempted to form a company to operate the "Pocomoke baths," but nothing came of the venture because of lack of capital.  The water contains chloride of sodium, sulphur and magnesium compounds, engineers said.

January, 1904
The Colored American (Washington, D.C.) 

Princess Anne, Md.. Special.- An organization known as the Princess Anne Academy Building Fund Guild was formed Monday night.  The students of Princess Anne Academy believe in self-help and therefore, they have organized themselves into raising money to form the nucleus of a building fund.  They feel the need of a building having larger facilities. They believe if they help themselves first, others will come to their aid.

February, 1899
The Evening Times (Washington, D.C.)

Pocomoke Smallpox Cases.

Pocomoke City, Md., Feb. 23.-  Mayor Stevenson states that the rumors concerning the severity of the smallpox cases in Pocomoke are entirely false, and that the victims have been removed to the country, a long distance from the city. Dr. Fulton, in a letter to the mayor, says the cases are very mild and no likelihood of its spreading, as the families of the victims are strictly quarintined.

May, 1905
(The Daily News- Frederick, Md) 

Eastern Shore farmers and housewives are in a dilemma on account of the cooks and farmhands leaving their employers for the strawberry fields.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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