Sunday, May 18, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... 1977, 1964, 1901, 1922, 1947, 1894

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

May, 1977
The Morning Herald (Hagerstown, Md)

Strawberries go high

PRINCESS ANNE, Md: (UPI) - Strawberry growers and buyers are blinking their eyes at the unbelievable prices the berries are bringing at this year's auction on the Eastern Shore.

"It's a modest volume and the producers are seeing the prices soar," a spokesman for the state Department of Agriculture said Wednesday.

"A crate of good healthy strawberries has been going for $15.50 — that's a lot," he said. "Last year they averaged $8 a crate for good berries.

''The buyers were really amazed when crates went for $15.50. They had never heard of prices like that," he said.

"So far there has not been a heavy volume," he said. "There are willing buyers and a limited supply of berries which boosts prices up. The growers who have berries are very happy, but buyers can't get the quantity they want."

June, 1964
Salisbury Times

Pocomoke Jaycees To Host State Golf Tourney

The Pocomoke Jaycees are making extensive plans to host the annual Maryland State Jaycees Golf Tournament at the Winter Quarters Country Club.  The dates — July 16 and 17.

AVERY SMITH, a tireless worker of junior golf on th Eastern Shore during the past decade, is serving as tournament chairman. The state golf chairman is Jerry Dorman, former Wicomico High standout athlete of not so many years ago.

The top four survivors qualify for the International Jaycees tournament at St. Paul, Minn. August 3-8. Eligibility is open to anyone in the state, 18 years old and under.

AMONG THE leading Eastern Shore contestants will be 14 year old Chris Smith ol Pocomoke, 1963 Delmarva champion, son of the tourney chairman. He carded a four- over-par 75 on the Talbot Country Club course at Easton, defeating Edward Lee Jarman of Ocean City. This annual classic has produced some of the nation's better golfers including Gene Littler, Doug Sarders, Tommy Jacobs. Phil Rodgers, Al Geiberger and Jack Rule Jr. Prob- ably the most widely known of alumni is Jack Nicklaus, winner of the national Jaycee title in 1957.

June, 1901  (Time Machine archive)
(The Denton Journal)

Herring are swarming in Purnell's Creek, a branch of the Pocomoke river, just above Snow Hill.  The like has not been seen for many years.  Charles Timmons, 15 years-old, Monday morning caught 2,000, and many others were almost as successful.  All that has to be done is get any kind of a net with a pole to it and scoop them up.  Apparently there are millions of them.

September, 1922
(Gettyburg Times- Gettysburg, Pa.)


Ernest H. Wardwell,  prominent Civil War veteran of Maryland, is dead at his home in Pocomoke City.  He was 73 years old.

While the battle of Gettysburg was being fought, Mr. Wardwell was convelessing in Baltimore from wounds received at Barbina and South River.  He returned to duty and became the special aid of General E.B. Tyler in command of the Northwestern defense of Baltimore.

May, 1947
(Hagerstown Daily Mail- Hagerstown, Md.)

Five More Towns On Daylight Time

Salisbury, Md., May 19 (AP).-  Five more lower Eastern Shore towns were on daylight savings time today, Princess Anne, Crisfield, Pocomoke City, Berlin and Ocean City going on "fast time" over the week-end.  

In Ocean City, Robert L. Cropper, president of the Chamber Of Commerce, said he would continue to oppose the change.

March, 1894
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)


I am now prepared to offer the latest style in footwear, comprising a large line of Ladies' Dongola Button Boots and Bluchers, prices from $2 to $4.  Large buttons and latest styles. Gents' in Russet and Patent Leather made over the latest improved lasts.  Call on me when in Pocomoke and be convinced that I am the leader in style and prices. H.W.CALLAHAN, Next door to I.H. Merrill's.  Pocomoke City, Md. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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