Sunday, June 15, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... 2014, 1989, 1821, 1913, 1956, 1953, 1882.

(Reader Friendly Viewing Of News Archive/Historical Archive Material)

June, 2014- Remembering JMMB...

"Special people touch our lives in everything they do and leave us changed long after they are gone. 

The gifts they gave us can become a part of who we are..

A legacy of beauty which lives on."

-Author unknown.

August, 1989  
The Capital (Annapolis)


Worcester Co. tries to dry out  

SNOW HILL (AP) - Runoff from fierce storm gorged Worcester County streams and rivers yesterday, flooding downtown Snow Hill, closing or restricting traffic on 46 roads and hampering motorists from southern Delaware to near the Virginia line. 

A Snow Hill outfitter lent canoes to merchants who could not otherwise reach their shops near the Pocomoke River, which crested about six feet above its banks around 10:30 a.m.

Stale Highway Administration trucks escorted convoys of cars on U S. 113 between Snow Hill and Pocomoke City, pushing along those cars that sputtered to a halt in the pools and puddles. 

The Snow Hill sewage treatment plant was swamped as treated water being pumped out sloshed right back into holding ponds.

Worcester tow-truck operators were working overtime.

Rushing waters ate huge chunks out of several county roads. County officials issued an urgent plea for people to stop stealing "Road Closed" signs and electronic flashers, which disappeared Saturday night from 10 stretches of flooded highway. 

"I guess they're collectors' items," said Edward S. Cropper, Worcester County director of emergency services.

Cropper said it was too early to estimate the cost of property damage, and state and county highway officials also declined to predict how much the emergency road repairs would cost.

"We won't know for sure until all the water goes down and we can inspect all the bridges and get a true picture of the damage, " said John A. Yankus, the county's chief administrative officer. 

Shore residents seemed both stunned and fascinated by the cresting flood, spawned by a northeaster that pumped out about 10 inches of rain in six hours Friday night and Saturday morning.

"I lived through Hurricane Hazel, Hurricane Agnes and the March storm" that cut Ocean City off from Assateague Island in 1933, said Jean Holloway, assistant town manager in Snow Hill "I've never seen it like this. "

November, 1821
(Maryland State Archives)

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, all white male citizens residing in Worcester county, who are not assessed, or pay a tax, shall be liable to be summoned to labour upon the public roads of said county, in the same manner that taxable inhabitants are required to perform such labour by the act to which this is a supplement, except that they shall not be required to perform more than three days labour on said roads in any one year; Provided, that no female of any age, nor any male under twenty-one years of age, or over fifty years of age, shall be subject to such duty.

February, 1913
The Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.)

[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]

Onancock, Va., February 9.- Captain W. H. Lang has given oyster shells enough to shell all the streets of Accomac Courthouse. The money for placing the shells was contributed by a number of the enterprising citizens of the town. Shell roads are considered more durable and more satisfactory than stone roads in this part of Virginia.

April, 1956(Time Machine archive)

Jerry Miles was assigned by the Baltimore Orioles to the Thomson team in the Georgia State League.  The 18-year-old Parksley, Va. righthander was a standout pitcher on Pocomoke City's 1955 Central Shore League team.

Footnote: Miles was in an automobile accident during the winter of 1957 and he later requested the Orioles to place him on the voluntary retired list for the upcoming season.  No Information was found about his future activity in baseball.

May, 1953

The Delmarva Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad announced a Delmarva Day Baseball Excursion, originating in Pocomoke City, to a Philadelphia Phillies-Brooklyn Dodgers baseball game in Philadelphia.  Reduced fares, combination tickets, and coach lunch service would be available. The Sunday game was expected to be a sell-out.  The Phillies organization was setting aside 1200 seats for the Delmarva Excursion fans.  The baseball excursion would leave Pocomoke City at 725A.M. and arrive in North Philadelphia at 11:15A.M., with pick-up stops along the way.  The excursion would leave back for Delmarva from North Philadelphia 45 minutes after the end of the game.

April, 1882
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)

A petition is being circulated by the mechanics (i.e. "Blue Collar" workers) of Onancock and vicinity, looking to the restriction of a day's labor to 10 hours.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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