Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Comment Deserving of a Post

hmm? just received this in the comment section of the PPE Blog

yeah that's funny alright. The PPE has always been oddly 100% behind the PCPD yet the PCPD has oddly been trying to find anything and everything that they possibly can to make the owner of the PPE look like some deranged career criminal.

I am along time LEO and I can see that most of this is rejected city cops think that they are superior to easternshore people when one stands up to them they are labeled "dumb ol' easternshore rednecks" they hate that there are life long "rednecks" like Tom that will speak his mind and know that he has that right. I've said enough but just to add one thing that Tom and myself absolutely are 100% aware of is that for any reason, of no concern to any LEO is that the fines that were issued to Tom are a violation of his rights and perjury X3 by Officer Morgan. Why? Because no LEO can tell anyone what they can do to their own legally registered and properly insured motor vehicle on private property especially the vehicle owners property in the State of Md.

People; there was not a moving traffic violation committed here, how could it be?   


  1. Anonymous2:34:00 PM

    What are you talking about Tommy. Officer Morgan is a life long eastern shore resident.

  2. he lied plain and simple and signed a affidavit of oath swearing that he did not

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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