Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Announcement from mayor Morrison- 

Maryland State Police Lt. Earl W. Starner is now Pocomoke City's interim Chief Of Police.

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  1. Anonymous2:29:00 PM

    Some other blog is attempting to turn this all into some grand conspiracy dating back decades. If you can get past the poorly written posts, it reads as if it's a study of a paranoid individual in dire need of a mental evaluation. It is that delusional.

  2. Anonymous4:43:00 PM

    It's a regurgitation of the same old delusions from the infamous Tattler. That blog was beyond silly and LES News is picking up where the Tattler left off. It should be renamed Lower Eastern Shore Ridiculous and Paranoid Blather.

  3. Anonymous7:10:00 PM

    I have red the blogs and real news sites, as for me and citizens that care about our town, I trust in God and no that the truth will be told eventually, but I also know that until then we need to back our city mayer and officals, they no more than us about it all. We put them in place to make these decisions becaws its not easy. Personnel matters are not told to anybody, you don't here sisco telling us why they fired somebody. its personal and should stay that way. I thank the counsel and mayer for making hard descions, wasn't to long ago we needs a counsel that would make these decisions. I for one think it was a good decision and think them for making decisions. I hear a lot around the store and some of it just makes me sickening.

  4. Anonymous7:49:00 PM

    I tend to disagree 7:10. Sysco is a private business whereas a government employee is a public servant, whose salary is paid for by the tax payers. In my opinion whoever is paying the salary has a right to know anything and everything that goes on in government. It's called transparency and Obama was all about transparency until he got elected. Another one of his many many lies.

  5. Anonymous10:19:00 PM

    7 49 well I aint trying start no argument, just saying that employee maters are protected. plus we don't no the hole story, I am sure they woodnt have gotting rid of him if they wasn't sure
    here in the bury the chief serves at the pleaseur of the city so they never tole us why they fire people either...oh well don't hurt me none Salisbury is a mess and always well be

  6. Anonymous9:45:00 AM

    What happened to Craven?

    1. Anonymous11:27:00 PM

      Craven is happy where he is. No worries.

  7. Anonymous10:58:00 AM

    I was wondering the same thing 9:45.
    10:19 & 7:10 Your mastery of the English language is astounding, though I tend to think your "mistakes" are intentional.

  8. Anonymous12:05:00 PM

    speaking to some of the officers, they seem happy that sewell is gone.

  9. Anonymous5:57:00 AM

    at Walmart last night ask one of the Officers what happened, his response; "They finally caught on" and laughed ??? whatever that means, obviously we need to trust the Mayor, he knows the real deal


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