Sunday, June 11, 2017

TIME MACHINE: 1979, 1905, 1947, 1911, 1968.

Our Little Corner In Space And Time   

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

March, 1979

The Daily Times (Salisbury)

October, 1905

The Washington Post

February, 1947

The Morning News (Wilmington)

November, 1911
The Baltimore Sun

November, 1968

The Daily Times (Salisbury)

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.


The Pocomoke Public Eye fondly recalls our late colleague, Brenda Wise, - "JMMB" - whose passing was in June, 2014.


  1. Anonymous8:47:00 AM

    I remember Brenda as a very classy lady.

    Your friend,

  2. Slim-

    I assume Brenda may have known you in person but she didn't know the "Slim" identity when you wrote in. I asked her once who "Slim" was. She said: "I don't know but he says he knows me and that I saw him at an event we both attended last week."


  3. Anonymous9:23:00 AM

    You are correct. We both attended PHS, although I was slightly older. What makes you think Slim is a "he" or "him"? Ladies can be slim, as well.

    Your friend,

  4. Well Miss, Mrs., or Mr. Slim.. you do make a valid point. Your ID here is surly anonymous and apparently will remain so. Your comments on posted items, or anything else, are always welcome. Thanks.



All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster