Monday, November 8, 2010

Maryland Police Chiefs To Take The Plunge For Special Olympics

OCEAN CITY -- Ocean City's newest ocean-plunge fundraiser will see law enforcement leaders from across Maryland start a new tradition with a frigid dip into the Atlantic for the Special Olympics.

As the associations of Maryland sheriffs and chiefs of police meet for a joint training conference in the resort next week, about 150 of them from 88 police agencies will spend Tuesday afternoon running and diving into the cold ocean water.

Though they'll be more than four miles north of the Boardwalk, the event will be known as the Chiefs & Sheriffs Boardwalk Plunge. Only members of law enforcement are eligible to participate. Each swimmer has to raise at least $50 to enter.

So far, police have raised about $14,000 with pre-registrations. Ocean City Police Chief Bernadette DiPino so far is in the Top 5 among all fundraising participants.

"I'm excited about it," she said. "I'm hoping the water's going to warm up a little bit. It's going to be kind of cool to be doing it in Ocean City."

Next week, the ocean temperature will be about 56 to 58 degrees, as long as there isn't a cold snap, according to Lee Gerachis, owner of Malibu's Surf Shop.

Several other chiefs also will participate, including Chief Michael Tabor of the Crisfield police and Chief Scott Keller of the Princess Anne police.

Keller said the annual police chiefs conference brings viewpoints of police all over the state and makes for great interaction among his peers for networking and training.

"It's close to here, so we don't have to drive all the way up to Sandy Point for that other one," said Keller, who also will be joined by his second-in-command, Capt. Warren Gadomski. "We got our bathing suits ready. It might be a little colder than we're used to."

Keller was referring to the Polar Bear Plunge held annually at Sandy Point State Park, in the shadow of the Chesapeake Bay bridge, an event hosted annually by Maryland State Police as a fundraiser for Special Olympics of Maryland.

Jumping into the Atlantic Ocean for charity isn't new to Ocean City. The annual Penguin Swim to benefit Atlantic General Hospital will celebrate its 17th year on New Year's Day.

All the police Special Olympics fundraisers fall under the umbrella of the Law Enforcement Torch Run, the signature fundraiser for cops and Special Olympics worldwide.

Howard County Police Lt. John Newnan, who is chairman of Maryland's Torch Run, said the state of Maryland raises the most money worldwide for Special Olympics and that Maryland cops raised $4.1 million in the 2009-10 fundraising year, which ended in September.

"It's a pretty amazing movement, and we're all dedicated to it in our communities," he said.

Not every conference attendee will be braving the icy shorebreak on Tuesday.

"It's too damn cold," said Somerset County Sheriff Bobby Jones. "I might watch it from a balcony window. I got nothing against people who want to jump into the ocean in November, but I'm not going to do it."

Visit www.boardwalk

If you go

New Virginia Lawmakers Cite Ways They Would Cut Spending

Richmond, Va. Balance the budget. Rein in spending. Stick a hungry government bureaucracy on a diet.

Those were mantras of Virginia's Republican congressional candidates who won big in Tuesday's elections. But within weeks, the critics will move to the corridors of power and it will be their unbalanced budget and their national debt.

Within their immediate control are their $174,000 annual salary and an office budget of roughly $1.5 million. We asked Virginia's three Republican congressmen-elect what they personally are willing to cut.

Scott Rigell, who defeated Rep. Glenn Nye, D-2nd, promptly issued a series of reforms he says he will follow whether they are enacted into law or not.

The car dealer from Virginia Beach says he will roll back his congressional office budget to 2008 levels and allow government trips only on official business -- "real official business."

He has pledged a 12-year term limit and he wants to "reduce the incentive to stay in Congress" by replacing the current retirement system with a 403(b) match program.

He has even sketched out rules on mail -- "Only two direct-mail pieces will be sent each year, no closer than three months prior to an election, standardized in form and content, one page only, using recycled paper and black and white ink."

That kind of up-front commitment is smart politics on Rigell's part, said Steve Farnsworth, a political analyst at George Mason University.

"I think the one thing that voters cannot stand about politicians is hypocrisy," he said. "A congressman-elect who promises to cut his own office expenditures, that's absolutely a smart move for congressmen looking ahead to 2012. That's what people want to see."

A challenge for Republicans over the next two years will be to demonstrate that they can make change happen while they control the House but not the Senate or White House, he said. That split in power makes it virtually impossible to repeal the health-care legislation, for example.

"That's why it's such smart politics for Republicans to look at things that are more directly under their control, like their own office expenditures," he said.

. . .

Rigell's plan is pretty specific, and while the other congressmen-elect did not offer the same level of detail, they gave some insight during the campaigns.

State Sen. Robert Hurt, who defeated Rep. Tom Perriello, D-5th, has said he would vote to reduce the salary of members of Congress. His campaign also says he will use the franked mail system "only for legitimate constituent services."

The lawyer from Chatham said last week in a news conference about his transition plans that he doesn't anticipate greatly altering the number of district offices. There are four in addition to the Washington office.

"Right now I have no reason to believe that we'll change anything [that's] in place, but we will take a fresh look at that because obviously we want to make sure we're as accessible as possible," he said.

Congressman-elect H. Morgan Griffith of the 9th District has advocated for a 10 percent pay cut for Congress, and he wants to end the practice that allows members of Congress to lease a vehicle through the House of Representatives.

"There's got to be a lot of other things like that," he said.

If his pay-cut idea doesn't go over well with his colleagues, Griffith said he will donate the equivalent of a 10 percent cut into the 9th District to not-for-profit charitable organizations.

He said of his early ideas: "They're not going to solve the budget problem, but you've got to start somewhere."

The office budgets for the new Congress have not been decided, but Perriello's for 2010 was $1.46 million, Nye's was $1.48 million and Rep. Rick Boucher's was $1.5 million.

That allowance will not likely vary dramatically for the new members. It is supposed to cover the expenses congressmen incur as part of their official role, and it is based on three major components: staff salaries, office expenses and official mail.

Funding for salaries made up the largest component in 2010, at $944,671. House members can decide how many employees they hire and how much they pay them, but there are caps on how many and how much.

Office expenses include a travel stipend that varies based on the distance of the representative's district from Washington, as well as district office rental expenses. That also varies by member -- space in downtown Los Angeles will cost more than on Main Street in Chatham.

In general, however, members can spend the money as they see fit, as long it complies with federal and House rules. Spending on campaign or political purposes is a no-no, for example.

Voters serious about the spending-cut message this year likely will keep tabs on how their new congressmen operate on Capitol Hill.

"In the new Congress, the tea party's influence will be far larger than their numbers," Farnsworth said, "because so many Republicans are going to be looking over their shoulders wondering if the tea-party activists are going to run a Republican nomination opponent against them the next time they face the voters."

'Treats For Troops' Sends Candy To Warriors

WASHINGTON -- Supporting the troops can be so sweet, particularly when it involves sending them candy.

Mover Moms, a Bethesda-based community services group, packaged extra Halloween candy to send to members of the military stationed overseas in their annual "Treats for Troops" drive.

"I really want to put a smile on soldiers faces," says 8-year-old Amanda, whose mother, Rebecca Kahlenberg, put out the call for extra Halloween candy again this year to send to troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait.

This year is the biggest, involving thousands of people, she says. The group managed to fill up a 16-foot truck with candy.

"This one is about to bust," Kahlenberg says, adding her group will need an 18-wheeler next year.

Along with the candy, the group also collected notes to the soldiers from children in the D.C. area.

"Some of them say, 'My dad serves in the Navy, and I was so worried about him. And I am so happy to share my candy with you," says Kahlenberg.

USS Mahan Deploys

NORFOLK, Va. - Hundreds of local sailors said goodbye to their families Sunday morning as they headed out to sea on the USS Mahan.

I'm going to miss my family, but it's my job and you've got to do what you've got to do," said CTR1 Jason.

Jason has been on three different deployments, but said this is the first since he's had his son, and they did a lot to prepare for this goodbye.

"We celebrated our birthdays together. We went out and did a bunch of stuff together, as much as we could possibly do to, I guess, kind of make up for the time we'll miss and be going through."

The time these men and women will miss during their six month deployment includes the holidays. For 19 month-old Hayley, this will be her first time away from daddy.

"This is the first Christmas she'll actually understand opening the presents and everything," said Hayley's mother.

"It's hard, but you just deal with it and move on and be back as soon as we can," said FC2 Dustin Pelzel.

This is a routine mission for the sailors aboard the guided missile destroyer USS Mahan.

"The main thing we'll be heading out to do is maritime security operations and that kind of runs the gamut, everything from humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, to promoting peace and security and stability in the maritime areas around the world," said Commander Kurt Mahan.

This deployment is something the Dominguez's have never experienced.

"It's his first deployment, I'm a first time wife, so, navy wife, first time being separated for this long, so, it's getting kind of emotional and it's just that I'm pregnant, so," said Mrs. Dominguez and her husband.

It was an emotional day for everyone pierside. Fathers and mothers held their little ones tight, preparing for that six month separation. Everyone made the same promise.

"I love her and I'll be back soon enough," said one sailor.

Pocomoke YMCA Names New Director

POCOMOKE CITY -- The Lower Shore Family YMCA has a new executive director, Dan Prescott, who is not a stranger to a YMCA backstage.

Prescott comes to Pocomoke City from Hagerstown, Md., where he served as program director and senior director of that YMCA. He also served a stint in Farmville, Va. The new director learned of the opening in Pocomoke City from Rich Stover, CEO of the Mid-Delmarva Family YMCA; they had collaborated on several programs.

Prescott said his first task is to find ways to get more involved with the community. This includes working with organizations in the Pocomoke City area. He's hoping in this way, more people will visit the YMCA to take advantage of the facility.

The Y includes many facilities -- a large indoor pool, three gym courts, a fitness center and an aerobic center -- under its roof. The outdoor facilities include a pond, a ropes course, a paved walking/running track and four bike trails through the forest.

Programs for kids include an after-school program and a day camp during the summer. At present, 34 kids are signed up for the after-school program, which is still not at full capacity. Some of their activities include schoolwork, a fitness program and swimming.

Because Pocomoke High School is being renovated, the sports teams have been using the fields at the YMCA. While using the fields, the school has been maintaining them and has helped in installing lights for nighttime use.

Once the new fields at PHS are completed and the teams return, the YMCA fields will be available for use by the center for such sports as soccer, baseball and softball.

Prescott said all programs at the YMCA are available for members and nonmembers. There are scholarships for people who cannot afford the cost of the membership.

The branch Prescott now manages includes people from southern Worcester County, southern Somerset and northern Accomack County. Anyone who has a membership here is also a member of the Mid-Shore YMCA in Salisbury and the newly-opened branch in Chincoteague.

Two major fundraisers for the local YMCA are the Masquerade Ball in late winter and a triathlon in early June. The branch also plans to begin its annual campaign for funds sometime next month.

The Lower Shore Family YMCA has also been the host for the South Worcester Relay for Life for the past several years, which has attracted hundreds of participants.

"Come talk to us if you have an idea for a program," Prescott said.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


This is like finding Waldo, see if you can find a guilty charge. I went over this last week and Mr Todd chimed in to explain the Nole Prose' process but is it really this many going to a higher court? I mean most of the crimes that I see in these court briefs require some sort of punishment but to send them to a higher court seams like a big waste of the court and the S. A.'s time.

So here ya go, I'll highlight the crime and the punishment for those that just want to scan over this without reading the whole brief.

Enjoy, I know the crooks did.

The following cases were heard in Worcester County District Court in Snow Hill by Judge Gerald V. Purnell on Oct. 15, Oct. 19, Oct. 25, Oct. 26 and Oct. 28.

  • Matthew G. Butler, 25, of the 10 block of Central Avenue, Pocomoke City, was charged with harass: a course of conduct. Nol pros was entered.


  • George Dale Scruggs, 39, of the 12000 block of Whisper Trace Drive, Ocean City, was charged with assault second degree. The verdict was probation before judgment.

  • Joshua Whaley, 27, of the 11000 block of Steam Mill Hill Road, Whaleyville, was charged with malicious destruction of  valued at less than $500.propertyThe verdict was merged. 

  • Joseph Scot Pietroski, 36, of the 100 block of Crockett Avenue, Fruitland, was charged with two counts of assault second degree.The verdict for both charges was not guilty.

  • Anthony Lamar Salters, 42, of the 12000 block of Pony Rest Lane, Ocean City, was charged with assault second degree. The verdict was not guilty.

  • Sandra Kelly Fried, 51, of the 13000 block of North Shore Road, Ocean City, was charged with assault second degree. Nol pros was entered.

  • William Robert Mathews, 44, of the 12000 block of Snug Harbor Road, Berlin, was charged with disorderly conduct. Nol pros was entered.

  • Jennifer Lynn Greenwell, 19, of the 600 block of Swan Drive, Deale, Md., was charged with theft of less than $100. Nol pros was entered.

  • Editors Note: And you are going to LOVE this one....

  • James Edward Ballard, 29, of the 400 block of Bank Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with murder -- first degree, murder -- second degree, manslaughter and assault -- first degree. Nol pros was entered for all charges. Ballard faces murder and assault charges in Worcester Circuit Court, with trial set for Jan. 12.

  • Edward Joseph Rossiter, 49, of the 28000 block of Woodcrest Drive, Harbeson, Del., was charged with dangerous weapon -- conceal. The charge was placed on the stet docket.

  • Ronnie Lee Schoolfield, 25, of the 1000 block of Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, was charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance -- not marijuana and possession of marijuana. The verdict was guilty for the first charge and merged for the second charge.  YES, A GUILTY CHARGE YIPEEE


  • Richard Lee Huffman, 21, of the 500 block of Bay Street, Berlin, was charged with unauthorized removal of property. The verdict was guilty. NO WAY, TWO IN A ROW??

  • Kevin Watson Melson, 19, of the 5000 block of Little Mill Road, Stockton, was charged with two counts of handgun in vehicle and two counts of handgun on person. The verdict was probation before judgment for the first charge. Nol pros was entered for the other charges.

  • Loynial M. Sturgis, 31, of the 700 block of Sixth Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with possession of marijuana. The verdict was probation before judgment.

  • Kane P. Cottman, 22, of Fourth Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with disorderly conduct and failure to obey. Both charges were placed on the stet docket.

  • Debra Davis, 46, of the 500 block of Moore Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with two counts of assault second degree. Both charges were placed on the stet docket.

  • Sherly Young, no date of birth listed, of the 800 block of Pit Circle Road, Pocomoke City, was charged with assault second degree and reckless endangerment. Both charges were placed on the stet docket.

  • Cheryl Shipe, no date of birth given, of the 8000 block of Gumboro Road, Pittsville, was charged with burglary fourth degree theft and false statement to officer. Nol pros was entered for both charges.

  • Joseph Ralph Frontera, 41, of the 600 block of Ocean Parkway, Berlin, was charged with possession of marijuana, possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia, causing standing vehicle to obstruct free vehicle passage of roadway, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, driving on suspended license and privilege, driving on revoked license and privilege and driving with alcohol in blood in violation of restriction. Nol pros was entered for all charges.

  • Karen Lynn Braun, 36, of the 7000 block of McCabes Corner Road, Snow Hill, was charged with false statement to officer. Nol pros was entered.

  • Paul Earl Prettyman, 35, of the 7000 block of McCabes Corner Road, Snow Hill, was charged with false statement to officer. Nol pros was entered. 


  • Steven Aaron Littleton, 37, of the 9000 block of Executive Lane, Delmar, Md., was charged with animal cruelty failure to provide. The verdict was not guilty.


  • Timothy Charles Sheffer, 20, of the 1000 block of Reynolds Court, Crofton, Md., was charged with possession of marijuana. The charge was placed on the stet docket.

  • Ashley Schoolfield, 26, of the 600 block of Young Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with malicious destruction of property valued at more than $500. The charge was placed on the stet docket with the condition of restitution to be paid to the victim in the amount of $1,885 by Oct. 19, 2011.

  • Sherri Lynette Smith, 20, of the 10000 block of Old Ocean City Boulevard, Berlin, was charged with malicious destruction of property valued at less than $500. The charge was placed on the stet docket with the condition of restitution to be paid to the victim in the amount of $1,118.22 by Feb. 15, 2011 as condition of state.

  • Hakeem Salim McBride, 20, of the 10 block of Wendy Court, Pocomoke City, was charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance -- not marijuana. Nol pros was entered.

  •   The following cases were heard in Worcester County District Court in Snow Hill by Judge Lloyd O. Whitehead on Oct. 22.

  • Alfreda Beulah Corbin, 48, of the 700 block of Fifth Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with theft of less than $100. The verdict was guilty.  YIPEEEEEEEEE... ANOTHER ONE

  • Sam Joseph Thompson, 20, of the 400 block of South Church Street, Snow Hill, was charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. Nol pros was entered for the first charge. The verdict for the second charge was probation before judgment.

  • Darryl Lee Whaley, 53, of the 500 block of Philadelphia Avenue, Ocean City, was charged with conspiracy -- controlled dangerous substance manufacture/distribute narcotics. The charge was placed on the stet docket.

  • Johnny Lee Collins Jr., 24, of the 9000 block of Honeysuckle Road, Berlin, was charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance -- not marijuana. The verdict was guilty.


  • Dominic Royal Gilbert, 19, of the 200 block of Beck Farm Road, Centreville, Md., was charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia. The verdict was probation before judgment. 


  • Maximo Jauregui, 49, of the 2000 block of Ladymeade Drive, Silver Spring, Md., was charged with operating a vessel under the influence of alcohol. Nol pros was entered.

  • Maximo Felipe Jauregui, 49, of the 2000 block of Ladymeade Drive, Silver Spring, Md., was charged with exceeded speed limit of 6 knots. Nol pros was entered.

  • Maximo Felipe Jauregui, 49, of the 2000 block of Ladymeade Drive, Silver Spring, Md., was charged with negligent operation. Nol pros was entered.

  • Keith Lafey Gray, 20, of the 400 block of Bank Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with possession of marijuana. The charge was placed on the stet docket.

  • Garry Bicille Waples, 54, of the 10000 block of Trappe Road, Berlin, was charged with trespassing on posted property, possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia, three counts of controlled dangerous substance possession with intent to distribute, four counts of controlled dangerous substance possession with intent to distribute narcotics, possession of marijuana and six counts of possession of controlled dangerous substance possession -- not marijuana.Nol pros was entered for all charges.

  • Roxanne Soley, 43, of the 500 block of Walnut Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with assault second degree. Nol pros was entered.

  • John Ardis Onley III, 47, of the 27000 block of Main Street, Hallwood, Va., was charged with indecent exposure. Nol pros was entered.

  • April Jackson, 30, of the 100 block of Flower Street, Berlin, was charged with assault second degree. The verdict was not guilty.

  • And there you have it..

    Body Found By Park Ranger At Assateague National Seahore

    BERLIN, Md. - Investigators with the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations said Sunday, that a federal park ranger discovered the body of a white male Saturday afternoon along the northern side of Assateague National Park.

    According to investigators, the body appears to have washed ashore within 24 hours of the discovery.

    WCBI described the body to be that of a white male, 5'7" and 140 to 160 pounds. They said the body was clothed in Levi blue jeans and a black Patagonia belt.

    A check with local law enforcement agencies revealed there were no reports of any missing person or reports of any missing crew members off of local vessels.

    The body remains have been sent to Baltimore for an Autopsy. Anyone with any information regarding the description given, please contact Cpl Johnson of the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation at 443-783-0441 or the MD State Police, Berlin Barrack at 410-641-

    Mayor and Council Meeting Monday Night

    POCOMOKE CITY -- The City Council and mayor are scheduled to hold the city's monthly meeting Monday at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.

    The council will discuss regulations requiring the installation of sprinklers in new single-family homes, a letter from the Jenkins Orchard Homeowners Association concerning storm drainage and a letter concerning bow hunting on city property on Dunn Swamp Road.

    Call 410-957-1333 or visit www.cityof

    Is Daylight Saving Time Still A Good Idea?

    WASHINGTON - You'll be moving your clocks back an hour this weekend. But is daylight saving time -- something thought up by Ben Franklin -- really necessary in the 21st century?

    David Prerau, author of "Seize the Daylight" says it is still useful.

    "One of the major benefits of daylight saving time today is to save energy," he says.

    Prerau says the extension of daylight saving time a few years ago saved .5 percent of energy every day. It also spreads out energy usage, so power companies can produce energy more efficiently.

    But energy savings aren't the only benefits. Prerau says DST reduces traffic accidents too.

    "In fact in some countries, like Great Britain, they consider it the major advantage of daylight saving time," he says.

    Prerau says DST gives an hour more light in the evening.

    "In most places there's much more traffic in the evening than in the morning, so it gives that a saving of 1 to 2 or 3 percent a day of traffic accident fatalities."

    Opponents say darker mornings aren't safe for kids who are traveling to school. Farmers also say they're against DST because they have to adjust their schedules to the sun.

    Standard time returns at 2 a.m. Sunday morning, while DST returns the second Sunday in March.

    Meanwhile, with changing clocks already on residents' minds, firefighters across the country say this also is a good time to check your smoke detectors.

    On an average day in the United States, about eight people die in house fires. Capt. Willie Bailey, with the Fairfax County Fire Department, says most of those deaths could be prevented.

    "There's a probably 90 percent chance that if you have working smoke alarms in every room on every level that you would get out of this home safely," Bailey says.

    Bailey says smokes alarms should be tested every month, and you should practice your escape routes every six months.

    LAST WORD OF THE WEEK: Win Or Lose- Meals Tax Was A Bad Idea!

    by, Ted Shockley

    Earlier this year, the Accomack County School Board was staring down the barrel of $3 million in state funding cuts. The Board of Supervisors instead gave the school system $730,000 to cover the shortfall.

    The result wasn't good. The school system couldn't afford to enhance programs or salaries. It had to reduce 52 positions. Class sizes grew. Support staff was lost.

    It was during this gloomy time that the seeds of Accomack's proposed meals tax were planted.

    It was a strange idea for elected leaders supposedly looking out of the best interests of public education -- let voters in the state's most overweight county decide whether to pay more for fried chicken and hushpuppies, the taxes on which could raise between $500,000 and $700,000 annually for schools.

    Maybe I'm a distrustful skeptic, but I was convinced that there was no way for Accomack's public schools to win with this referendum, no matter how voters cast their ballots.

    It was a short-sighted, ill-advised measure and a strange corner in which to push our children's futures.

    Had it passed, I feared the public schools would have never received a penny more in new funding than the meals tax would have provided.

    I feared that the county would have cut its contribution to the school system by the amount of the meals tax revenues -- if the meals tax generated $600,000, the county would reduce its contribution to schools by $600,000.

    I feared meals tax proceeds would have forever been held against the school system by taxpayers and the Board of Supervisors, as in, "Why are you asking for more; you already get the meals tax money."

    I feared that the meals tax proceeds would have been plowed into debt service for school buildings and not operations money to help teachers and students.

    But the meals tax failed, and now my fear is that elected officials will try to twist the results into a referendum on increased local funding for schools.

    Elected leaders and governmental skinflints will suggest that county voters don't support new education money because they voted against it on Tuesday.

    That would be wrong. The only message sent at the polls on Tuesday is that residents of the most obese county in Virginia do not want to pay more for fries and pies.

    Did I say it was a strange corner in which to push our children's futures?

    Accomack's public budget negotiations will begin in a few months. Public school systems need local increases each year to develop a career staff, grow educational programs and ensure our greatest resource is well-prepared for the future.

    Local elected officials should make this the area's hallmark priority. Local parents, proponents and products of public education should demand it be supported by something besides a tax on food.

    The state's obesity capital can tolerate taxes on land, cars, boats and businesses, but we draw the line at doughnuts and cheeseburgers.

    The problem is, I think our county leaders knew that.

    Maybe our local officials should concentrate on getting the back taxes collected from property owners before they put another tax on already overtaxed residents. Or were they planning on tourism? Either one, not a good idea and thank goodness the voters were able to tell them.

    Delmarva Power Offers Mini Grants

    SALISBURY -- Delmarva Power is accepting applications for its annual Education Mini-Grant Program. This program provides classroom teachers with grants of up to $500 to support innovative projects that are geared toward energy-related issues, such as wise energy use, local conventional and alternative energy resources, energy-related science content and electric safety. The grant money can be used for purchasing materials, conducting special lessons, taking field trips and implementing special classroom projects that are not usually funded by school districts.

    Grants are available to public and private school teachers in kindergarten through twelfth grade and special education in Kent and Sussex counties in Delaware and in Cecil, Harford and the Eastern Shore counties in Maryland.

    Applications are available in schools or by calling 410-860-6586. The application deadline is Friday, Nov. 12.

    Saturday, November 6, 2010

    Guess The Picture

    Guess what the picture represents 

    MSNBC’s Maddow: Keith Broke Rule But Fox News Is Way Worse

    WHAAAA, WHAAAAA, WHAAAA!!!  Can the liberal leftist MSNBC get any more lame?

    How can Madcow sit there with a straight face and blame Fox News for the actions of Dip-weed Kieth Olbermann? He clearly broke the rules of HIS employer so if he wants to live by the rules of another network maybe he should find another job and MSNBC should fire Madcow for taking up so much on-air time with her diatribe of disdain and total disagreement of her own employer. 

    Both Madcow and Olbermann are a waste of good oxygen IMOH

    Sumbuddy call da whambulance !!

    You may have heard today that my friend and colleague Keith Olbermann was temporarily suspended from his job hosting Countdown on this network, because he made three personal political donations to candidates in this last election cycle. The reason that resulted in Keith’s suspension is that, here at MSNBC, there is an explicit employee rule against hosts making contributions like that. You can do it if you ask in advance, and if management tells you ‘okay.’ That’s what I understand happened with our morning show host’s political donations in 2006 under previous management. But if you don’t ask in advance for an exemption from the rule, you are more bound by the rule. For the record, the rule applies to us hosts here at MSNBC and NBC News staff. CNBC is not under NBC News, so CNBC staffers are not bound by the same thing.
    I understand this rule. I understand what it means to break this rule. I believe that everyone should face the same treatment under this rule. I also personally believe that the point has been made and that we should have Keith back hosting Countdown. Here’s the larger point though. That’s going mysteriously missing, from all the right-wing cackling and the beltway, old-media cluck cluck clucking about this. This is what I think is missing.
    Let this incident lay to rest forever the facile, never true, bullpucky, lazy conflation of Fox News and what the rest of us do for a living.
    Mediaite’s extended transcript is here.


    Al-Qaida Claims Responsibility For Mail Bombs

    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates(AP) – A Yemen-based al-Qaida group on Friday claimed responsibility for the international mail bomb plot uncovered late last week as well as the crash of a United Parcel Service cargo plane in September.

    A week after authorities intercepted packages in Dubai and Britain that were bound for the U.S., al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula issued a statement taking credit for the plot and saying it would continue to strike American and Western interests. The group specifically said it would target civilian and cargo aircraft.

    "We have struck three blows at your airplanes in a single year. And God willing, we will continue to strike our blows against American interests and the interests of America's allies," the group said in a message posted on a militant website.

    The authenticity of Friday's claim could not be immediately verified. A U.S. intelligence official said authorities are not surprised to see this claim now.

    U.S. officials have said all week that there were strong indications the plot originated with al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, a terror group that has become al-Qaida's most active franchise and has increasingly carried out attacks on Western targets.

    Authorities in the U.S. and the UAE have said the Sept. 3 crash of the UPS plane in Dubai shortly after takeoff was caused by an onboard fire, but investigators are taking another look at the incident following the parcel bomb plot.

    A security official in the UAE familiar with the investigations into the UPS cargo plane crash in Dubai and the mail bombs plot told The Associated Press Friday that there is no change in earlier findings and that the UPS crash in September was likely caused by an onboard fire and not by an explosive device.

    "There was no explosion," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity under standing UAE rules on disclosing security-related information.

    A UPS spokesman, Norman Black, said his company had "no independent knowledge of this claim by al-Qaida," and noted that both UAE officials and U.S. National Transportation Safety Board officials have so far ruled out the possibility of a bomb as cause in the crash.

    In its statement, al-Qaida's Yemeni offshoot said that it "downed the UPS airplane but because the enemy's media did not attribute the act to us, we kept silent about the operation until we could return the ball once more.

    "We have done that, this time with two explosives, one of them sent via UPS, the other via FedEx."

    It said that its "advanced explosives" give it "the opportunity to detonate (planes) in the air or after they have reached their final target, and they are designed to bypass all detection devices."

    Both mail bombs were hidden inside computer printers and wired to detonators that used cell-phone technology and packed powdered PETN, a potent industrial explosive.

    The message also directed a warning to Saudi Arabia, which was instrumental in passing along the key tip that led to the discovery of the bombs: "These explosives were directed at Jewish Zionist temples, and you intervened to protect them with your treason. God's curse on the oppressors."

    Al-Qaida's offshoot in Yemen grew strength after several key leaders escaped from a Yemeni jail in 2006. In 2009, it was further bolstered by a merger with Saudi al-Qaida militants to form al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

    The group first made a stunning show of its international reach in December, when it allegedly plotted a failed Christmas Day attempt to blow up a passenger jet over the U.S. The Obama administration branded the terror group a global threat, and has dramatically stepped up its alliance with Yemen's government to uproot it.

    "AQAP continues to probe for weaknesses in our ability to disrupt, detect or stop their operations," said Rep. Mike Rogers, a Republican who serves on the House intelligence terrorism subcommittee.

    He expressed little surprise at the claim, saying:

    "They are agile and determined. So must we be."

    Couple Wins Lottery - Gives Almost All Away

    Allen and Violet Large figured they were lucky enough already.

    So when the Canadian couple hit it big in the lottery this year, they decided to give it away -- all of it. Since their July win, the elderly couple has donated nearly every cent of their $11.2 million winnings to charity. Call it the Larges' largess.

    "What you've never had, you never miss," Violet Large, 78, told The Chronicle Herald in Canada. She and her 74-year-old husband, who live in Nova Scotia, said they first made sure their family was taken care of. But then, she said, they decided the money was "a big headache."

    So in a matter of just four months, they gave away the rest of their millions to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and local churches, according to The Chronicle Herald. They also donated money to the hospitals where Violet Large was fighting cancer this year.

    The Larges play the lottery twice a week and say they'd never won more than $1,000 before this year. But July 14 was different. After choosing numbers in "Lotto 649" that day, Violet Large said she first thought they'd won only $10. Then, she took a closer look and was in shock. "'Oh my God,'" she said she told Allen that day at the couple's home, according to the Truro
    Daily News. "I said, 'Come and check these numbers.'"

    But Allen Large, a retired steel worker, said he was more concerned with his wife's health than with the cash. "That money that we won was nothing," he said. "We have each other."

    Violet, who has completed her treatment, told the paper that she and Allen were happy to be done with the money and have no interest in living extravagantly. "We're the lucky ones," she said. "I have no complaints." The humble couple, who did not immediately return a call for comment today from AOL News, will not say how much they gave to each charity.

    Change Those Batteries !

    With the onset of Eastern Standard Time now is the perfect time to replace the batteries on your smoke detector. Smoke detectors have saved millions of lives since they came onto the scene in the 1970s. The devices which typically cost around $10 and placed properly cut the chances of dying in a fire by over half.

    Homes with working smoke detectors stand a far less chance of being heavily damaged in a fire than those who don't them. Fire officials state that properly placed smoke detectors offer the best protection against fire damage or injury.

    Smoke detectors should be placed in the hall way outside sleeping rooms and at various locations in the living area of the home. Placing smoke detectors directly in kitchens isn't advised because cooking can trigger them.

    If you would like to learn more about these life saving devices log onto:

    Remember To Change Your Clocks

    The annual change over from Daylight Savings Time to Eastern Standard Time takes place tonight.

    Officially at 2 AM clocks the change takes place although most change their clocks back before going to bed.

    Eastern Standard Time will remain until next March.

    Beginning on Sunday the sun will rise and set one hour earlier.

    Friday, November 5, 2010

    A Thankyou To Supporters

    I want to thank my supporters for all of their sacrifice and efforts during my campaign. Your prayers have sustained me, your encouragement has lifted me and your votes have humbled me.

    As we move from campaign to governing, I ask that you continue to pray for Maryland and our country. We will face many challenges, but we will face them together.

    I affirm my commitment to communicate the actions being discussed and those acted upon by the General Assembly, and to always be a strong voice for the Eastern Shore.

    Mike McDermott
    Pocomoke City
    Maryland House of Delegates -ELECT
    District 38-B

    Punkin Chunkin This Weekend !!

    When it comes to performing before large outdoor crowds, Discovery Channel's "Mythbusters" hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman have some experience.

    After all, it was just last weekend when the duo warmed up the crowd at Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" in Washington D.C.

    On that day, aerial photography analysis commissioned by CBS News estimated that the rally drew about 215,000. So when Savage and Hyneman host this weekend's Punkin Chunkin, which drew about 80,000 people last year, their nerves should be calm.

    With about 115 teams competing in the pumpkin-flinging event and Discovery Channel television crews crawling across the Wheatley farm working on this year's specials, Punkin Chunkin Association spokesman Frank Shade has a prediction for this weekend: "Absolute chaos -- controlled mayhem."

    For the third year in a row, Discovery Networks will produce a special at this weekend's event to be simulcasted Thanksgiving night on both the Discovery and Science channels with Savage and Hyneman serving as hosts. A one-hour "Road to Punkin Chunkin" documentary will air the night before, Nov. 24, on the Science Channel.

    "Next to football games, turkey and pumpkin pie, Punkin Chunkin is a national Thanksgiving tradition," Clark Bunting, Discovery Channel president and general manager said in a statement announcing this year's programming, which will be filmed at the event site near Bridgeville at the Wheatley Farm.

    It's hard to underestimate the power of the Discovery Channel exposure for Delaware's quirkiest event, which officially kicks off Friday at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. Sunday with the naming of this year's champion. Before 2008, the event drew about 30,000 to 50,000 spectators. Last year's record crowd of 80,000 is expected to be surpassed this year.

    "We could go well into six digits," Shade predicted. "The Discovery folks have put us over the top."

    Mike Sorensen, executive producer of the Science Channel's Punkin Chunkin specials, said last year's Punkin Chunkin coverage was the highest-rated special in the channel's history, drawing in plenty viewers across the country to watch what was once Delaware's own secret.

    "It's American ingenuity at its best," Sorensen said. "People get a peek into this world. The machines are incredible. The people are great. And they are really into it, fighting for bragging rights."

    This year, the television crew for the specials have doubled to about 40 people, he said, adding that slow motion cameras and new technology usually used to track golf balls for television audiences will be used for the pumpkins for the first time.

    Punkin Chunkin's relationship with Discovery goes back to 2003, when the cable network first produced its first pumpkin-filled hour-long special. Back then, about 65 machines competed in front of about 25,000 people. The television exposure wasn't completely new. In the mid-'90s, "The Late Show with David Letterman" famously flung pumpkins down 52nd Street in Manhattan and several cable networks have aired segments on the event over the years.

    Sorensen said Savage and Hyneman are perfect to host Punkin Chunkin and the pair will lean on their own engineering expertise while inspecting the machines and interviewing participants.

    "This is absolutely their territory and their crowd," he said. "Their engineering knowledge is unmatched. And I think once we get them with the characters there and their machines, it'll be such a great fit. This event was really made for these guys."

    Indian Media Said It Was A $200 Million Per Day Trip

    No, President Obama's trip is not going to cost $200 million a day.

    That figure -- first thrown out by a single Indian media outlet and now viral on conservative talk radio -- is wildly off the mark.

    The problem is that the costs for these trips are impossible to determine, for many of the president's expenses would be incurred whether he was visiting India or Atlanta or simply hanging around the White House. Obama's India trip starts an Asian swing that includes South Korea, Indonesia and Japan.

    The administration isn't inclined to detail costs, most of which deal with security.

    "The numbers reported in this article have no basis in reality," said White House spokesman Tommy Vietor. "Due to security concerns, we are unable to outline details associated with security procedures and costs, but it's safe to say these numbers are wildly inflated."

    To be sure, these trips do cost millions of dollars per day.

    Whenever a president travels, he or she takes a mini-White House with them, from bulletproof limousines to gaggles of aides. This can come in awfully handy when trouble happens, such as the terrorist attacks on 9/11 when George W. Bush was in Florida. Ronald Reagan was traveling in Asia when the Chernobyl nuclear plant in what was then the Soviet Union blew up in 1986.

    Foreign trips are expensive but are a staple of presidential duties. India is a rising economy power. It is next to -- and has an intense rivalry with -- one of the world's most dangerous countries, Pakistan. It can be a counterweight to threats from China. Any president is going to deal with India.

    Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim majority nation. South Korea is the site of a G-20 global economic summit. Japan is hosting the annual Asian economic summit, which Obama's predecessors also attended. There's no evidence that Obama's team is spending any more money than its predecessors, taking inflation into account.

    Yes, these gigs will cost money. But $200 million a day? Not even close.

    One other thing to keep in mind: The Secret Service is not going to let anything happen to a president overseas if they can help it. They're going to do -- and spend -- whatever it takes. That's just a fact of life.

    One last thing: The media organizations accompanying Obama will pay their own expenses.

    So how much will it cost and who is picking up the tab???

    Accomack County Court

    Accomack County Commonwealths Attorney Gary Agar Reports the following cases were heard in Accomack Countys Circuit Court:

    Cathy Jones, 45 of Onancock, was found guilty of welfare fraud and passing bad checks.

    Rory Tomlin, 19 of Melfa, was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment and a youthful offender program for attempted robbery, maliciously shooting at an occupied vehicle and use of a firearm.

    Davon Davis, 21 of Painter, was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment and a youthful offender program for armed burglary, attempted robbery and use of a sawed off shotgun.

    Anthony Turner, 33 of Painter, was sentenced to one year imprisonment for distribution of cocaine.

    Jason Rienerth, 20 of Onancock, had probation revoked on the original charges of attempted burglary, grand larceny and burglary.

    Help Support "OPERATION WE CARE" !

    BERLIN -- Barrett Chevrolet is now a drop-off location for donations to Operation We Care. The dealership is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The dealership is located at 10419 Old Ocean City Blvd. and backs up to Route 50.

    Operation We Care will pack boxes on Nov. 14, the Sunday following Veterans Day, to be distributed to our military personnel deployed in harm's way. Boxes will be delivered before the holidays. The donation list is available online at www.easternshorehog-com. Cash donations will be used for postage, as each box costs $12.50 to ship to the troops. The Ocean City Post Office delivers most of the boxes to Iraq and Afghanistan in about a week to 10 days.

    If you know a local member of our military who is deployed or is soon to be deployed, please contact Jeff Merritt, coordinator of Operation We Care, at 410-713-8940 or

    No Beer Summit For The Republicans

    President Obama has just given Slurpee something it could never buy: global street cred.

    Hours after the leader of the free world jokingly suggested at Wednesday's day-after-election press conference that he might hold a "Slurpee Summit" with the new Republican leadership, the brand of slushy soft drinks is in overdrive to make the summit real.

    "This is a rare opportunity for a brand," says Margaret Chabris, a spokeswoman for 7-Eleven, which owns 44-year-old Slurpee. "We don't want to be opportunistic, but nothing has ever been this big for Slurpee."

    This is what brands dream about. Bud Light got a big PR lift after Obama drank a Bud Light at the White House "Beer Summit" in July 2009. That brought together Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and James Crowley, the police sergeant who arrested him.

    During recent campaign speeches, Obama said Republicans stood around drinking Slurpees while Democrats did the hard legislative work. Now, Slurpee's getting the last laugh. Already in motion:

    •Negotiations. White House officials were contacted late Wednesday by officials representing 7-Eleven with a proposal for the Slurpee brand to cater a Slurpee Summit between key Democrats and Republicans. The summit could be at the White House — or wherever the president chooses.

    "If the president wants a Slurpee Summit, we're offering to cater it with red and blue Slurpees — and we'll even offer a purple Slurpee, since that's what you get when you bring red and blue together," Chabris says.

    7-Eleven's request to the White House was made via the public relations firm New Partners, which has many employees who worked on the Obama campaign in 2008.

    •Advertising. 7-Eleven on Friday will place an ad in national newspapers that plays off the idea of Slurpees bringing people together, says Chabris. One concept in discussion is a picture of a purple Slurpee with a red straw and a blue straw sticking out.

    •Strategy. Slurpee is re-evaluating its brand strategy. It's looking at a new theme to be a drink that "brings people together," says Chabris.

    Consultant David Aaker says it doesn't get any better. "If they actually have a summit, it's worth tens of millions of dollars in free advertising."

    Strategy guru Mark Coopersmith says Slurpee should quickly go big in social media, nudging folks to have Slurpee Summits to solve problems.

    "How often do you get the leader of the free world to associate your brand with all of these positive elements?"

    Congressman Elect Rigell Lays out Plan to Reshape Washington

    Congressman-elect Scott Rigell has released his plan for reforming Congress. In the plan, Rigell states he attempt to reshape the mindset in Washington, forcing elected officials to be more transparent and frugal with taxpayer dollars.

    Rigell says he will aim to change Congressional pensions plans to be more similar to 401(k)s as well as ending free lobbyist and foundation sponsored travel. The plan includes a call to institute 12 year term limits for representatives, posting committee votes online and restoring congressional offices' operating budgets to 2008 levels.

    "I want to be very proactive and reach out to all parts of our community," explained Rigell. "We will make absolutely no distinction in constituent service, I will make that so clear to my staff. I'm optimistic that we'll reach out to folks who might not have reached out to us."

    Rigell also spoke about the Eastern Shore. "I am proud of our commitment to the Eastern Shore," he said. "One of the first calls I made after learning I had won was to my good friend Ooker, the Mayor of Tangier, and he said 'Scott, we're going to turn out for you on Tangier.'"

    Rigell is set to be inaugurated in January.

    Thursday, November 4, 2010

    Oh my Gourd!

    Here are some photos taken of the pumpkin village taken at the Dallas Arboretum. 

    Anger Management

    You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up


    Hat Tip; Kack

    Oglesby Holds Narrow Lead In Race With Todd

    SNOW HILL — The Worcester state’s attorney race narrowed when absentee ballots were counted, but candidate Beau Oglesby retained a 107-vote lead over incumbent Joel Todd.

    When election officials finished counting about 1,500 absentee ballots Thursday, Todd, a Democrat, had received 739 additional votes. Oglesby, a Republican, added 701 absentee votes.

    That cut down the vote lead Oglesby earned on Election Day, but did not reverse it.

    “This time four years ago, I was up by two [votes], and now I’m up by 107,” Oglesby said, referring to a razor-thin 2006 contest in which Todd prevailed by 14 votes. “It’s a much better place to be.”

    Several hundred absentee ballots Worcester officials mailed out to voters who asked for them haven’t yet been cataloged or counted. Ballots postmarked by Nov. 2 and received by the time officals count absentees again on Nov. 12 could still be counted as valid votes.

    “We’re quietly optimistic,” Oglesby said. “There’s still enough votes out there to make a difference, so we’ll stand by and see what happens.”

    Todd did not return a call for comment late Thursday.

    In another close Worcester county race, for District 4 commissioner, incumbent Democrat Virgil Shockley slightly widened his lead over Republican Ted Elder.

    Shockley earned 93 absentee votes, for a total of 1,257; Elder garnered 79, for a total of 1,172. Shockley now leads by 85 votes.

    Worcester County Commissioner Seat - District 1

    It must have been a difficult decision for Bobby Cowger to opt out for reelection this year. Lots of Worcestor County citizens hate to see him go.

    We truly thank him for being so devoted and wish Bobby the best.

    Here is the man that will and can fill his shoes! Merrill W. Lockfaw, Jr.
    Just like Bobby, Merrill Lockfaw, is a man you can trust and believe in. He is a man that will work for the citizens and the communities.

    Merill has a wonderful family, is a devoted person to his community, his church, fire department and country.


    And good luck!

    20 TONS Of Pot Found Near Tunnel By U S Border

    SAN DIEGO – Federal authorities in San Diego have made one of the largest marijuana seizures in the United States, confiscating 20 tons of pot near an underground tunnel connecting warehouses on either side of California's border with Mexico, officials said Wednesday.

    Mexican authorities seized another four tons of pot from the warehouse on their side of the border. Officials said the lightening-speed, 12-hour operation started Tuesday night when U.S. authorities watching a warehouse under surveillance followed a tractor-trailer as it left the building.

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents called in the California Highway Patrol, whose officers stopped the rig near Temecula and authorities found 10 tons of marijuana inside. The driver, a U.S. citizen, and his Mexican wife were arrested and will be arraigned in San Diego on Thursday.

    Authorities quickly obtained a federal search warrant to go inside the warehouse, where they discovered 10 to 15 tons of marijuana — worth an estimated $20 million, said ICE director John Morton.

    They also found a wood door that opened to a hole leading to the tunnel, running the length of six football fields, under the border and into a warehouse in Mexico, Morton said. Officials found packets being ready to be moved into the United States from the tunnel, which had lighting, ventilation and a rail system to send loads of illegal drugs into California.

    "This is not a mom-and-pop operation. This is obviously the work of a cartel," said Morton, who held a news conference outside the warehouse in an industrial park near the Otay Mesa truck crossing, across from Tijuana.

    Officials said the seizure was the largest ever in California and was believed to be the second-largest in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents seized 33 tons of marijuana in Oregon in 2008, DEA special agent Ralph W. Partridge said.

    McDonald's Happy Meals May Become UnHappy Meals In San Francisco

    In another significant vote on the health front Tuesday, San Francisco's Board of Supervisors took a big step toward an ordinance against restaurants handing out toys as part of junky kids' meals.

    Can you say McDonald's Happy Meal? We thought you could.

    In an 8-3 vote, the board passed a preliminary version of a new rule that forbids toy freebies with meals that don't meet minimum nutritional standards.

    "This is a challenge to the restaurant industry to think about children's health first and join the wide range of local restaurants that have already made this commitment," Supervisor Eric Mar, who introduced the legislation, said in a statement.

    How high is the bar? Not as high as you might think.

    Here's the lowdown on what kind of meal would qualify.

  • Calories: Less than 600
  • Sodium: Less than 640 milligram.
  • Fat: Less than 35 percent of calories from fat; Less than 10 percent from saturated fat (with exception for nuts, seeds, eggs or low-fat cheese).

  • Meals would also have to offer fruit or vegetables.

    Mayor Gavin Newsom has said he would veto the ordinance. But if a final vote, expected next week, goes like this one, it would be veto-proof.

    McDonald's is unhappy. "We are extremely disappointed with this decision," company spokeswoman Danya Proud said in a statement. "It's not what our customers want, nor is it something they asked for."

    The fast-food chain says research shows the proposal is "unrealistic" because kids aren't likely to eat the sorts of meals stipulated by the ordinance.

    Flea-Control Chemicals Can Be Harmful To More Than Just Pets

    Fleas are obnoxious and if you've seen your pet scratching a lot or, worse yet, are bitten yourself, you know how itchy and uncomfortable the jumpy little insects can be. But when it comes to treatment, rather than use chemicals, your first moves should be to keep your pet indoors and vacuum and comb to sweep up fleas and eggs. Flea collars and sprays may seem like an easy solution, but they often contain chemicals that can harm your pets, your children and you.

    Many flea and tick formulations are safe when used as directed, but two alarmingly toxic chemicals are found in some products. Called tetrachlorvinphos and propoxur these chemicals are potentially harmful to pets and their humans at the levels found in today's flea collars. The humans at greatest risk from these chemicals are young children, especially toddlers who spend a lot of time hugging, stroking, and sleeping with their pets.

    Tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP) is used in flea and tick collars, powders, and sprays, while propoxur is found only in the collars. Both chemicals are in products marketed for cats and dogs. Flea collars release the chThese chemicals kill by jamming communications between nerve cells in insects. On the most basic level, however, we humans are not all that different from insects. Our human nervous system (and our pets' nervous systems) utilize the same nerve cell messaging system as the insect's, so TCVP and propoxur can harm not only insects but our pets and us. In high doses, these chemicals can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, wheezing, sweating and tearing eyes. More severe poisoning can cause muscle twitching, drooling, seizures and death. Over the past decade, the Humane Society of the United States has received hundreds of complaints of pets experiencing severe reactions or death from flea collars.
    Although the amounts in the residue left by flea collars are smaller than the doses that cause acute human symptoms, both TCVP and propoxur may cause long-term health consequences. Propoxur is known to cause cancer in humans, according to the State of California. TCVP is classified by the US EPA as a possible human carcinogen.

    TCVP and other chemicals in the family known as organophosphates are also suspected of being linked to neurodevelopmental problems including impulsivity, hyperactivity and learning disabilities in children. A study published in June in the journal Pediatrics found that children with higher exposure to TCVP-like chemicals were more likely to be diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), although more research needs to be done to see if the association is causal.

    Young children are most at risk, because they spend the most time at pets-eye view, playing on floors and putting their hands in their mouths. Children also have developing neurological systems that may be more vulnerable to toxic chemicals. Through pet collars, children are being exposed to levels of tetrachlorvinphos and propoxur that exceed the US EPA's acceptable levels, according to an NRDC study published in 2009. The study found that after three days, 100 percent of pets wearing a propoxur flea collar and 50 percent of pets wearing a tetrachlorvinphos collar had enough chemical on their fur to exceed the EPA's acceptable dose level for toddlers.

    The EPA's acceptable dose is based on the toxicity of the chemical and the safety of the use of a particular product is determined by comparing the expected amount of exposure to the acceptable dose. In the case of flea collar chemicals, the EPA assumes that a typical child spends about two hours per day with his or her pet. But many children spend eight or more hours a day with their pets (including when sleeping), and many children have more than one pet, so a child's exposure can be higher than EPA models predict. Many consumers assume that whatever is on store shelves must be 100 percent safe for use around pets and children. But both these chemicals have significant health risks. Though still allowed for use in flea collars, propoxur has been banned for use in homes for other pests, although the State of Ohio last year asked EPA to approve it for residential use to treat bed bugs. The EPA denied the request in June, citing the unacceptable risk to children.

    What you can do:

    Start with chemical-free methods and use chemical treatments only when necessary.

    Wash pet bedding (and your bedding, too, if your pet sleeps with you) in hot, soapy water.

    Vacuum often to remove flea eggs, and replace the vacuum bag frequently.

    Comb your pet daily with a fine-toothed flea comb. Dispose of any fleas you find.

    If needed, try products made with essential oils of lemongrass, cedarwood, peppermint, rosemary or thyme.

    If you are getting a new cat, keep it indoors so that fleas and ticks will not be a problem.

    If non-chemical methods haven't worked, look for lower risk products. Check the label to make sure the product does not contain tetrachlorvinphos or propoxur or any of the other high risk chemicals. Make sure the product is suitable for your pet and follow the instructions carefully. The safest options, according to NRDC, are pill-based flea treatments.

    Visit NRDC's for a comprehensive list of brand-name products with their chemical ingredients and more information about health risks from pesticides. ___ For better health and sustainable living tips, articles and how-tos, visit NRDC SimpleSteps at:

    White House Ups Ante With Iran - Tries To Save Woman From Hanging

    Written by, Eleanor Clift
    I'm sure the Obama administration will insist that the fuel deal they are attempting to revive with Iran has nothing to do with the White House's strongly worded rebuke of the government of Iran's intention to move forward with the execution by hanging of a 43-year-old woman charged with adultery.

    The favored diplomatic term is "two-tracking," but it's pretty clear that Iran's treatment of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has made her a pawn in the much bigger geopolitical fight between Iran and the West. The White House press release went out on Election Day amidst fears by human rights groups that the execution was set to take place the following day. Instead, Ashtiani is reported in "perfect health" and being held at the Tabiz prison, according to a justice official quoted by the official Irna news agency.

    Iranian officials have their own version of two-tracking. They claim to not pay attention to critics of the severe sentence, saying the execution has been delayed, not cancelled. Yet they condemn the West for "trying to use this ordinary case as a pressure against our nation" in the words of foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast. If that's what the West is doing, so far it's succeeding if success is defined by every day that Ashtiani remains alive.

    She first came to the attention of human rights groups when her stoning sentence for adultery was upheld by Iran's Supreme Court in 2007. Since then, in an apparent concession to modernity, the Iranians have altered the sentence to death by hanging, which in their culture is a gesture to show mercy.

    The White House statement points to "the lack of transparency and due process" in the case, euphemisms that hardly convey the extent of the Iranian government's actions, which include arresting Ashtiani's lawyer and her adult son, who has been working to try to free his mother.
    In the meantime, the Obama administration together with its European allies is trying to entice Tehran into an arrangement where it would send a portion of its nuclear fuel out of the country for processing in exchange for lifting economic sanctions imposed by the West to hinder Iran's development of a nuclear bomb. A similar deal was proposed last year and rejected by Iran's supreme leader, but the administration thinks Tehran might now be ready to accept the restrictions because the latest round of sanctions are having a stronger impact than before on the Iranian economy.

    The fact that the White House waded into the controversy over Ashtiani and the government's imposition of Sharia law at a sensitive time in the ongoing negotiations suggests a bigger agenda at play in both capitals. Tehran, by backing off from what the U.S. and its European allies consider unacceptable behavior, could gain a measure of trust as it proceeds with talks that would allow it to continue its nuclear program for peaceful purposes without the burden of economic sanctions that have begun to cripple the government. If Ashtiani is a pawn in this global game, it at least keeps her alive, although in what conditions one can only imagine.

    Wal-Mart To Begin Carrying Virginia Grown Produce

    Virginia farmers will see an opportunity to improve their incomes under Wal-Mart Stores' plan to have more locally grown food in its U.S. stores.

    Wal-Mart announced this month it hopes to double its sales of locally sourced produce in the U.S. by the end of 2015. Its goals is to have 9 percent of its produce come from local farms.
    Tony Banks, a commodity marketing specialist for Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, says farmers should be aware that greater returns are possible from the increased demand.

    Some Wal-Mart stores in the state already carry Virginia peanuts and other local foods.