Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The American Seniors Association (ASA) a better alternative

As posted yesterday AARP has lost over 60,000 members and counting. Now the ASA has jumped on board and taking advantage of the loss of members by the AARP by offering perks to new members one of the attraction is mail them your torn AARP card and receive a 2 year- for- 1 year membership with ASA.

From the ASA website:

The American Seniors Association (ASA) invites any American Association of Retired Persons member to mail us your torn AARP card and receive a 2 year- for- 1 year membership with ASA. Our organization representing hundreds of thousands of members believes we need health care reform, but we want what is best for seniors. ASA wants to cut wasteful spending in Medicare. ASA wants to see the Congress work to curb frivolous lawsuits that drive up the costs of doctor’s malpractice insurance. Our system needs an overhaul, but we do not need expensive Obamacare or anything resembling it.

ASA is looking out for seniors by fighting a health care reform bill that will cost upward of $1.8 trillion over the next 10 years and cuts in Medicare of $500 billion. ASA wants seniors to live longer, more fulfilling years of life-- not an “end of life” continuum that this bill suggests.

So please mail ASA your torn AARP card and/or visit our website and ensure your voice is heard.

American Seniors Association, 3700 Mansell Road,Suite 220, Alpharetta, GA 30022


“President Obama must think the American people are idiots if he thinks the healthcare rationing, restrictions and regulations being debated in Congress will save money and result in better preventative medicine,” says Stuart Barton, president of the Atlanta-based that represents hundreds of thousands of members nationwide.

“The president told the AARP meeting that opponents are “making people scared.” ”Well, they ought to be scared at current proposals,” Barton said. “The Congressional Budget Office estimates the plan’s cost over 10 years would be $1.2 to $1.8 trillion. That’s absurd in a recession, let alone good times.”

The ASA has three major concerns: 1) a government-run plan would limit patient- doctor choice 2) there would be an employer mandate that would kill jobs and lower wages and 3) the current legislation being debated attacks baby boomer and seniors by cutting $500 billion out of Medicare over the next 10 years.

“On page 425 of the bill, a person must go to counseling every five years to basically learn how to die,” Barton says. “As I read this and hear about no preventative care, it dawned on me that Obama’s plan is to let all these baby boomers die quicker so we don’t have to care for them in old age.”

For more information or to become a ASA member visit their website @

Cindy Sheehan Targets Obama's Vacation

Sheeeee's Baaaaack.

It wouldn't be an official presidential summer vacation without her. Cindy Sheehan is going to follow President Barack Obama to Martha's Vineyard.
The "peace mom," who famously protested the Iraq war by camping out near President George W. Bush's Texas ranch during his vacations, plans to arrive on the island Aug. 25 -- two days after the first family gets there. Sheehan's son was killed in Iraq five years ago. A statement on Sheehan's blog says she and "other like-minded peace activists" want to remind Obama "the body bags aren't taking a vacation."
The Washington Examiner's Byron York gives Sheehan credit for consistency, but thinks "her days are over." He says the anti-war forces that rallied around her when Bush was in office have fallen silent and moved on.
Sheehan and the Obamas will find the Massachusetts resort all decked out for the presidential visit. The New York Times notes they could chill out with an "Obamarita" at Sharkey's Cantina or shop for T-shirts bearing slogans such as "Barackin' the Vineyard."
While the president's vacation will give a boost to the island's economy, one columnist is urging Obama to opt for a "stay-cation." Tracie Powell writes on CQ Politics that with health care reform hanging in the balance, it would be better for Obama to stay home -- even if it's just for the sake of "good public relations."

Church Boobs

There was this small church down in Texas that had a very big-busted
Organist. Her breasts were so huge that they bounced and jiggled while she
Played the organ. Unfortunately, she distracted the congregation

The very proper church ladies were appalled. They said something had to be
Done about this or they would have to get another Organist.

So, one of the ladies approached her very discreetly and told her to
'Mash up some green Persimmons and rub them on the nipples of her breasts
And maybe they would shrink in size, but warned her not to eat any of the
Green Persimmons, though, 'because they are so sour they will make your mouth
Pucker up and you won't be able to talk properly for a while'.

She agreed to try it.

The following Sunday morning the minister got up in the pulpit and said....

'Dew to thircumsthanthis bewond my contwol, we will not hath a thermon

Mermaid Sighting

Mermaid sighting
reported in Israel

Is it real, or just a hoax?
Published : Tuesday, 18 Aug 2009, 9:50 AM EDT

The Southwest has UFOs. Scotland has the Loch Ness Monster. Now Israel has a mermaid?

LiveScience reports that locals and tourists are flocking to the town of Kiryat Yam hoping to catch a glimpse of a mermaid who has been spotted doing a few tricks and disappearing into the water.

According to Schlomo Cohen, one of the first people to see the mermaid, "I was with friends when suddenly we saw a woman laying on the sand in a weird way. At first I thought she was just another sunbather, but when we approached she jumped into the water and disappeared. We were all in shock because we saw she had a tail."

Kiryat Yam is now offering $1 million to the first person to snap a photograph of the reported mermaid. "I believe if there really is a mermaid then so many people will come to Kiryat Yam, a lot more money will be made than $1 million," town spokesman Natti Zilberman said.

Even if the mermaid ends up being a hoax, the town will be able to save the $1 million and continue to see a jump in tourism.

Mermaids are believed to be mythological creatures that have a human head and torso and the tail of a fish. Throughout history, they are said to have charmed people, often distracting them and causing them to walk off their ship decks or run ships aground. Other mermaids are said to have squeezed men to death while attempting to rescue them.

One of the earliest mermaid hoaxes involved showman P.T. Barnum and his "FeeJee Mermaid." The creature, which was displayed in his museum, was actually a taxidermy fake -- the head and torso of a small monkey were grafted onto the body and tail of a fish.

I guess this confirms that you never know what you may find on the beach!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Help Find Missing Mother Christine Sheddy

The Mother of 3 young children Christine Sheddy that seamed to just vanish without a trace on November 12th 2007 from a farmhouse @ 2911 Byrd Rd in Pocomoke city Maryland has finally gained national attention after being all but swept under the rug by local authorities.

I have no doubts now that this case will be solved and and those that were at the Farmhouse on that faithful night will be brought to justice, I surely would not want to be the last to talk with BLINK on their tail.

The pouring in of information and attention from BLINKONCRIME and the SCARED MONKEYS forum will surely bring too light those that are involved AND those that dropped the ball early on in this case gone cold.

If any of the players get wind of what's happening, now is the time to come forward before you take all the heat and do time that you might not deserve because the others rat you out first. Do the right thing and turn yourself in today and make a deal. Or remember the one important rule... "don't drop the soap" because you know your buddys are going to sing like a ... well... like a jailbird.

Christine's family deserves closure NOT the remarks of deflamating authorities that said things like "she's a sponge on society" or "it's not worth my time" (you know who you are)

Soooo... to all those involved, read this very closely... now that there is BLINKONCRIME and SCAREDMONKEYS on this case and countless blogs that reach millions of people it's no longer a matter of what, where, and how, or who you know... it's only a matter of when. This cold case is now boiling HOT.

For those that would like to refresh your memories, or those that want to get on board with helping find Christine please visit;




For a search of all the blogs and forums that are closely following this case I have taken the liberty to find the search words that give the most results.

Click HERE to begin or HERE to begin you own custom search.

Leftist Organization AARP Loses 60,000 Members Over Obamacare

60,000 Americans have cancelled their AARP memberships over the leftist organization's support of Obamacare.
CBS News reported:

CBS News has learned that up to 60,000 people have cancelled their AARP memberships since July 1, angered over the group's position on health care.

Elaine Guardiani has been with AARP for 14 years, and said, "I'm extremely disappointed in AARP."

Retired nurse Dale Anderson has 12 years with AARP and said, "I don't wanna be connected with AARP."

Many are switching to the American Seniors Association, a group that calls itself the conservative alternative as CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports.
USA Today has more.

John Hawkins adds,

"No wonder people are leaving the AARP. They're backing a plan that would ration tens of 1000s of their members to death."

Howard Dean: Republicans Want to Kill the President

Talk about projection...
For years the Left fantasized about Bush's assassination. They even made a movie about it.

Today Radio Equalizer posted audio of Democratic leader Howard Dean suggesting that Republican Senators want to kill Barack Obama:

Here's the transcipt of Howard Dean on the Stephanie Miller Show today:

HOWARD DEAN: At the end of the day, I think we will. First of all, the president is a very smart guy and he knows very well this can’t work without a public option. Secondly, you know he’s run into a rough patch in the Senate, mostly because of Democrats, honestly.

The Republicans, they have no interest in this Bill. They’re using the 1994 playbook. Let’s kill the bill and kill the president...... or, kill the president’s term. Although there are sort of angry people out there I get very nervous about this stuff. I don’t like it at all... I’m an optimist. I think the president is gonna get a bill on his desk. I think it is going to have a public option in it. He’s going to sign it in December, his numbers are gonna turn around and we’re not going to lose a lot of seats. In fact I think we’ll pick up seats in the Senate and lose just a couple of seats in the House.


Liberals "Tired of Compromise" ...Ready to Ram Obamacare Down America's Throat


-- They created the Stimulus Bill behind closed doors and passed the bill without any Republican votes in the House.
-- They created the Cap & Tax Bill behind closed doors and passed the bill with 8 Republican votes in the House.
-- They created Obamacare behind closed doors, bussed in their Far Left supporters to town hall meetings and now they are ready to ram it down America's throat, too!

Analysis: Liberals tired of health care compromise

Frustrated liberals have a question for President Barack Obama and Democratic lawmakers: Isn't it time the other guys gave a little ground on health care? What's the point of a bipartisan bill, they ask, if we're making all the concessions?

A case in point:

Sen. Charles Grassley, a key Republican negotiator on health care, was on a winning streak as Congress recessed for August, having wrung important concessions from Democrats, including an agreement not to tax employer-provided health insurance and a limit to demands on drug companies.

How did Grassley reciprocate? With an attack that struck Democrats as stunning and baseless. Grassley told an Iowa crowd he would not support a plan that "determines when you're going to pull the plug on Grandma." The remark echoed conservative activists who wrongly claim a House health care bill would require Medicare recipients to discuss their end-of-life plans with doctors.

For liberals supporting far-reaching changes to the nation's health care system, it was another sign that months of negotiations have been a one-way street. It's time to move on without Republicans, they say.

On Tuesday, liberals were fuming over Obama's recent remarks suggesting he might also yield on the federally run insurance option he's been promoting. Many saw it as a huge concession that could leave them with nothing more than watered-down insurance cooperatives.
Get ready America.
Open wide.
Here comes Obamacare.


Town Creek Weed Farm Busted

LEONARDTOWN, Md. (Oct. 9, 2008) -- Robert Oscar Newland, a 22 year-old California, Md. man was arrested and charged Thursday after police found more than 100 marijuana plants and a Glock 40 caliber handgun in his home off of Town Creek Drive.

Police say they obtained a search and seizure warrant for the residence after an investigation led them to Newland.

Police say that once inside Newland's home they found an "extensive marijuana grow" which contained plants in various states of cultivation. Police value the plants and the grow equipment at more than $120,000.

The raid was executed by vice narcotics detectives from the Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI), assisted by the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office Emergency Services Team.

Police say additional charges against Newland are pending a State's Attorney's Office review.

Armey: We're Marching on Washington Against Obamacare

Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey is organizing a march on Washington against the Obama administration’s healthcare plan that he hopes will finally finish off the Democratic push for socialized medicine.

The march, organized by Armey’s political group FreedomWorks, is scheduled for Sept. 12 and is already generating hundreds of thousands of responses, the Texas Republican tells Newsmax.TV. The group isn’t providing transportation, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem.

See Video: Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey talks about the movement to defeat Obamacare - Click Here Now

“We had a guy the other day from Indiana that said, ‘I want to get there.’ When we explained that we don’t bus people into these things, he said, ‘No, a bunch of us are getting together and renting our own bus. We’re all coming,’” Armey told Newsmax.TV’s Ashley Martella.

“The fact is they want their voices to be heard and they are looking at a venue in which they can express it.”

Armey also told Newsmax that:

  • the agenda of Obama and the liberal leadership of Congress offers the GOP ample opportunity to take back control of the House and build ranks in the Senate in 2010.
  • Because lawmakers continually fear the charge of doing nothing, they can easily be stampeded by mass movements into crafting bad laws that can take years to fix.
  • the Democrat Party continually underestimates the public’s essential desire to be free to run their own healthcare.
  • the resistance to ObamaCare is similar to that of HillaryCare, in which voters revolted against Hillary Clinton’s attempt at healthcare reform in 1993-94.
  • The Democratic playbook is based very much on the teachings of former Obama mentor and radical organizer Saul Alinsky, who stressed that a movement must first create the impression of a crisis, then show the nation how big government and only big government alone has the solution to that crisis.

    “The public at large is dealing with the same mass of hostile takeover of the ‘heartfelt sector’ of the economy –– my personal healthcare, Armey said. “They [the government] want to take it over and they want to run it, and that is scary to the public at large.”

  • To read the rest of the story CLICK HERE

    Canada's Socialized Medicine Approaches Collapse

    As the Dems dig themselves into a hole by attempting to impose Canadian-style socialized medicine on America, Canadians are trying to dig themselves out of the hole government control of healthcare has left them in.

    The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association says this country's health-care system is sick and doctors need to develop a plan to cure it.
    Dr. Anne Doig says patients are getting less than optimal care and she adds that physicians from across the country - who will gather in Saskatoon on Sunday for their annual meeting - recognize that changes must be made.
    "We all agree that the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize," Doing said in an interview with The Canadian Press. …
    "(Canadians) have to understand that the system that we have right now - if it keeps on going without change - is not sustainable," said Doig.

    The good news for Canadians is at least they are moving — if far too slowly — in the direction of freedom and efficiency:

    The pitch for change at the conference is to start with a presentation from Dr. Robert Ouellet, the current president of the CMA, who has said there's a critical need to make Canada's health-care system patient-centred. … Ouellet has been saying … "that competition should be welcomed, not feared."
    In other words, Ouellet believes there could be a role for private health-care delivery within the public system.

    Meanwhile, Comrade Obama continues his attempts to impose a type of healthcare system that all informed people know does not work, confirming that this is about expanding government power, not providing healthcare.

    It's about one thing: government control.

    A Rachael Maddows look-alike?

    They say everyone has a look-alike, I find it ironic that this twinkle-toes looks like Rachael Madcow.
    But here's the real story.

    It looks like there's something to this psychic stuff. Fortuneteller June Mitchell of Ocean City, NJ was apparently able to divine that this guy is a homosexual:

    The rump ranger (sorry) above is Jamie Cohen, a visitor from Los Angeles. When a tarot card reading revealed that Mitchell didn't think much of his perverted sexual activities, Cohen stormed out without paying.

    Cohen whimpered afterward:

    I just wanted to go home to Los Angeles after that. I wanted to crawl up in a ball with my boyfriend and not move.
    He took his revenge by demanding that local business owners sign a petition endorsing his repugnant proclivities. But when he presented the petition at City Hall, for some reason no one wanted to touch it.

    Tech: Buy Carbon Indulgences Directly From Trees

    Attention moonbats who buy carbon offsets: Why let exploitative middlemen like Al Gore come between you and the trees you hug? Use the new ATREEM instead:
    Designer Nitipak Samsen has designed the Automated Tree-Rental for Emission Encaging Machine (ATREEM), which essentially allows you to purchase carbon credits from a tree. The gadget measures the growth of a tree, translating into how much carbon dioxide the tree has absorbed. The gadget is designed to highlight just how long it takes for our carbon dioxide emissions to be reabsorbed.
    The device is more about awareness than being a practical method for charging people for their carbon dioxide emissions. However, the gadget is capable of charging credit cards using its swipe-card interface.

    Fools and their money are soon parted. Not even trees can refrain from ripping them off.

    Girl talks of cliff plunge escape

    An 11-year-old girl who jumped out of a car moments before it rolled down a sheer cliff face and crashed on rocks below says she is lucky to be alive.


    Paige Dean escaped from the car which was rolling out of control down a 250ft (76m) hill just seconds before it went over the edge at Benllech, Anglesey.

    The schoolgirl had been sitting in the car listening to music when she accidentally knocked off the handbrake.

    Paige, from Kinmel Bay, Denbighshire, said: "I have never been so scared."

    Paige, who was later treated for shock, was on holiday with her grandparents at the Golden Sunset caravan park.

    Car at the bottom of cliffs
    I thought 'I've got to get out' and I jumped out and saw the car fall off the cliff
    Paige Dean

    She was listening to music in the car when she accidentally knocked off the brake and despite frantic attempts, she could not pull it back up.

    The car started rolling towards the edge of the cliff, gaining momentum.

    It ran over two unoccupied tents as it neared the edge.

    With moments to spare, Paige managed to open the car door and fling herself to safety.

    "I dropped my phone down the side of the car and when I reached over to get it I accidentally knocked the brake off," she explained.

    "I was rolling towards the edge of the cliff and I was petrified.

    "I thought 'I've got to get out' and I jumped out and saw the car fall off the cliff.

    "I definitely would have died. I have never been so scared."

    Her grandmother Marie Dean, who looks after Paige and her brother Cameron, seven, saw the incident.

    "I could not believe what was happening. I ran after the car and I saw her jump out. But my husband Billy didn't realise and shouted 'she's gone'," she said.

    Marie and Paige Dean
    Marie Dean spoke of her relief after Paige's lucky escape

    "My whole body went numb and I ran over to Paige and held her as she cried.

    "God was looking down on us," she said.

    Dave Massey, a paramedic and RNLI volunteer in Moelfre, was one of the first on the scene on Saturday at 1615 BST.

    "It is a miracle she survived and that she had the presence of mind to jump out at the last second.

    "There is no doubt that she would never have survived that fall," he said.

    The vehicle plummeted down the sheer drop and crashed into rocks before being submerged in water.

    Paige was taken to Ysbyty Gwynedd hospital in Bangor by ambulance and had treatment for shock.

    Mrs Dean said she was now on the lookout for a new car, and the police were recovering hers from the sea on Sunday.

    PCPD request citizens to be aware of any suspicious activity in your neighborhood due to 2 reported burglaries today.

    Pocomoke City Police request citizens to be alert for any unusual activity in their neighborhoods. If you see anyone in a neighbors backyard that you do not recognize, call 911 or Pocomoke Police at 410-957-1600. There have been (2) daytime burglaries reported today 08-18-09. Subjects have been entering thru a rear door or window. Police encourage you to make sure all homes and vehicles are locked to deter the suspects. If anyone is aware of any information regarding these burglaries please contact the Pocomoke Police.

    Unused Medications

    Think Twice Before Flushing Meds

    By Susan Hindman
    Hospitals and long-term care facilities in the United States flush millions of pounds of unused pharmaceuticals down the drain each year, which in turn pumps contaminants into America’s drinking water, according to an ongoing Associated Press investigation. The meds being discarded are expired, spoiled, overprescribed, or unneeded. These actions, AP found, are part of an emerging problem: the presence of minute concentrations of pharmaceuticals in the nation’s drinking water supplies, which may be affecting aquatic species and even human cell growth.

    Although large facilities handle the more powerful and toxic drugs, people at home need to be aware of the most environmentally sensitive way to discard their own medications. Dumping them down the sink or toilet is no longer a good idea. In February, the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) issued guidelines—since embraced by the federal government as well—that recommend against doing this. Instead, consumers, doctors, and pharmacies are being urged to dispose of most drugs in the household garbage.

    APhA offer these guidelines for disposing of unused medications in the trash:

    • Pour liquid medication into a sealable plastic bag. If the medication is a solid (pill, liquid capsule, etc.), crush it or add water to dissolve it.
    • Add kitty litter, sawdust, coffee grounds—or any material that mixes with the medication and makes it less appealing for pets and children to eat—to the plastic bag. Seal the bag and put it in the household trash, out of the reach of children and pets.
    • Remove and destroy all identifying personal information on the prescription label before recycling the containers or throwing them away.
    Another option is to check for approved state and local collection alternatives such as community-based household hazardous waste collection programs. In certain states, you may be able to take your unused medications to your pharmacy or other location for disposal. Consult your pharmacist with any questions.

    Earlier this year, APhA joined forces with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America to launch the SMARxT Disposal campaign. The campaign seeks to educate consumers about the environmental impact of improperly disposed medications. Click here for more information about the SMARxT Disposal campaign.

    A Simpler Time

    Back in the Day . . .

    A simpler time

    By Silver Planet Staff
    What some might call the “old days” are pleasant memories for lots of us. How many of these do you remember?

    • All the girls had ugly gym clothes.
    • It took five minutes for the TV to warm up.
    • Nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got home from school.
    • Nobody owned a purebred dog.
    • A quarter a week was a good allowance.
    • You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny.
    • Your mom wore nylons that came in two pieces.
    • All your male teachers wore neckties, and the female teachers had their hair done every day and wore high heels.
    • You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, all free, every time. You didn't pay for air, and you got trading stamps.
    • Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes, or towels hidden inside the box.
    • It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents.
    • Schools threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed—and they did.
    • A ’57 Chevy was everyone's dream car.
    • No one ever asked where the car keys were because they were always in the car ignition and the doors were never locked.
    • Kids played baseball with no adults around to “help” with the rules of the game.
    • Stuff from the store came without safety caps and hermetic seals because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger.
    • Being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited you at home.
    • Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, Laurel and Hardy, Howdy Doody and the Peanut Gallery, the Lone Ranger, the Shadow, Nellie Bell, Roy and Dale, Trigger, and Buttermilk were popular.
    • Summers were filled with bike rides, baseball games, Hula Hoops, bowling, swimming, and eating Kool-Aid powder with sugar.
    With all our progress, don't you wish, just once, you could slip back in time and savor the slower pace, and share it with the children of today?

    Monday, August 17, 2009

    Silencing Talk Radio in the Name of Diversity

    The Orwellian Fairness Doctrine is behind us for good; too many realize that stifling political dissent on the airwaves is anything but fair. But that doesn't mean our moonbat rulers have suddenly acquired respect for freedom of speech . As with many of our liberties, the First Amendment will now be attacked under the banner of diversity:

    Mark Lloyd, newly appointed Chief Diversity Officer of the Federal Communications Commission, has called for making private pay licensing fees equal to their total operating costs to allow public broadcasting outlets to spend the same on their operations as the private companies do.

    You don't have to re-read that, you got it right the first time, private companies WILL be paying for the (liberal) air time of public broadcasting.

    Private companies need to make profits. Therefore they will carry programming people want to hear: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc. In addition to economically breaking the kneecaps of these companies, Lloyd wants to funnel their money into public broadcasting, which is financed coercively and therefore couldn't care less what people want to hear.

    Like all liberal bureaucrats, Lloyd is as authoritarian as he is greedy:

    "Federal and regional broadcast operations and local stations should be funded at levels commensurate with or above those spending levels at which commercial operations are funded," Lloyd wrote. "This funding should come from license fees charged to commercial broadcasters. Funding should not come from congressional appropriations. Sponsorship should be prohibited at all public broadcasters."
    Along with this money, Lloyd would regulate much of the programming on these stations to make sure they focused on "diverse views" and government activities.

    "Diverse views" refers to the entire spectrum from left-wing propaganda to more left-wing propaganda. How many El Rushbos has NPR produced?

    In addition to "diversity," tyrannical bureaucrats will also use "localism" to stifle speech that undermines their rule.

    "Local public broadcasters and regional and national communications operations should be required to encourage and broadcast diverse views and programs," wrote Lloyd. "These programs should include coverage of all local, state and federal government meetings, as well as daily news and public issues programming."

    Don't live in South Florida? Then Rush isn't local. You get to listen to the local water board meeting instead.

    Lloyd also believes in diversity of ownership, which would mean denying broadcast licenses to Caucasians based on their race.

    Once we allow government to become massively too large, it's only a matter of time before the wrong people get behind the wheel and steer our republic over the cliff into totalitarianism. This is happening before our eyes.

    Rep. Gene Green: ID for Town Halls, Not for Voting

    Incredible: Arrogant Congresscommie Gene Green (D-TX) opposes requiring an ID to vote. This actually makes sense, because the votes of illegal aliens and cheaters who vote multiple times will be for Democrats with few if any exceptions.

    His town hall meetings, on the other hand, do require ID:

    This probably makes sense too, from the point of view of a statist who would like to intimidate constituents who might oppose federal power grabs from showing up at town hall meetings to voice opposition.

    What doesn't make sense is why the people of Texas would vote for a clown who so openly despises them. I doubt they'll be repeating the mistake in Green's case.


    Obama Wants You to Work For Your Own Tax Money

    The leftist Messiah is hiring and paying people to protest against the majority with their own money. I mean it's obvious that anyone that can do this is NOT working or they'd be at work. How ironic is it that hussein is paying people to protest the protesters and of course only the protesters that are against obamacare.

    If these folks are not employed they are obviously living off your tax dollars in some way shape or form be that welfare, unemployment, or SSI. How do you like paying these folks twice while they get everything free?

    Astroturf Is Cheap But Not Free

    Out of work? No problem, Comrade Obama et al. are hiring. The pay is probably about the same as McDonald's, but you get the added satisfaction of helping to create the impression that Dear Leader has public support for his radical agenda.

    As an added benefit, any taxes you pay will probably come back to you in future paychecks.


    Kennedy Health Care Reform Bill Released -- Help Us Read Through It

    Dropping in at 615 pages is the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee's attempt to fix the broken health care system. The HELP Committee is chaired by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.). The second-ranking Democrat, Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, had a large hand in drafting the bill as well, given Kennedy's absence from the committee while he battles brain cancer.

    If you want to help read through the committee's offering, sign up here to be part of the research team!

    The bill can be read here. A HELP Committee aide cautioned that the bill is not in its final form and that part of the reason for filing it is to meet a committee rule that requires a bill to be filed seven days before a vote can be held.

    Committee Democrats will be meeting with their Republican counterparts Wednesday and Thursday to hash out the bill's details.

    "On the legislation we'll introduce later today, there are some gaps in it and done so intentionally," said Dodd at a press conference earlier Tuesday. "There are no gaps in our determination, in my determination and that of my colleagues to have a public option, to have something done with the pay or play and deal with the follow on biologics. But I left those areas open for discussion, not because they're open for some sort of decision about whether or not we ought to move in that direction. But I want my Republican colleagues to know, I want their ideas, I want to hear what they have to say. This is a bill, it's an opening step."

    Kennedy's bill will get its first hearing on Thursday and is scheduled for a committee vote on Tuesday, June 16th.

    Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said Tuesday that a committee vote on a health care bill could come as early as the week after next. The battle over the future of health care in America now enters a span of several months as important as any in a generation.

    Below is a statement released by Kennedy and further down is the health care bill itself.

    For the past year, Chairman Edward M. Kennedy and Democratic Members and staff of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) have been working to develop legislation that reduces health care costs, allows Americans to keep the coverage they have if they want it, and makes health insurance affordable to those who do not have it today.

    Read More HERE

    Sunday, August 16, 2009

    Missing mother Christine Sheddy Radio Interview with

    If you missed the interview hosted by here it is.

    Part I

    Part II

    Part III

    visit and for all the updates on missing Christine Sheddy

    If you have information that you think may help solve and/or find Christine Sheddy please contact BLINKONCRIME and SCAREDMONKEYS by clicking on their names here or at the right side of the page posted under "LINKS"

    Dem Congresscreep Baron Hill Calls Patriots "Political Terrorists"

    I wish this blog had more exposure right now, these politicians need to be seen.

    Would you compare raising objections to the federal seizure of the healthcare industry to flying airliners full of innocent people into skyscrapers full of more innocent people? Rep. Baron Hill (D-IN) would:

    If southern Indiana doesn't know enough to vote this baron out of the castle in 2010, America truly is going to hell in a handbasket.


    Saturday, August 15, 2009


    Disregard this post it's fake.
    I may be way out in 'right' field but I wont let a post with blatant known lie remain without retraction. After finding the actual ABC clip Obama did not say what is posted below.
    Although asked the question he danced around it like any politician.








    New welfare fraud scheme going on in Rochester, NY

    This is now being reported as a nation wide problem!!!

    Your stimulus dollars at work:

    You, federal taxpayers, and George Soros (LOL!) were ripped off.

    I’m actually not sure you can call this fraud when every welfare recipient (with children) in Rochester received $200 extra (per child!) this month ostensibly for school supplies with no strings attached. Big surprise! Many went on wild shopping binges as wealth is redistributed.

    (Rochester, N.Y.) – Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks said the state school supply grants handed out to New York State food stamp and welfare recipients are not being used as intended by many families. She said the program has “widespread, rampant abuse.”

    “There were better ways–You don’t have to support families to buy school supplies by giving them cash,” she said.

    Brooks said the county has been overwhelmed by reports, some of them from store owners, of people using the money to buy TVs and other luxury items.

    “We actually received a telephone call from WalMart on Hudson Avenue suggesting that there was welfare fraud, and indicating they were going to call the FBI because people were going in and buying X-boxes, Wii systems, flat-screen television sets,” said Kelly reed, the county’s commissioner of social services. “Wegmans has indicated people are buying tickets to Darien Lake.”

    The $200 per child grants showed up in welfare accounts this week. Many recipients had no idea the money was coming, and flooded area stores and ATMs.

    The money is a combination of $140 million in federal stimulus funds and a $35 million donation from philanthropist George Soros. About $6.5 million went to more than 32,400 children in Rochester. Critics have said the program invited waste and abuse, because there are no strings attached to the grant money.

    Actually I have been wondering if Soros (who surely helped collapse the economy last fall) is out trying to prop up the economy now because they have to be getting desperate to show that Obama’s stimulus plan is working. This article answers my question.

    Cash for flat screens! New welfare fraud scheme going on in Rochester, NY « Refugee Resettlement Watch


    Happy Birthday Prank Call Gone Wrong.

    Husband thinks it’d be funny to prank call his wife on her birthday, turns out, not so funny.
    He tricks her into thinking he got fired for having ‘relations’ with his secretary, she’s so mad she spills the beans, Oops!

    Left wing Obama thugs assault a handicapped woman

    A handicapped woman with a walker cries as she tells how union members pushed her out of her seat at a town hall:

    Gee, do you think the state-run media will report on this attack?
    ...Or, will they ignore it like all of the other attacks on conservative town hall protesters?

    UPDATE: American Power found more information on the attack.
    Her name is Kimberly King and she describes it all at The 9-12 Project:

    As we all know things are getting nasty at these town halls and once it happens to you personally it shakes you to the core and the culprits are NOT the crazy right wing mob ... IT'S ACORN/PRO-OBAMA bused in THUGS DOING IT!! ....

    I am disabled. I currently have a ruptured spinal wire from a spinal implant and will be having my SEVENTH surgery since 2001 within the next week. I also have multiple health problems including little use of my left arm from nerve damage and horrible problems walking since the wire ruptured. I am in such pain it's difficult to describe, but being there today was important.

    We arrived at 4:30 pm and the Alhambra police positioned me right down front by the barricade next to the raised dais where the Congressman was to be situated. The town hall was actually to be held at 5pm but didn't begin until 7pm. At 5:30 I needed to go the restroom so my best friend went to help me (I'm in a neckbrace and using a walker) and my husband remained with our seats.

    Upon returning a group of pro-reform women were standing in front of my seat waving their ready made ACORN designed signs. My husband tapped one of them on the shoulder and courteously asked her to move as his wife needed her seat. She ignored him. I said "excuse me" THREE times and she looked at me and said, "You can sit over there where the other handicaps are sitting." (Mind you this was in the hot sun on metal folding chairs and we had brought my own chair. That area was for handicapped and elderly constituents of Mr. Schiff's ...) I told her "I need my chair NOW!" as my arm was giving out and I was about to fall. My husband finally screamed "MOVE!" She and her coven screamed, "NO! WE DON'T HAVE TO MOVE ANYWHERE!" I had no choice but to shove her aside with my walker as I was about to fall and SHE STOMPED MY FOOT! I collapsed in the chair and screamed in pain. She and her friends started screaming "She's LYING! SHE'S LYING! SHE ASSAULTED HER!!"

    Of course other onlookers immediately swept in and backed us having seen her interfere with me getting in my seat and saw her stomp my foot...
    More here.
    Look for the Kimberly to be the next smear target on the Left.

    Obama plant

    Nazi Nancy Pelosi, she was for it before she was against it

    Nancy Pelosi, Ex-Fan of Disruptors
    Not long ago, Nasty Pelousy was tickled pink when constituents disrupted her speeches:

    Now that moonbats have total control of the system, and constituents are putting up resistance to socialism, disruptors are less welcome.

    Don't accuse Granny Botox of inconsistency. She is always 100% opposed to America's best interests. Who could be more consistent?


    Obamas Astroturfers Acorn and Unions run out of town

    The tradition of running scoundrels out of town on a rail has regrettably lapsed, but this comes close — patriots heckle socialist astroturfers as they retreat on their buses with their tails between their legs:


    Friday, August 14, 2009

    A Master Liar on ObamaCare and Medicare

    Liberals love Obama because of his reflexive leftism, his trendy ethnicity, and his name that reminds them of America's worst external enemies. But he does have one other thing going for him: a capacity for telling brazen lies that makes Bill Clinton look like a choirboy. Here he is on the effect of ObamaCare on Medicare:

    You could hook him up to a polygraph, he could tell you that Reverend Wright loves America, and the needle wouldn't even jump.


    Healthcare Rationing under obamacare

    Government involvement in healthcare means political priorities will determine which diseases receive resources. The effect is rationed care:

    At least there's good news for those with AIDS; as a reward for their typical lifestyle, the government will be shoveling even more money at them at the expense of people with less avoidable diseases.


    Glenn Beck with Hanna on Europe's existing socialized health Care

    A Warning From the Land That Made Socialized Medicine Infamous

    British MEP Daniel Hannan's first-hand experience sheds light on why America's worst internal enemies are so adamant about ramming through socialized medicine:

    Abortion Mills Already Scamming Socialized Medicine

    Here is a little foretaste of the massive fraud in store for us if Dems manage to ram ObamaCare through:

    Planned Parenthood of the Inland Northwest required unnecessary office visits by its poorest patients, a practice that led to excessive payments from the taxpayer-financed Medicaid program, according to a recent audit.
    The audit also uncovered troubling billing procedures and problems with unauthorized staff prescribing and dispensing birth control pills, said Doug Porter, Washington's Medicaid director. Medicaid covers the medical bills of poor people throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho.
    The issues amounted to excess Medicaid payments to the clinic totaling $629,143. Interest of 1 percent per month will begin accruing Aug. 20 if the clinic fails to repay the state.
    Over the three years the audit covered, the clinic collected about $7.7 million from Medicaid.

    The baby-killing industry is booming, thanks to your tax dollar. I'm sure the Planned Parenthood folks can't wait until ObamaCare turns a fire hose gushing public money in their direction.


    Cast Your Vote/ Hussein Obama

    I still want to know how Hussein Obama really won the POTUS election, it's clear that not very many approve of him.

    An AT&T/Yahoo poll asks the simple question:

    The president's progress with the battered economy has been both praised and criticized. How well are his efforts measuring up with you?

    Comrade Obama is given a subtle assist, in that the possible answers start with two positive choices, and include only one negative. But it will take more than subtle assists to keep this Titanic from finding its way to the bottom of the sea. The results after 2.5 million votes:



    Democrats, realizing the big success of the President's "Cash For Clunkers" rebate program, have revamped a major portion of the Obama Nationalization - Health Care Plan.

    President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Sen. Reid are expected to make this major announcement at a joint news conference later this week. I have obtained an advanced copy of the proposal which is named....

    "CASH FOR CODGERS" It works like this... Couples wishing to access health care funds in order to pay for the delivery of a child will be required to turn in one old person on the day of delivery. The amount the government grants them will be fixed according to a sliding scale.

    Older and more 'prescription dependent' codgers will garner the highest amounts. Special 'Bonuses' will be paid for those submitting codgers in targeted groups, such as smokers, alcohol drinkers, persons 10 pounds over their government prescribed weight, and any member of the Republican Party.

    Smaller bonuses will be given for codgers who consume beef, soda, fried foods, potato chips, lattes, whole milk, dairy products, bacon, Brussels sprouts, cheese, or Girl Scout Cookies.

    All codgers will be rendered totally useless via a toxic injection - similar to that given to the engines of the 'clunker' trade ins. This will insure that they, like the vehicle 'clunkers', are not secretly resold (traded in) or their body parts harvested to keep other codgers in repair and among society.

    Maybe We can create an organization and rent ourselves out for trade-in . . .

    Wallops Rocket Launch Next Week

    Wallops Flight Facility plans to launch a Black Brant IX sounding rocket next week. The suborbital launch is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 17, with the launch window from 7 to 11 a.m. Backup days are Aug. 18-25. The total flight time on this mission is about 25 minutes.

    Mariners are urged to avoid the area of the launch, which can be tracked on Wallops Plot on Marine Channel 12. The backup is Marine Channel 22.

    Mission updates and completion will be noted on the Wallops launch status line at 824-2050.


    Missing Christine Sheddy (update4) from

    Emotional Eclipse

    There’s one sad truth in life I’ve found
    While journeying east and west -
    The only folks we really wound
    Are those we love the best.
    We flatter those we scarcely know,
    We please the fleeting guest,
    And deal full many a thoughtless blow
    To those who love us best. ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

    LevigarageLevi Hall did not have a shining example of Fatherhood. His own Dad is on the run, so to speak, for back child support from his Mother Joyce.

    When Christine Sheddy was eight months pregnant with their first son Isaac she got a call one afternoon. Some girl Levi met in a convenience store in Rehoboth he was courting in lieu of stocking up on pampers or baby furniture had found Christine’s number. Levi had told her that he and Christine had broken up some time ago. Christine got the name of the restaraunt and the time they would be there.

    Imagine Loverboy Levi’s surprise when Christine and her baby bump plop down at the table and start eating the crackers.

    My heart sank when I was told that story. On one hand I enjoyed the visual of Christine inflicting the temporary sucker punch. ChristinehairdownOn the other, I wished I could put her in my pocket and protect her for what was to come. I have interviewed many women that have been in abusive relationships for this case. There are no shortages of accounts from those ladies that end with my jaw gaping open. The difference is, they are alive to tell me about them.

    Following the birth of their second son, Zeke, the train that was the relationship between Levi and Christine spent more time off the tracks then on. With a toddler and a 3 month old, Christine writes this to Levi’s Mother Joyce:

    Hey Joyce it’s me. I also sent a resume to Comcast for a job. And put Kristen as my refrence. Her last paycheck after taxes was $3,500 for 2 weeks. So I can’t beat that job either. At least I can have a job while I take these classes and keep this job till I get a better paying job after school. I am going to be so mad if Levi goes to that music festival and I can’t go. Peggy and Lea want me to go and I really want to go to. Levi is going to the bike show this weekend as well. I think I might wait for him to get home Friday and just leave him with the kids. Yeah right! I am so desperate to go out that it is pathetic. I haven’t gotten to anything in such a long time. I told Levi that I wanted to go with him. I’m going to try and find a babysitter, that way if he does go and thinks that I can’t go I can spot him there and see who he’s with. Or we can run into eachother and pick eachother up. That would be fun. Well gotta go


    This goes on through the family living with Levi’s Dad, Joyce, themselves, and finally grinds down around June 2006. Christine, Isaac and Zeke move back to the Dodenhoff’s home on the bay until that fateful November 1, 2007. Nothing would please me more than to say that Christine and Levi had parted ways for good this time. Christine sent this to Levi in August.


    Levi moved in with new girlfriend Angie and did not see or speak to his kids until October, when Levi told Christine he had a game plan for their future this time.

    Christine nursed Isaac following minor surgery. She asked Levi to get the kids clothes out of storage as she could not afford to buy any. She asked him for nominal support for the kids. He got lap dances and played pool.

    Christine built Haylie, Zeke and Isaac a playhouse by herself.


    Enter Pocomoke City and Levi’s new friends that live on a 67 acre farm.

    Vist website for the comments

    HERE for other info and comments

    The White House, Where are they getting the email addresses?

    Many people are getting emails like the one below from the white house's David Axelrod.
    Where are they getting these email addresses? I have had several people tell me they have never been to any white house website but the white house says they get the email addresses from previous visitors. This is a down right lie from the white house.
    If this had happened under the Bush administration we would be bombarded by the MSM, this is clearly illegal and a violation of our rights.
    If anyone gets one of these emails please send it to me @ the email at the top right corner of this blog.
    I really want to find out how the white house is obtaining your information. I will not disclose any of your information and you can block-out your email name if you like. I just want to put a stop to this illegal activity.

    The White House, Washington

    Dear Friend,

    This is probably one of the longest emails I've ever sent, but it could be the most important.

    Across the country we are seeing vigorous debate about health insurance reform. Unfortunately, some of the old tactics we know so well are back — even the viral emails that fly unchecked and under the radar, spreading all sorts of lies and distortions.

    As President Obama said at the town hall in New Hampshire, "where we do disagree, let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that's actually been proposed."

    So let's start a chain email of our own. At the end of my email, you'll find a lot of information about health insurance reform, distilled into 8 ways reform provides security and stability to those with or without coverage, 8 common myths about reform and 8 reasons we need health insurance reform now.

    Right now, someone you know probably has a question about reform that could be answered by what's below. So what are you waiting for? Forward this email.


    David Axelrod
    Senior Adviser to the President

    P.S. We launched this week to knock down the rumors and lies that are floating around the internet. You can find the information below, and much more, there. For example, we've just added a video of Nancy-Ann DeParle from our Health Reform Office tackling a viral email head on. Check it out:

    8 ways reform provides security and stability to those with or without coverage
    1. Ends Discrimination for Pre-Existing Conditions: Insurance companies will be prohibited from refusing you coverage because of your medical history.
    2. Ends Exorbitant Out-of-Pocket Expenses, Deductibles or Co-Pays: Insurance companies will have to abide by yearly caps on how much they can charge for out-of-pocket expenses.
    3. Ends Cost-Sharing for Preventive Care: Insurance companies must fully cover, without charge, regular checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics.
    4. Ends Dropping of Coverage for Seriously Ill: Insurance companies will be prohibited from dropping or watering down insurance coverage for those who become seriously ill.
    5. Ends Gender Discrimination: Insurance companies will be prohibited from charging you more because of your gender.
    6. Ends Annual or Lifetime Caps on Coverage: Insurance companies will be prevented from placing annual or lifetime caps on the coverage you receive.
    7. Extends Coverage for Young Adults: Children would continue to be eligible for family coverage through the age of 26.
    8. Guarantees Insurance Renewal: Insurance companies will be required to renew any policy as long as the policyholder pays their premium in full. Insurance companies won't be allowed to refuse renewal because someone became sick.
    Learn more and get details:

    8 common myths about health insurance reform
    1. Reform will stop "rationing" - not increase it: It's a myth that reform will mean a "government takeover" of health care or lead to "rationing." To the contrary, reform will forbid many forms of rationing that are currently being used by insurance companies.
    2. We can't afford reform: It's the status quo we can't afford. It's a myth that reform will bust the budget. To the contrary, the President has identified ways to pay for the vast majority of the up-front costs by cutting waste, fraud, and abuse within existing government health programs; ending big subsidies to insurance companies; and increasing efficiency with such steps as coordinating care and streamlining paperwork. In the long term, reform can help bring down costs that will otherwise lead to a fiscal crisis.
    3. Reform would encourage "euthanasia": It does not. It's a malicious myth that reform would encourage or even require euthanasia for seniors. For seniors who want to consult with their family and physicians about end-of life decisions, reform will help to cover these voluntary, private consultations for those who want help with these personal and difficult family decisions.
    4. Vets' health care is safe and sound: It's a myth that health insurance reform will affect veterans' access to the care they get now. To the contrary, the President's budget significantly expands coverage under the VA, extending care to 500,000 more veterans who were previously excluded. The VA Healthcare system will continue to be available for all eligible veterans.
    5. Reform will benefit small business - not burden it: It's a myth that health insurance reform will hurt small businesses. To the contrary, reform will ease the burdens on small businesses, provide tax credits to help them pay for employee coverage and help level the playing field with big firms who pay much less to cover their employees on average.
    6. Your Medicare is safe, and stronger with reform: It's myth that Health Insurance Reform would be financed by cutting Medicare benefits. To the contrary, reform will improve the long-term financial health of Medicare, ensure better coordination, eliminate waste and unnecessary subsidies to insurance companies, and help to close the Medicare "doughnut" hole to make prescription drugs more affordable for seniors.
    7. You can keep your own insurance: It's myth that reform will force you out of your current insurance plan or force you to change doctors. To the contrary, reform will expand your choices, not eliminate them.
    8. No, government will not do anything with your bank account: It is an absurd myth that government will be in charge of your bank accounts. Health insurance reform will simplify administration, making it easier and more convenient for you to pay bills in a method that you choose. Just like paying a phone bill or a utility bill, you can pay by traditional check, or by a direct electronic payment. And forms will be standardized so they will be easier to understand. The choice is up to you – and the same rules of privacy will apply as they do for all other electronic payments that people make.
    Learn more and get details:

    8 Reasons We Need Health Insurance Reform Now
    1. Coverage Denied to Millions: A recent national survey estimated that 12.6 million non-elderly adults – 36 percent of those who tried to purchase health insurance directly from an insurance company in the individual insurance market – were in fact discriminated against because of a pre-existing condition in the previous three years or dropped from coverage when they became seriously ill. Learn more:
    2. Less Care for More Costs: With each passing year, Americans are paying more for health care coverage. Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums have nearly doubled since 2000, a rate three times faster than wages. In 2008, the average premium for a family plan purchased through an employer was $12,680, nearly the annual earnings of a full-time minimum wage job. Americans pay more than ever for health insurance, but get less coverage. Learn more:
    3. Roadblocks to Care for Women: Women's reproductive health requires more regular contact with health care providers, including yearly pap smears, mammograms, and obstetric care. Women are also more likely to report fair or poor health than men (9.5% versus 9.0%). While rates of chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure are similar to men, women are twice as likely to suffer from headaches and are more likely to experience joint, back or neck pain. These chronic conditions often require regular and frequent treatment and follow-up care. Learn more:
    4. Hard Times in the Heartland: Throughout rural America, there are nearly 50 million people who face challenges in accessing health care. The past several decades have consistently shown higher rates of poverty, mortality, uninsurance, and limited access to a primary health care provider in rural areas. With the recent economic downturn, there is potential for an increase in many of the health disparities and access concerns that are already elevated in rural communities. Learn more:
    5. Small Businesses Struggle to Provide Health Coverage: Nearly one-third of the uninsured – 13 million people – are employees of firms with less than 100 workers. From 2000 to 2007, the proportion of non-elderly Americans covered by employer-based health insurance fell from 66% to 61%. Much of this decline stems from small business. The percentage of small businesses offering coverage dropped from 68% to 59%, while large firms held stable at 99%. About a third of such workers in firms with fewer than 50 employees obtain insurance through a spouse. Learn more:
    6. The Tragedies are Personal: Half of all personal bankruptcies are at least partly the result of medical expenses. The typical elderly couple may have to save nearly $300,000 to pay for health costs not covered by Medicare alone. Learn more:
    7. Diminishing Access to Care: From 2000 to 2007, the proportion of non-elderly Americans covered by employer-based health insurance fell from 66% to 61%. An estimated 87 million people - one in every three Americans under the age of 65 - were uninsured at some point in 2007 and 2008. More than 80% of the uninsured are in working families. Learn more:
    8. The Trends are Troubling: Without reform, health care costs will continue to skyrocket unabated, putting unbearable strain on families, businesses, and state and federal government budgets. Perhaps the most visible sign of the need for health care reform is the 46 million Americans currently without health insurance - projections suggest that this number will rise to about 72 million in 2040 in the absence of reform. Learn more:

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    The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

    Message For Michael Vick

    Hey, Vick!!! Memorize this and say it 50 times a day!!!!!!


    PETA's response to Philadelphia signing Vick

    In regards to the Philadelphia Eagles signing Michael Vick, PETA's official statement is as follows:

    PETA and millions of decent football fans around the world are disappointed that the Philadelphia Eagles have chosen to sign a man who hanged dogs from trees, electrocuted them with jumper cables, held them underwater until they drowned in his swimming pool, and even threw his own family dogs into the fighting pit to be torn to shreds while he laughed. What sort of message does this send to young fans who care about animals and don't want to see them be harmed? PETA certainly hopes that Vick has learned his lesson and feels truly remorseful for his crimes--but since he's given no public indication that that's the case, only time will tell. At this point, all Eagles fans can do is cross their fingers and hope that they won't ever have to explain to their sons and daughters what a "rape rack" is and why their favorite player was using one, as Falcons fans once had to.

    I don't usually agree with PETA on most of what they do. However, in the case of Michael Vick they do have some good thoughts. Is he remourseful? I don't think so. Vick, apparently had witnessed this type of thing since he was a young boy. Thinking that this was the "norm" even after becomming a man is inexcusable! But I suppose it's easier to pass the blame onto someone else instead of being a man and taking the blame himself. Here's a person that knows everything there is to know about football and knows nothing about life. He has to play football. If he grew up thinking that dog fighting was the "norm" then it's hard to tell what other "stupid" he has in his head.

    I won't even try to explain what a "rape-rack" is. I can tell you it's probably close to what you imagine it to be.

    Golf Balls Get Recycled

    By Sandra J. Pennecke


    Craig Stewart spends hours on the golf course, but he's too busy and too tired to play. He's often unnoticed by other golfers.

    The owner of Your Golf Ball Shop at 6229 Indian River Road, Stewart dives into the ponds at about 45 golf courses throughout Hampton Roads and the Eastern Shore of Maryland to harvest balls hit astray.

    "It's like an archeological dig down there," said Stewart, whose diving season starts in early spring and operates through the end of November.

    "It's a way to recycle golf balls," said Mike Waugh, PGA professional who works at the Battlefield Golf Club in Chesapeake and has Stewart come out several times each year.

    A competitive swimmer as a child and former Navy diver who was conscripted for two years, Stewart later spent 3 1/2 years diving for diamonds off the African coast before he came to the United States in 1986.

    After a friend started a business diving for golf balls, Stewart decided he'd plunge in, too, and began diving in 1988.

    "I just hop in the water and spend all day down there. It's not a highly technical skill, but very physical work," Stewart said. He arrives as the sun comes up, explores as many ponds as he can and works his way from the back of the golf course to the front.

    "I keep a low profile so I don't interfere with the golfers."

    On a recent one-week diving trip, the Southern Woods resident said he found close to 40,000 balls. "I normally find approximately 25,000."

    Other surprises often await Stewart in the depths - golf clubs, broken glass, catfish, thorns, trash, snapping turtles, crabs and, once, an alligator at a course in North Carolina.

    Armed with a mask and gloves, Stewart basically feels his way through the silt.

    "Once you start working the mud, it gets kicked up and you can't see anything. It's almost better that you can't see." Stewart happily wiggles 10 fingers.

    The recovered balls are hauled back to Your Golf Ball Shop, soaked in a mild acid solution, washed, soaked in bleach, dried and then sorted.

    "That's the tedious engine that drives everything," he said.

    The balls are given to the golf courses as range or jar balls, packaged up for the store and resold, while others that have bubbles, discoloration or the coating missing are sent to be refurbished.

    Your Golf Ball Shop, which had been on London Bridge Road and moved to its current building 1 1/2 years ago, also carries anything and everything - at reasonable prices - associated with the game of golf.

    Stewart said he enjoys providing the service he does and doesn't foresee it ending any time soon.

    "Not as long as they keep getting them in the water."

    Thursday, August 13, 2009

    Try A Little Kindness Tommorrow

    My daughter has lived in Baltimore for many years now and works for a large medical facility

    there that sees hundreds of patients per week I am sure. She finds it amazing when patients

    come in and recognize that she is from the Eastern Shore. How? The accent. And we

    don't even realise it. The ones that recognize it are the patients from the good old Eastern

    Shore. Talking to them about things "down home" makes her not miss home so much and I am

    sure puts the patients' worries about themselves at ease for a while.

    In a world like today, when things seem to be spinning out of control, people

    don't seem to care about each other, except with criticism, and there is no kindness

    from anyone somedays, there is the exception.

    My daughter called me today to tell me that a patient from the Eastern Shore

    had been in and asked her, "when was the last time you read one of these?".

    She looked at it and responded, "Not since I last saw my mom." He had

    handed her a simple thing as the Daily Times. Something from the good old

    Eastern Shore! Though this person is ill, traveled

    hours away, he thought enough about someone else and did a simple act of


    Simple as that! Kindness. Nice word and the results of its actions are

    rewarding. Try it tommorrow. Then try it the next day. You might be

    surprised if in return someone is nice to you.

    The world isn't a bad place all the time. And the world isn't filled with rainbows and

    pleasant sunshine everyday. But if everyone practiced kindness at least once a

    day, every day, it might seem like it...........if only for a little while.

    Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns. ~Author Unknown

    Missing Christine Sheddy (update) continued on

    Christine Sheddy Case: Farmhouse Party November 12, 2007

    Pocomoke City, MD– In chapter 2, we learned the people Christine Sheddy spent her last days with. Specifically, the last time Christine was seen was at a party at the Byrd Rd. farmhouse on the evening of November 12, 2007.

    Consider this your cheat sheet for future reference. The song track was written and produced by Jimmy Quail, Christine’s BFF, “Q”.

    It is titled “Missing Christine”, you can hear her actual voice in the beginning.


    Obama has accomplished 3 things