Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cases Heard In Accomack County Circuit Court

Accomack County Circuit Court
Thursday, October 17, 2013

  Alton Scott was charged with third DUI. Chincoteague police officer Greenley saw Mr. Scott leaving the Chincoteague Inn and knowing he had a suspended drivers license, made a routine stop and when the testing showed a .20 alcohol content the DUI was charged. Mr. Scott has been in jail since May 25, 2013.With a long record of possession, shoplifting, and the DUI issue Judge Revel Lewis III sentenced Mr. Scott to five years all but 12 month suspended and a $2,500 fine with his drivers license suspended indefinitely.

Rodney Nock was charged with two counts of grand larceny- Count one on or about September 9, 2012 larceny of a Habitat for Humanity trailer and on or about January 26, the larceny of Mr. Bobby Shermans property. County deputy Taylor while serving other papers was told by the defendant that he was also guilty of the current charges. Nock was allowed to remain on bond pending a preliminary sentencing report.

Robert Cherrix was charged with distribution of Percocet in July 2012 with a plea agreement of guilty, charges were amended to accommodation with the defendant giving up his fourth amendment rights. The case was continued for the presentence report until February 3, 2013 Mr. Cherrix will remain in custody until February 3, 2013.

Bobbie Lewis was charged with grand larceny-- she was convicted on January 24, 2013 of shoplifting from the Onley Virginia Wal-Mart of $1100 worth of merchandise. Miss April House a longtime friend explained to the court that Ms. Lewis had just gotten married (last Sunday) and with six children had turned her life around in recent months with restitution paid in full it became a credibility issue. When Judge Lewis questioned defendants schooling claims, and told her Salisbury University had no record of her attendance all credibility when out the window.

Commonwealth attorney Mr. Gary Agar explained to the judge that Ms. Lewis had charges from 1996, 2002, 2010, 2011, and 2012 all with no time served and all suspended sentences asking Judge Lewis was he going to allow this to continue. Mr. Agar went on to say she needs to be punished for what she did. Judge Lewis then sentenced Miss Lewis to five years with all but eight months suspended and then unsupervised probation for the remainder of four years and four months. He also denied a work release motion and a request to report four days later so she could make childcare arrangements.

David Nalls was charged with two counts of distribution of cocaine. Nalls turned 21 years old in jail while pending his sentencing. He was convicted on May 30, 2013 of these charges. Nalls had a long juvenile record including being suspended from school 16 times along with a DUI and marijuana issues the Commonwealth asked the judge to make an impression on the defendant. Mr. Nalls was sentenced to five years on each count with all but time served suspended along with being sent to the detention center with a requirement he must complete the detention center program and complete his job training program or return to jail for his 10 year sentence. After the detention center is complete he will be on supervised probation for the balance of the 10 years. His driving privilege was suspended for six months.


Snow Hill AutoBody Trunk Or Treat ~ SAVE THE DATE!

Worcester County Sheriff's Office "Hires" New -9

K-9 Karma
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

The Worcester County Sheriff's Office is pleased to announce the addition of K-9 Karma to our family.
 K-9 Karma is a female Belgian Shepherd Malinois . She is 18 months old and has been in training the past several months. Karma is dual trained in  Patrol and Narcotics.
She was donated by True Blue K-9 from North Carolina. K-9 Karma is replacing K-9 Dino and will be handled by Cpl. Bethany Ramey.
K-9 Karma will be joining the rest of her K-9 team this month and will begin patrolling full time. Already she has located narcotics on a traffic stop and is doing well. It will take an additional year for her to fully develop into a well rounded K-9 and we are very happy to have her join this team.
We wish this team great success.
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

FRIDAY NIGHT ~ MarVa Theater

 Rocky Horror Picture Show hits the screen!

A newly engaged couple have a breakdown in an isolated area and must pay a call to the bizarre residence of Dr. Frank-N-Furter.

 Friday, October 25th
10:00 PM
Tickets: $7/advance; $10/door; $6/prop bag
*Prop bags include more this year, plus a prop guide & time warp how to!*
For advanced tickets go to

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Letter From One Of Our Readers.... To A Thief....

 From one of our readers to the thief who had the desire to steal items that belonged to a 6 year old child from a vehicle.

To the worthless pile of protein who took it upon themselves to enter my Daughter's vehicle last night and remove my Granddaughter's Nintendo DS, assorted games as well as her change purse, I hope you are happy with the immense trauma you have caused this child.
   Tomorrow I will take her shopping and replace those items, The ones that meant the world to her, I suspect you may have gotten $40 for your troubles and I hope you feel good about yourself.
   She has not stopped crying since 7am when it was discovered, She is now afraid that more of her things might be taken, This bothers me deeply, Not the theft, But the heartbreak, trauma, and seeds of distrust you have caused her. I hope you feel good about that.
   At first I thought you may have been raised by a Brothel worker due to your lack of a moral compass but then I thought back to when I was stationed in Nevada and every one of those workers I met had standards and morals far above what you possess and then I realized that had you been raised by a "lowly Brother worker" you would not be slithering about in the night stealing as you do but would actually contribute to the community in which you live & breathe.
    At this point you have 2 choices, you can MAN UP and turn your self in or you can continue to be a COWARD hiding in the night until you are finally caught, When that time comes I will be there with her in court for all to see what you are, and to hear from her what you have caused.
   Remember, You reap what you sew.

In Case You Missed It: David Craig's Running Mate Jeannie Haddaway

Contact: Jim Pettit

Aiming for a stronger state: Delegate Haddaway talks policy
Salisbury Daily Times 10.18.13

"I will be taking a strong role in terms of policy and the legislative agenda, which is different from previous lieutenant governors. Given my business background, I’m really going to help on the economic policy side. Given my ties to human trafficking and domestic violence policies, I would see me working on a lot of the family law and women’s and children’s issues, as well."

Candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor in Maryland
Political Pulse 10.3.13

"People think human trafficking happens elsewhere, it happens in all parts of our state. The sex offender loophole is something I will be working on in the next session of the legislature as well."

Maryland law on sex offenders and child custody must be revisited Washington Post 9.29.13

"Child advocates pushed this year’s General Assembly to toughen the law. A bill sponsored by Del. Jeannie Haddaway (R-Talbot) would have prohibited custody or visitation to child sexual offenders, except under certain circumstances where there was clear and convincing evidence that there was no danger to the child; supervised visits would have been allowed. It died in the House Judiciary Committee, a graveyard for similarly worthy bills that aim to better protect children and victims of domestic abuse."


Raise the Roof Benefit ~ Roast the Sheriff At American Legion Post 93

The Raise the Roof Benefit held at the American Legion Post 93 in Pocomoke City on Saturday evening wasn't just a tasty meal but  lots of fun and hopefully a success in getting the new roof and ceiling. 

I must admit that Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason WAS roasted!!  After the tasty meal provided it was all laughs and an evening when all of us, friends and acquaintances, could point our fingers, laugh at the Sheriff and get away with it!

What a kind-hearted, great humored, compassionate person the Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason is!

And, as in so many times, but once again,  I am so PROUD to have grown up in-not just Pocomoke City-  but in Worcester County!

American Legion Post 93 Commander, Arthur Bishop and
Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason
Raise the Roof/Roast the Worcester County Sheriff - October 19, 2013
Photo BW
More photos coming soon....

O'Malley Raised Unemployment Insurance Tax to Highest in the Nation

October 21, 2013

Steve Crim

Last week Governor O'Malley boasted about the lower unemployment taxes Maryland businesses will see next year. He claimed the lower rates are a sign of the "progress" of Maryland's economic recovery under the O'Malley-Brown administration.
"What recovery is he talking about?" said business leader and Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "There are 6,500 fewer small businesses, unemployment has doubled, and 120,000 additional people are unemployed since O'Malley took office. This is just another chapter in Martin O'Malley's book of fairy tales," Hogan said. 
Due to the recession, unemployment claims all but depleted Maryland's Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, going from a high of $680 million in 2009 to a low of $50 million in 2010. Governor O'Malley cajoled and bullied business groups, who initially opposed his plan to replenish the unemployment trust fund.
However, O'Malley's plan included taking $127 million in federal funds with all sorts of policy strings attached, which saddled Maryland businesses with even more tax and regulatory burdens 
Under O'Malley's plan state businesses saw their unemployment insurance taxes triple to the highest in the nation.
The state also borrowed $250 million from the federal government to meet unemployment insurance benefit claims. 
In the year after O'Malley's "fix," a legislative audit found that his Department of Labor Licensing and Regulation paid $150 million in unemployment insurance claims to people were working, dead, or in prison. 
"Martin O'Malley will never tell you the whole story," Hogan said. "The fact is, that it was the O'Malley-Brown administration that foisted these high tax rates on Maryland businesses in the first place. Over-charging and gouging businesses for years during the recession caused us to now have a surplus, it had nothing to do with any imaginary recovery,” Hogan continued. “O'Malley cares more about the unemployment insurance fund than he did about addressing unemployment."
Change Maryland has documented the O'Malley-Brown administration's 40 tax and fee increases, which had removed $9.5 billion annually from Maryland's economy. They include raising the corporate income tax from 7 percent to 8.25 percent and multiple personal income tax rate hikes, which affects many of Maryland's small businesses. 
According to the non-partisan Tax Foundation, Maryland pass through entities—businesses that pay the personal income tax rate—face the seventh highest marginal tax rates in the nation. The Tax Foundation cited Maryland's high unemployment tax rate as one reason they ranked the state 41st its Business Tax Climate Index. 
Change Maryland is the state's largest and fastest growing grass roots movement and has swelled to over 60,000 members. Change Maryland is the leading voice of independent, non-partisan opposition to the O'Malley-Brown power structure, focusing on economic and fiscal reform. 
In 2013, Change Maryland brought together federal, state, and local government officials, think tanks, economists and over 400 business leaders from across the state for a summit on improving Maryland's economic competitiveness, in order to identify comprehensive solutions to the state's serious economic problems. The group also produced numerous economic studies which have shown the impact of the 40 consecutive O'Malley-Brown tax increases on Maryland's economy: a mass exodus of businesses, jobs and taxpayers fleeing the state at an alarming rate and taking billions out of our economy.
Larry Hogan has been active in the Maryland business community for over 25 years. He is the founder and President of the Hogan Companies, leaders in economic development, who have brought hundreds of companies and thousands of jobs to Maryland. He took a hiatus from the private sector to serve as a Cabinet Secretary in the Ehrlich Administration. He has led citizen referendums to limit taxes and to reform government and spent decades working to change Maryland for the better.



SAVE THE DATE ~ Harvest Music Festival

Beaver Dam Presbyterian Church is hosting a
 Harvest Music Festival

The Beaver Dam Strings
 Second Chance
Kindred Spirit

 Refreshments will be served. 

 Beaver Dam is located at 345 Makemie Rd Pocomoke. 
 The festival will be on Sunday, October 27 from 3-5

Retirement of K-9 Dino From Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Best wishes to K-9 Dino and his handler!  Hoping K-9 Dino enjoys many relaxing days of retirement.  Thank you for your service.

K-9 Dino
Worcester County Sheriff's Office
The Worcester County Sheriff's Office is announcing the retirement of K-9 Dino.

K-9 Dino has developed a medical condition that has limited his breathing and well being. Although the desire to serve and protect is still there, he is no longer able to perform his duties without risk to his health. K-9 Dino will now become his handlers pet and enjoy the life of being a devoted partner and just being a dog.

 K-9 Dino is a 10 year old Labrador retriever and during his service with the Worcester County Sheriff's Office, K-9 Dino seized approximately 1996.2 grams of Marijuana / THC, 780.6 grams of Cocaine, 244 Ecstasy Pills, 3 firearms, 26 grams of Heroin, and $604,135.00 in United States Currency.

 We are extremely proud of his accomplishments and his service to the citizens of Worcester County. His achievements and record are extremely impressive.

Sheriff Mason wishes K-9 Dino a lengthy retirement and salutes him for job well done.

Our Best Wishes are extended to him for a recovery and comfortable lifestyle.

REMINDER: Revival Services In New Church, Virginia

Revival began October 20th
Still time left to attend!
Sun. Oct. 20 - Thurs. Oct. 24
Time:   7 p.m.
Guest Speaker & music each night
Monday - Thursday evenings SOUP & SANDWICHES
@ 6 P.M. -- NO CHARGE

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Next Archeological Dig at Makemie Monument Park

Volunteer for the next archeological dig at Makemie Monument Park near Sanford, Virginia

Photo BW

To learn more about Makemie Monument Park go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/Francis-Makemie-Society/370475856345177


TIME MACHINE ... 1959, 1915, 1928, 1977, 1930

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)
November, 1959
(Ocala Star Banner- Ocala, Fla.)

Radio Transmitter Hurled Into Space


WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. (AP)- A five-stage rocket hurled a tiny radio transmitter 1,050 statute miles into a cold, cloudless sky today. The nose cone dropped into the Atlantic about 28-minutes later some 800 miles off shore.

The instruments it carried aloft sent back new information on the electronic density of space more than 800 miles up.

The vapor trail and smoke left as the rocket roared upward could be seen along most of this Delaware-Maryland-Virginia peninsula. There was virtually no wind and the long column hung motionless for several minutes.

The shoot was conducted by the Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory based at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md., in cooperation with the National Aeronautics And Space Administration.

The Army said all phases of the shoot - dubbed "Strongarm" - performed just as expected.

The Army plans to use the information for military purposes. It now will know more accurately what type of space intercontinental ballistic missiles and anti-ICBMs will be operating in.

January 1915

What may have started as a routine overnight boarding for passengers on the Chesapeake Bay steamer "Maryland" from departure points along the Pocomoke River and other lower Eastern Shore locations ended in a harrowing experience. After crossing the bay en route to Baltimore the steamer caught fire. Most of the passengers were in their berths at the time. Some of the frightened passengers donned life belts and jumped into the icy bay waters attempting to swim ashore. Two night liners from Norfolk to Baltimore arrived promptly to offer assistance and other smaller boats soon were on the scene. The steamer carried 76 passengers and a crew of 32. All were safely accounted for with apparently no serious injuries. The steamer was beached at the mouth of the Magothy River and burned to the water's edge. In addition to $10,000 loss in cargo the value of passengers' personal possessions was expected to reach a high mark. The steamer's value was placed at $120,000.

July, 1928
(The Delmarva Star- Wilmington, Del.)

Firemen to Parade in Stockton, Md.

Ocean City, Md., July 28.- The first annual meeting and parade of the Worcester County Volunteer Firemen's Association, will be held next Wednesday afternoon and evening at Stockton, Md., it is announced by Frank W. Truitt, president of the association.

The Worcester County Association of Volunteer Firemen was recently organized in Snow Hill and comprises members, among the Berlin, Ocean City, Snow Hill, Pocomoke City, and Stockton fire companies.

Following a business session in the Stockton High School auditorium, a parade of the five fire companies, led by the Ocean City Fireman's Band, will be held. At the same time the annual benefit supper of the Stockton Fire Company will be in progress.

Officers of the county firemen's association are: President, Frank W. Truitt, Ocean City; vice-president Edward Dashiell, Snow Hill; secretary-treasurer, George W. Dryden, Stockton, Md.  


April, 1977
(The Daily Times- Salisbury)


Roger Evans Speeds To Second U.S. 13 Victory

DELMAR- Roger Evans of Pocomoke City, Md., drove his '67 Camero "Blue Dolphin" to another Super Pro Eliminator tile Easter Sunday at the U.S. 13 Dragway.

It was the second win in three outings for the Brown's Outboard Motor Service sponsored car.

The final Super Pro run of the day matched Evans and last week's winner, Vernon Russell of Dover, Del., against each other.

Russell was left at the starting line as the "Blue Dolphin" streaked to a final run of 10:32 seconds, 131.58 miles per hour.

Evans' consistency behind the wheel has resulted in total winnings of $400 so far.

The Super Pro class is limited to the eight fastest cars in competition on any given Sunday, as determined by their best qualifying times.

Edward Smith of Pocomoke City, Md., snapped the win streak of two in a row that Robin Lewers of Temperanceville, Va., had going by taking the Heavy Eliminator title.

March, 1930
(Salisbury Times)


MARVA Theatre..Pocomoke City, Md.

Monday..Tuesday..Wednesday.. March 31, April 1, 2- "SONNY BOY" AND HIS DADDY, BACK AGAIN TO TUG AT YOUR HEARTSTRINGS ALL ANEW. Al Jolson in "Say It With Songs" with Davey Lee, Kenneth Thompson, Marian Nixon, Fred Kabler. Coming April 25th.. Gold Diggers Of Broadway.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Saturday, October 19, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1959.. An impressive launch from Wallops Island; 1915.. Bay steamer passengers survive a harrowing experience; 1928.. Five fire companies to parade in Stockton; 1977.. Two Pocomoke men claim Dragway titles; 1930.. What's playing at the Marva?

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Murder-For-Hire Plot Launched From New York Jail Cell

Basel Ramadan
OCEAN CITY — More details have emerged in the indictment released on Thursday charging an Ocean City man in a murder-for-hire plot launched from a jail cell in New York, including information the alleged murder plan targeted “several” witnesses.

In mid-May, federal officials concluded an investigation into a multi-million dollar cigarette smuggling operation with raids on two locations in and around the resort area including the West Ocean City homes of local residents and business owners Basel Ramadan, 42, who has been called the “ringleader” of the operation, and Samer Ramadan, 40, who is being called the operation’s “enterprise treasurer.” Also indicted were 14 other alleged co-conspirators, from transporters to distributors to resellers, who were rounded up at locations all over the mid-Atlantic region on the same day in May.

On Thursday, New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and NYPD Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly announced the indictment of Basel Ramadan and Yousseff Odeh, one of his alleged distributors and a trusted lieutenant, on new charges they conspired from behind bars to murder witnesses they believed were cooperating with law enforcement in the massive cigarette smuggling case against them.

The latest indictment unsealed and released by the New York Attorney General’s Office late Thursday reveals the alleged murder-for-hire conspiracy carried out by Basel Ramadan and Odeh began shortly after their arraignment and subsequent incarceration at Rikers Island in New York. The indictment alleges Ramadan and Odeh conspired with one or more persons and with each other to engage in the felony of murder in the second degree from May 24 to last Friday, October 11.


Downtown Pocomoke Fall Festival ~ TODAY

Grand Opening ~ THE STATION~ Parksley, Virginia

Grand Opening Event
(formerly The Lunch Box)
18572 Cassett Ave
Parksley, Virginia 23421
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Lots of fun activities
$2.00 Cheeseburgers
Cousin Mark Parker will be on site smoking Chicken for $2.00
 Pulled BBQ chicken Sandwiches!!!
Plus $1.00 hotdogs!
 Dunk tank on site...come dunk a firefighter and grab a bite to eat!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hunter's Moon 2013 and its Lunar Eclipse

It’s that time again, time for another full moon. The one that falls directly after the Harvest Moon (which was Sept. 19) is called the Hunter’s Moon, and it happens this Friday night, Oct. 18. The best time to view it is 7:38 p.m. Eastern — though of course it shines brightly all night long.

Plus, there’s a lunar eclipse happening, too. It’s subtle, however, not a total eclipse but what’s called a penumbral eclipse, when the Earth’s outer shadow partially covers the lunar being. “You might see a little darkening. It happens very gradually. It’s not like a snap of the fingers,” Jim O’Leary, senior scientist at the Maryland Science Center, told Weather.com. That event begins around 5:50 p.m. eastern, peaks around at 7:50 p.m. and ends around 9:50 p.m., he added.

The total package should make for some pleasant sky gazing of this cool moon.

Its name — one of several catchy monikers including the Blood Moon and the Sanguine Moon — reputedly comes from those who used the light to their advantage, according to Science@NASA. “Hunters … tracked and killed their prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the winter ahead,” writes NASA’s Tony Phillips. “You can picture them: Silent figures padding through the forest, the moon overhead, pale as a corpse, its cold light betraying the creatures of the wood.”

Chinese lore also describes this moon as the Kindly Moon, reports the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, and the Lakota Sioux called it the Moon When Quilling and Beading Were Done.

The Hunter’s Moon isn’t just any full moon. Like with other moons this time of year, its path — called an ecliptic — is shallow. That means for several nights in a row, the moon sits farther north on the horizon, according to EarthSky. “It’s this northward movement of the moon along the eastern horizon at moonrise,” EarthSky writes, “that gives the Hunter’s Moon its magic.”

Typically this time of year, the moon rises about 50 minutes later each day. Say it appeared in the night sky at 7:00 p.m. today, tomorrow it would show up around 7:50 p.m. For several days around the Hunter’s Moon, however, it only rises 30 to 35 minutes later. (In that same example, it would emerge at 7:00 p.m. tonight, 7:30 p.m. the next.)

Why does this matter? Well, if you lived at a time when you needed the moonlight to harvest and hunt by, it clearly did. “The light of moon allowed farmers to harvest their crops later into the night,” O’Leary said of the September Harvest Moon. By the Hunter’s Moon in October, “it’s time to go hunting for Thanksgiving and the fall. The prey is easier to find. Rather than the moon being up in the sky an hour or two after sunset, it’s up in the sky sooner…. There’s less of a period of darkness.”

So go out and enjoy. But be warned: “While you’re staring at the sky, you might hear footsteps among the trees, the twang of a bow, a desperate scurry to shelter,” NASA’s Phillips writes. “That’s just your imagination.”




(Pikesville, MD) – After one trooper was struck and critically injured and another trooper’s car was destroyed within four days, it is clear to Maryland State Police that drivers need to be reminded about the state’s ‘move over’ law, which is intended to increase safety for police officers, firefighters and EMS personnel when they are working along Maryland roads.

State troopers across Maryland will be conducting coordinated traffic initiatives on October 21, 2013, reminding motorists of the importance of the ‘move over” law. Special enforcement operations will be underway in every area of the state. Drivers are being warned now to be alert for these operations.

Early on the morning of October 6, 2013, Trooper Jacqueline Kline was struck by a passing vehicle while she was assisting another trooper on the shoulder of Rt. 100 in Anne Arundel County. The preliminary investigation indicates the driver failed to move over as he passed the two marked police cars with their emergency lights activated. Trooper Kline remains hospitalized in critical condition.

While investigating a crash on I-695 in Baltimore County on October 12, 2013, Trooper First Class Justin Updegraff’s marked patrol car was destroyed when a driver failed to move over or slow down. Fortunately, Tfc. Updegraff was outside his vehicle when it was struck. He did not sustain any injuries.

The intent of the ‘move over’ law is to provide an extra barrier of safety for police officers, firefighters, and emergency rescue personnel working on Maryland roads.
The law requires drivers approaching from the rear of a stopped emergency vehicle with it lights activated, to change into an available lane not next to the emergency vehicle. This movement should only be done if safe to do so. When there is no available lane for drivers to move over into, such as on a single lane road, drivers are required to slow to a reasonable and prudent speed as they pass the emergency scene.

It is hoped this awareness initiative will remind drivers to be aware of police and emergency workers stopped on the roads and to move away from them or slow down as they pass by the traffic stop or incident scene. Violation of the ‘move over’ law is a primary offense with a fine of $110 and one point. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash, the fine is $150 and three points. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash resulting in death or serious injury, the fine is $750 and three points.


Fall Festival~Coston House Museum~Art Show at the Delmarva Discovery Center

The Downtown Pocomoke Fall Festival is this Saturday- October 19,2013- from 11:00AM-5:00PM.
  Be sure and stroll down to Costen House where kids can play old fashioned games!
And be sure to travel to the Delmarva Discovery Center to see the ART SHOW!

Lots to see and do!

Take time to go to and LIKE the  COSTON HOUR MUSEUM  page on FACEBOOK!  Beautiful photos of the floral array in the gardens AND each Thursday there is a "Throw Back Thursday" photo for you to enjoy.  Several have already been displayed.  For those of you who do not have facebook I will try to post them here later.  If you ARE a facebook user please Like their page!     



HOLLYWOOD, MD) – A man who had moved into the St. Mary’s County home where he had been hired to babysit two children has been charged with sexually abusing and taking pornographic pictures of one of the children in his care.

The Maryland State Police does not identify victims of sex offenses and/or child abuse, both of which allegedly occurred in this situation, so the child is not being identified. Due to the accused living with the children, identifying the accused could lead to the identity of the victim, so his name is being withheld also.

The accused is a 28-year-old male, who was living in the 23000-block of Lawrence Hayden Road, Hollywood, Md. After consultation with the St. Mary’s County State’s Attorney’s Office, Maryland State Police criminal investigators charged the accused with sexual abuse of a minor, second degree sexual offense, and possession of child pornography. Additional charges are possible as a result of a continuing investigation. The accused is incarcerated in the St. Mary’s County Detention Center.

The victim is a male. He is under ten years old, but is not being described further in order to protect his identity.

The investigation began yesterday when a trooper at the Leonardtown Barrack was contacted by a woman who said about three months ago, her daughter hired a friend to babysit her two children while she was at work. The friend eventually moved into the home.

The complainant became concerned about the babysitter’s behavior. When she found pornographic pictures of her grandson on the babysitter’s cell phone, she contacted State Police.

State Police investigators from the Criminal Enforcement Division were immediately contacted and continued the investigation. With the assistance of an agent from Child Protective Services and the Child Advocacy Center, the investigation continued through the night. Interviews were conducted with the victim and the accused. A search warrant was obtained and served at the home. Cell phones and computer equipment belonging to the accused were recovered. A forensic examination of this equipment will be conducted by the Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit.

No evidence was obtained at this time indicating the accused had inappropriate contact with the other child in the home. The investigation is continuing. 

Maryland State Police

PAW WASH This Saturday For Pets In Need Fund

Eastern Shore Animal Hospital is hosting a "Paw Wash"
this Saturday.

PAW WASH on October 19th 2013 from 2 - 4 pm.

 All proceeds benefit the ESAH's Pets In Need Fund.

 $15.00 Deluxe Bath includes: Luxurious lather and condition, ear cleaning, anal gland expression and nail trim.

 Refreshment stands will have baked goods and raffle tickets for a basket of goodies and toys!

 Call 757-442-3150 for details.

Message From Snow Hill Police Chief Kirk Daugherty

The Snow Hill Police Department

The Snow Hill Police Department is currently investigating several reports of thefts in town over the past few days. Suspects typically target unlocked homes and vehicles. Police Chief Kirk Daugherty reminds residents to keep their home, property and vehicles locked and secured.

Please double-check your windows and doors to make sure they are securely locked and place items of value out of sight.

Should you have any incidents where you experience theft or observe any suspicious activity, please contact the Snow Hill Police Department immediately at 410-632-2444 or call 9-1-1.

 Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.

This Weekend At the Mar-Va Theater

Uptight and straight-laced, FBI Special Agent Sarah Ashburn (Sandra Bullock) is a methodical investigator with a reputation for excellence—and hyper-arrogance. Shannon Mullins (Melissa McCarthy), one of Boston P.D.'s "finest," is foul-mouthed and has a very short fuse, and uses her gut instinct and street smarts to catch the most elusive criminals. Neither has ever had a partner, or a friend for that matter. When these two wildly incompatible law officers join forces to bring down a ruthless drug lord, they become the last thing anyone expected: buddies.

Sheriff Impersonator Attempting To Sell Dogs On Craigslist Charged

 Michael E. Sponseller
The Worcester County Sheriff's has charged a Girdletree man following accusations that he impersonated Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason on Craigslist.

 Michael E. Sponseller was issued a Criminal Summons after he had placed an ad on Craigslist in an attempt to sell dogs, according to the Sheriff's Office. Police said Sponseller got into an argument with someone via email regarding the legality of selling dogs on Craigslist.

 According to police, Sponseller allegedly identified himself as Sheriff Reggie Mason and threatened to arrest the person he was in an argument with for harassing him about the ad on Craigslist.

Detectives said they obtained the email exchanges between Sponseller and the other person that showed Sponseller identified himself as Sheriff Mason.

 Sponseller was charged with impersonating a police officer and is awaiting trial at a future date.

 The Sheriff's Office is reminding the community that Sheriff Mason does not utilize Craigslist to sell animals or other items and has not engaged in email exchanges with anyone over Craigslist.

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Traffic Stop Led To Unusual Arrest For Pocomoke City Police

Pocomoke City Police Department
Pocomoke City Police Officers conducted a traffic stop on Route 13 South for speeding and a defective taillight.   Further investigation revealed a large quantity of “KHAT” a Schedule 1 hallucinogenic narcotic.  This type of drug is grown in East Africa and Southern Arabia and is ingested by either chewing or smoking the substance.
Pocomoke City Police Dept.  Photo

 Pocomoke City Officers also seized from the vehicle $23,957.00 in U.S. Currency, a vehicle search revealed evidence of intra-state receipts for large quantities of cigarettes.  The driver, who is of foreign descent was arrested and charged with:
Possession with Intent to Distribute
   Possession of CDS – Schedule 1
 An ongoing investigation is continuing which may result in additional charges being placed against the driver as well as additional individuals being charged.
 Kelvin D. Sewell
Chief of Police

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1959.. An impressive launch from Wallops Island; 1915.. Bay steamer passengers survive a harrowing experience; 1928.. Five fire companies to parade in Stockton; 1977.. Two Pocomoke men claim Dragway titles; 1930.. What's playing at the Marva?

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Arrest Warrants Issued For Man Wanted In Sunday A.M. Shooting

According to Sheriff Todd Godwin, on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at approximately 04:38 AM, the Accomack County Sheriffs Office received a report of a subject shot on Church Street in the Whitesville area of Parksley. 

Upon deputies arrival on scene, one victim was located who was suffering from a gunshot wound. The victim was transported from the scene by Parksley Rescue and is currently listed in critical but stable condition.

An investigation into this incident has revealed that an altercation occurred between individuals at the Church Street location and subsequent gunshots were fired resulting in the victim being injured. The suspect fled the scene following this incident.

Assisting in this investigation was the Virginia State Police, Parksley Police Department and Northampton County Sheriffs Office.

As a result of the investigation, arrest warrants have been issued against 28 y/o Robert James Northan, Jr. of Onley for Malicious Wounding, Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Felony and Possession of a Firearm After Having Been Convicted of a Felony. Northan is known to frequent the Parksley and Tasley areas of Accomack County.

Sheriff Godwin stated that the investigation into this incident is continuing and asks that anyone with information concerning this crime or the whereabouts of Northan to contact the Accomack County Sheriffs Office at 757-787-1131 or 757-824-5666. Tips may also be submitted through the Sheriffs Office website at www.accomackcountysheriffsoffice.org.


Pocomoke Prepares For Annual Parade

P.O. Box 807
Pocomoke City, Maryland 21851
(410) 957-0802

CONTACT:  Mike Shannon (410) 726-5777
On Monday night, December 2, 2013, Pocomoke City will be transformed into a “Winter Wonderland” as the town plays host to one of Delmarva’s largest nighttime Christmas parades.

 Always held on the first Monday night after Thanksgiving, the Pocomoke parade has become an Eastern Shore tradition and will attract over 100 units from Maryland, Delaware and Virginia along with thousands of spectators.

We have our web site up and running. This is where you will find the applications and rules for this year’s event. If you are interested in participating this year you should go to pocomokechristmasparade.com to register. If you have any questions you can contact Mike Shannon at 410-957-0802 and leave a message with your name, address and telephone number and type of entry.

 Each year the parade features marching bands representing high and middle schools from seven counties in three states.  Also featured will be beautifully decorated and lighted floats entered by schools, civic organizations, churches, and commercial enterprises.

 Clowns, marching units, fire departments, equestrian units, and of course Santa Claus will round out the two-hour event, slated to kick-off at 7:00 p.m. sharp.  The route will take the parade north on Market Street beginning at 14th Street and ending at the Pocomoke River.

 Professional judges, including members of the National Judges Association (NJA), will score entries in many different categories.  Awards will be awarded immediately following the event to the top entries in each category.

A special thanks to the community of Pocomoke City and surrounding areas for the recent support given to us to continue this great tradition that has been a part of the town of over 40 years.  

In the event of inclement weather, the parade will be postponed until Tuesday, December 3, at 7:00 p.m. 

Drug Take Back Initiative Locations

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office along with the Ocean City Police Department, Berlin Police Department, Maryland State Police, Worcester County Health Department and Assateague Coastal Trust will be utilizing the following locations for the NDTBI (Drug Take Back Initiative) on the 26th (October) from 10 am to 2 pm.

The locations are as follows:

 Worcester County Health Department – Pocomoke, Maryland
 400 A Walnut Street, Pocomoke, Maryland 21851

Worcester County Health Department – Snow Hill, Maryland
 6040 Public Landing Road, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863

Ocean City Fire House
 10124 Keyser Point Road, Ocean City, Maryland 21842

Ocean Pines Fire House (South)
 911 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, Berlin, Maryland 21811

 Ocean City Police Department
 6500 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Maryland 21811

Maryland State Police – Berlin Barrack
 9758 Ocean Gateway, Berlin, Maryland 21811

Berlin Police Department
 10 Williams Street, Berlin, Maryland 21811

This program offers residents to bring their expired our outdated prescription drugs to these sights for proper destruction.

We encourage those who wish to dispose of these items to bring them to one of the drop off sites listed above.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Midway's TRUNK OR TREAT ~ Fun For Everyone!!

This is SO much fun for EVERYONE!!

Qualification Licenses Mailed To Approved Applicants

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – The Maryland State Police Licensing Division today mailed out more than half of the almost 1,000 handgun qualification licenses that have been applied for under the state’s new firearms law that took effect October 1st.

Today, the Licensing Division mailed 508 handgun qualification licenses to approved applicants, 15 days after the new law took effect. Since October 1st, 904 applications for a handgun qualification license have been received. State Police personnel have so far conducted the required background checks and approved 761 of the applicants. The remaining number of approved applicants should be receiving their licenses shortly.

Unless exempted, as of October 1, 2013, the state’s new gun law requires a Maryland resident to possess a valid handgun qualification license before he or she may purchase, rent, or receive a handgun. To apply for a license or learn details about where to obtain fingerprints or training, persons are encouraged to visit the Maryland State Police website at www.mdsp.org and click on Licensing Division. A list of frequently asked questions and answers about the new law is also available there.

The Maryland State Police continues to receive positive comments from members of the public regarding the user friendly nature of the online application process. Firearms Safety Training Courses are available throughout the state and the Maryland State Police continue to register qualified handgun instructors daily. In addition, the State Police remain in constant communication with Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services personnel, who report that live-scan fingerprinting sites across the state are prepared to meet the demand for this new license.

The Maryland State Police remains dedicated to its obligation to issue the handgun qualification license within 30 days of receipt of a completed application. The HQL Unit stands ready to answer any questions regarding the requirements or status of any license. Most questions can be answered through the website mentioned above.

Maryland State Police

RAISE THE ROOF BENEFIT ~ American Legion Post 93 ~ Pocomoke

photo jmmb

Saturday October 19th,2013

Ribbon Cutting and Bake Sale

It's A GO! For The Pocomoke Downtown Fall Festival~ OCTOBER19TH


(PIKESVILLE, MD) – The Maryland State Police believe comments made by the Maryland Attorney General today about the Commander of the Executive Protection Section are baseless and inappropriate. The Department continues to stand behind the statements made by seven troopers who made written reports in addition to other troopers who made oral reports from the Executive Protection Section whose concerns were detailed in emails recently required to be released to media pursuant to requests under the Maryland Public Information Act.

In a television interview broadcast today, the Maryland Attorney General referred to the Commander of the Executive Protection Section as a ‘henchman’ and implied his actions were motivated by politics. This reference to Lt. Charles Ardolini is unseemly and unacceptable. Lt. Ardolini has served in the Executive Protection Section for almost 13 years, as a trooper providing protection, as a supervisor, and, for the last eight years, as the commander of the section. He worked under the administrations of Governor William Donald Schaeffer, Governor Parris Glendening, Governor Robert Ehrlich, and Governor Martin O’Malley.

As Commander of the Executive Protection Section, Lt. Ardolini reports to Lieutenant Colonel William Pallozzi, Chief of the Support Services Bureau. Lt. Col. Pallozzi served as a trooper providing protection, as a supervisor, and as a commander of the Executive Protection Section for 11 years, working for three administrations. “The role of anyone assigned to the Executive Protection Section, including the commander, is to fully focus on providing for the safety and protection of the elected officials we are assigned to protect,” Lt. Col. Pallozzi said. “We are to remain completely unattached and unaffiliated with any political party, cause or candidate. To accuse someone in the Executive Protection Section of a politically motivated action impugns the integrity not only of that individual, but of every one of the dedicated troopers who works in this difficult and demanding assignment. I have worked with and supervised Lt. Ardolini for more than 20 years and find his character and his commitment as a member of the Maryland State Police to be above reproach. The concern of Lt. Ardolini was solely focused on the safety of the protectee, his troopers, and the general public. His actions, which occurred two years ago, had absolutely nothing to do with any political motivation.”

The Maryland State Police believe the members of the Executive Protection Section work very hard to be impartial. Lt. Ardolini’s conduct was nothing but professional. His memorandum was the result of ongoing safety concerns expressed to him by his troopers over a period of time that culminated with actions witnessed by the Lieutenant himself. He ultimately reported his concerns up his chain of command to the Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. Lt. Ardolini would have been considered negligent in his duties had he not done so. Lt. Ardolini did not make these documented concerns public. The documents became public due to a request by the Washington Post under the Maryland Public Information Act.

The Maryland State Police Executive Protection Section role remains that of protection, security, and safety, not politics.

Maryland State Police