Sunday, April 4, 2021

Time Machine: 1998, 1968, 1930, 1985.


June, 1998 

Daily Times (Salisbury)

July, 1968

Democratic Messenger

May, 1930

Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)


March, 1985
(In his final publication as Editor of the newspaper retiring editor William A. Martin Jr. reminisced an interesting and informative history of the newspaper and of the Crisfield community. Fate would determine it was none too soon to contribute his memories for posterity.) 

Footnote:  Mr. Martin passed away at age 69 on July 4, 1985 just a little more than three months after sharing these memories.  The Letter To The Editor that follows is also from the March 27, 1985 edition of the newspaper.  We believe the writer of the letter was a son of Martin.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Time Machine Preview

 This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye:

Turning back the pages of time to view some of the local currency issued by banks and businesses on the Eastern Shore.

1968  ..  Group picture and names of players on Pocomoke's team in the Marva Softball League.

1930  ..    

1985  ..  In his final publication as Editor of The Crisfield Times retiring editor William A. Martin Jr. reminisced an interesting and informative history of the newspaper and of the Crisfield community. Fate would determine it was none too soon to contribute his memories for posterity. 

Report from Senator Mary Beth Carozza

 Carozza’s Shore Priority Projects Funded through Capital Budget, Supports Safe Schools, and Advocates for In-Person Learning in Kirwan Revision Debate

Local Capital Budget Projects

Annapolis, MD—Senator Mary Beth Carozza today issued the following statement after reviewing the Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget, as amended by the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee: 

“The amended Senate version of the Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget fully funds critical District 38 projects and will go a long way in improving economic development and public safety priorities,” Senator Carozza said, noting that capital funding is applied towards construction and renovation work throughout the State of Maryland.

Local projects included in the Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget are $450,000 for the Ocean City Lifesaving Museum alongside an additional $150,000 bond initiative for handicapped accessibility improvements; $200,000 for the establishment of a Vehicles for Change program in Wicomico County; $100,000 for the Crisfield Waterfront Development area renovations; $100,000 for the Crisfield Elks Lodge No. 1044 renovations; and $50,000 for the Fruitland Volunteer Fire Company for upgrades and a roof replacement.

The Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Budget also includes funding for Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure for Worcester ($1 million), Wicomico ($1.5 million), and Somerset ($1 million) counties.

All of Senator Carozza’s Legislative Bond Initiatives were crossfiled with their respective District 38 Delegate: Delegate Wayne Hartman (District 38C), Delegate Carl Anderton (District 38B), and Delegate Charles Otto (District 38A). The Capital Budget is expected to receive a final Senate vote later this week. 

Supporting School Resource Officers

The Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee held a hearing on House Bill 522— Public Schools - School Resource Officers and School Security Employees – Revisions which would create new training requirements for School Resource Officers (SROs) and limits how they may operate on school grounds. Senator Carozza is strongly opposed to House Bill 522 and will vote against it.


“The bottom line is this bill is weakening the role of our School Resource Officers to protect our most valuable asset – our children. We put these SROs in place after the mass shootings that were occurring around the country, and one right here in Maryland. I will continue to oppose any and all legislative efforts to weaken the protection of our students, teachers, and school personnel,” Senator Carozza said in opposition to House Bill 522.

Kirwan Revisions

The Senate of Maryland considered House Bill 1372—Blueprint for Maryland's Future – Revisions which makes modifications to the legislation passed in 2020 based on the recommendations of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (Kirwan Commission).


During the committee deliberations, Senator Carozza offered an amendment to tie funding for summer school programs and summer school teacher incentives to in-person learning during summer school, which she strongly supports as a whole. While the amendment eventually was included in the final bill, Carozza voted against the final version of House Bill 1372.


“Students attending summer school already have been struggling with virtual learning, and in-person learning will be beneficial to both the students and teachers,” Senator Carozza said after the vote. “I am voting against the Kirwan revision bill for the same reasons I voted against the overall Kirwan bill last year. It’s based on my continued concerns for my local area on affordability, prioritization for fair funding formulas, and the need for local flexibility and tracking of outcomes. As we move forward, I am committed to working with my colleagues and all stakeholders to address the budgetary and accountability mandates that Kirwan imposes on our local jurisdictions.”

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

News for you from the Delmarva Discovery Museum

 (3/30/21 City of Pocomoke Facebook page)

The Museum is excited to announce that thanks to a very generous grant from Choptank Electric Trust, we will be offering free admission until further notice! We are open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Time Machine: 1906, 1912, 1922, 1939, 1947, 1921.


William B. Duncan was a prominent farmer, timberman,  businessman, and property owner in the Pocomoke City area but he encountered some bumps in the road along the way. See articles below. (He lived until age 97..1963.. and was survived by sons Clarence E., Marion S., Clinton K., Arville J., Linwood W., and Donald W.).    

July, 1906

Baltimore Sun

Footnote: John W. Allen named in above article is a major subject in the article below.

July, 1912

(The marks appearing on this article were on the archived edition.)

Democratic Messenger 

December, 1912

Baltimore Sun

December, 1912

Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)

April, 1922 


Democratic Messenger

January, 1939

(Duncan and constable tangle)

Salisbury Times

April, 1939
Democratic Messenger
Footnote: "Stet" refers to a case being listed by the court as inactive and being put on hold indefinitely.

October, 1947
Salisbury Times

(PPE reader comment)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Mr. Duncan died in 1963. Being a man of substance there was much curiosity regarding his estate. One Sunday morning before church services there was a discussion about this and one man asked my father, "How much did he leave?" to which my father replied, "ALL OF IT!"


(In an opinion about our public schools from a century ago perhaps some
 of the wording could have been expressed in more diplomatic terms but doesn't this old fashioned advice seem a valid consideration to ponder?)  

Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday, 3/26 update from Senator Mary Beth Carozza


2021 Maryland General Assembly Update

Week 11: Wade’s Law Passing, Budget Clears Senate, and Celebrating Maryland Farmers

Annapolis, MD—Crossover Day, the deadline for bills to clear their original chamber to be considered in the opposite one has come and gone, and the work of the Senate of Maryland continues. Senator Carozza’s legislation to increase penalties for criminally-negligent driving causing life-threatening injuries passed the Senate, along with legislation to help restaurants impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. During a Senate Floor debate on March 24, Carozza also spoke out against legislation that would decriminalize drug paraphernalia and jeopardize public health. The Senate also passed the Fiscal Year 2022 budget, and celebrated Maryland agriculture.

Wade’s Law Clears Senate, House before Deadline

The Senate of Maryland unanimously approved Senator Mary Beth Carozza’s legislation, Senate Bill 17 Criminal Law – Life–Threatening Injury Involving a Vehicle or Vessel – Criminal Negligence (Wade’s Law) on Monday, March 22. Senator Carozza has championed this legislation since she first introduced it in 2017.


“I am so grateful to my colleagues in the Senate for passing this commonsense public safety legislation,” Senator Carozza said after the vote. “This legislation provides a just penalty for survivors like Wade Pusey and Je’Ani Lyles who have suffered life-threatening and life-sustaining injuries as result of criminally-negligent driving.”

This legislation would establish the offense of a life-threatening injury by motor vehicle or vessel as criminal negligence. A violator is guilty of a misdemeanor and if convicted is subject to a maximum of 18 months imprisonment and/or a $5,000 fine. The current penalty for criminally-negligent driving causing life-threatening injuries is a $500 motor vehicle citation.

This legislation was prompted from a violent crash involving two Worcester County road workers, Scott Tatterson and Wade Pusey, who were struck by a criminally-negligent driver. The violent crash occurred on February 22, 2016, and left Mr. Tatterson dead and Mr. Pusey with several life-threatening and life-sustaining injuries. This case was brought to Senator Carozza’s attention by Wicomico County Deputy State’s Attorney Bill McDermott, who has continuously advocated for the passage of this legislation and first brought Wade’s case to Carozza’s attention when he worked for Worcester County. Mr. McDermott emphasized the fact that Senate Bill 17 is simply building on existing law to create a more just penalty for the crime of criminally-negligent driving causing a life-threatening injury.

Also joining Senator Carozza at the hearing this year was Je’Ani Lyles, who also suffered both life-threatening and life-sustaining injuries as the result of a criminally-negligent driver on June 18, 2018. Je’Ani’s mother, Carla Ortiz, described not only the horror of the crash with Je’Ani suffering a severing of her T8 vertebrae, multiple surgeries, and paralysis from the chest down but pleaded for a more just penalty to hold those who are criminally-negligent responsible for their actions.

“Let this be the year that we see Wade’s Law all the way through to final passage… My parents always taught me that if you believe in a just cause or action, then you keep working it, not for yourself, but for people like Wade Pusey and his family, Je’Ani Lyles and her mother, Carla, and for all the unnamed victims. We are completely committed to seeing this through for the sake of future victims. You keep fighting the good fight.”

The crossfiled version of this legislation, House Bill 855, was introduced by Delegate Wayne Hartman and passed the House of Delegates on March 22 by a vote of 130-4.

Restaurant Relief Bill Passes

On Crossover Day, the Senate also passed Senate Bill 205—Alcoholic Beverages - Sale or Delivery for Off-Premises Consumption which authorizes restaurants, bars, and taverns to sell and deliver certain alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption or delivery with the purchase of food after the Governor’s Emergency Order is lifted. This option has served as a lifeline to restaurants throughout Maryland during the COVID-19 pandemic and Senate Bill 205 extends it until 2023.


“I grew up in the restaurant business. Throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic, I have been working with our local restaurants on their very survival and keeping jobs in those restaurants,” Senator Carozza said when speaking out against amendments that would limit the timeframe of this relief initiative, noting that other states are moving forward with making alcohol to-go with food purchases permanent, which she supports.

“This legislation is essential to our Maryland restaurants’ long-term COVID-19 recovery,” Carozza added.

The crossfiled version of this legislation, House Bill 12, passed the House of Delegates on March 18, 2021 by a vote of 128-4.

Senate Passes FY 2022 Budget

The Senate of Maryland unanimously approved of Governor Larry Hogan’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget on Thursday, March 25. Included in this Senate-approved budget is $1.1 billion for the Rainy Day Fund; $572 million of federal funding provided for COVID-19 testing, contract tracing, and vaccinations; $371.5 million for community colleges; and $22 million for critical maintenance projects at State parks. Shore priorities include $2.8 million for the Ocean City Convention Center; and $2 million for Ocean City beach maintenance.


“The Senate-passed budget keeps the focus on COVID-19 recovery while funding key Shore priorities,” said Carozza.


Carozza Speaks Out in Opposition to Drug Paraphernalia Legislation

On Wednesday, the Senate voted to legalize drug paraphernalia over Republican opposition. Senate Bill 420—Criminal Law – Drug Paraphernalia for Administration – Decriminalization would decriminalize the possession of items such as syringes, spoons, needles and scales used to use and distribute heroin and other controlled dangerous substances.


“Given the opioid epidemic in our State, which has seen a resurgence during the COVID-19 pandemic, Senate Bill 420 sends the wrong message and also removes an important tool for law enforcement to shut down drug dealers and identify those that would benefit from addiction counseling and treatment,” Senator Carozza said, noting her involvement with local opioid intervention teams. Carozza also mentioned that after marijuana paraphernalia was decriminalized in 2016, there was an uptick of public marijuana smoking on the Ocean City Boardwalk, impacting businesses and visitors in the community. 


“I will continue to oppose any bills that have a negative public safety impact and hurt Ocean City and the Shore’s family image,” said Carozza.


Celebrating Maryland Agriculture

This week members of the Maryland General Assembly participated in the Rural Maryland Council’s Maryland Day event honoring the farming and seafood industry. Lieutenant Governor Boyd Rutherford and Department of Natural Resources Secretary Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio spoke about these industries’ importance to the State of Maryland and its economy.


During the Eastern Shore Delegation meeting, the members received an update from Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary Joseph Bartenfelder on the farming industry as a whole, emphasizing the important work that farmers are doing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


“We are grateful to our Shore farmers for stepping up during this critical time,” Senator Carozza said.



The Maryland General Assembly Student Page program is virtual for the 2021 legislative session to keep the participating students safe and healthy. Senate Pages are responsible for providing vital services to the legislature and have the opportunity to work directly with elected officials. This week, Xavier King, a senior at Washington High School in Princess Anne, served as a Senate Page.


Time Machine Preview

This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye:

William B. Duncan was a prominent farmer, timberman,  businessman, and property owner in the Pocomoke City area and he encountered some attention getting events as evidenced in newspaper items from 1906, 1912, 1922, 1939, and 1947. He lived until age 97 (1963) and was survived by sons Clarence E., Marion S., Clinton K., Arville J., Linwood W., and Donald W. 

Also on this Sunday's Time Machine an editorial in Pocomoke City's Worcester Democrat newspaper from a century ago leads off with: "The criticism has always been made of public schools, that they grind the pupils through in one rut." 

Thursday, March 25, 2021