Monday, November 23, 2009

Most Dangerous Cities 2009

Camden, NJ Getty Images

No. 1: Camden, N.J.

Rankings in Crime
Assault: 6
Murder: 1
Rape: 8
Motor Vehicle Theft: 8
Robbery: 1
Burglary: 41

(A "murder" rank of "4" would mean it has the 4th worst murder rate. Rankings are out of 393 cities or up to 402 cities, depending on the statistics available in each category. Nine cities that did not have published statistics in all six individual crime categories were not considered in the overall rankings.)

Next: No. 2 Most Dangerous City

"Lets say Thanks"

The mission of Let's Say Thanks is to provide a way for individuals across the country to recognize U.S. troops stationed overseas. By submitting a message through this site you have the opportunity to send a free personalized postcard greeting to deployed servicemen and women.

The postcards, depicting patriotic scenes and hometown images, were selected from a pool of entries from children across the country.

All you have to do is click on your favorite design and either select the message that best expresses your sentiment or draft a personal note. The postcards are then printed on the Xerox iGen3® Digital Production Press and mailed in care packages by military support organization Give2TheTroops®.

Xerox is committed to helping people across the nation express their gratitude to our troops overseas. The launch of this program is aimed at reminding them how much Americans appreciate their service.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sister

Tomorrow, November 21, (I won't say what year) I was given the greatest gift of a lifetime!
At not quite 2 years old myself I can not recall my reactions at the time. But I do know that it was one of the greatest gifts I could have ever received in my lifetime.
That "gift" was my sister.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope there are many more for us to share together.

And here's to all the past memories of adventures while we were kids and still wrapped
snuggly in the warm existance of a stable household. Here's to the memories of growing up still
each others best friend. We have stood side by side, shoulder to shoulder, hands clenched together through all of the happy times and even while facing deaths and the gloom life brings.

The days of home made icecream and cake and spaghetti dinners have long past. And through the years we have changed some of the traditions ourselves. But what does remain unchanged is that we have those many memories to share and we will be sisters of the closest kind forever.


A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double.
-- Toni Morrison

Jungle gang in Peru killing people to steal their fat, selling it on black market for cosmetics

Peruvian police have captured several members of a remote jungle gang that kills people for their fat, which they purportedly sell on the black market for use in cosmetics.

One suspect told police that the killers would cut off their victims' heads and limbs, remove the organs and suspended the torsos from hooks over candles to melt fat from the bodies.

Three suspects have confessed to killing five people for their fat, said Col. Jorge Mejia, chief of Peru's anti-kidnapping police.

Two suspects who were arrested carrying bottles of liquid fat told police it was worth $60,000 a gallon. Police displayed two bottles of amber-colored fluid seized from the suspects which testing proved to be human fat.

Police dubbed the jungle-based gang the "Pishtacos" after a Peruvian myth of Incas who killed to extract human fat, quartering their victims with machetes.

The suspects told police the fat was sold to intermediaries in Lima. Mejia said he suspects the fat was sold to cosmetic companies in Europe, but had no proof.

One gang member, Elmer Segundo Castillejos, 29, led police to the rotted severed head of one victim in coca-growing valley last month, Mejia said.

Six members of the gang have eluded capture, including the leader, Hilario Cudena, 56, who Castillejos said has been killing to extract fat from victims for more than three decades.

Read More HERE

Tree Light in Honor or Memory of Loved One

Shore Christian Academy in Exmore is offering everyone an opportunity to purchase a light for its outdoor Christmas tree in honor of or in memory of a loved one. The cost per light will be $10.00. The Tree Lighting Service will begin in the sanctuary of Exmore Baptist Church at 7:00 PM on December 2nd. Those in whose honor or memory the lights have been purchased will be mentioned during the service. All proceeds will go to Shore Christian Academy.

To purchase your lights, send your name and a phone number along with the names of those you wish to honor or memorialize to - Christ Tree Lighting, 11624 Occohannock Road, Exmore, Virginia 23350. Enclose a check for $10 per light made payable to SCA.

For further information please call the school office at (757) 442-9791.

This is such a wonderful idea!

Thanksgiving Pies

Here's your chance to get your Thanksgiving pies already made. Proceeds go towards church projects.

The Grace United Methodist Women will be having a Thanksgiving Pie Sale. The pies being sold are pumpkin, sweet potato and chocolate peca pie. The homemade pies will be $8 each, and can be ordered November 9th through November 20th. The pies can be picked up on Wednesday, November 25th from noon until 5:00 PM and will be available for delivery in Parksley.

Call Elizabeth Mars (757) 665-5273 or Grace Church in Parksley (757) 665-4783 for more information or to order a pie. Proceeds benefit local UMW mission projects.

ACORN West Coast Exposure

Los Angeles ACORN worker turns blind eye to underage prostitution. (Again)

Watch the video West Coast Exposure HERE

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Grinch Strikes North Pole (Alaska) Santa Won't Answer Kids' Letters This Year

It's going to be a tough year for parents who will have to explain why neither Santa nor his helpers are going to reply to letters this year.
The little town of North Pole, Alaska, where the thousands of volunteers answer letters addressed to Santa in the North Pole every year, will likely have to shut down their program after the U.S. Postal Service enacted stricter regulations on the national program when a sex offender was discovered among the volunteers in Maryland last year.

Now, Operation Santa volunteers are not allowed access to children's family names and addresses, which have been replaced with codes that match computerized addresses known only to the post office -- leaving it up to individual post offices to decide if they want to go through with the new time-consuming effort of addressing the response letters. And that's an effort that is likely not feasible in Alaska, said Anchorage-based agency spokeswoman Pamela Moody.

People in North Pole, where light posts are oversized candy-canes and streets have names like Kris Kringle Drive and Santa Clause Lane, are angry about the change, comparing the Postal Service to the Grinch who stole Christmas.

North Pole Mayor Doug Isaacson agreed caution is necessary to protect children, but was upset that the longstanding tradition would be ended by a sex offender on the East Coast, and that the North Pole volunteers weren't alerted earlier.

"It's Grinchlike that the Postal Service never informed all the little elves before the fact," he said. "They've been working on this for how long?"

Postal Service Spokeswoman Eva Jackson said the policy is in force to protect kids.

"Perhaps its a sad commentary in this day and age, but we feel we need to err on the side of caution and nothing is more important than making sure the privacy of the children is protected," Jackson said. "The North Pole post office didn't wish to participate in the program and redact the personal information. It's labor intensive and resources are scarce."

While the Operation Santa program will continue in other places with post offices that can deal with the changes, the program that forwarded letters generically addressed to "Santa Claus, North Pole" to the small town will be discontinued unless the town can achieve the feat of making the changes before Christmas.


H1N1: Free walk-in clinic scheduled Saturday in Wicomico

SALISBURY — The Wicomico County Health Department plans to hold a free, walk-in H1N1 vaccination clinic Saturday.

Appointments are available and walk-ins can fill in between appointments.

Intranasal and injectable vaccines will be available to pregnant women, persons who live or provide care for infants under six months of age, any individuals age six months to 24 years and individuals age 25 to 64 with underlying medical conditions.
The clinic is scheduled from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the William C. Fritz building on West Carroll Street.
To make an appointment, call 410-543-6943


More spam from Kratovil

At least he's listening to the eastern shore constituents, does he believe? I doubt it. Is he hunting votes? More than likely.

Dear Friends,

Last weekend, the House of Representatives voted on comprehensive health care reform legislation. I believe that many of the measures included in this bill can play a part in improving our health care system - expanding coverage to the uninsured, increasing access in rural areas, and reducing health care costs are all priorities. However, ultimately I was unable to support the bill because I do not believe that H.R. 3962 offered a fiscally sustainable approach to reforming our ailing health care system. I wanted to share with you an op-ed I wrote that appeared in the Easton Star-Democrat that discusses the health care reform vote in more depth.

I am committed to passing health care reform legislation that cuts costs and insures more people, but I do not believe we can accomplish this in spite of our nation's long term economic health. I did not believe that the bill that passed the House met this standard so I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress in hopes that a better bill can be developed as this process continues to move forward.

Please continue to share your thoughts with me so that I may better represent you and your family in Washington, DC.

With warm regards,

Rep. Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.

Holiday Mail for Heroes makes it easy

For the third consecutive year, the Red Cross and Pitney Bowes are joining forces to send seasonal cheer to soldiers, veterans and their families during the holiday season through the Holiday Mail for Heroes program.

Holiday Mail for Heroes makes it easy for all of us to say "Thanks!" and "We're thinking of you!" to these brave Americans, particularly to the millions of soldiers, like my brother-in-law Chris (aka "Sgt. McHottie") and his team, the ODA 7315, who will be overseas and away from our families during the holidays.

Here's how it works:

1. Between now and the cut-off date of Monday, December 7th, you send a card to:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456

2. Pitney Bowes screens the cards to make sure they're safe (no hazardous materials) and forwards them to participating Red Cross chapters nationwide.

3. The Red Cross sorts and reviews the cards, and distributes them to service members, their families and veterans

It's so easy you could fit it in with your errands today!

They do have some basic rules:
  • Sign all cards.
  • Address them to "Dear Service Member, Family or Veteran."
  • There's a limit of 15 cards per person or 50 for a school class or business group.
  • Please bundle groups of cards in single, large envelopes.
To keep the program streamlined, safe and consistent, they ask that you not:
  • Send letters.
  • Include personal information such as home or email addresses.
  • Use glitter because it can aggravate the wounds of hurt soldiers.
  • Include inserts of any kind -- they'll be removed in the screening process.

According to the Red Cross, there are over 1.4 million men and women serving in the U.S. armed forces, and over 24 million veterans. This is the perfect way to thank them, and their families, for serving their country, with a holiday greeting!


Undercover Wife Busts Husband by Posing as a Chatroom Teen

With its 'To Catch a Predator' sting operations, NBC's 'Dateline' has spawned a Web meme of motivational posters and jokes deriding repulsive sexual deviants. Those undercover sting operations have also inspired a wave of Net vigilantes who personally attempt to ensnare those unwitting, perverted dimwits.

A 69-year-old man in Wales was recently duped by an undercover crusader, and the operative just so happened to be in the next room. Instead of exchanging chat-room messages with what he thought was a 14-year-old girl, David Anthony Roberts was actually propositioning his own wife.

Cheryl Roberts, David's wife of 20 years, had recently grown suspicious of her husband's extensive online activities, particularly those he carried out under the message board alias of "Corky." With that in mind, she created profiles of 14- and 15-year-old girls on the site Bearshare and began engaging in clandestine discussions with her husband. The conversations apparently turned sexual in nature and finally culminated with David propositioning the 14-year-old character.

WalesOnline reports that Cheryl, who has since divorced her husband, called police after the incident. They made an arrest and subsequently found child pornography on the man's computer. David -- who, officials believe, may suffer from a neurological disorder -- plead guilty to eight charges of child pornography and is now a registered sexual offender. He is also being required to attend a sex offender program and is not allowed to contact anyone under the age of 18 on the Web. Chris Hansen would be proud. [From: Wales Online]

St. Paul ‘happy-slapping’ video that has police and citizens outraged

The arrests and investigation followed the Monday posting of a YouTube video featuring eight Black males terrorizing bicyclists and pedestrians -- including children and older people -- in what appeared to be Minneapolis and St. Paul.

St. Paul police have arrested an adult and a juvenile in connection with a series of random attacks in Minneapolis and St. Paul, which were recorded on video and posted on YouTube.

The adult from Oakdale, whose age was not released, was booked into the Ramsey County Jail, while a 17-year-old with no listed hometown, was taken to a juvenile detention center. Both were booked Tuesday on suspicion of strong-arm robbery and aggravated assault, according to St. Paul police reports. Charges do not appear to have been filed.

Several other suspects have been identified but have not yet been arrested, police said.

A police report showed that at least one person came forward after he was tackled behind by an unknown male at 6 p.m. Nov. 14 while walking eastbound on Grand Avenue near Avon Street in St. Paul.

“Assault was probably posted on YouTube”, the report said.


Local Business owner alleges charges on local blogger

The war of words has been going on since the beginning of time, but it seams that in today's world one must be cautious as to not say anything that could possibly hurt someones feelings.

More and more bloggers are being sued and/or arrested for a picture, a sound bite, or simple words, the strange thing is most of the time the offending substance comes from anonymous comments and are not the opinions of the blogger themselves.

As far as I know no one has won one of these lawsuits yet except the blogger that was arrested in Jade county Virginia on frivolous charges and they copped a plea.

Some people just need to grow thicker skin.

Below is today's article on

A local business owner who filed criminal charges and a civil lawsuit against a controversial Salisbury news blogger could have a lengthy and expensive court battle ahead of him, according to a blog pundit.

John Robinson, the 39-year-old owner of Robinson's Jewelry and Clock Store, filed criminal charges and a civil lawsuit against Joe Albero, a 47-year-old Delaware resident, this month in the District Court of Maryland for Wicomico County.

Albero declined to comment on the allegations, stating he just received court documents related to the criminal charges.

If Albero opts for a criminal jury trial, the criminal case could go to Circuit Court.

The majority of defamation cases never see the inside of a courtroom, said Robert Cox, president of the Media Bloggers Association. They are either dropped or settled out of court.

These types of cases can also cost up to $50,000, he added.

Robinson filed criminal charges on Tuesday alleging that Albero has harassed and published defamatory comments about Robinson and his family for more than two years, according to court documents.

The business owner on Nov. 11 also filed civil lawsuits against Albero and two other alleged contributors on Albero's blog.

Each civil complaint asks for $24,000 in damages, according to court records.

The alleged blog posts include unsubstantiated allegations that called Robinson a drug abuser, a child molester and suggested that his daughter was fathered by another man, according to court records.

"If those things are not true, you at least have a foot in the door for a defamation case," said Cox.

The Media Bloggers Association is a nonprofit organization founded by "leading bloggers" in 2004 whose mission includes defending the rights of bloggers and citizen journalists, according to information on the association's Web site.

However, more than just hurt feelings are needed to prove a case, Cox said. Robinson would have to prove that he lost money as a result of the alleged posts.

"It's like punching Jell-O," said Robert Cox. "There's very little you can do."

Robinson also alleges Albero followed his family around and took pictures of them at a local mall, the playground and other places, according to court records.

Cox said because these are public places, it is less likely that Albero's alleged actions could be considered harassment by a judge or jury. The scenario sounded more like an invasion of privacy which would also be difficult to prove if the photos were taken in public places.

Also adding to the challenge of such cases is that the plaintiff has to prove the defendant has malicious intent when the posts were made, Cox said.

"You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man."

Strong words today from Mr. Hymie-town himself, the Reverend Jesse Jackson. The once powerful civil rights leader who is desperately trying to regain some relevancy had something to say to Black Members of Congress who would dare to vote against the Obamacare bill. 'You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.'

Strong words for someone who just a year and a half ago threatened to cut off Barack Obama's Manhood. Jackson's remarks tonight were directed specifically again against Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) who voted against the healthcare bill in the house:
"We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill," Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. "You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man."

The remark stirred a murmur at the reception, held by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Foundation as part of a series of events revolving around the 25th anniversary of Jackson's run for president. Several CBC members were in attendance, including Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who'd introduced Jackson.
I wonder if that means that Speaker Pelosi, who voted for the bill is a black man.

Congressman Davis, who is running for governor, is the only black member of Congress from Alabama. He is also the only member of the CBC to have voted against the healthcare bill earlier this month.

Davis referred to Jackson's 1988 run for president in a statement, issued through his office, that said he would not engage Jackson on his criticism.

“One of the reasons that I like and admire Rev. Jesse Jackson is that 21 years ago he inspired the idea that a black politician would not be judged simply as a black leader,” Davis's statement said. “The best way to honor Rev. Jackson's legacy is to decline to engage in an argument with him that begins and ends with race.”

That's exactly the point. Obamacare is a horrible bill for America all of America, no mater the hue of their skin. Maybe Congressman Davis could see beyond the CBC's political goal of redistribution of Income, and government control of society to cast a vote that was right for his country and his constituents. It seems to me that the Congressman is more of a Man than the self-promoting Jackson will ever be.

Reverend Jackson, why don't you go find another tyrant to kiss up to?


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Read the letter to Obama here!

Americans, it is time to unite, not as Republicans or Democrats, not as Conservatives or Liberals or Progressives.

It is time to unite as CITIZENS.

President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have forgotten that their chief duty is the safety and the security of the American people.


AG Eric Holder will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, November 18, to testify about the administration's plan to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed back to the scene of Al Qaeda's greatest single atrocity--Ground Zero--where he will brag about the slaughter of 3,000 innocent men, women and children and his lawyers will tell a "jury of his peers" that HE is a victim of the U.S. Government.

This is insanity.

Please join 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, firefighters of and Keep America Safe in Washington, D.C. to tell Eric Holder and members of Congress,


We know this is short notice....but that's how the Administration planned it...they are counting on you just sitting this out, yelling at the cable news coverage of this outrage instead of showing up and changing the narrative in the MSM echo chamber.

Where: Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room G-50

Constitution Avenue and 1st Street, NE

U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

When: Wednesday, November 18, 9:30 am

Who: AG Eric Holder

More to follow...

Hat Tip; Kack

Frostroms Subaru of Pocomoke

If you're looking for a courteous auto dealer or auto repair Frostroms is the place.

I have had several experiences in a short time with Frostroms Subaru and everyone I had to deal with have been very caring and professional to do business with.

here's just one example; I called Frostroms yesterday because I needed a vehicle Maryland inspected, I was told that they could do it 8:00am the following day, I recieved a call around 11:00am the same day telling me my vehicle was ready to go.

My experience each time has been the same, Frostroms has a very good staff to deal with from buying a new car to having a oil change, kind and courteous every time.

Frostroms also has a great labor rate on vehicle repairs, I was amazed to learn that their labor rate is actually less than some local small repair shops while getting the dealer experience and training.

So if you need a new or pre-owned car, a Maryland state inspection, a general repair, or parts to do it yourself, give Frostroms a call, I guarantee that you wont be disappointed. Give them a try today.

Contact Frostroms @

Sales: (410)957-1414 (888)616-6457
Service: (410)957-1414
Parts: (410)957-1414

or visit their website for more info @ Frostroms Subaru

Thanksgiving Dinner; How NOT to fry a Trukey

Deep frying a turkey is, for some, a new Thanksgiving tradition, and so you'll find many "How to Fry a Turkey" videos and PSAs online.

However, there are almost as many videos titled "How Not to Fry a Turkey" on YouTube, because when you take a vat of high-temperature oil, and drop something heavy into it, it's rife with potential for things to go horribly wrong. They're all pretty cringe-worthy, ranging from the comparatively tame -- flip-flopped feet getting splattered with hot oil -- to out-and-out fireball- and-pillar-of-smoke disasters. Here's an example of the latter (though admittedly, it was done as a TV stunt).

Obama's Home Teleprompter Malfunctions During Family Dinner

Hat Tip; Tree

Ladies Get Surprise at Gadhafi 'Party'

ROME (Nov. 17) -- Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi hosted a soiree in Rome for some 200 young Italian women, but instead of the party they expected the women were given a lecture on Islam and copies of the Quran, a news report said.

A reporter for Italy's ANSA news agency went undercover with the women, who were hired for $75 by a modeling agency for the event Sunday evening. Journalist Paola Lo Mele said the women assembled at a hotel, where some where left behind because they were not tall enough or dressed modestly enough.

Those accepted were taken to a villa, where Gadhafi lectured them on women's rights and religion, and urged them to convert to Islam.
"All the girls expected a party with a gala dinner," Lo Mele told her agency. Instead, "he made a 45-minute speech on Islam and women's role in Islam. It was a bit of an indoctrination session."

Lo Mele took pictures before and after the event, showing the women carrying Qurans they received as gifts. A second soiree was planned for Monday evening, ANSA said.

Gadhafi was in Rome to attend a U.N. summit on world hunger.
After his speech, Gadhafi made an impromptu visit to one of downtown Rome's swankiest piazzas, stopping traffic as he sat down at an outdoor cafe for something to drink.


Police Officer Uses Taser On 10-Year-Old Girl

Ozark police said they were called to a home where a mother asked for help with her unruly child, but the 10-year-old's father said he's outraged at the force police used against his daughter.

"I would like to say Ozark police Tased this little girl right here. Ten years old and [they] shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God's green earth can they get away with this," said the girl's father, Anthony Medlock.

Medlock said his daughter was at her mother's house when Ozark police Officer Dustin Bradshaw shocked her in the back with a Taser and arrested her.

"If you can't pick the kid up and take her to your car, handcuff her, then I don't think you need to be an officer," Medlock said.

Medlock said his daughter does show signs of having emotional issues, but she "doesn't deserve to be treated like a dog. She's not a tiger."

According to a police report, the officer was called to the home by the mother and witnessed the child kicking and screaming. The officer's statement said the girl's mother, Kelly Hamlert, told him to use a Taser on her if he needed to.

The officer did shock the girl after he said she kicked him in the groin. "He had no other choice. He had to get the child under control," said Ozark police Chief Jim Noggle.

Noggle said the officer shocked the girl for about a second. Ozark police said it is their policy to use a Taser on someone who is a threat to others, no matter their age.

Noggle said simply restraining the child could be harmful. "Well, if he tried to restrain her, he might hurt her by restraining her. If you grab somebody, you can slip an arm out of joint. They can slip from you and fall on the ground," Noggle said. "I don't know what kind of policy it is. I don't think it's right," Medlock said.

Medlock said this is not the first time the girl's mother has called police to take her daughter to a juvenile facility. He said he will now try to get custody of his daughter.

"She just wants somebody to love her, and I do," he said.

40/29 News
checked with several other police agencies about their taser policies. The Fort Smith Police Department said it will only uses a Taser on a person 14 years old or older if they are a threat to someone.

Fort Smith Police said it's usually the discretion of each police department to make their own policies on using a Taser. Noggle said no action is being taken against the Ozark officer who used the Taser on the girl, and he said her case will go before the juvenile court system.


Britons Row From Japan to San Francisco

Two British men rowed unassisted across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to San Francisco, arriving at the Golden Gate Bridge on Friday, TV station KGO has reported.

The journey of 5,100 miles took 189 days to complete. Chris Martin, 28, and Mick Dawson, 45 -- both experienced rowers -- are the first to row unescorted across the North Pacific Ocean, according to the Web site they set up to chronicle the feat, which they called the Golden Gate Endeavour.

Martin and Dawson set out in April from Choshi, Japan, in a 23-foot row boat called the Bojangles. The boat left Japan with everything needed for the trip, including all food and supplies, a water desalinator and communication and video systems powered by solar panels, the sailors' Web site said.

Typhoons and tropical storms are a constant threat in the North Pacific. Both Martin and Dawson had crossed the Atlantic before, but said that was nothing compared to this. Wind and currents blew them off course and set them a few days behind.

"The North Pacific is the most hostile, fantastic, beautiful, worst, best place you can go to," Dawson told KGO.

After arriving at the Golden Gate Bridge on Friday, the sailors accepted a tow to the Golden Gate Yacht Club, where friends and family from the United States, Canada and England were waiting.
Martin and Dawson solicited donations on their Web site, with proceeds going to two charities: the Hamilton Lodge School in England and Hearts of Gold children's hospice in Nigeria.

They announced that since they raised enough to cover their expenses through sponsorships before they set out, all donations would go to charity.

The men told KGO they would sleep about two hours every night and then take 12-hour shifts rowing.
To read more, go to KGO and

Caption not necessary

Pocomoke sweeps Bayside South field hockey awards

Congratulations Pocomoke Warriors.

POCOMOKE CITY -- The Bayside South field hockey awards and teams have been announced, and Pocomoke swept, winning both Offensive and Defensive Player of the Year and Co-Coach of the Year.

Michelle Roberts was named Offensive Player of the Year, and Taylor West was named Defensive Player of the Year.

Coach Susan Pusey was named co-Coach of the Year along with Parkside head coach Kim Pelot.

Other Warriors making the first team include Annah Brittingham, Bianca Merritt, Kasey Tapman and goal keeper Derian Matthews.

Washington had four players make the first team, including Gracie Daniels, Amanda Muir, Tyler Overholt and Dana Rock.

Parkside had three players make the first team, including Anna Davis, Rachel McCain and Breck Sullivan. Crisfield's Courtney Thomas and Stephen Decatur's Alicia Arrivello rounded out the first team.

Pocomoke also had three players make the second team, which included Skylar Hall, Emily Leonard and Natalie Parks. Washington had three players make the team, which included Amber Baines, Lindsey Lescallett and Kelsey Thornton. Crisfield's Elle Hinman and Kirsten Ward were also named. Parkside's Kari Lamboni and keeper Caroline Carozza, along with Decatur's Gracie Ferber and Wicomico's Megan White, finished the second team.

Read More HERE @

Traffic Accident After Home Invasion

Three men were arrested Saturday after Police said that they broke into a home while armed with sawed off shot guns, but crashed their vehicle while leaving the scene. Steve Lamar Kilgor and Milton Darnell Phason have been charged with breaking and entring, attempted robbery, use of a fire arm in the commission of a felony, possession of a sawed off shot gun, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, assult and battery, and destruction of property. The third suspect, Davon Davis, faces the same charges except that of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

According to Accomac County Sheriff Larry Giddens, Saturday at 12:35 A,M., his office received a report of a home invasion in progress at a residence on Seaside Road. A vehicle description was obtained, and broadcasted to the responding units. While deputies were en-route to the scene of the home invasion, they came upon the scene of a traffic accident at the intersection of U.S. 13 (Lankford Highway) and Coal Kiln Road, and determined that one of the vehicles matched the description that they had received in connection with the Home invasion. Two fo the suspects were apprehended at the scene of the accident, and the third was rounded up a short distance away.

The suspects were transported to Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital by Melfa Fire and Rescue, where they were treated for injuries and released back to the Sheriff's Department.

Assisting in this investigation were the Virginia State Police and the Onancock Police Department.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teacher Sought 'Hit' on Student, Cops Say

ATLANTA (Nov. 17) -- A suburban Atlanta high school teacher has been accused of pursuing a "hit" on a 16-year-old student last month, and the case is under investigation by local authorities.

Randolph Forde -- who teaches at Mundy's Mill High School in Clayton County -- has been charged with making terroristic threats and was released on bond.

He is currently on administrative leave from his job with pay and faces an employment hearing in early December, Charles White, a school district spokesman, said Tuesday.

A Clayton County Police report says the incident occurred October 9. The suspect took a student off a school bus and told him he "would pay him to kill the victim," the report says. When the student asked who the target would be, the suspect said he'd write the name on a note, it says.

"The teacher held a piece of paper up with the victim's name on it," said Officer Otis Willis III of the Clayton police.

Attorney Terance Madden, who represents alleged target and his family, issued a statement saying that problems between the boy and the teacher go back to "on or about September 29," when "Forde allegedly called my client outside the class and asked him if he is gay."
Then "on or about September 30," the two had an argument in class and Forde threatened "to hit him in his 'effin' mouth," Madden's statement said.

"Not only did my client report the verbal altercation and verbal threat to the vice principal of Mundy's Mill HS, he also reported that Mr. Forde asked him outside the classroom for the inappropriate question of whether he was gay," the statement said. "Apparently nothing was done by the school administration to either Mr. Forde or my client, because Mr. Forde was back in the classroom on October 1, as was my client."

Madden said the school didn't take any action until after a police report was filed on October 12 about the incident.

Can the law keep up with technology?

In a case that would have been impossible even five years ago, bad-girl rocker Courtney Love is being sued for libel by a fashion designer for allegedly slamming the woman on Twitter.

The suit claims that after a disagreement over what Love should pay Dawn Simorangkir for the clothes she designed, Love posted allegedly derogatory and false comments about the designer -- among them that she had a "history of dealing cocaine" -- on her now-discontinued Twitter feed.

But as technology evolves faster than the laws that govern free speech online, it's not just the famous who are finding trouble.

Consider the case of Amanda Bonnen and her former landlord. Bonnen, an Illinois resident, is accused of using Twitter to tell another user: "Who said sleeping in a moldy apartment was bad for you? Horizon Realty thinks it's okay."

Horizon Group Management LLC, the company that owned the apartment in question, sued Bonnen for libel over the alleged tweet. Horizon is seeking $50,000 in damages.

Legal experts say such Internet-related cases are being watched closely because they confront new and unaddressed areas of American law.

For example, how should a libel case be handled when it comes to social media? How can society balance accountability with free speech? And if information -- from private thoughts to public data -- is so readily available, how do we define what constitutes privacy?

Anonymity and immunity

In August 2008, a user of, a Google subsidiary, created "Skanks in NYC."

The blog assailed Liskula Cohen, 37, a Canadian-born cover girl who has appeared in Vogue and other fashion magazines, by featuring photos of Cohen captioned with derogatory terms.

Cohen sued Google to learn the name of the anonymous blogger on the grounds that the post was defamatory and libelous. A New York Supreme Court judge ordered Google to reveal the anonymous blogger's name, and Google complied.

The case provided insight into the debate between the competing values of privacy and free speech, said Jeffrey Toobin, CNN's senior legal analyst.

"You have a robust debate on a million different subjects every day on the Internet," he said. "But on the other hand, is that a license to damage people's reputation with knowing falsehood?"

The courts are trying to strike a balance between the two, Toobin said.

"There have been a lot of cases about trying to get behind the anonymity of the Internet," he said. "What the courts are ... saying is that you have to show good reason, you can't just frivolously ask."

Nicholas Thompson of Wired magazine said such cases make it clear that anonymity on the Web does not necessarily guarantee a measure of immunity.

"The more people learn about it, the more they're going to realize that laws do apply online," he said.

More HERE from CNN

What's wrong with this picture?

Check out this latest picture from Veterans Day 11/11/09 at the Ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery. I don't know whether the National Anthem is being played, or the Flag is going by, or WHAT, but EVERYBODY in the picture is either saluting or has his hand over the HEART.

All except ONE.

Guess who.

Hat Tip; Eric

2010 Census to Begin


Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers by Susan Johnson

With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country. Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.

The big question is - how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist? BBB offers the following advice:

If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.

Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information. Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S. Census.


While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION. The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations. Any one asking for that information is NOT with the Census Bureau.

AND REMEMBER, THE CENSUS BUREAU HAS DECIDED NOT TO WORK WITH ACORN ON GATHERING THIS INFORMATION.. No Acorn worker should approach you saying he/she is with the Census Bureau.

Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will not contact you by Email, so be on the lookout for Email scams impersonating the Census.

Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.

For more advice on avoiding identity theft and fraud, visit


Hat Tip; Kack

Stolen VW van found after missing 35 years

Michele Squires once owned the 1965 Volkswagen van that was found recently in a shipping container at a Southern California port -- 35 years after she had it stolen from a repair shop.

She'd now like to buy it back.

Squires told The Spokesman-Review that she was watching television news on Friday when a picture of a VW van popped up on the screen during a story about how customs agents on Oct. 19 discovered the vehicle in a shipping container headed for the Netherlands. The blue-and-white van looked to be in pristine condition, and could be worth more than $25,000.

Customs officials ran the vehicle identification number and found it had been reported stolen from an upholstery shop in Spokane on July 12, 1974. Squires said she had taken the van to the shop to have a bed made in the back for camping.

Squires, 58, is a lifelong Spokane-area resident who has worked at a Chinese restaurant for the past 30 years.

In this undated photo provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a 1965 Volkswagen van that was stolen 35 years ago from Spokane, Wash., is shown after it was recovered on Oct. 19, 2009, from a shipping container at the Port of Los Angeles bound for The Netherlands. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection / AP)

Her memory of buying the van is a little hazy. She wrecked her previous car and received $600 in settlement, and used that toward the van, though she doesn't remember the price. She remembers having a lot of fun in the van, hauling friends from home to home for progressive dinners and on ski trips.

"It was great in the snow," she said. "Lousy heater. I kind of fell in love with it."

After the van was stolen, Squires was paid off by the insurer, Allstate Insurance Co., which then became the legal owner. When it turned up at the Los Angeles seaport, officials seized it and turned it over to the insurance company.

The van had likely changed owners several times over the years. Most recently, it had been in the hands of a custom repair shop in Arizona, which refurbishes VWs and sells them overseas. Authorities say the owners of the shop are not considered suspects in the long-ago theft.

Squires has contacted Allstate to see if she could get the van back. Before she came forward, a company spokeswoman said Allstate would have the car appraised, apply for a new title and sell it at auction.

Asked Monday if Allstate would try to sell or return the car to Squires, the spokeswoman said the company was still investigating its options.

Squires said she probably cannot afford to buy back the van if it is worth $25,000 or more, as the auto theft investigator on the case has guessed. But she would at least like the first chance at purchasing it, she said.