Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Protect Your Dog Against Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease in dogs is fatal...
The Neuter Scooter has reduced-cost HW testing and monthly meds for your furry loved ones!
VA Beach's SPCA mobile surgical clinic, The Neuter Scooter, comes to the SPCA Eastern Shore a couple times each month to offer low-cost veterinarian services.

They will be here:
*This week: September 27 and 28*
October 25 and 26.
November 29 and 30.

*Appointment is needed for spay/neuter services*

*NO appointment needed for:
Vaccinations, microchips ($25.00 which includes registration fee), heartworm testing, FIV/FELV testing, heartworm & flea & tick monthly medications. For these services please arrive between 10am-noon.
For more information contact the SPCA @ 757-787-7385

Monday, September 24, 2012

Salisbury Man Arrested In Ocean City For Selling Heroin

On September 19, 2012, the Ocean City Police Narcotics Unit and the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team, with the assistance of the Patrol Division, concluded a heroin distribution investigation with the arrest of Arnesto Lee Smith, 33, of Salisbury, Maryland.
Smith was arrested after a four week undercover investigation, in which narcotics detectives made several purchases of heroin from Smith. Police arrested Smith in the 45th Street area of Ocean City. During the arrest, several officers were needed to restrain Smith who was ultimately subdued with a TASER.

At the time of his arrest, Smith was in possession of 4-bags of heroin, numerous Xanax pills as well as a quantity of money all of which were seized as evidence.

Ocean City Police Narcotics Detectives charged Smith with:
  • Four counts of possession of heroin with intent to distribute.
  • Three counts of distribution of heroin.
  • Possession of Xanax with the intent to distribute.
  • Possession of heroin and possession of Xanax.
  • Resisting arrest.
Smith was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was held on $75,000 bond. Smith was transferred to the Worcester County Jail.

 Ocean City Police Dept. News Release

Pocomoke City Donwtown Fall Festival ~ All Dog Parade !

Grand Prize for the Puppy Parade will also include a $100.00 Gift Certificate for Salty Dog Grooming and a Custom Portrait by Annette Hicks from Portraits by Nette!

Photo/Salty Dog Grooming

 Mark your calendar for October 6 because you sure don't want to miss the fun in downtown Pocomoke that day!!  (and your furry friend doesn't either!)

Chincoteague Vol. Fire Co. / No More Pony Registry

CHINCOTEAGUE — In recent years, it’s been difficult for members of the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company to register pony foals, says Denise Bowden, public relations officer for the fire company.

“It’s caused more of a headache than anything else,” Bowden said about the process of recording lineages for the famous herd.

For decades the fire company has owned the famous pony herd, which it has permission to keep on Assateague Island. Ponies are sold each July at the popular Pony Penning, proceeds of which benefit the fire company.

In 1994, the Chincoteague Pony Association was formed to establish a Chincoteague Pony registry in hopes of recognizing the unique breed.

Since then, the local organization has partnered with the fire company to record the pedigrees of each foal sold.

But attempts at listing the direct descendants of foals has been challenging and inaccurate, says Bowden.

“We can’t be 100 percent sure who the father of a colt or filly is. Every stallion has a band of mares and one of those mares might go off to another band and do their own thing,” she explained.

Because of such discrepancies, last month the fire company voted in favor of eliminating the pony registry.

“This is not going to affect the average person who wants to purchase a pony,” said Bowden. “This is only going to affect people who want to make money through breeding.”

When foals are purchased at next year’s auction, the winning bidders will still receive a certificate stating that they purchased a Chincoteague pony from the fire company.

The certificate will no longer list the names of the foal’s father and mother, says Bowden.


Celebrate Life! Walkers & Runners Welcome!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Celebration At Franklin City!

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

July, 1882

(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)


As it was too late to give you the doings on the 4th for your last issue, I propose to send a few lines for your next weeks' paper. About 2800 persons celebrated the Fourth at Franklin City, this county. The exercises were opened by a lively tune, played by the Georgetown brass band; after which Capt. Lloyd F. J. Wilson, on behalf of the committee of reception and the citizens of the place, in a short address welcomed the excursionists to the town, and gave a short history of the rapidly growing and thriving place, at which the first attempt at a National celebration had then commenced. The same speaker then read the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Wm. Dickerson, of Snow Hill, Md., was the orator of the day, and his address was very brilliant and received great applause. Letters had been received by Captain Wilson, the chairman of the committee on oratory, expressing regrets of their inability to attend the celebration and mingle with the people, from Hon. Geo. T. Garrison and Judge Benj. T. Gunter.

The celebration passed off pleasantly, considering the vast number of persons present, and the inclemency of weather. Order was as well or probably better preserved than is usual where so many persons are found together and where liquors are sold, notwithstanding the uncalled for dispatch sent from Georgetown, (Del.) dated the 5th, to the Wilmington (Del.) Gazette that "A perfect pandemonium reigned in Franklin City from 2 to 8 o'clock;" that "whiskey was sold plentifully and hard fighting the order of the day," and that the whole celebration was a miserable farce." Owing to the inclemency of the day, the people were not as comfortably entertained as the committee could have wished, while few, if any, save the author of the dispatch referred to, were the least out of humor on account of the circumstances which somewhat marred the occasion, but over which the citizens could certainly have no control. T. F. Colburn, Esq., the proprietor of the Franklin City Hotel, did his best to accommodate his guests, and but for an "unfortuitous" occurrence that happened in the dining room of the hotel, to a splendid supper which had been prepared and left on the table in a room where the doors were supposed to be locked, intended to entertain the members of the band and the railroad officials at his expense.

Owing to the rain and high wind the boat and tub race did not come off, nor did the glass ball shooting take place from the same cause.

Ice cream, lemonade, confectioneries, oysters, clams and sandwiches were sold at moderate charges.

The display of fire-works at night was not as brilliant as if the atmosphere had been clear and dry.

The train conveying the excursionists to their homes, left Franklin City for Georgetown, at 10 P. M.

No accident to either the train or passengers.

The general supposition is that financially it was a success.
Greenbackville, July 8th

January, 1917

(Chester Times- Chester, Pa.)


There will be great activity in the Remington Arm's Company's plant from now on until the contract for Enfield rifles is completed.

New Arrivals

Among the new arrivals are Arthur Brittingham, Claude Brittingham, John Brittingham, and Herbert Ross from Pocomoke City, Maryland. They were lucky in securing a boarding place at Ivers House.
On being asked if there were any young men remaining in Pocomoke City, they replied that all the young men were leaving and coming to Eddystone, attracted by the higher wages being paid in the plants in the borough. They said the pay for men in their hometown ranged from a dollar a day to a dollar and a half. That a cook's wages were two dollars a week, and board ranged from four and a half to five dollars a week. 

November, 1888

(The Denton Journal)
About 6,000 acres of land in Worcester County, known at Klej Grange, the settlement of the late Joseph Drexel, the New York banker, has been sold to William G. Strickland for $20,000.

August, 1901

(The Semi-Weekly Landmark- Statesville, N.C.)

Knocked Preacher Down For Kissing His Bride.

Chincoteague, Va., Special, 25th, to Philadelphia Record.

When the minister kissed his bride, Joseph McDuff, the groom, last night knocked down Rev. James Porter, rendering him partially unconscious.

McDuff and Miss Agnes Talley, both of whom reside on Chincoteague Island, drove to the parsonage, and after the ceremony the minister as usual kissed the bride. The next instant McDuff's fist shot out and caught the minister square in the jaw, laying him limp in the corner of the room.
Friends seized the angry groom and explained to him that it was the custom of ministers. McDuff was mollified, and as a peace offering drew forth two $10 notes which he tendered to the dazed and surprised clergyman.

 We need your help in providing your recollections or information for the TIME MACHINE.  So please consider, and as we always remind you...

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.  Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

"Best Friends Walk Together" ~ SPCA Eastern Shore


WALLOPS ISLAND, VA NASA successfully tested a new suborbital sounding rocket today from the agencys launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

Launched at 7:00 a.m. EDT, the Talos-Terrier-Oriole flew to an altitude of 167.4 miles and then reentered in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Wallops Island. The payload was not planned to be recovered.

This was the first flight of the 65-foot tall Talos-Terrier-Oriole that is being developed to support high-altitude space science research.

The next launch currently scheduled from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility is no earlier than late October.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Celebration At Franklin City!

Franklin City, Virginia no longer exists but in its' day it was a busy community.  When they held a July 4th celebration in the early 1880's nearly 2,800 people attended, but there were mixed reports on how the event went. 
Read more about it, and other items also, this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

We need your help in providing your recollections or information for the TIME MACHINE.  So please consider, and as we always remind you...
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.  Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

"Feathered Fiesta" TODAY ~ Delmarva Discovery Center

Don't miss meeting this little guy..
TODAY ~ 10:00 ~ 4:00

Autumn Begins...

I must remember to say good bye to summer.........
Autumn (Fall Equinox) begins
 September 22, 2012 at 10:49 A.M.   EDT


Governors whom Martin O'Malley Attacked this Year, Grew more Jobs than Martin O'Malley did this Year

Annapolis - Governor Martin O'Malley, a partisan campaign surrogate for Barack Obama who is laying the groundwork for his own Presidential aspirations in 2016, has attacked eight other governors this year - in their home states, on Sunday talk shows and during the Democratic National Convention.   All eight of these governors have created more jobs this year than Governor O'Malley has. This does not stop the Maryland governor from boasting about economic performance, however. 

In recent remarks in Iowa, O'Malley said, “We are the party that grows our economy; they are the party that wrecked our economy.” This false statement is borne out today in the latest August employment numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that show Maryland's loss of nearly 7000 jobs this year is worse than Florida, Ohio, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Virginia, Texas, New Jersey and Maine.   In some cases it is much worse.  For example, under Gov. John Kasich, Ohio has created 68,300 jobs this year; Florida Gov. Rick Scott, 50,500 jobs; and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, 26,200 jobs. So far this year under Gov. Rick Perry, the Lone Star state has created 140,000 more jobs than Maryland, which some have dubbed the "Fee State" as opposed to the official "Free State." 

"Martin O'Malley has no credibility whatsoever talking about jobs," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "What he can talk about, but chooses not to, are the 24 taxes and fees he has raised since taking office which remove $2.4 billion annually from the pockets of struggling Marylanders."

In addition to attacking other Governors, it is widely known that Maryland fails to compete on job growth with neighboring states since O'Malley took office.

"We are lagging in job growth in the region and are simply not competing with our neighbors," said Hogan.  "This year's performance on job growth only continues the abysmal results we've seen going back to 2007."

On a percentage basis of jobs lost, Maryland's decline of 1.4% since January of 2007 is the second-worst in the region after Delaware.

Change Maryland, a non-partisan, grassroots organization with 22,000 followers, advocates for fiscal responsibility and restoring economic performance.  

Background:  Martin O'Malley on the Economy 9.16.12

“We are the party that grows our economy; they are the party that wrecked our economy.”

Background:  Martin O'Malley's 2012 partisan attacks on other governors:

O'Malley criticism of Florida Gov. Rick Scott 9.13.12

"You see that in other states. You see that especially in governorships like Rick Scott's Florida. When the president wins Florida, and I believe he will win Florida, part of that will be attributable to the really poor leadership we've seen in Florida." -

O'Malley criticism of Ohio Gov. John Kasich 9.03.12

"(O'Malley) used his speech to the Ohio delegation Monday to link Romney and Kasich, blast them and praise former Gov. Ted Strickland, who may be running for the job again in two years. If there’s one place to find buyer’s remorse, it’s Ohio,” O’Malley said.

O'Malley criticism of  Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal 7.08.12

"I've never known a Swiss bank account to build an American bridge, a Swiss bank account to create American jobs or Swiss bank accounts to build the levies to protect the people of New Orleans," O'Malley said on ABC News's "This Week."

O'Malley criticism of  Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker 7.01.12

"During the segment, O'Malley also bristled at Walker's characterization of the law's inclusion of a massive tax increase. That's the biggest falsehood being perpetuated by these unflinching ideologues," O'Malley replied.

O'Malley criticism of Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell 6.29.12

"Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) took a heck of a shot at Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) Friday on a conference call organized by the Obama campaign following the Supreme Court's health care ruling. The only health care mandate they can embrace are transvaginal probes for women," he said of Republicans.

O'Malley criticism of  Texas Governor Rick Perry 6.09.12

"Who can predict what some of the ideologues on their side will choose?"

O'Malley criticism of  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie 2.07.12

"O'Malley, who is chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, has criticized Christie repeatedly in recent months."

Maine Governor Paul LePage 6.03.12

"Some of these tea party, new-age Republican governors like LePage worship the false idol of tax cuts," O'Malley told reporters.

Friday, September 21, 2012

POW/MIA Recognition Day.........

To honor those who were prisoners of  war
and those still missing.

Maryland's Unemployment Rate Inches up Again.....

Maryland's Unemployment Rate Inches up Again to 7.1%

Annapolis - Maryland's unemployment rate inched up to 7.1%, marking months of consecutive upticks since January's rate of 6.5%,  in the latest state employment picture released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The preliminary August numbers show a slight gain in employment due to July numbers that were revised downward by 1,600 jobs.  In August, Maryland payrolls increased by 1,400 over July.

The slight change in employment numbers, however, is not enough to lift Maryland out of the doldrums when it comes to competing with neighboring states.  

"We are lagging in job growth in the region and are simply not competing with our neighbors," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "This year's performance on job growth is abysmal as it has been since 2007."

On a percentage basis of jobs lost, Maryland's decline of 1.4% since January of 2007 is the second-worst in the region after Delaware.

20th Annual Berlin Fiddlers Convention

Dr. Pepper Leads To Breaking and Entering, Grand Larceny Convictions

By: Connie Morrison
An open can of Dr. Pepper proved to be the link that tied Heather Anne Crutchley to the interior of a Melfa home that was the target of breaking and entering and grand larceny in April 2012.

According to Accomack County Assistant Commonwealths Attorney Spencer Morgan, the homeowners son returned home to find items in disarray. Clothes and household items had been rifled, the mini-refrigerator was partially open, and an open can of Dr. Pepper was on the kitchen counter top. An investigation led to Ms. Crutchley, who denied going into the house, but admitted to taking a sander she claimed had not been returned to her. The investigator asked for a DNA swab, which was sent, along with a DNA swab from the can, to a lab for analysis. Lab results returned a couple of months later confirmed the DNA on both swabs was identical. When Ms. Crutchley was confronted with the results, she admitted to being inside the home.

A number of items were taken, including cash, gift cards, jewelry, and coins. Ms. Crutchley admitted only to taking a bracelet and some Australian coins, which were sufficient to meet the $250 threshold for grand larceny.

Ms. Crutchley pled guilty to both charges, and after hearing the evidence, Judge W. Revell Lewis III found her guilty. Ms. Crutchley was already in jail awaiting sentencing on a drug charge, and will be sentenced for these new convictions the same day October 4.

Mar-Va Theater ~ Delmarva's Got Talent Begins......

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Worcester County Sheriff's Office Seeking Info

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
Press Release

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a theft that occurred at the Bungalow 7 West Ocean City area on 09/19/2012 at about 1030 hours.

Attached is a photo of a person of interest that the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is requesting the public’s assistance in identifying.

The subject is described as a white male approximately in his late 40's to early 50's. Under 6' tall about 200 or more pounds. The subject was wearing a blue and green long sleeve shirt that had Green Turtle on it. He was wearing Khaki Shorts and Sandals. The subject appears to be wearing a portable two way radio attached to his left front pocket.

If anyone has information that could help identify this subject, please call the Worcester County Sheriff’s office at 410-632-1112

We thank you for your help.

Submitted by:
Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Virginia~ Arrests Made In Breaking and Entering at Modestown Baptist Church

According to Sheriff Todd Godwin, on August 31, 2012 the Accomack County Sheriffs Office received a report of a breaking and entering that had occurred at the Modestown Baptist Church near Nelsonia. During the investigation, it was determined that a variety of items were taken and subsequent damage had occurred inside the church. Based on information obtained during the investigation, several suspects were identified in this crime.

Bryan John Turner, age 20 of Greenbackville was arrested on September 10, 2012 for breaking and entering and grand larceny. Turner was released on a $5000 bond.

Austin C. Obrien, age 19 of Nelsonia was arrested on September 10, 2012 for breaking and entering and grand larceny. Obrien was released on a $5000 bond.

Darren Tyler West, age 18 of Parksley was arrested on September 12, 2012 for breaking and entering and grand larceny. West was released on a $5000 bond.

In addition, a 16 yr old juvenile & a 15 yr old juvenile have also been charged with breaking and entering, grand larceny and destruction of property. Both juveniles were detained at the Norfolk Detention Center but have subsequently been released.

Sheriff Godwin stated that the investigation is continuing and further arrests are pending.


TIME MACHINE Preview ... Celebration At Franklin City!

Franklin City, Virginia no longer exists but in its' day it was a busy community.  When they held a July 4th celebration in the early 1880's nearly 2,800 people attended, but there were mixed reports on how the event went. 

Read more about it, and other items also, this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye! 

We need your help in providing your recollections or information for the TIME MACHINE.  So please consider, and as we always remind you...
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.  Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

From The Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Worcester County Sheriff's Office
Press Release

On September 15, 2012, at approximately 10:55P.M.members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team were in the area of the Berlin V.F.W. located at 104 Showell Street, Berlin, Maryland. At that time an individual identified as Kasheem D. Purnell, Age 33, of Berlin, Maryland was acting in a suspicious manner when he observed law enforcement personnel and immediately walked behind a small cargo trailer parked on Showell Street. A member of the Criminal Enforcement Team approached this trailer and subsequently located a clear plastic bag which later was found to contain twenty two (22) individually wrapped bags of cocaine, totaling approximately nine (9) grams. Mr. Purnell subsequently fled on foot and was apprehended after a brief foot pursuit without further incident.

Mr. Purnell was transported to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office where he was processed and charged with the following offenses:

·         Possession of cocaine
·         Possession with intent to distribute cocaine

Mr. Purnell was subsequently taken before a District Court Commissioner for initial appearance at which time he was released on a $5,000.00 unsecured bond. The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted by the Berlin Police Department and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division.

Submitted by:
Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Marylands Child Safety Seat Law Changes October 1, 2012

As of October 1, 2012, our law will drop the 65 lb weight exemption so our law will now state that children up to age 8 must ride in an appropriate child safety restraint, unless they exempt out by a height of 4’9″ or taller before their 8th birthday.

Ocean City Police Department News Release

NASA Launching Two Rockets From Wallops

Terrier Imrpoved Malemute
NASA photo
WALLOPS ISLAND, VA – NASA will launch two suborbital sounding rockets September 21 and 22 from the agency’s launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

A Terrier-Improved Malemute is scheduled for September 21 with backup days of September 23 and 24. A Talos-Terrier-Oriole is set for September 22 with September 23 as the backup launch day. The launch window for both missions is 7 to 10 a.m.

For the first launch, four university experiments will be flown as part of an educational project called RockSat-X, which is designed to provide students hands-on experience in designing, fabricating, testing and conducting experiments for space flight. The project is a joint effort between NASA and the Colorado Space Grant Consortium.

The selected experiments for this year’s RockSat-X launch are from Baylor University, University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Puerto Rico and Virginia Tech.

The experiments will fly on a two-stage Terrier-Improved Malemute rocket to a projected altitude of 98 miles. After the 15-minute flight, the payload carrying the experiments will land via a parachute in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 66 miles off the coast of Virginia. The 875-pound payload will be recovered for re-use and experiment analysis.

The second mission will be the first flight of the Talos-Terrier-Oriole which is being developed, using motors that currently exist in the sounding rocket fleet, to support high altitude space science research.

The 3-stage, 65-foot tall vehicle is projected to lift its 1,664 pound payload to approximately 176 miles above the Earth. After a 10 minute flight, the payload is expected land in the Atlantic Ocean about 300 miles off the Wallops Island coast. The payload will not be recovered.

The Terrier-Improved Malemute launch may be seen in the Wallops area. The Talos-Terrier-Oriole launch may be visible to observers on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, the three lower counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and southern Delaware.

The NASA Visitor Center at the Wallops Flight Facility will open at 6 a.m. on launch day for public viewing.

The mission will be available live on Ustream beginning at 6 a.m. on launch day at:

Mission status on launch day also can be followed on Twitter and Facebook at:http://www.twitter.com/NASA_Wallops and http://www.facebook.com/NASAWFF

Mission status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The story of Jonah

 This little girl is amazing in the way she tells 'her' story of Jonah. You just have to watch the video to see how she tells the story with so much confidence yet so humble.

Hat Tip; Art

From The Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
Press Release

On 09/15/12 at approximately 1942 hours, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy was patrolling Bishopville Road, Bishopville Maryland. The Deputy observed a vehicle at a high rate of speed, registering at 70 in a posted 40.  The Deputy stopped the vehicle and identified the driver as Douglas Mussog, 51 of Frankford De. Mr. Mussog admitted to having a suspended driver’s license.  The Deputy detected the odor an alcoholic beverage from Mr. Mussog’s breath. Mr. Mussog did poor on Field Tests and was arrested Mr. Mussog was also wanted through Maryland for Failure to Appear for previous DUI related offenses.  Mr. Mussog was charged with DUI related offense, driving while suspended, and speeding.  Mr. Mussog was held on $5000 bond for his FTA warrant

On 09/14/12, A Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy was patrolling the area of Old Snow Hill Road when he observed a white Hyundai with an inoperative tag light. The Deputy stopped the vehicle and identified the driver as Francis Elder Moale Early III, 49, of Pocomoke Md. Musgrave detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage from Mr. Early’s breath and person. Mr. Early did poor on field tests and was arrested. The Deputy spoke with the vehicle’s owner and determined Mr. Early did not have permission to operate it. Mr. Early’s license was revoked and suspended.

Mr. Early was charged with driving while suspended, driving while revoked, DUI related charges and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.

On 9/ 15/12 at approximately 0037 hours, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy was patrolling the Park and Ride in West Ocean City, Worcester County, Maryland. The Deputy observed a black Ford Explorer, parked in the middle of the parking lot.  Upon closer investigation, The Deputy observed the knee of an individual in the passenger seat with the seat reclined all the way back.  Knowing individuals were not allowed to sleep in their vehicles in the Park and Ride I approached the vehicle.  Upon making contact with the passenger, Carl Pattelli, the rear seat passenger, a female, began mouthing the words “help me.” 

The female was visibly upset and it was obvious she had been crying. The Deputy was able to separate the front seat occupant identified as Anthony Joseph Pattelli 30, of Buena Park Ca. and The Female. The Deputy learned that Mr. Pattelli was the female’s boyfriend.  The two had been living in their vehicle for several days.  When an argument started that evening, the female stated that Mr. Pattelli assaulted her and been holding her against her will for over 2 hours. The female stated she attempted to get out of the vehicle several times but each time she was assaulted by Mr. Pattelli.  The female finally gave up for fear of getting hurt worse.  The female had visible injuries to her head, mouth and throat area. Mr. Pattelli was arrested and charged with 2nd Degree Assault and False Imprisonment. Mr. Pattelli was held on $3000.  At bail review Mr. Pattelli’s bond was raised to $5000.

On 9/14/12, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy initiated a traffic stop on a motor scooter at Route 611 and Sunset Ave. Ocean City, MD 21842. The operator was a 16 year old male juvenile from Ocean City Md. who was found to be in possession of suspected marijuana and driving a motor scooter without a license.  The juvenile was arrested for the above charges and released to parents pending juvenile court actions.

On 9/ 14/12 A Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy received a call from dispatch to respond to the Wal Mart Berlin, MD 21811 for a report of a dog locked in the vehicle in the parking lot.  The Deputy located the vehicle containing the dog and went into the store to attempt to locate the operator of the vehicle.  The vehicle's operator, identified as Bryan Christopher Hazard 28 of Berlin Md., had an active Circuit Court warrant for failure to appear on a child support issue. Mr. Hazard was arrested and committed to the Worcester County Jail on 1,000 bond. The dog was freed from the car and a turned over to a family member.

Submitted by:
Lt. Edward C. Schreier

From Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell ~ Arrest Report

Pocomoke City Police Arrest Report
July 20 - September 14, 2012

7/20/2012 Keonne Laws, age 21 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with 1st Degree Burglary, 3rd Degree Burglary, 4th Degree Burglary and Trespassing on private property. Laws was taken before the commissioner and released on $7,000 bond.

7/20/2012 Lakesha Salaam, age 26 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with Trespassing on private property. Salaam was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

7/23/2012 Robert Vaness, age 23 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with Theft $1,000 – L/T $10,000. Vaness was taken before the commissioner and released on his personal recognizance.

7/24/2012 Franklin Donaway, age 34 of Salisbury, MD was arrested and charged with Theft less than $100 and Driving on a Suspended License. He was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

7/25/2012 Desiree Lyons, age 19 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct and 2nd Degree Assault. Lyons was taken before the Commissioner and released on her personal recognizance.

7/25/2012 Tyrome Heath, age 40 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct, 2nd Degree Assault, Malicious Destruction of Property and Resist Arrest. Heath was held on bond.

7/25/2012 Christopher Thompson, age 19 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with giving a false statement to a Police Officer. Thompson was issued a Criminal Citation and released on his recognizance.

7/26/2012 Millard Coffin, age 39 with no fixed address was arrested and charged with Theft $1,000-$10,000. Coffin was released on his personal recognizance.

7/28/2012 Bryan McDuffie, age 25 of Baltimore, MD was arrested and charged with driving on a suspended license, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, driving while  impaired by alcohol, driving while impaired by drugs and alcohol and driving vehicle while impaired by a controlled dangerous substance. He was issued citations and released on his signature.

7/30/2012 Rodney Collier, age 23 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with Theft less $500, Theft Scheme L/T $1,000, 1st degree Burglary, 3rd degree Burglary, 4th degree Burglary and Trespass on private property. Collier was held on $2,500 bond.

7/30/2012 Savanta Selby, age 44 of Crisfield MD was arrested and charged with Theft less $500. Selby was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/1/2012 Jeffrey Davis, age 53 of Berlin MD was arrested and charged with Failure to obey a lawful order. Davis was released on personal recognizance.

8/2/2012 Bobby Johnson, age 62 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft less than $500. Johnson was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/2/2012 Savanta Selby, age 44 of Crisfield MD was arrested and charged with Trespass on private property. Selby was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/3/2012 Gary Shortt, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Malicious destruction of property and Theft less than $500. Short was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/7/2012 Robert Johnson, age 42 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Possession of Paraphernalia. Johnson was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/10/2012 Dana Collick, age 23 of Pocomoke MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant. Collick was held on $10,000 bond.

8/10/2012 Larry Robins, age 43 was charged with illegally littering or dumping less than one hundred pounds. Robins was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/13/2012 Bryant Kellam, age 19 was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance. Kellam was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/14/2012 Hakeem Ogunbowable, age 36 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with Trespassing. Ogunbowable was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/14/2012 Charles Cottman, age 52 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance. Cottman was released on his personal recognizance.

8/15/2012 Susan Whaley, age 42 of Pocomoke MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant. Whaley was held on $1,270 bond.

8/17/2012 William Borum, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with 2nd degree Assault. Borum was held without bond.

8/20/2012 Daryl Handy, age 18 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft. Handy was released on his personal recognizance.

8/20/2012 Breon Ayres, age 21 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft. Ayres was released on his personal recognizance.

8/20/2012 Maurice Turner, age 19 of Princess Anne MD was arrested and charged with Theft. Turner was released on his personal recognizance.

8/20/2012 Larry Robbins, age 43 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance- not marijuana and possession with the intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance. Robbins was released on his personal recognizance.

8/23/2012 Kentrell Savage, age 23 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with obstructing & hindering an investigation, possession of paraphernalia and possession of a controlled dangerous substance- not marijuana. Savage was released on his personal recognizance.

8/23/2012 Derrick Smith, age 25 of Pocomoke MD was arrested and charged with failure to obey a lawful order. Smith was issued a Criminal Citation and released on his personal recognizance.

8/23/2012 Raymond Maddox, age 38 of Pocomoke was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant. Maddox was released on his personal recognizance.

8/23/2012 James Tann, age 60 of Pocomoke was charged with an alcohol violation. Tann was issued a Criminal Summons and released.

8/25/2012 Shawndale Fletcher, age 35 of Pocomoke was charged with an alcohol violation. Fletcher was issued a Criminal Summons and released.

8/26/2012 Augustine Hughes, age 27 of was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct. Hughes was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

8/27/2012 John Northam, age 31 of Pocomoke MD was charged with an alcohol violation. He was issued a Criminal Summons and released.

9/2/2012 William Schoolfield, age 65 of Pocomoke MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for Contempt of Court. He was taken to the Worcester County Detention Center.

9/7/2012 Johnathan Beasley, age 26 of Sanford VA was arrested and charged with driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and driving a vehicle while impaired by alcohol. He was issued citations and released.

9/8/2012 Wayne Collins, age 31 of Withams VA was charged with driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and attempting to elude uniformed police officer by failing to stop. He was issued citations and released.

9/10/2012 Tyrome Heath, age 40 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with harass-course of conduct, telephone misuse, and arson threat. Heath was held on $2,000 bond.

9/12/2012 Carol Trader, age 50 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Theft. Trader was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

9/12/2012 Marc Robinson, age 29 of Pocomoke was arrested and charged with Obstructing & hindering and an Outstanding Warrant. Robinson was issued a Criminal Citation for obstructing & hindering and was held at the Worcester County Detention Center on the Outstanding Warrant.

The Pocomoke City Police Department issued 39 traffic citations for Driving on a Suspended license.

Submitted by:
Kelvin D. Sewell
Pocomoke City Police Chief

Riverside Grill Pocomoke ~ SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY 9/18

-Chicken &Wild Rice Soup w/ 1/2 ham sandwich or side salad 5.99
-Meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes & green beans 6.99
-Fried Shrimp Platter w/ fries & slaw 9.99
-Apple Cranberry Salad w/ raspberry vinaigrette 7.99
-Crab Pizza 9.99

Tuesday Night ~ 4 PM ~  .99 cent KIDS MEALS

HAPPY HOUR  4:00 ~ 7:00  Monday thru Friday
All Day on Sunday

Delmarva Discovery Center ~ "Feathered Fiesta"

Oyster Festival 2012- Chincoteague Island, Virginia

Occohannock Elementary's Fourth -Grade Teacher Denied Bond

By Connie Morrison
Aaron Daniel Siegrist, age 36 and a fourth-grade teacher at Occohannock Elementary School in Northampton County, was in Circuit Court on September 17 to appeal the magistrates decision to deny his bond. Mr. Siegrist was arrested on September 11, 2012 on a charge of sexual abuse of a child under age 13. The alleged victim is five years old.

Citing Mr. Siegrist's many immediate and extended family members on the Eastern Shore and in Virginia Beach, defense attorney Thomas Northam sought to reassure Judge W. Revell Lewis III that Mr. Siegrist is neither a flight risk nor a danger to society. He pointed out the Mr. Siegrist is suspended from employment until the matter is resolved, and his pay is being escrowed, so his intent, if bond were granted, would be to work for his fathers home improvement company in Virginia Beach to financially provide for his wife and two young children. He concluded with the argument that the law has a presumption of no bond in such cases, but it also has a presumption of innocence.

Commonwealth's Attorney Bruce Jones had a different view, saying that in a case such as this, there is a huge incentive to flee, and added that the Commonwealth has a strong case, and it would be hard to identify a set of enforceable conditions that would guarantee appearance and protect society. He further assured Judge Lewis that the Commonwealth intends to move the case as quickly as possible.

Judge Lewis did not find that the presumption against bond was rebutted, and remanded Mr. Siegrist to the custody of Sheriff Doughty to await trial. Mr. Siegrist has the right to appeal that decision.

International Observe the Moon Night at the Wallops Visitors Center Sept. 22. 2012

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA--In celebration of International Observe the Moon Night, NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, in partnership with the Sussex County Astronomy Society, is sponsoring a free, public event from 6:30 to 10 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 22, at the NASA Visitor Center.

The moon.The all-ages event will kick-off with children's activities and interactive exhibits. At 7 p.m., Doug Voss, Wallops program manager, will give an overview of the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission, scheduled to launch from Wallops in summer 2013. At dusk, telescopes are available on the Visitor Center observation deck for viewing the moon, stars, and other objects in the night sky.

This year's event is dedicated to astronaut Neil Armstrong; to honor the wishes of the Armstrong family, attendees will be encouraged to wink at the moon. Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away Aug. 25.

Information on the NASA Visitor Center is available on the Internet at:

Information on International Observe the Moon Night is available at: http://observethemoonnight.org

Information on the Sussex County Astronomy Society is available at: http://www.sussexastronomy.com

Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week

Did you know that 99% of our shelters and rescue groups currently have adoptable pets that have been at the shelters a long time and are having a harder time getting adopted?

In fact, according to our survey, these "less-adoptable" pets wait for a home nearly four times longer than the average adoptable pet does ... sometimes more than two years!

If you are interested in adopting a "Less-Adoptable-Pet contact your local SPCA.

You can also contact SPCA Eastern Shore at:

SPCA Facebook OR 26528 Lankford Hwy.
PO Box 164
Onley, VA 23418
email shorespca@verizon.net

Meet "Turtle". He's a happy little guy- now. He didn't have it so easy a while back and he's just looking for someone special. Here's what "Turtle" has to say about himself and his life........
My name is Turtle and I am a 2.5 year old terrier neutered male. I am a special boy who will need a special home. I am a sweet little boy who loves squeaky toys and I enjoy being with other gentle dogs. I am shy with new people and take a little time to warm up to them. I have not had much contact from people-I spent my entire life in a small pen with my 2 siblings and they beat me up a lot.

The pen we lived in was never cleaned at all. When the nice Animal Control lady came to get us that day, we were ankle deep in stuff I'd rather not name.The people just threw food in to the pen and the strong dogs got most of it (I was not the strong dog). I have never growled, grumbled or bared my teeth at the people who take care of me now.

They walk me on a leash and I walk just fine, and sometimes I get toted outside for potty or recess. There's even one person here whom I can boss around. I have been neutered and am current on my shots and wormings. I am on heartworm prevention. I am a small boy weighing only 18 lbs.

I am better suited to a family with no small children because of my timidness; this means I can't be adopted into a home with children, unless they are in their late teens. I know it will be a very special person who takes me into their life and home. It may take some time for them to find me, but hey, it's not so bad here. The climate is controlled, I have my own kennel with a bed in it, 2 meals a day, 3 outside breaks daily with my doggie friends and people who come sit with me and cuddle. Oh yeah, and plenty of squeaky toys and treats. I could do without the baths, but it's a small price to pay over the life I had before.

Maybe I will see some of you this week. I sure hope so!

Monday, September 17, 2012

BINGO To Benefit The Heather Leigh & Christopher Robbin Hill Foundation

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!

Longaberger and Vera Bradley Bingo
Pocomoke Elks Lodge
Friday the 21st of September 2012

Hosted by:
The Heather Leigh and Christopher Robbin Hill Foundation

You could win a Pandora bracelet
(Featured in a special game or raffle ~ to be announced)

$20.00 For special seating
Call 410-957-2917 or
leona@isp.com to reserve)

$20.00 at the door
Raffles ~ Chinese Auction and MORE!

Doors OPEN @ 6:00 PM ~ Games BEGIN @ 7:00 PM

The Elks will have food you can buy
and the Hill Foundation will have sweets you can purchase.

Fundraiser to help build a science-oriented playground for our youth

Come join us and bring your friends !!

If you would like to be a sponsor and get involved with Heather Leigh and Christopher Robbin Hill Foundation contact Leona Hill. (info above)

About the foundation:

By: Leona Hill

For those who do not know "our story", Bob and I have lost both of our children. Christopher died at the age of 4 from mono. The mono caused his immune system to shut down and he became ill with every kind of illness known to man. We spent 7 weeks at NIH for research and the bulk of 22 month at JHH. He died at Johns Hopkins Hospital on February 11, 1980. Heather was a scientist involved in cancer research when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 26. She fought for 8 1/2 years going through the years with multiple surgeries and chemo along with a bone marrow transplant. She died in our home at the age of 34 on the 8th of September 2005. Our children were remarkable! They faced life with love and gracefulness. They never complained. They both had a strong faith in our God and looked toward Him to get through life. Our hearts will always be broken and we often wonder why we outlived our children. We do know that God has all of answers and we must continue to trust in Him until we join them!

Bob and I have created the Hill Foundation so our children will have a legacy long after we are gone. In doing so, my vision is to give back to our community. We, the Foundation, give scholarships out each year to students entering a science oriented field. We also support the Marva Theater in the Performing Arts for the summer Theater Academy each year. Once the science playground is built it will belong to our community with our monies supporting it. Meanwhile, we need to hold the fundraisers to provide for the ongoing scholarships.

So, please come out and join us and bring your friends!