Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From Richard Douglas Candidate For U.S. Senate- Maryland 2012

Douglas to Cardin:
Stop Parroting State Department Talking Points on North Korea, other Hot Spots


Bladensburg, MD - As international foreign policy attention focuses on North Korea, US Senate candidate Richard Douglas today urged Ben Cardin to use his position on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to emphasize working in concert with democracies in West Asia to address the rogue state's nuclear ambitions. 

"The communist bosses in Beijing surely are content with Cardin's famous – or, perhaps, infamous -- desire to work 'in concert' with China on threats like Iran," said Douglas.  "Cardin's compliant attitude toward Beijing probably explains his failure to object when China forcibly returns starving and desperate North Korean refugees to their homeland.  But it does not excuse it." 

For years Communist China has forcibly returned North Korean refugees to their suffering homeland, in blatant violation of the principle of non-refoulment, a foundation stone of international humanitarian law.  Many North Korean refugees have been tortured or killed upon return to their homeland.  

Ben Cardin's continuing failure to speak out against North Koreans attempting to escape their starving prison-nation assists the rogue state in developing weapons capacity at the expense of its own people.

"North Koreans, caught in a crushing vice formed by Pyongyang and Beijing, are the forgotten victims of communist oppression," said Douglas. " Maryland does not need a US Senator who chirps pathetic State Department talking points and calls it 'statesmanship.'" 


Car Crash and Gun Shots Fired On Eastern Shore Community College Campus

MELFA: Northampton man dies in car crash after shots fired at E.S. Community College

Written by
Ted Shockley
Staff Writer
MELFA — A Northampton County man was fatally injured in a hit-and-run accident early Sunday morning after shots were fired at a private party held at Eastern Shore Community College.

Orlando Upshur, 22, of Melfa, was pronounced dead at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital after the crash, which was reported at 1:25 a.m.

Witnesses said Upshur’s vehicle and a 2002 Mercedes-Benz had left the party at the college, but police could neither confirm nor deny they had been there.

The driver of the Mercedes was traveling at “a high rate of speed” and plowed into the back of the 1993 Jeep Cherokee, ejecting Upshur and another occupant, said 1st Sgt. J-P N. Koushel, Eastern Shore Area Commander of the Virginia State Police.

The driver of the Mercedes left the scene, he said.

“We’re pretty confident that we know who the person is,” said Koushel, adding that police were awaiting the results of DNA testing.

“There was a lot of blood in the car.”

Accomack County Sheriff Todd Godwin said his office was called to fighting and gunshots at the college late Saturday evening. No arrests were made because those involved left as officers arrived.

“We did have somebody fire some shots,” he said. “They dispersed as soon as we pulled up.

The crash happened at the intersection of U.S. Route 13 and Phillips Drive, at the Tammy and Johnny’s restaurant intersection.

After being hit, the Jeep overturned along the ditchbank, rolled back into the road and was hit by a 2004 Lexus driven by a Northern Neck man.

The investigation continues by Senior Trooper B. E. Lewis. Units and personnel from Melfa, Onley, Tasley and Onancock responded.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Sewer Testing Program In Pocomoke



The City of Pocomoke and the Maryland Environmental Service are planning to conduct smoke testing of the sanitary sewer in Pocomoke City during the week of March 26 – March 30.

 A harmless white smoke will be pumped into each manhole to help identify any underground sewer problems. This testing is part of continuing efforts to provide a sound sewer system throughout Pocomoke City.

For more information contact the Sewer Dept. at (410) 957-3311, or City Hall at (410) 957-2521.

Michael Phillips, Superintendent

*message from PCVFC*

Lazy Sundays In The Country

There seems to always be something new on the back roads on Virginia's Eastern Shore.
I had to look at this tree twice!  How many cats do you see?  If you are missing a cat you might look here.

Here's a different type of pet.

The little black goat tried his best to keep his eyes open.
And goats are popular in this part of the country.  You can  find them anywhere.

Launch From Wallops NASA Set For Tuesday

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA NASA has scheduled the launch of five suborbital sounding rockets from the Wallops Facility in Virginia as part of a study of the upper level jet stream between midnight and 5 a.m., Tuesday, March 27.

The countdown will begin Monday evening March 26. The launch window may be narrowed following a weather briefing Sunday evening, March 25.

The Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment (ATREX) will gather information needed to better understand the process responsible for the high-altitude jet stream located 60 to 65 miles above the surface of the Earth.

As part the mission, the five rockets will release a chemical tracer that will form milky, white clouds that allow scientists and the public to see the winds in space. These clouds may be visible for up to 20 minutes by residents from South Carolina to southern New Hampshire and Vermont.


Colas Back In Court On Wednesday

Written by
  Linda Cicoira
Details continue to emerge with respect to the March 4 shooting  (and stabbing) of two  local emergency responders, allegedly by a Virginia Beach police officer.

Accomack General District Court records include State Police Special Agent Perry Freeman’s report that Bradley Scott Colas, 23, of Virginia Beach "fired a round in the direction of … fleeing EMS (Emergency Medical Services) personnel. This bullet struck the pant leg of EMT (Emergency  Medical Technician) Edwin George Taylor.”  Freeman added that Colas testified at his bond hearing “that when he fired his weapon towards the EMS personnel that he intended to kill.”

Charges against Colas include attempted second-degree murder and use of a firearm in a felony. Colas is being represented by former state Sen. Moody E. (Sonny) Stallings Jr. of Virginia Beach and Thomas L. Northam of Accomac.Colas is being held in Accomack Jail without bond.
Colas was initially charged with two counts of maliciously causing bodily injury to firefighters Timmy McCready and Edward Taylor
while they were“engaged in the performance of public duties.” Those charges involve stabbing the firefighters.

Colas spent several days in Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital under  police guard. Judge Gordon Vincent remanded him to jail despite claims that his alleged illegal actions were caused from a reaction to the  antibiotic Biaxin.

Police say the fire and rescue workers were responding to Colas’ traffic accident when he attacked them.

The Virginia Beach officer allegedly ran his vehicle off the road and struck a tree near Hallwood about a half-mile north of John Taylor Road.  When police arrived at the scene of the accident, Colas was allegedly walking in the road with a firearm in his hand.

Court records show he began working for Virginia Beach Police Department in August.


**Bradley Colas will be back in court on Wednesday for a bond appeal hearing.***

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

 Field Notes Week 11
 Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities By Delegate Mike McDermott

Week 11 March 19-24, 2012
The news I bring you this week from Annapolis is not good. I will be providing a supplemental to these notes on some budget specifics. There will be changes and further compromises with the Senate before the final version is voted on. While I do not normally include amendment links, I did so on the budget and tax bills so you could see what was rejected by the democrat majority that rule the House. Not one Republican amendment was accepted.
Monday Evening Session
Second Reader, Third Reader
Tuesday Morning SessionSecond Reader, Third Reader
There was only one controversial bill voted on this morning. HB-1204 will impose fees and further regulations for companies seeking to develop drill sites in western Maryland. No other state requires these types of fees, and now Maryland seeks to impose fees charged per acre on “potential” sites and continue to put the brakes on discovery and drilling for natural gas deposits located in Marcellus Shale. There was a significant amount of propaganda put forward by Chairman McIntosh citing many ground water contamination concerns. Although none of these instances has shown to have been caused by hydraulic fracturing in the process described, the chairman is a believer and is not swayed by many known facts. The passage of this bill only continues to set Maryland up for terrific losses of revenue due to the crafted moratorium by the General Assembly and the Environmental Matters Committee. This bill was passed on a vote of 88-49…many taking a walk on this bill while sitting at their desks.
Judiciary Hearings on Tuesday
HB-1365 would transfer collections for restitution payments from agencies like Juvenile Justice to the Central Collection Unit of the Department of Budget and Management. It was said that victims should benefit from a streamlined process and the CCU is better able to address the demands of these types of collections. The collection rate is currently 9% while CCU collection rate is 42.5%. HB-1143 would create a felony crime of Armed Home Invasion to address the increase in these types of offenses, particularly in the metropolitan areas. While there are particular cases which would support this bill, all of these offenses can be charged on existing law for the same or even greater combined sentencing. HB-1324 seeks to establish a standard for law enforcement on using eyewitness identification procedures. The goals of the bill are positive, but the opposition from law enforcement centered around the notion that we should not be legislating policy and procedures on best police practices. HB-1438 is a local bill seeking to allow Frederick County to perform background checks of a taxi applicant’s criminal history as a part of their processing. HB-1106 seeks to prohibit “inappropriate” searches of a minor by law enforcement and security (TSA) agents. It would require “probable cause” prior to a minor being subjected to intrusive searches of their person. HB-1111 seeks to provide limitation on the type of searches that can be conducted on persons in the United States. It stems from searches conducted by TSA personnel at airports but would apply to any searches conducted by agents of the government. The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution provides protection from “unreasonable searches” and it would seem that most of the issues brought to the committee’s attention could be addressed through dealing with the TSA and congressional oversight.HB-949 seeks to repeal the Death Penalty in Maryland and replace it with Life-Without Parole. I do not agree with removing the death penalty as an option for society in addressing certain criminal cases. There were many that testified that it should be abolished. I suggested that, perhaps, it should be a Constitutional Referendum to be put before the voters. Interestingly enough, advocates did not like the idea of asking the citizens to vote on the issue, but they would be the first to say that voters do not want the death penalty anymore. To say the least, I find this very interesting.  HB-1310 would place incredible reporting restrictions on firearms dealers and require them to respond to audit demands from the State Police. Currently, dealers licensing is handled by the federal government who issues the licenses in the first place. This bill would provide the ability of the state to suspend a license for several weeks just for a clerical violation. This seems to be a significant change and intrusion from the current laws governing purchases in Maryland.
Voting Session Judiciary Committee Tuesday Evening
Bills voted favorably by the committee:,
HB-130, HB-140, HB-353, HB-509, HB-513, HB-573, HB-589, HB-604, HB-664, HB-666, HB-670,HB-742, HB-823, HB-834, HB-860, HB-942,HB-1120, HB-1334
Bills voted unfavorably by the committee:
HB-469, HB-588, HB-611, HB-778, HB-821, HB-1020, HB-1021, HB-1066,
HB-1147, HB-1300, HB-1330, HB-1386
Judicial Hearings Conducted on Wednesday Afternoon
HB-1418 would preserve the right of a person to appeal a conviction under a writ of Coram Nobis. This is a particular writ which allows someone to come before the court with evidence and information which reveals a significant mistake made by the court during the trial. There have been some recent court cases which appear to have diminished a writ of Coram Nobis. HB-1441 would allow for the termination of an alimony payment when the recipient cohabitates. Some states have allowed for reductions in payments under these circumstances. HB-1402 would prohibit a court from incarcerating someone on a Contempt of Court Order for failing to pay Child Support who is a veteran.
Voting Session Judiciary Committee Wednesday Afternoon
Bills voted favorably by the committee:
HB-209, HB-598, HB-742, HB-762, HB-772, HB-834, HB-875, HB-1238,HB-1326, HB-1418, HB-350
Bills voted unfavorably by the committee:
HB-1106, HB-1111, HB-1242
Thursday Voting Session-11 hours
Second Reader, Third Reader
Budget Bills Debated on Thursday
For review, these are the bills and the amendments for the $36.8 Billion budget package. I have included all of the proposed amendments offered which would have altered or eliminated various fees, taxes, transfers, or demands placed upon the citizens or local governments. All but two of them were offered by Republicans.

SB 150
Floor Amendment (Delegate Bates) {273422/1 Rejected (48-84)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kach) {653224/1 Rejected (46-86)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDonough) {753429/2 Rejected (40-89)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Vitale) {253229/1 Rejected (42-92)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Schulz) {573123/1 Rejected (48-82)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Costa) {743821/1 Rejected (41-88)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McComas) {313528/1 Rejected
Floor Amendment (Delegate Hough) {563720/1 Rejected (46-88)
Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {903726/1 Rejected (47-90)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 152
Floor Amendment (Delegate Donoghue) {193826/1 Rejected
Floor Amendment (Delegate Simmons) {563124/1 Rejected (26-109)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDermott) {813529/1 Rejected (43-85)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDermott) {883323/1 Rejected (43-86)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDermott) {813923/1 Rejected
Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {693424/1 Rejected (53-79)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Krebs) {213323/1 Rejected (41-91)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Minnick) {393724/1 Rejected (50-81)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McConkey) {263922/2 Rejected (45-86)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Barkley) {243927/1 Rejected (62-72)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Serafini) {353329/1 Rejected (45-85)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Eckardt) {683729/2 Rejected (44-90)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Szeliga) {693622/1 Rejected (43-91)
Floor Amendment (Delegate George) {913820/2 Rejected (42-92)
Floor Amendment (Delegate George) {913820/3 Rejected (41-92)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Frank) {913221/1 Rejected (42-92)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McDermott) {543629/1 Rejected (51-85)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Stocksdale) {253029/1 Rejected (42-87)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Aumann) {363324/1 Rejected (45-84)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Olszewski) {933823/1 Rejected (43-78)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Krebs) {233226/1 Rejected (42-88)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 1412 is the bill which allows for counties to override their citizen imposed Revenue/Tax Caps and would require the Comptroller to take county revenue and give it directly to the Boards of Education if a county cannot make maintenance of effort on their budgets.
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kramer) {923327/2 Rejected (52-78)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kramer) {923327/4 Rejected (46-78)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kramer) {923327/3 Rejected (46-70)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Kramer) {723320/1 Rejected (49-77)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Haddaway-Riccio) {623020/1 Rejected (42-81)
Floor Amendment (Delegate McMillan) {963626/1 Rejected (40-86)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Krebs) {533722/1 Rejected (48-77)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 523 is the tax bill from the senate which creates various tax and fee revenues in support of the proposed budget.
Floor Amendment (Delegate Serafini) {143729/4 Rejected (41-87)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Serafini) {143729/6 Rejected (44-85)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Fisher) {983121/1 Rejected (40-67)
Floor Amendment (Delegate Szeliga) {773924/1 Rejected (42-69)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB- 987 is perhaps the most potentially damaging legislation to the tax payer this session. It will require counties to fund projects to address storm water management which will cost billions. Baltimore City costs exceed $10 billion, Prince Georges exceeds $2 billion, Frederick County exceeds $4 billion, and Anne Arundel County exceeds $2 billion. These would be problem numbers if we were talking millions, but this is much worse. These are just four of the counties who fall under phase one of this mandate by the state in conjunction with the EPA (Executive Order-not legislated). While the Eastern Shore is exempt in the first round, there is no doubt we will be captured in future legislation. Many of us made strong arguments against this bill. It has everything necessary to bankrupt many of our jurisdictions in coming years while the science supporting these actions is questionable.
Voting Session Judiciary Committee Friday Morning
Bills voted favorably by the committee:
HB-300, HB-480, HB-543, HB-545, HB-707, HB-774, HB-1122, HB-1441
Bills voted unfavorably by the committee:
HB-719, HB-739, HB-1082, HB-1086
Friday Session Voting
Second Reader, Third Reader
There were a couple of contested bills. HB-1275  puts greater demands on those seeking to petition a bill to referendum and would require some of the information to be available online. I view these democrat sponsored efforts as an attempt lay stumbling blocks between the people and their government. It passed 93-42. SB-150, one of the budget bills, passed along party lines with 3 democrats not voting 95-43. SB-523, the Revenue/Tax Bill, saw several more  Hdemocrats unwilling to sign on the dotted line for this massive taxing package. Sadly, this bill was approved 81-56. HB-443 is Maryland’s response to Obamacare. In spite of court decisions that look to rule it unconstitutional, the O’Malley-Brown administration continue to advance this agenda. Several amendments were made on this bill to strike out taxpayer funded abortion language now and in future bills, and this was met with stiff resistance from democrats. While the amendments went down to defeat, it was clear that many are sensitive on the issue in the House and do not like it coming up for votes. HB-1412 was one of the more troubling legislative acts outside of the budget so far this year. Democrats, including Del. Norm Conway, sponsored this bill which will effectively destroy a Tax Revenue Cap put into effect by the voters in counties such as Wicomico. Not only does it allow for an override of the cap, if the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) budget for the Board of Education, it requires the Comptroller to withhold tax money due the county. Further, it requires the Comptroller to take the money and divert it to the local Board of Education to make up any money the county withheld from the budget. This is one incredible overreach by the state and may only serve to force some of our counties into a state of bankruptcy or never ending tax increases. It passed 92-46.
Voting Session Judiciary Committee Friday Evening
Bills voted favorably by the committee:
HB-1438, HB-1122
Regular Session SaturdaySecond Reader Bills, Third Reader Bills
The most interesting bill of the day was HB-576 which deals with public-private partnerships on special projects throughout the state. The legislation itself is not problematic, it was an amendment placed on the bill which would allow it to be retroactive, including pending litigation in our courts. It seems the redevelopment project in Baltimore City at the Center has been bound up in court by folks who opposed the project. This amended bill would have allowed a direct appeal to the Court of Appeals by the plaintiffs in the case, and he amendment was proposed by a lobbyist for those who want the Center project to get moving. There was strong argument against the General Assembly being used in this fashion. It was said to be turning the state into a “Banana Republic” where the one with the money buys the justice they desire. While many were offended by the debate, they were only offended by the truth. This bill was amended to help one particular party with a case already before the court, and, no matter how you slice it, that is just plain wrong. I was so glad to be ending my week on such high note.