Sunday, June 28, 2009

We Now Have A Total Gangster Government

I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone with a half a brain can look at this massive assault on the American way of life, with the skin peeled away, and still concur with it.
This is exactly correct, we now have a "gangster government" and it's Chicago style of course.

Ancient Christian Quarry Unearthed

JERUSALEM (June 23) - Israeli archaeologists said on Sunday they had discovered the largest underground quarry in the Holy Land, dating back to the time of Jesus and containing Christian symbols etched into the walls.

The 4,000-square-yard cavern, buried about 10 yards beneath the desert near the ancient West Bank city of Jericho, was dug about 2,000 years ago and was in use for about half a millennium, archaeologist Adam Zertal said.

The cave's main hall, about three meters tall, is supported by some 20 stone pillars and has a variety of symbols etched into the walls, including crosses dating back to about AD 350 and Roman legionary emblems.

Zertal said his team from Haifa University first discovered the site three months ago while they were putting together a detailed archaeological map of the area.
"We saw a hole in the ground ... and went down and discovered this giant cavern, originally a quarry, built uniquely with hall after hall," Zertal told Reuters.
The team believes the stones were used in buildings and churches in the region, but Zertal said further research was necessary.

The site may eventually be turned into one of the largest underground tourist sites in the Holy Land, he said.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Island may be given to tribe

The owner of an island in the Pocomoke Sound said he wants to turn it over to an Indian tribe and "have it be a resource that brings people to Somerset County."

Carl Ifert, who owns the 65-acre Fair Island near Shelltown, asked County Commissioners on Tuesday for consent to give the land to the Delaware Tribe.

"We ask for your blessing," Ifert said. "We want it to be a joint venture."

Ifert said he was interested in giving the island to the Delaware Tribe because it has an Indian burial site. He also would be able to take a tax deduction because the tribe is a nonprofit organization.

Although several members of the Delaware Tribe visited Fair Island this week, they were still in preliminary talks with Ifert, Assistant Chief Wayne Stull told the commissioners. The Oklahoma-based tribe is not interested in building a casino, but it might look into a marina, destination hotel or upscale houses.

Any agreement with Ifert or plans to develop the land would first have to be approved by the tribal council, Stull said.

County Commissioners told Ifert he was free to give Fair Island to anyone he wanted, but warned environmental regulations and zoning restrictions could stall development plans.

"I don't think your problem's going to be with us -- it's with the state," Commissioner Rex Simpkins told him.

The entire island is zoned by the county as a conservation area and most of it is in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, said County Administrator Sam Boston.

The island has no roads, public water and sewer or other services. It is separated from the mainland by a canal dug during the 1930s.

Ifert said he planned to hire a local attorney to handle any further matters related to turning the island over to the tribe.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Why Don't People Keep Their Word Nowadays?

I had a deal going down and I didn't have the money, I talked to the person and assured them I would have the money this week and asked if they would hold the item for me and they assured me they would.

Long story short, today I get the cash and am ready to buy and they said sorry it's sold.

Why not just say up front sorry, first come first serve?

They didn't have to say they would hold the item if they didn't intend too.

I guess I don't understand because I'm a man of my word, if I told someone I'd hold something, I would.

Oh well, everything works out for the best.

WTH: For Today

Cops Find 100 Pounds of Pot in Casket

DALLAS (June 26) -- A casket minus a cadaver yielded nearly 100 pounds of marijuana after a traffic stop in Dallas.
William Dale Crock of Cave City, Ark., was in jail Friday on a marijuana possession charge, plus traffic and seat belt violations.

Dallas police say Crock was arrested Wednesday when bundles of marijuana were discovered under the casket's cover and pillow.

Sr. Cpl. Kevin Janse said the van turned up during surveillance on a suspected drug house. Police stopped the van in Mesquite after noticing Crock not wearing a seat belt. Officers also said he allegedly ran a red light and made an improper lane change.

A drug-sniffing dog alerted officers to the casket in the van.
The online records of the Lew Sterrett Justice Center had no listing for an attorney for Crock.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sensitive Teeth?

Md. County Considers Naming Elementary School After Obama

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (AP)- The Prince George's County school board is considering a proposal to name an Upper Marlboro elementary school after President Barack Obama.

The board is scheduled to vote on the proposed name for the school under construction just miles from the White House on Thursday evening.

If the proposal is approved, Barack Obama Elementary School would be the first in Maryland named after the president.

However, it would not be the first school in the nation named after Obama. A New York school district voted to rename an elementary school after him shortly after his election victory.

Some members of the Prince George's school board say naming a school after Obama would inspire students, but board member Linda Thornton Thomas says she would rather name the school after a local figure.

Top Ten Signs Barack Obama Is Stressed

Is the pressure of the job finally getting to President Obama? .

10. Started his day eating a pack of cigarettes and smoking a waffle

9. He's losing so much hair, he asked for Biden's transplant guy

8. He's ballooned up to 155 pounds

7. On last "date night," accidentally went dancing with Secretary of Transportation Ray Lahoud

6. Instead of Gitmo, accidentally shut down Geico

5. He's eating dimes like they're Tic-Tacs

4. Vowed to put a man on Jupiter by the end of the week

3. Promised his kids a horse if they solve the housing crisis

2. Announced November election was rigged and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is our real president

1. Claims he's having a worse week than Letterman

“Top Ten Side Effects of the Transition to Digital TV”

10. Regis keeps popping up in my microwave
- Steve P., Northridge, CA

9. All the channels are now in the metric system
- Tom H., Alma, WI

8. Wolf Blitzer is now more "blitzery"
- Gary R., Buffalo Grove, IL

7. "According to Jim" now hilarious
- Bob P., San Jose, CA

6. Now you can use your VCR to bake a potato
- Jon P., Dallas, TX

5. The President's ears finally appear on new widescreen - Rollin B., Fresno, CA

4. You suddenly understand what "Lost" is all about
- Karen O., Torrance, CA

3. Reduces the size of Keith Olbermann's head
- Roger C., Rapid City, SD

2. Having to see what the women on "The View" actually look like
- Shelli P., Columbus, OH

1. Ever since TV went digital, all channels now just show Letterman apologizing for something
- Scott N., Jackson, MI

“We The People”


Do you really want this guy driving around in your neighborhood with your children?….

Today marked the opening of The Big Gay Ice Cream Truck, the latest entry in New York City’s food truck scene. With prime location near the bandstand at Brooklyn Pride in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, The Big Gay Ice Cream Truck’s owners Doug Quint and Bryan Petroff were serving up Mr. Softee-style soft-serve, in chocolate and vanilla flavors with standard toppings like sprinkles. What sets them apart, however, is the great branding and the inventive premium toppings, like Trix cereal.

Obama’s Double Speak on Iran

Our President has been glaringly light on the outrage over the events in Iran until the Presser yesterday. Words like “meddling” and “wait and see” have been the mantra from the administration until the polls showed his responses were not well received by the American public. Fortunately Major Garrett called the President out on his “too little too late” outrage at the press conference. Notice how Obama makes claims that his administration was firm from the outset - flat out lie from the golden tongued boy wonder…

Kudos to Major Garrett for asking the questions that the American People want the answers to and not the pablum of the drooling Obama-worshipping media.
Now we have a report from the Washington Times that OUR Supreme Leader was kissing the arse of the Iranian Supreme Leader PRIOR to Iran’s elections. Take the report with a grain of salt as it comes from “unnamed sources” but the Ayatollah did make mention of the letter from President Obama during his Sermon last week…

Prior to this month’s disputed presidential election in Iran, the Obama administration sent a letter to the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling for an improvement in relations, according to interviews and the leader himself.
Ayatollah Khamenei confirmed the letter toward the end of a lengthy sermon last week, in which he accused the United States of fomenting protests in his country in the aftermath of the disputed June 12 presidential election.

In a lengthy sermon Friday that reaffirmed the disputed re-election of Mr. Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khamenei made an oblique reference to a letter from the U.S. but embedded the reference in a diatribe against purported U.S. interference in Iranian affairs.
“On the one hand, they [the Obama administration] write a letter to us to express their respect for the Islamic Republic and for re-establishment of ties, and on the other hand they make these remarks”

If the Obama administration did send such a letter, then that explains their lukewarm outrage over the Iranian government’s actions during the protests. Don’t want to piss off the mullahs and lose any chance of a photo-op sitdown at some later date. IF the Obama administration did send such a letter, that makes them complicit in the deaths of the innocent protestors in Iran and is further proof of the inability of Obama to grasp the importance of taking a stand prior to poll results.

Obama likes to puff his chest and say “I AM the President of the United States”… Yes he is. BUT it’s time he acted like it instead of being a stooge for the Socialists and Muslims.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Doe! Deer Rescuer Threatened With Criminal Charges

After being rescued, Sunny the fawn faces euthanasia, while Sunny's rescuer is threatened with jail time.

Leslie Cain thought she was doing the right thing when she saved an orphaned baby deer she named Sunny.

Investigators from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, however, were of a different opinion.

Cain is under criminal investigation and faces 60 days in jail and a $500 fine after investigators learned that she had found Sunny in a subdivision in Ohio and took her across state lines to a farm in central Kentucky.

Say what? Turns out, it's against the law to transport orphaned deer for fear of spreading disease.

What's more, investigators have told Cain she needs to help them locate Sunny so the fawn can be euthanized.

So far, Cain says she wants to cooperate, but claims she wouldn't be able to find the farm she brought Sunny to because she brought the fawn there at night (why she can't simply ask the friend of a friend who originally gave her the information for the location is a mystery). The outcome of Sunny's saga remains to be seen. Sunny, if you're reading this – make a run for it!

WTH: For Today

Morgue Demands 'Bullet Fee' for Body HUH?

The family of a 19-year-old Iranian man killed during clashes between security forces and protesters in Tehran said morgue officials demanded they pay a $3,000 "bullet fee" before they were allowed to take his body, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

The fee was assessed to pay for the bullet that killed Kaveh Alipour, relatives told the newspaper. But Alipour's father told officials that all of his property combined wouldn't even amount to $3,000. He argued his case and said that since he was also a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, the fee should be waived.

Morgue officials agreed, but demanded the family bury Alipour outside of Tehran. His body was eventually taken to Rasht, where the family has relatives.
Alipour was shot in the head on Saturday when he was returning from acting class -- apparently an innocent bystander during the protests in Iran's capital city. He was to be married later this month.

"He was a very polite, shy young man," a neighbor said.
Get more information on this story from The Wall Street Journal's Web site..

Civilians Run City-Wide Surveillance in Pennsylvania Town

Okay, Switched readers, here's a great debate. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is known as the home of Hershey's, the town where Peeps was invented, and the American city with the highest amount of surveillance per capita. Lancasterians have been subjected to a community-wide program that installs closed-circuit cameras on nearly every street, hosting more outdoor cameras than both San Francisco and Boston, reports The Dutch Pennsylvanian city considers itself to be a prime candidate for such security measures, considering the amount of tourism its attractions receive.

The argument is that, while this is a small city, Lancaster was plagued with four murders last year, and the surveillance system helped solve one of them. Post-9/11, a local crime commission suggested that cameras might help make the city safer. In response, local businesspeople, municipal officials, and otherwise concerned citizens formed a non-governmental group called the Lancaster Community Safety Coalition.

With money raised from private donors and foundations, the recorders were installed and local citizens hired to keep watch. Although the coalition's executive director, Joseph Morales, is also a city councilman, no governmental organizations were directly involved in these decisions. By the same token, the coalition only employees civilians and does not answer to the city government.

Last year, the number of cameras hit 165, and surprisingly, the crime rate rose. Police explained that this was because surveillance more frequently caught lesser crimes -- infractions that often go unnoticed. The way the system works, explained Doug Winglewich, a camera operator with a degree in public administration, is that workers monitor 911 calls to assist in gathering license plates and silently watch city blocks in order to call in suspicious activity.

On the program's ethical boundaries, executive director Morales told the L.A. Times, "The divorce lawyer who wants video of a husband coming out of a bar with his mistress, we won't do it." At present, the coalition does not abide by any explicit ethical guidelines, although Morales says that he is currently drafting them.

While the program has led to a lot of valid arrests, it has also received sharp criticism for infringing on citizens' rights to privacy. Lancaster mayor and self-professed civil libertarian J. Richard Gray has put the coalition -- in his words -- "on a short leash," and Pennsylvanian American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Mary Catherine Roper calls it a "phenomenally bad idea."

Even the seemingly supportive police chief cited George Orwell and 'Big Brother' when he described the project to the Times.

As interconnectivity grows and technology progresses, cities are going to find themselves faced more frequently with dilemmas between privacy and watchdog methods.

If the surveillance is accessible and its results useful, should cities resort to monitoring its residents, even if that means infringing on crucial American rights? Or is the right to safety the most fundamental of all? The debate rages on.


Coast Guard Rescue - Onancock Creek

The Coast Guard rescued one person who was overdue in Onancock Creek Monday morning.

Rescued was Dan Kelley of Onancock.

Chris Spence, a friend of Kelley, contacted Coast Guard Sector Baltimore watchstanders via telephone, reporting one person overdue on a personal water craft at approximately 11:30 p.m. Sunday.

A 25-foot response boat crew from Coast Guard Station Crisfield, Md., arrived on scene and located Kelley at approximately 1 a.m. on Onancock Creek shore near Olney Farm Lane. The boat crew took Kelley to a pier near Mallard's at the Wharf in Onancock, where he was met by a family member.

According to Petty Officer 2nd Class Keith Newman, the officer of the day at Station Crisfield, “Kelley telling Spence that he was leaving and would be home in 10 minutes was key to finding the overdue boater. His friend notified the Coast Guard when Kelley didn't arrive as planned and was able to give his approximate location, which aided rescuers in finding him."

The Coast Guard urges mariners to file a detailed float plan with friends, family, or your local marina and have a marine-band radio on hand at all times. A detailed float plan should include the number of people
on your vessel, your intended destination and estimated time of return.

ACLU sues over limits on Muslim prayers in prison

Ah yes, The group that wants God out of everything now wants Allah in everything.
The ACLU is such a disgusting group and supported by our tax dollars. They go against everything the majority believes in.

INDIANAPOLIS -Two Muslim inmates held in a special unit at the federal prison in Terre Haute say they aren't allowed to pray in groups as often as their religion commands and have asked a federal judge to ease worship limits imposed by the Bureau of Prisons.

The prison in western Indiana houses several high-security inmates, including American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh, who is serving a 20-year sentence for aiding Afghanistan's now-defunct Taliban government.

The June 16 lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana challenges limits on Islamic worship in the prison's restrictive Communications Management Unit, where about 30 of the 40 inmates are Muslim.

Muslims are required to pray five times a day, but the lawsuit, filed on behalf of inmates Enaam Arnaout and Randall T. Royer, says inmates in the CMU are allowed to pray as a group just one hour a week. The ACLU claims that violates a federal law barring the government from restricting religious activities without showing a compelling need.

The lawsuit echoes a 2007 complaint from convicted shoe bomber Richard Reid that he was denied access to group prayer at the Supermax federal prison in Florence, Colo.
The Indiana lawsuit is one of two the ACLU has filed in the past week concerning conditions in the CMU. Its other lawsuit claimed the unit was created in secrecy and keeps its mostly Muslim inmates in virtual isolation.

A Justice Department spokesman said last week that the government followed federal rules in creating the special unit in November 2006. Designed to house prisoners who require additional security, the unit closely monitors inmates' outside contacts.
Bureau of Prisons officials declined Tuesday comment on the prayer lawsuit.

Ken Falk, legal director of the ACLU of Indiana, questioned policies allowing prisoners out of their cells to watch television, play cards or engage in other group activities but limiting group worship to one hour on Fridays.

"That means four people can sit around the table playing cards or talking about the basketball game but they can't worship," Falk said.

Lindh's attorney George Harris confirmed Tuesday that Lindh, a convert to Islam, is held in the CMU. He declined to comment on the lawsuit or say whether Lindh has had problems practicing his religion at the prison.

The lawsuit asks the Bureau of Prisons to reinstate daily prayers that were held in a multipurpose room for several months after the CMU opened.

Louay Safi, director of leadership development with the Plainfield-based Islamic Society of North America, said Muslims try to pray in groups whenever possible.
"Muhammad said there is a much greater reward for people who pray in congregation than those who pray individually," he said.

Arnaout, 46, a Syrian-born U.S. citizen, is serving a 10-year sentence for racketeering after admitting in 2003 that he defrauded donors to his Benevolence International Foundation by diverting some of the money to Islamic military groups in Bosnia and Chechnya.

Royer, 36, a former spokesman for the Muslim American Society, is serving 20 years for his participation in what prosecutors called a "Virginia jihad network." The group used paintball games in 2000 and 2001 as military training in preparation for holy war against nations deemed hostile to Islam, prosecutors say.


Bomber Terry Nichols Sues Over Prison Food

Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols is asking for a court-appointed lawyer to help him with a lawsuit complaining about the food he gets in prison.

Nichols claims in his suit that the federal Supermax prison in Colorado is causing him to "sin against God" because he doesn't get enough whole grains and fresh food.

Nichols asked for the legal aid in a document addressed to a federal judge in Denver on Monday.

Amy Padden of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Denver did not immediately respond to a call seeking comment Tuesday about the suit Nichols filed in March.

Nichols is serving life for conspiracy and involuntary manslaughter in the 1995 federal building bombing that killed 168 people.

Timothy McVeigh was convicted of murder and executed.

(From a senior level Chrysler person)

This is supposedly a memo from a Chrysler engineer taken from a recent meeting with government controlling bodies of the auto maker.
I cannot verify that this is fact, but, never the less it sounds like what our government might actually say/do in such a situation.
So lets change the laws of physics, after all, democrats don't believe in gravity.

Monday morning I attended a breakfast
meeting where the speaker/guest was David E. Cole, Chairman Center for
Automotive Research (CAR and Professor at the Univ. of Michigan . You have
all likely heard CAR quoted, or referred to in the auto industry news

Mr. Cole, who is an engineer by training, told many stories of the difficulty of working with the folks that the Obama administration has sent to save the auto industry. There have been many meetings where a 30+ year experience automotive expert has to listen to a
newcomer to the industry, someone with zero manufacturing experience, zero
auto industry experience, zero business experience, zero finance experience,
and zero engineering experience, tell them how to run their business.

Mr Cole's favorite story is as follows:

There was a team of Obama people speaking to
Mr. Cole (Engineer, automotive experience 40+ years, Chairman of CAR). They
were explaining to Mr. Cole that the auto companies needed to make a car
that was electric and liquid natural gas (LNG) with enough combined fuel to
go 500 miles so we wouldn't "need" so many gas stations (A whole other
topic). They were quoting BTU's of LNG and battery life that they had looked
up on some website.

Mr. Cole explained that to do this you would
need a trunk FULL of batteries and a LNG tank at big as a car to make that
happen and that there were problems related to the laws of physics that
prevented them from...

The Obama person interrupted and said (and I
am quoting here) "These laws of physics? Who's rules are those, we need to
change that. (Some of the others wrote down the law name so they could look
it up) We have the congress and the administration. We can repeal that law,
amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. That's why
we are here, to fix these sort of issues"

DNA brings arrest in 1991 Rape of Pocomoke Woman :Cold Case:

A New York man has been charged with the rape of a Pocomoke City woman after a DNA sample taken from the crime scene 18 years ago matched his own.

The Worcester County Bureau of investigation has accused Leslie Maize, now 67, with first- and second-degree rape, assault with the intent to rape and first-degree burglary in the 1991 crime. A warrant was issued for his arrest.

According to investigators, early in the morning of May 10, 1991, Maize allegedly broke into a Pocomoke City apartment and sexually assaulted the woman who lived there alone. He was armed at the time.

The case went cold until recently when evidence taken from the scene was submitted to the National DNA Index System, which linked Maize to the incident.

"It's always good to close a case like that even if it takes time," said Pocomoke City Mayor Michael McDermott. "Sometimes justice is a little slow, but it does work out in the end."

McDermott, who is also a lieutenant in the Worcester County Sheriff's Office, said the DNA was likely taken from bodily fluids found on a garment or cloth. While DNA matching wasn't available at the time of the crime, McDermott said "good policing" meant evidence was well-preserved.

"The fact that they collected the DNA back then and were able to hold on to it is incredible," he said. "I don't think anybody had any idea that back then that someday there might be a DNA database that matches things up like this."

Despite the positive match, it may be some time until the case goes to trial in Worcester County. Maize is currently four years into a 6- to 12-year prison sentence at the Gowanda Correctional Facility in upstate New York.

According to Linda Foglia, a spokeswoman for the New York State Department of Correctional Services, in February 2005, Maize pleaded guilty to the first-degree rape of a 45-year-old Long Island woman in 1993. His sentence, which includes sex offender counseling and treatment for drug use, ends in September 2014. If granted parole, Maize could be out in September 2010. While this is his only rape charge in New York, Foglia said there could be more.

"According to authorities, there were three other positive DNA matches to rapes that Maize is believed to have committed in New York City in the early 1990s," she said. He was never prosecuted for these cases because "there was a statute of limitations that precluded filing criminal charges in those cases."

This is the fourth sentence Maize has served in a New York correctional facility, according to state records. He spent two years in the late 1970s incarcerated on burglary and violating bail charges. In 1980, about a year after being released from prison the first time, he was sentenced to five years for breaking into a residence.

In 1994, Maize was convicted of second-degree assault and weapons possession after attacking a police officer, hitting him with a loaded gun. He was released in September 1999, but returned to jail in August 2001 for violating parole.

Once his current sentence is complete, Maize will be extradited to Worcester County to face charges. If found guilty of first-degree rape, he could spend the rest of his life in prison.


Bill would give support to GM, Chrysler franchises

For 31 years, the Frostrom family sold Jeeps at their dealership in Pocomoke City.
Not anymore.

On May 14, Chrysler notified the Frostroms that their franchise agreement would be terminated, as the automaker went through bankruptcy proceedings. The local dealership had three weeks to sell off 40 new Jeeps and was forced to eat the cost of parts and inventory it suddenly had little use for, said Christy Frostrom.

"They're taking away your stability as if they want you to close," she said, adding that the business now survives on sales from its lone Subaru franchise.

Frostrom joined the owners of several other local car dealers Monday in a Salisbury news conference orchestrated to drum up support for a bill introduced by U.S. Rep. Frank M. Kratovil Jr. on June 8.

House Resolution 2743 would require Chrysler and General Motors to honor franchise agreements with dealers that bankruptcy rules allow them to vacate. The legislation would restore dealers' rights to levels under state law -- which dealers support, for they say they bear all the cost and risk associated with running their businesses.

"It's putting the pressure on GM and Chrysler to do the right thing; it's simply a matter of fairness," Kratovil, a Democrat, told 25 people -- a group that included Salisbury's mayor and Wicomico County's executive -- that had gathered in the showroom of Courtesy of Salisbury, a dealership that sells Cadillac and Chevrolet models.

So far, 100 Democrats and 62 Republicans have signed on to support the bill, Kratovil said, and a version of the bill was recently introduced in the Senate.

GM and Chrysler have taken different approaches with ending their franchise agreements. Each argue that, as sales of new vehicles have collapsed, they can't afford to spread their supplies of cars and trucks to so many dealers.

GM told 1,100 dealers their franchises won't be renewed when they expire in October 2010. Chrysler, however, nullified 789 of its contracts in one fell swoop.

"I think I have seen more change in the auto business in the past 45 days than in the past 39 years," said Ray Nordstrom, owner of Courtesy.

GM notified Nordstrom they won't renew his franchise come 2010, but Nordstrom immediately appealed the decision. According to Kratovil's estimate, about 60 dealers have successfully appealed GM decisions.

"I had a choice of laying down and potentially losing 45 jobs here, or trying to fight," Nordstrom said.

Even though Midway GM of Pocomoke City will keep its franchise, it will lose its rights to sell Cadillacs under GM's re-structuring plan, said Sharon Worth, an executive administrator.

"There won't be a Caddy dealer from Norfolk to Wilmington. Who is going to buy a Caddy now?" Worth said.

Midway GM -- if it loses the rights to sell Cadillacs -- will only be licensed to sell Buicks, she said. Years ago it sold five brands, she said.

In Maryland, 17 Chrysler dealers have had their franchises terminated and 26 GM dealers were put on notice, said Peter Kitzmiller, president of the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association in Annapolis.

He said Kratovil's bill could face opposition because he believes an auto task force commissioned by the president supports GM and Chrysler's restructuring plan.

Additionally, Kratovil admitted the nature of bankruptcy proceedings allows a company to take the approach of the auto makers.

Yet, it still seemed wrong to Sandy Fitzgerald, a representative from Pohanka Automobile Group of Salisbury.

"How is this legal? How is it American? It doesn't even make sense," Fitzgerald said.

Now without the ability to sell Jeeps, the Frostrom business -- which employs 22 -- must survive on sales from its Subaru franchise. It's a tough formula given the downturn in sales at dealerships across the USA.

"You start off with all the confidence that you're going to fight and get through this, but every day there's a new problem," Christy Frostrom said.


Monday, June 22, 2009

ESR team 1829 releases video

Eastern Shore Robotics, team 1829, releases a new video showing the robot in action!

More videos on the way!

Now We Finally Know The Truth

Dr. Timothy McCarthy while receiving a medical award for creativity, reported his findings to the Fellows of plastic surgery, concluding with this case study: “Several years ago a woman was high on cocaine and marijuana and she rode a horse head-on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the woman’s hair and the horse’s ass. I was able to put them together and now she’s Speaker of the House
Now you know the rest of the story.

Our Judeo-Christian Nation

We need more congressmen with guts like this one! It’s way past time for them to take stands on behalf of our great nation!
This is a great speech… I don’t think our Founding Fathers ever meant to take God out of the schools or government… I think their intent was to get the government out of our churches!……

Bill Ayers Influence on Obama Goes Back to Grade School

More that the MSM will never report.

To become Lord of the Moonbats, you have to get off to an early start. The offspring of a hippy and an African socialist, Obama was steeped in moonbattery from his conception. Now we learn that his connection with unrepentant communist terrorist Bill Ayers goes back to age 11:

While Obama’s membership as an adult in the controversial Trinity United
Church of Christ has received widespread media attention, almost nothing has
been reported about his Sunday school attendance at First Unitarian, a far-left
activist church that may have helped provide the president’s initial political

First Unitarian, a member of the Unitarian Universalist denomination, served
as a sanctuary for draft dodgers and was strongly tied to the Students for a
Democratic Society, or SDS, during the time Weatherman radical Bill Ayers was a
leader in that organization. The Weathermen was an offshoot of the SDS.

As you’ll recall, Obama declared that Ayers’ political mentorship wasn’t relevant, since Ayers committed his terrorist acts when BHO was a child, before realizing that he could inflict more damage on the country by subverting the education establishment — and by nurturing the political career of a certain radical leftist who is currently steering us toward economic ruin. But even as a little boy, the Moonbat Messiah’s worldview was molded by Ayers and his ilk…..via

A Must Have For Any Democratic Party Convention

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Congratulations Shannon M. Croswell of Pocomoke

Congratulations Shannon M. Croswell, we are Proud to have you as a citizen of Pocomoke.
Thanks you for your service especially in these times of dire need and danger.
You truly are the American patriot.

POCOMOKE CITY -- Army National Guard Pvt. Shannon M. Croswell has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson in Columbia, S.C.

During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values and physical fitness; and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises.

She is the daughter of Lillian Handy of Pocomoke City.
The private is a 2005 graduate of Pocomoke High School.

How's This For Art

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.

You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves. .....Abraham Lincoln

Contributed by a Great Friend Art Speck

Happy Fathers Day

I don't have much to say being a humble Father myself.

I just wish all the dads out there a wonderful day with their family.

Enjoy your Father today and every day as tomorrow is not guaranteed.

I lost my Father at the very young age of 48, I was 16 and I miss him every day.

Happy Fathers Day !!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Toothpick City Took 34 Years to Build

A California man has spent the last 34 years building a model of San Francisco out of toothpicks.
Scott Weaver, 49, has used a million tiny sticks to construct the city and its many landmarks, including the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf. "Rolling Through the Bay" also features entry points where ping-pong balls can be inserted to run along tracks. The sculpture is 9 feet tall and 7 feet wide, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

Embedded video from CNN Video

"I always had a dream that I would build the world's largest toothpick sculpture," Weaver told the paper.
Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum offered him $40,000 for the sculpture, but he turned down the offer. Weaver said it belongs in the city that inspired it.
Weaver told KGO-TV the hobby began in the 4th grade, when his teacher asked students to build a sculpture.

WTH: For Today

Barrel ‘monster’ gets N.C. student arrested

RALEIGH, N.C. - When Joseph Carnevale chopped up three stolen orange and white traffic barrels from a construction site to create a massive sculpture of a roadside monster thumbing a ride, the North Carolina college student said he saw it as a form of street art.

Raleigh, N.C., police just saw vandalism.

They dismantled the 10-foot "barrel monster" and arrested Carnevale. Hundreds of online supporters want the charges dropped and the publicity has turned the history major and part-time construction worker into a local celebrity.

Even the construction company has become a fan, and wants the 21-year-old to create a replica of the figure that led to his arrest on June 10.

"It's surprising how many people have called attention to it," Carnevale said.

'It was something I had to do'
The college junior hadn't spent much time planning when he set out the night of May 31 and snatched the barrels from the site near the North Carolina State University campus where he studies.

"I had the idea in class that morning, and it kind of grew in my head, until it was something I had to do," he said. He went back to his Raleigh apartment and in an hour and a half returned to the site to assemble the freshly painted pieces before driving away.

What emerged was a hulking figure that seemed to extend a thumb, seeking a ride from passing cars. The next morning Raleigh Police dismantled the creation and took the pieces in for evidence while they searched for the perpetrator.

Although photos quickly spread on the Internet featuring the "barrel monster," it was an N.C. State newspaper article that offered enough clues to lead police to a Web site that identified Carnevale. Police charged him with larceny and destruction of property, both misdemeanors, and he's scheduled to appear in court next month.

Carnevale, an Indianapolis native, prides himself on his street art, but said he's most interested in guerrilla photography — making art and snapping images from restricted locations.

"If you can break the rules, and no one knows they were broken in the first place, then there's no point," he said.

His apartment walls serve as a canvas, covered in various hues of paint, with images on the walls and doors of sharks, hollow skulls and even Gandhi. His 1997 Volkswagen Jetta is almost completely covered in hot-glued beer bottle caps.

Carnevale has made other street art pieces with stolen barrels, including an alligator and caricatures with small arms.

'It's been positive publicity for us'
Hamlin Associates, the construction company whose barrels were turned into a monster, doesn't want to press charges.

"We've had a fair amount of vandalism, but never anyone turn it into art," Company President Steven Hussey said. "I actually thought it was pretty neat."

Hussey said the value of the publicity his company has received is well above the $365 cost of the traffic barrels that Carnevale used.

"It's been positive publicity for us," he said. "If we'd known he'd do that good of a work, we'd have given him the barrels."

Carnevale said he's weighing Hussey's offer to reconstruct the monster for the company's offices in Climax, N.C., possibly for pay. Meanwhile, at least three Facebook support groups have formed to support Carnevale, including "Don't Charge Joseph Carnevale," boasting more than 800 members.

Raleigh police spokeswoman Laura Hourigan said the charges won't be dropped, despite the company's stance.

The Doctors Contract; The Rest Of The Story (Update)

Ok, now that I have composed myself from the phone call I received from the Doctors wife about the contract I can write and explain why I wont sign that contract and why I and my family will not be going back to Dr Whittakers office.

This is probably going to be a long post but I urge you to read it in it’s entirety as this could be important to you and/or your family.

As I stated in a previous post I am on some strong pain meds do to severe nerve damage, I went to a pain management specialist that I didn’t like and I asked Dr Whittaker if his office would consider taking on the task of managing my pain in which they gladly agreed.

Pain management is a simple task for a Dr as they just prescribe you pain meds and change them until they find the right combination of medicine that keeps you the most comfortable.

So, a couple of months ago I signed a contract with Dr Whittakers office that I would agree to only using one pharmacy and only use one doctor to prescribe pain medication. I understand why they need to do this and I had no problem with that contract.

Doctor Whittakers office is a little screwed up when it comes to getting a refill on your meds because it can take up to 72 hours through their automated system in which you must use to gain a refill on any prescription he writes. Still I had no problem with that and timed it so I had my scrips.

This Tuesday I had an appointment to see the Dr again for a check-up and follow-up on the pain and other problems, again my pain meds need an adjustment so Jen his PA which is a wonderful caring person that will go out of her way to help you made some minor changes for me to try for a month, this is normal procedure.

Here’s where the problem started, a associate came in the room with a new contract for me to sign. This new contract had added from the previous contract that the Doctor at will and at anytime can call you in for a blood or urine test at random.

This was explained to me that the Dr had to resort to this to make sure his patients were actually taking the medication or not doing other drugs along with the medication.
Well this didn’t settle with me very well and I refused to sign that new contract. It’s a violation of our rights and it’s definitely unconstitutional.

Later that day the Doctors office called and I explained again why I would not sign the contract in the way it is worded now, I told her that if the Dr would like to get together with me maybe we could come to some compromise on how this contract is worded as not to offend. The young lady politely agreed with me and said she would have someone else call later.

The next day the Doctors wife called and started right off with “what is your problem?” she was very, very nasty and said I needed to stop calling their office to “bitch” about the way they do business, I kept my cool and told her to hold on a minuet, I have NOT called their office it was their office that kept calling me trying to get me to sign their contract.
She then went right into (with broken English) “well then you need to keep your wife out of your business” this is when our discussion turned sour, my wife as has never been in my business other than calling in the past for refills.

The Doctors wife, I think her name was Sue, just kept rambling on things that made no sense at all, throwing out several curse words and accusing me of doing things I shouldn’t be doing if I was “afraid” to sign their contract.

She then said I had an appointment coming up on the 30th of the month and if I came in the office and even mentioned “pain” I would be escorted out of their office. Then she asked if I wanted to keep the appointment because she didn’t need my business.

I told her that the way she just handled this situation I wanted to cancel that appointment and would promptly look for another Doctor, in which she replied “good we don’t want your kind here” and she went on to say if I did choose another Doctor she would be sure to charge me for any records that they had to forward to the new doctor.

There are many things I have left out of our conversation as to not totally embarrass the Doctor and his wife as he may not even know about her conversation with me.

I will urge everyone NOT to sign that contract, no doctor has the right to submit you to a random drug test to treat you, all Dr’s take an oath to keep you from pain. This is clearly a violation of the oath and a violation of your rights.

You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything!


My son just went to the post office and brought home a letter from Dr Whittaker.
it says.

Effective July 18, 2009 we are unable to continue to serve you as a patient of this practice due to patient/doctor conflict of interest which we can not seem to resolve.
we will gladly see you for acute visits only up to July 18, 2009.

LOL DUH! I already fired you Doc.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Super Walmart in Onley

Boy this will put a dent in Pocomokes Wal*Mart.
I'm glad to finally see it happen, if you look around in pocomoke Wal*Mart parking lot there are as many if not more Virginia cars as it is Maryland.

This will greatly benefit those that drive 35-40 miles and more to shop at the Pocomoke store.
It's long overdue for the Virginia locals.

The bid process for construction of a Super Walmart in Onley is underway.Larry Forbes, director of economic development in Accomack, said Wednesday that work could begin at the site along Lankford Highway in a month.The company invited four contractors, the ones that usually build the mega-stores, to bid on the project this week. Forbes said Walmart gives the businesses two weeks to present their proposals, generally awards the contract in the third week and construction begins in the fourth.Forbes distributes flash drives with the names of more than 400 local companies whenever a company shows an interest in the county. Those businesses will likely compete for subcontracting jobs at the site, he said.There was a delay in the schedule earlier this year when the discount chain enlarged the grocery section of the store.

WTH: For Today

Los Angeles marijuana store robbed of pot, cash

Robbers in ski masks got away with pot and cash in a stickup at a Los Angeles medical marijuana store.

Police spokesman Richard French says three gunmen held up the Gourmet Green Room dispensary shortly before 11 p.m. Thursday.

The robbers took about $15,000 in cash and an undisclosed amount of marijuana and fled in a silver Cadillac driven by a fourth man.

Authorities say customers were in the store at the time but nobody was hurt.
Investigators are trying to determine if the crime is linked to a similar holdup at a medical marijuana facility in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley.

"the Gourmet Green Room" Now That's Funny!!

Sharpton seeks help in Ariz. sheriff's abuse probe

Al Sharpton is a sick individual.
This Arizona Sheriff, 'Joe Arpaio' is a hero, if we had more law enforcement officials like Sheriff Joe are country would be in much better shape.
California could maybe build schools fast enough if they had a Sheriff Joe.

Emergency rooms wouldn't be packed full across the nation if we had more Sheriff Joe's.

We wouldn't be paying astronomical medical bills to make-up for the non payments of illegal aliens if we had more Sheriff Joe's

Our uninsured motorist insurance would be reasonable or non-existent if we had more Sheriff Joe's

The list is endless of the money we spend on illegal aliens not to mention the crime rate.

We need more Sheriff Joe's Mr Sharpton and wouldn't you say if there is any "profiling" going on it's Al Sharpton doing it?

Thank You Sheriff Joe, Keep Up The Great Work

PHOENIX -The Rev. Al Sharpton called Friday for opponents of an Arizona sheriff who has aggressively cracked down on illegal immigration to videotape alleged racial profiling by the sheriff's office.

The civil rights leader said the videos will help the U.S. Department of Justice in an investigation of alleged civil rights abuses by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office. Sharpton was scheduled to meet with Arpaio later Friday.

"We're gonna start some freedom rides around this county, to show how people of a certain skin color are treated different than other people," Sharpton told a crowd of several hundred people at the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Phoenix.

The meeting Friday joins two figures known for outsized egos and media antics, but Sharpton said the meeting had a serious message. In April, Sharpton called for Arpaio to resign or be removed from office.

"I will not fly all the way across country to engage in the personality of Sheriff Joe," Sharpton said. "But I will fly anywhere to protect the rights of Citizen Jose and Citizen Jamal."

Critics said sheriff's deputies have racially profiled people during immigration and crime sweeps in some Latino areas in metropolitan Phoenix.

Arpaio had said people pulled over in the sweeps were approached because deputies had probable cause to believe they had committed crimes.

The sheriff has taken a hard line against illegal immigration and strongly enforces Arizona's employer-sanctions law, which punishes businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants. He worked with Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas to use the state's human-smuggling law to charge illegal immigrants for conspiring to smuggle themselves into the state.

The sheriff has publicly clashed with other local law enforcement who said Arpaio was damaging a delicate relationship between the police and the Hispanic community.

First Car Made In Detroit by Government Motors

Thursday, June 18, 2009

NASA Max Launch Abort System

The Max Launch Abort System launch which had been scheduled for June 20 from Wallops Flight Facility, has been moved to Monday, June 22. The launch window opens at 5:45 a.m.

The unpiloted test is part of an effort to design a system for safely propelling future spacecraft and crews away from hazards on the launch pad or during the climb to orbit. This system was developed as an alternative to the launch abort system chosen for NASA’s Orion crew capsule. Orion, part of a new spacecraft system being developed by NASA’s Constellation Program, is undergoing design reviews in preparation for flying humans to the International Space Station in 2015 and, later, to the moon.

The Max Launch Abort System is being tested to provide experience in flight testing a spacecraft to NASA’s Engineering and Safety Center, which leads the project from NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton. The 33-foot-high launch vehicle will travel to an altitude of approximately one mile to simulate an emergency on the launch pad. A full-scale mockup of the crew module will separate from the launch vehicle and parachute into the Atlantic Ocean.

Would You Call This Obaminoes?

Students at a Westfield, Mass., school have completed a two-month project to build a mural
of President Barack Obama from 24,000 dominoes.

The Franklin Avenue Elementary School students, working in tandem with Westfield State College mathematicians, said the "Obaminoes" mural was created to honor the nation's 44th president -- and to learn a bit about linear programming math, WWLP-TV, Springfield, Ma., reported Wednesday.

"We were the only elementary school to do this and to have a piece of artwork of our 44th president, the only African American president. It means a lot," said Marissa Costa, fifth-grader and one of the hundreds of students who contributed to "Obaminoes."

Mayor Breaks Up Fight, Calls Kid 'Fatso'

No, it wasn't here in Pocomoke.

Online video shows an Ohio mayor who was biking through a city park step into a fight to break it up, yelling at the teens and calling one a "fatso."
A video posted on YouTube shows 70-year-old Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner wading into the midst of about 20 young people.

He is heard yelling, "Come here, fatso" and "Tubby, get your butt out of here."
The mayor's spokeswoman says Finkbeiner was alone in late May, saw the highly charged situation and took action to stop it.
It's not the first time Finkbeiner has stepped in to keep the peace.
He once chased down a motorist who had driven through a red light and gave the driver a citizen's complaint.

WTH: For Today

Man Ticketed 170 Times for 'Nothing'

Tom Feddor racked up 170 parking ticket notices in the last two years -- but his car was not even present at the scenes of the alleged infractions.

Feddor is not a rogue city driver. He's the holder of a unique license plate number that became the target of a Chicago Department of Revenue glitch, the Chicago Tribune reported.

It turns out parking attendants had been using the number 0 as a test case for new electronic ticketing devices. They had no idea that 0 was an actual assigned plate number nor that it belonged to Feddor and that he was receiving the phony tickets.

Low license plate numbers are typically reserved for state VIPs, but Feddor's 0 plate is a family heirloom. The plate number has been in the Feddor family for almost 40 years, originally assigned to Feddor's grandfather in 1971 for special service to then-Illinois Secretary of State John Lewis.

When the deluge of parking tickets began, Feddor assumed an Illinois higher-up had launched a campaign to get his plate number. But when judges advised him to change his plates as the mistaken tickets began piling up, Feddor was not interested. According to the Tribune, the 39-year-old realtor enjoys having a lower plate number than the governor.

The city is taking measures to ensure registered plate numbers are no longer used for test cases. Feddor will receive refunds on any mistaken tickets he has already paid.

Accused Principal Arrested Again on New Child Sex Charges

What the sam-hill is wrong with people today?
A principal that was recently discovered to have sexually assaulted a 14 year old student has now been found to have sexually assaulted another, this one a 13 year old student.

Personally I don't know how the parents restrain themselves against these disgusting deviants that shouldn't be classified as human. If I were the parent of one of these children I really don't know what i would do had my child been molested by such a vile waste of air. What even makes it worse as if it could be worse is that these children entrusted and had to interact with this person on a daily basis.

CENTREVILLE, Md. - Maryland State Police say a school principal charged with having sexual relations with a 14-year-old turned himself in on Thursday after learning of new charges involving having sexual relations with a 13-year-old.

According to investigators, Lowell S. Litten, Jr., 39, of Sudlersville, Md. turned himself to police at the Centreville Barrack around 1 p.m. on Thursday.

He is currently being held at the Queen Anne's County Detention Center. Litten now faces up to 45 years imprisonment for the offenses arising from Queen Anne's County. In Queen Anne's County, Litten is now charged with second-degree attempted sex offense, second-degree sex offense and sex abuse of a minor in connection with a 13-year-old female. If convicted, Litten now faces up to 45 years imprisonment for the second offense.

MSP say they started the investigation on Monday evening, when police at the Centreville Barrack received a complaint of possible inappropriate sexual relations involving a 14-year-old in Kent County.

According to detectives, information received revealed an ongoing and inappropriate sexual relationship between Litten and the juvenile victim. Police also say they learned that Litten is employed as the principal of Eastern Shore Junior Academy in Sudlersville. Previously, he was employed at the John Nevins Andrews School in Takoma Park, authorities say.

State Police and the Kent County State's Attorney investigated the case and executed an arrest warrant the same day. Litten was then charged on three counts of illegal sexual conduct. He was held at the Kent County Detention Center and then later released on a $25,000 bond that evening.

According to authorities, on Tuesday, an additional juvenile victim, from Queen Anne's County, came forth. Police say one of her relatives contacted state police to report the crime.


Berlin Man Chosen to Fly U.S. Air Force Drones

What an honor it must be for young man Greg Groves, 21, of Berlin, it is an honor for our for out little piece of the Contry. Greg has been chosen from what TDT says was just a handful of young pilots from across the nation to fly a growing fleet of unmanned aircraft for the U.S. Air Force.

Groves started his training in Colorado this week.

His father, Joe, said Greg will be flying the planes by remote control, often a half-a-world away in Nevada.

"He'll be flying that plane and not necessarily be in it," he said. "From a parent's perspective, he's a lot safer sitting somewhere else than actually sitting in that plane."

Greg will be flying planes like the Air Force's Predator and Reaper drones, which fly daily missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each costs millions of dollars and are often armed with missiles and bombs.

Pilot Brian Seeba, who flies small planes locally, but has never flown an unmanned aircraft, said he believes young pilots might be better-suited to flying the planes.

"I think the younger people will have the advantage there with video games. With the exposure they've had to video games and the aptitude there," he said.

Joe Groves said CNN will be featuring a special documentary on the future of unmanned aircraft in August of which his son was interviewed.

Although the first paragraph is a bit confusing to me that Greg has been chosen to "fly" an "unmaned" craft maybe someone can explain that to me.

OAK HALL -- At large: Suspect wanted in kidnapping, robbery

Two suspects have been arrested and a third remains at large in the June 9 kidnapping and armed robbery of an acquaintance.

Martese J. Creekmore, 18, of New Church and Demetrick D. Downing, 22, of Temper-anceville, were arrested June 11 on charges of robbery, abduction and grand larceny of a vehicle. Both remain incarcerated in Accomack County Jail with bond denied.

The third suspect, Richard Lebryant "Spiderman" Copes, 29, of Withams, remained at large at press time. Copes is described as a black male, about 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighing 230 pounds.

Felony arrest warrants have been obtained by the Sheriff's Office charging Copes with robbery, abduction, grand larceny of a vehicle and two counts of use of a firearm in commission of a felony.

Copes also has been entered into the Virginia Criminal Information Network and the National Crime Information Center as a wanted person.

Accomack County Sheriff Larry Giddens reported his office received a report about 1:30 last Tuesday afternoon that a man had been abducted and robbed at gunpoint in Oak Hall.

Further investigation revealed that the three suspects were acquainted with the victim, who was not injured in the incident. The suspects took an undisclosed sum of cash and the victim's vehicle outside an Oak Hall bank, where the victim escaped from his captors.

The vehicle later was found abandoned nearby.

Anyone with information concerning Copes' whereabouts is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 757-787-1131 or 757-824-5666.

Source: The Daily Times

POCOMOKE CITY Two awarded ROTC bronze medals

The General Levin Winder Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution recently awarded ROTC bronze medals to graduating students in Junior ROTC programs at Worcester County high schools.

The DAR has awarded ROTC medals since 1967 because the ROTC is an important source of trained officers for our armed forces.

Recipients must have demonstrated loyalty and patriotism, and earned a record of military and scholastic achievement during their participation in an ROTC program.

Local recipients were senior Bryanna Hall, Pocomoke High School and William Bowen, Snow Hill High School. The General Levin Winder Chapter also presented each medal recipient with a $50 United States Savings Bond.

Does Your Company Provide You a Work cell Phone?

If they do be prepared to pay tax on your company provided phone.

The Internal Revenue Service proposed employers assign 25 percent of an employee's annual phone expenses as a taxable benefit. Under that scenario, a worker in the 28 percent tax bracket, whose wireless device costs the company $1,500 a year, could see $105 in additional federal income tax.

The IRS, in a notice issued this week, said employees could avoid tax liability if they showed proof they used personal cell phones for nonbusiness calls during work hours. The agency also could decide on a set number of phone minutes as "minimal personal use" that would be untaxed.

In a third option proposed by the IRS, employers could use a statistical sampling to determine what portion of workers' cell phone use is personal and how much is work-related. Workers would be taxed on the difference.

The IRS move, which is spurring efforts by the wireless industry and others to kill the idea, would mark a stricter enforcement of an existing rule that classifies employer-provided cell phones as a taxable benefit, rather than a 24-hour-a-day work tool.

Under a 1989 law, workers who use company-provided mobile phones for personal calls are supposed to count the value of those calls as income and pay federal income taxes accordingly.
But businesses and workers have long ignored the requirement, prompting the IRS to consider steps the agency said would make it easier for businesses and workers to comply.

Now The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

the libs are going nuts over the letterman thing huh?the liberal left has be trying to stifle the right wing talkers for years, now that the shoe is on the other foot and they are getting a taste of their own medicine they are going berserk.Gotta love it, do as I say not as I do. What's the word I'm looking for? hmmm?

Yesterday, 15 people gathered outside the Ed Sullivan theater to call for the firing of David Letterman. The long anticipated rally, created to protest a joke David Letterman made about Sarah Palin's daughter, turned out to be a dud despite mountains of media attention. On Monday, Letterman apologized to Palin and she accepted, which rendered the feud obsolete. Apparently 15 people didn't get the message.

Last night, Letterman responded to these critics the best way he knows how: mockery. He had writer Joe Grossman wander out on stage looking for the protest, then did a top ten list of things overheard there. He graciously kept the list self-deprecating, joking that CBS had catered the affair, that his old friend Regis attended, and that his hair looks like a toupee.


Hussein Calls For Summer Of Service

Although I agree with helping out wherever possible I don't believe in being forced to unless there are certain circumstances.
Now this video and article does not mention that anyone will be forced into community service hussein has said in the past that he will implement a mandatory volunteer program for every citizen to complete a minimum number of hours per year, every year.

This could very easily be solved without "every citizen" being required to do community service. Look at the people on welfare and unemployment, if he wants to mandate volunteer service start there, you want welfare? work for it, you get unemployment? How about a few hours per week as a volunteer that could lead to a new job? It should definitely be mandatory for welfare recipients to do community service for the complete time they receive benefits.

I like
THIS service and I am going to submit an idea that I have had for some time now, my idea would be great for the youth of Pocomoke and help clean up the corners and hopefully change the ways of some of our young. If I can save just one it would be justified.

Obama Calls For Summer Of Service

If you would like to get involved or find a group near you or even if you have a good idea to start your own service check out HERE

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The States Are Fighting back

Hopefully more States will follow suit and tell the fed to shove it.
I'm so glad that some of the people have had enough and are taking their rights back from the federal nanny government.
The liberal democrats will soon learn that their ways of my way or the highway do as I say not as i do will not be tolerated much longer the "gun tote'n Bible thumpers" and the "regular people" are going to prevail.

Montana Gun Law Challenges Federal Powers

A new Montana gun law puts the state at the forefront of a national bid to restore states' rights by attacking up to a century of federal court decisions on Washington's power.

Two other states - Alaska and Texas - have had favorable votes on laws similar to Montana's, declaring that guns that stay within the state are none of the feds' business. More than a dozen others are considering such laws, and more-general declarations of state sovereignty have been introduced this year in more than 30 legislatures.

The federal courts may not respond well to these laws in the short term, but backers who acknowledge this say that regardless, they intend for the laws to change the political landscape in the long term. They hope these state laws will undercut the legitimacy of contrary federal law - as has happened with medicinal marijuana - and even push federal courts to bend with the popular wind.

"What's going on is that people all over the country have decided, 'Enough is enough,' " said Kevin Gutzman, a professor at Western Connecticut State University and the author of "Who Killed the Constitution?" "This is supposed to be a federal system, but instead Congress seems to think it can legislate anything it wants."

In May, Montana became the first state to approve the Firearms Freedom Act, which declares that guns manufactured and sold in the Big Sky State to buyers who plan to keep the weapons within the state are exempt from federal gun regulations.

According to the act's supporters, if guns bearing a "Made in Montana" stamp remain in Montana, then federal rules such as background checks, registration and dealer licensing no longer apply. But court cases have interpreted the U.S. Constitution's Interstate Commerce Clause as covering anything that might affect interstate commerce - which in practice means just about anything.

So if this law sounds ripe for a court challenge, well, that's the idea, said Gary Marbut, president of the Montana Sports Shooting Association, the state's largest pro-gun group.

"The Interstate Commerce Clause has grown and grown until the government asserts authority over everything under the sun," said Mr. Marbut, who wrote the original firearms legislation. "How much water you have in your toilet. Almost all environmental laws. Maybe one-third of all federal regulations are asserted under the Commerce Clause."

Even if the Montana law, or similar bills already being pushed in other states, don't produce a blockbuster decision overturning a century's worth of economic rulings, supporters hope it will change political conversation and make federal intrusion on state matters politically unpalatable.

The federal government, said Mr. Marbut, "is a creation of the states, and the states need to get their creation on a leash."

In that sense, the law is only nominally about guns. "Guns are the object, but states' rights are the subject," he said.

Even so, gun-control groups have blasted the law. Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, called it "wrong from the constitutional side and wrong from the policy side."

But it's catching on with state legislatures. Five states have introduced their own versions of the law, while lawmakers in a dozen more are considering it.

In Alaska, the state House approved the Alaska Firearms Freedom Act by a vote of 32-7, but the Legislature adjourned before the bill could reach the Senate. In Texas, a similar bill sponsored by state Rep. Leo Berman won approval in the Public Safety Committee on a 5-0 vote, but failed to reach the floor before adjournment on June 1.

The three other states to see bills introduced were Minnesota, South Carolina and Tennessee. Lawmakers in Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Kansas, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Washington are considering an in-state gun law of this sort.

Passing the Montana law was just the first step. Supporters are now working to ignite the legal battle by choosing a manufacturer willing to construct a "Made in Montana" line of guns, then contacting the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to see whether the firearms can be sold without dealer licensing.

If the bureau declares such sales illegal, backers say they plan to pull the trigger on the lawsuit.

That's when the entire enterprise threatens to collapse. Even supporters say it's a long shot that a federal court will overturn a century of legal history to rein in the Interstate Commerce Clause.

The Rehnquist court issued two decisions that limited congressional power under the Commerce Clause, though both decisions concerned law-enforcement matters.

The 1995 U.S. v. Lopez ruling struck down the Gun-Free School Zones Act, which made it a federal crime to have a gun near a school, and the Violence Against Women Act was nixed in the 2000 case of U.S. v. Morrison. The court decided that neither school crime nor sex-based violence qualified as interstate commerce.

But the "local only" approach hasn't been as successful.

As far back as 1905 (Swift v. U.S.), the Supreme Court upheld federal regulations of meat dealers who bought and sold locally as permitted by the Interstate Commerce Clause. In Wickard v. Filburn in 1942, the justices ruled that even wheat that never left the farm - the farmer fed his cattle with it - affected the interstate wheat trade and thus was subject to federal regulation - in that case, production quotas.

One design flaw with the Montana Firearms Freedom Act is its focus on firearms, said Mr. Helmke, of the Brady Campaign. There aren't that many federal laws regulating guns, apart from those requiring dealer licensing, banning machine guns and prohibiting felons from buying firearms, he said.

Mr. Helmke added that the courts were unlikely to side with Montana, describing the Interstate Commerce Clause as "settled federal law."

"In effect, Montana's trying to turn back the clock to pre-New Deal times, or even pre-Civil War times," Mr. Helmke said.

That may be true, but Mr. Marbut thinks public opinion in favor of such a change is growing. He pointed to the popularity of state sovereignty laws, which have been introduced this year in more than 30 states. And where the public goes, the judiciary often follows.

"The courts do pay attention to something they call 'emerging consensus.' It means the natives are getting more than restless," he said. "Hopefully, because there are so many clones of the Montana Firearms Freedom Act being introduced in other states, the courts will recognize this as an emerging consensus."

Judge: Dirty Bomber Padilla Can Sue Over Alleged Torture

Is this wonderful or what?
Now our enemies can sue us for alleged enhanced interrogations in a time of war or terror. What are we becoming?

SAN FRANCISCO – A man serving a 17-year prison sentence for terrorist activities has been given the green light to sue a former US government lawyer who wrote memos that allegedly led to his torture, US media reports said Sunday.

Jose Padilla, a US citizen arrested in 2002 for an alleged "dirty bomb" plot only to have the charges dropped three years later, was jailed in January 2008 for separate charges of providing support to the Al-Qaeda terror network.

Lawyers for Padilla have filed a lawsuit against John Yoo, a former lawyer in the George W. Bush administration, arguing that he was responsible for crafting the legal memos which led to his detention and harsh interrogation.

Padilla, who was held in solitary confinement as an "enemy combatant" for more than three years at a US Navy installation in Charleston, South Carolina, alleges he was tortured.

Padilla's lawsuit, which demands Yoo be held accountable for his treatment, alleges he suffered "gross physical and psychological abuse at the hands of federal officials as part of a systematic program of abusive interrogation intended to break down Mr Padilla's humanity and his will to live."

Yoo, part of Bush's war council and deputy attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel from 2001 to 2003, wrote several memorandums endorsing harsh treatment.

Yoo has argued that the suit should be dismissed because it has not been established that Padilla's treatment was unconstitutional.

However San Francisco Federal Court Judge Jeffrey White, who was appointed by Bush, said in a written ruling released late Friday that Padilla's case can proceed.

White found Padilla "has alleged sufficient facts to satisfy the requirement that Yoo set in motion a series of events that resulted in the deprivation of Padilla's constitutional rights."

Tahlia Townsend, a member of Padilla's legal team, described the ruling as a "a significant victory for American values, government accountability and our system of checks and balances."

Padilla and his mother, Estela Lebron, are seeking one dollar in damages and a declaration by the court that his treatment was unconstitutional.

Yoo, who is being represented by the Justice Department, so far has declined to comment on the case.

Padilla, 38, dubbed the "Puerto Rican Taliban," was arrested in May 2002 at Chicago's O'Hare airport after returning from Egypt and was taken to a US Navy prison in South Carolina.

At his 2007 trial, prosecutors said the former Chicago gang member and Muslim convert traveled abroad to train as a "jihad" fighter, and had asked to receive "violent jihad training" while in Afghanistan in July 2000.

US authorities justified his detention without charge, saying he was an "enemy combatant" who allegedly planned to explode a radioactive bomb in the country.

But when he was transferred to the civilian justice system after three-and-a-half years in military detention, the indictment made no mention of the so-called "dirty bomb" plot.

During the trial, his defense team claimed Padilla had been tortured while in military detention and that the alleged ill-treatment left him unable to participate in his own defense.

Will People Ever Come Together and Say Enough is Enough?

RE; My previous post on Are There Any Doctors that Actually will Listen? CLICK HERE

Why do people just sit back and put up with these types of controlling events to happen? Well not me and I will do all i can to have this kind of thing abolished, it's comes down to one and only one thing. Nanny government control of our personal lives.

The document mentioned in the article linked above can very easily be re-worded and I would gladly sign it and encourage everyone else to do so also. If they would simply ask that the patient purchase their medication at a single pharmacy and that under penalty of law that the patient not distribute their medication to anyone other than themselves and/or attempt to acquire more of the same medication from any other physician.

The problem lies in that nanny government our the physician himself does not trust that their patient and feels the need to an invasion of privacy. Privacy is something that all physicians are supposed to hold at the very highest standard.

This is only a step in the direction of nanny government inflicting their power in the private medical practice. I could rant on and on forever about what this simple "contract" between the patient and Doctor requiring the patient to sign this "contract" so as to subject a patient to a random piss test anytime the government, the insurance company, or the Doctor so desires. The big question is why?

Look at the people on welfare. I think before the government starts worrying about if a sick person is actually taking their medicine how about checking welfare recipients via random piss test to see if they are using drugs? OR even alcohol for that matter.

So the next time you at the Doctor and they bring out the contract please make sure you read it. If it requires you to be subjected to a random piss test... refuse to sign it until it's re-worded.

My guess is that y'all think I'm nuts for not being able to have my pain medication prescribed because of a paragraph in a "contract" and I may very well be, but I'm standing up for you and your children with or without the help of others. Oh I'm going to be hurting in a few days but I will do everything in my power to have this violation of your privacy re-worded or dismissed all together.

I hope you're with me. Today it's a nanny government piss test contract for medication, tomorrow it's a piss test to see if your cholesterol is ok so you can buy a cheese burger.

Enough is enough.

Slow Today

Hello folks, I'm doing my best to post some decent news today but I'm not having much luck.
many of the sites and sources I use will not respond and I'm having trouble with all internet connections.
My guess is that because it's Pocomokes first day of summer for the school children that they are burning up the lines and I can't say I blame them.

Enjoy your days of summer kids and if you have anything of interest or events please send me a line and I'll be sure to post it.

As soon as the internet starts cooperating I'll be getting some good stories up and out.

New Hydrogen Car is Eco-Friendly

Here it comes folks, the future is here.
I'm all for a replacement fuel, not an "alternate fuel" that the liberal government keeps preaching. There's no such thing as an "alternative fuel" if you think about it.
Now soon these little tiny things will be everywhere in the mix with those of us that are Dino's that simply refuse to give up safety for fuel mileage and don't buy into the the liberal theory that the world is coming to an end because we use Dino fuel.
What's going to happen when I decide to be courteous and back my big truck up on the corner to let someone turn in on the street I'm at the corner of and one of these things are on my bumper? I can tell you, I'll run over it and never know it was there, or how about if someone driving one of those baby buggies pulls out in front of a Chevy suburban running 60 down the highway, it sure wont be pretty.

So lets save the oil and cause the price of Dino crude to skyrocket and kill millions driving these baby buggies for the sake of drilling here in the USA where we have enough oil to supply us for many thousands of years.

The first hydrogen-powered car launches and will allow drivers to travel with a conscience and save money.
Embedded video from CNN Video