Monday, October 19, 2009

Odor on Nictitate The Byrd Rd Fires (chapter 5)

Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator

Chapter 5: Just the facts, Man!

OE has decided that this chapter will not be about Nictitates misguided, misinformed, and sometimes made up story. Somehow along the way of this tale, OE came to the realization that Nictitates book was just plain stupid! There will always be someone out there looking to suck off of another to sensationalize their self. Anyone with half a brain can figure out Nictitates motives and if you can’t, OE will tell you that the motives are not pure.

Christine’s family has chosen to align their selves with Nictitate and have exhibited behavior beyond belief to all who have done nothing more than extend a hand of compassion. We know who has done what and belaboring the point is useless. Their behavior is self destructive and OE believes that they know no other way in life.

OE began this tale because too many lies were being told about efforts to find Christine and bring the people to justice who are responsible for her disappearance. Good, kind hearted people were being unfairly maligned and it was beyond OE’s realm of understanding how anyone could be so evil and hateful wishing to intentionally cause pain to others. It is still beyond OE’s realm of understanding.

Much ado has been made about the Fires on Byrd Road. Readers have asked many questions about what went on during the period from September to November of 2007 at the farm where Christine was staying and was last seen. Speculation about these fires is that the occupants disposed of Christine in one of the many fires and one of the searches focused on sifting through the ashes of the burnt down chicken house. OE has searched out the story about the fires and is now sharing them with you.

Sources tell OE that the first fire started around 10:00 P.M. on September 20, 2007. The neighbors tell OE that their dog had been barking off and on and they assumed that it was barking at deer walking around and eating in the just harvested corn fields surrounding the farm. They first noticed the fire while watching television and catching a glimpse of bright orange out the window. One of the neighbors got up and looked and saw that the end of one of the old chicken houses on the farm was in flames. They immediately called 911 to report the fire.

Fire crews arrived within minutes to put out the flames which were by then burning out of control. The neighbors say that “they were thankful that the fire fighters took the initiative to place a fire truck and firefighters on their property to protect their buildings in case the fire spread”. Amazingly, the fire didn’t spread and the neighbors say that it was due to the “quick response and hard work of the fire crews getting the fire under control”.

Sources tell OE that speculation and questions about how the fire got started in the first place began immediately. The farm had stood empty for about 5 years prior to the occupants moving in. The electric to the old chicken houses was turned off at the main breakers. Why didn’t the occupants of the farm house call 911 to report the fire? Sources tell OE that they had to have seen it because by the time the neighbors saw it the fire was burning out of control.

It is known that the occupants first said that “hunters” had been on the property and insisted the “hunters” were around when the fire started and were also back on the property afterwards. No one else saw these “hunters”. Sources tell OE that the following day one of the occupants of the farm house produced a Delaware license plate that had been partially burned. Supposedly, it was found while the occupants were looking through the remains of the fire. This was turned over to a Deputy Fire Marshall who was investigating the fire.

Contradictory to this story, one source tells OE that the owner of the farm had been on the property that day and one of the occupants and his nephew who was visiting from New York at the time, had told a story about how they had removed the license plate from the owners truck and made it look like he had been the one to start the fire. They did this because the owner had given them notice of eviction. Purely for informational purposes, the owner of the farm did not have insurance on the old chicken houses.

In the early hours of September 22nd, someone invaded the neighboring home while they were sleeping and stole a laptop, cell phone, and wallet. Sources tell OE that the neighbors have no doubt that it was one of the occupants of the farm house. Amazingly, one of the occupants of the farm house taunted the neighbors afterwards telling them that he had done it. He was brazen enough to admit in court to the Judge that yes he had told the neighbors that he did it.

The occupants came up with the rent money and were not evicted. Speculation about where the money came from to pay the rent ran rampant because none of the occupants worked a job. The big question was, where did the money come from to pay the rent?

By early October, the neighbors were in fear of the occupants of the farm house. Several incidents had occurred whereby the police had to be called to remove the occupants from their property. Sources tell OE that every time that the neighbors had company or tried to sit outside in their backyard, the occupants of the farm house would come on their property and start trouble. At one point, one of the farm house occupants was arrested and spent the night in jail. Sources tell OE that particular incident started the threats from the farm house occupants of hurting or killing the neighbors. One of the farm house occupants was carrying a lead pipe and trying to hit people with it. By this time, Justin Hadel was living at the farm house.

The terror of huge “bon fires” began. Sources tell OE that at all hours of the night 30 to 40 foot flames would suddenly shoot up into the air in the area surrounding the farm house. Eyewitnesses tell OE that it appeared as if the whole place was going to go up in flames. OE is told that on some occasions during these huge “bon fires” the occupants of the farm house could be seen dancing around the fire and throwing something into it that exploded.

The second fire began around midnight in early October. The other end of the old chicken house that had not burnt down in the first fire burst into flames. Security guards who had been hired to protect the neighbors called 911. Eyewitnesses watched as a small glow began in the building and then burst into flames. By the time that fire crews arrived, which was in minutes after the 911 call, the remainder of the building was burning out of control.

This time, Fire Marshall McMahon arrived to investigate. The occupants of the farm house told the story of seeing the neighbors on the back part of their property and that they started the fire. When the Fire Marshall questioned the neighbors, it was learned that the security guards were on the back part of the property patrolling not the neighbors. It was learned that while patrolling, the occupants of the farm house were observed sitting in a car drinking beer and then taking off and tearing up the soybean field surrounding the old chicken house.

Again, many questions and speculations ran rampant. One source tells OE that the occupants of the farm house were heard arguing and one of the occupants was hollering at the other saying “I know that you did this”.

The Fire Marshall laid down the law to everyone and said that if he saw so much as a spark, he would take it as someone trying to burn something down. Sources tell OE that any little flame was to be reported. During this time, a burn ban was in effect because the weather had been dry and vegetation was very dry. The entire area was like tinder waiting to burn.

Following this fire, the occupants of the farm house continually started the 30 to 40 foot “bon fires” at all hours of the night. Sources tell OE that there would be total darkness and then all of a sudden flames would leap into the air. As directed, the security guards or the neighbors called 911.

After a few times of doing this, one particular incident had a Worcester County Deputy and a Deputy Fire Marshall waking the neighbors up a 3:00 A.M. to talk to them. Sources tell OE that Deputy Sheriff Purnell and a Deputy Fire Marshall who wouldn’t identify his self told the neighbors that if they called in another fire they would be issued a citation. The neighbors explained what Fire Marshall McMahon had directed them to do and were told that the occupants of the farm house could now do whatever they wanted. Eyewitnesses tell OE that this “talk” got very loud and threatening. The neighbors ended it by telling the LE men that the whole place could burn down and they wouldn’t pick up the telephone. They then sent the LE men on their way.

This incident has had many accusing the VFD of threatening the neighbors. Clearly, the VFD had nothing to do with it. The neighbors say that if they had wanted to do something about it, they would and that they “surely would not ask Nictitate to stick her nose into it”. After seeing a recent email where Nictitate is questioning about the threats made to them if they called the fire department, they are angry that it continually appears to be a sticking point with Nictitate and that all kinds of wild accusations are being made. They feel that it’s no one’s business unless they say it is and have talked to OE and PPE only because the entire story has been misconstrued and they want the record set straight. They are also angry that Nictitate has taken pictures without permission that belong to them and is using them for personal gain. They have requested in the past and are requesting again that the pictures be removed from Nictitates website.

OE has obtained an actual picture of the second chicken house fire. Unlike Nictitate, OE was given the picture with permission to use it.

This is an actual Byrd Rd fire, not a controlled burn fire from the Showell VFD site.

The last fire reported at the farm was the infamous house fire. The neighbors were sleeping and the security guards on duty sat and watched but did not pick up the phone as they had been directed not to. This time, the occupants had to call in the fire their selves.

As the story goes, the occupants were utilizing an old wood stove in the farm house to provide heat. Sources tell OE that they had grabbed up or chopped up any piece of wood that they could find. In spite of being told not to use the woodstove, they did. Somehow, the house caught on fire and again, fire crews had to put out another fire on the Byrd Road Farm in the early morning hours.

Christine was living at the farm house at this time. As a matter of fact, this fire occurred 2 days prior to when she went missing. Questions remain as to why she stayed after the fire because the farm house was not habitable. The VFD had cut a hole in the roof to put out the fire and everything had to have been soaked from where the fire fighters used water to put the fire out. We know that there was no hot water or heat. It’s inconceivable that anyone would inhabit a house under these conditions especially with two small children. OE’s question for Nictitate is – Did Christine go somewhere else to stay after the house fire?

After the farm house fire, the “bon fires” continued. They were never reported. In November, the occupants of the farm house were evicted and this time they moved away.

Amazingly, since November of 2007, the VFD has not had to rush to Byrd Road. Clearly, something was going on however it has been explained to OE that suppositions are not enough evidence to put an arsonist behind bars. Unless an arsonist is witnessed in the actual act of starting a fire a conviction is rare. Don’t criticize the VFD’s or the Fire Marshall for this. Go to your Sate Capitol and get the laws changed.

There appears to be a clear pattern and we have learned that one of the former occupants of the Byrd Road Farm has now been arrested in Tennessee for repeating the same pattern. Eviction equals set it on fire.

Coming soon: Chapter 6 – We have a blog that has decided to try and discredit the PPE. Christine’s family has taken up residence on this blog and PPE is being accused of fabricating the stories about what happened on Byrd Road and of putting the efforts of LE down (they better go back and read Chapter 3 and 4). OE deems it time for a good ole slap down. We will continue to have information provided by eyewitness accounts and sources that have been close to Christine’s case from the beginning. It’s time!

Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.

Smash the SBY Blimp -'BOY', Enjoy the game!!

Smash The Blimp!!! oh this is fun!!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dude Perfect

These young men (Dudes) do this completely for charity...

and this is The World's Longest Basketball Shot by Dude Perfect.

Get in shape or pay a price.

Senate proposals put premium on healthy living

Bills could put workers under pressure to lose weight, stop smoking

Get in shape or pay a price.

That's a message more Americans could hear if the health care reform bills passed by the Senate Finance and Health committees become law.

By more than doubling the maximum rewards and penalties that companies can apply to employees who flunk medical evaluations, the bills could put workers under intense financial pressure to lose weight, stop smoking or even lower their cholesterol.

The initiative, largely eclipsed in the health care debate, builds on a trend that is already in play among some corporations and that more workers will see in the packages they bring home during this month's open enrollment. Some employers offer lower premiums to people who complete personal health assessments; others offer only limited benefit packages to smokers.

The current legislative effort takes the trend a step further. It is backed by major employer groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers. It is opposed by labor unions and groups devoted to combating serious illnesses, such as the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and the American Diabetes Association.

Read More HERE

Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License By Louisiana Justice Of The Peace

A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

Bardwell said he asks everyone who calls about marriage if they are a mixed race couple. If they are, he does not marry them, he said.

Bardwell said he has discussed the topic with blacks and whites, along with witnessing some interracial marriages. He came to the conclusion that most of black society does not readily accept offspring of such relationships, and neither does white society, he said.

"There is a problem with both groups accepting a child from such a marriage," Bardwell said. "I think those children suffer and I won't help put them through it."

If he did an interracial marriage for one couple, he must do the same for all, he said.

"I try to treat everyone equally," he said.

Bardwell estimates that he has refused to marry about four couples during his career, all in the past 2 1/2 years.

Read more HERE

It's that time of year again

Getting mine in early

Happy Halloween!!
You've been Mooned!!

Hat Tip - Ree

Saturday, October 17, 2009

California Rights Group Wants Target to Pull 'Illegal Alien' Halloween Costume

PC? C'mon... how far is too far for the PC crowd?

A Southern California immigrant rights group on Friday asked the Target store chain and a costume company to stop selling an "illegal alien" Halloween costume it said is offensive to immigrants.

The costume features the mask of an alien with a green card and an orange jumpsuit with "illegal alien" written across the front.

Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, wrote e-mails to Minneapolis-based Target and Wisconsin-based BuySeasons, Inc. calling the costume "distasteful, mean-spirited, and ignorant of social stigmas and current debate on immigration reform."

The group said it also planned to send letters to other companies that are selling the costume.

Target is removing the costume from the site after receiving several complaints, company spokesman Joshua Thomas said Friday. The store never intended to sell the outfit but included it in its online offerings by mistake, he said.

An e-mail to BuySeasons, Inc. wasn't immediately returned Friday


The Shore Sloth’s

Is it me or does my native home of the eastern shore attract a certain people?

It seams as if many people here are taking advantage of the system, things like section 8 housing, food stamps, free medical, etc. yet some of these people are completely able to contribute to society.

Take for example a person that was just summoned to court for a PO that was granted by a judge. The PO was for “stalking” and the PO was ordered by the judge, how can a “stalker” receive welfare? Why are our tax dollars going in the gas tank of a “stalker” to assist his twisted illegal activities?

If a person is physically able to “stalk” another person why does the system grant them tax dollars only to be a burden on society and commit illegal activities? If we would happen to encounter this “stalker” and kick their ass your tax dollars will pay for their medical bills, feed them and pay their rent and utilities, does that make sense?

It simply seams to me that we here on the shore have an over abundances of government leaches that draw from the government teat and never add any value to our community.

If you fall in this description, GET A LIFE!! And a job.

Snip from SBYNews

While Jonathan Taylor was NOT supposed to be in Court today, he showed up in a wheel chair and required special attention when the Donna Ennis case was brought up. He was escorted into the court room in an extra wide, (seriously) wheel chair and the Judge said, why don't we try this case today, since both parties are here. Clearly the Judge could realize that Jonathan had been served a temporary Peace Order and considering today's hearing was supposed to only be about Donna, Jonathan proved to the Judge just by showing up for a hearing that he will follow her no matter what.

Clearly walking out of the court just fine!!

Pictures courtesy SBYNews

Nut causes riot, offers free merchandise

This nut entered the store and offered to pay for everyone's purchase up to $500.00 and they in turn called friends and family. When they found out that this woman was full-of-it they trashed the store and stole what they wanted anyway, the trial lawyer in the video says the thieves are not responsible. HUH?

Welcome to the new Obamerica, where if you don't have it you're entitled to just take it.

Pennsylvania Man Busted With Marijuana Stuck on Forehead, Police Say

Police in central Pennsylvania say they've nabbed a real pot head.

Twenty-nine-year-old Cesar Lopez is charged with drug possession after police say an officer saw him with a bag of marijuana stuck to his forehead.

Investigators say an officer saw Lopez looking at the inside of his baseball cap in a convenience store early Saturday morning in Lebanon, about 75 miles northwest of Philadelphia. When Lopez looked up, the officer spotted a small plastic bag appearing to contain marijuana stuck to his forehead.

Police say the officer peeled the bag off Lopez's forehead and placed him under arrest.

Authorities say the sweatband of a baseball cap is a frequent hiding place for drugs.


A cowboy from Texas attends a social function where Barack Obama is trying to gather more support for his Health Plan. Once he discovers the cowboy is from President Bush’s home area, he starts to belittle him by talking in a southern drawl and single syllable words.

As he was doing that, he kept swatting at some flies that were buzzing around his head. The cowboy says, “Y’all havin’ some problem with them circle flies?”

Obama stopped talking and said, “Well, yes, if that’s what they’re called, but I’ve never heard of circle flies.”

“Well Sir,” the cowboy replies, “circle flies hang around ranches. They’re called circle flies because they’re almost always found circling around the back end of a horse.”

“Oh,” Obama replies as he goes back to rambling. But, a moment later he stops and bluntly asks, “Are you calling me a horse’s ass?”
“No, Sir,” the cowboy replies, “I have too much respect for the citizens of this country to call their President a horse’s ass.”

“That’s a good thing,” Obama responds and begins rambling on once more.

After a long pause, the cowboy, in his best Texas drawl says, “Hard to fool them flies, though.”

Friday, October 16, 2009

Odor Eliminator (Chapter 5)

Coming soon!!
Odor Eliminator has decided to do a chapter 5, no rebuttal this time just plain old facts of some of the interesting events that they have uncovered.

Their next chapter will include actual pictures, not some pictures of controlled burns from Showell. OE has advised me that they have obtained actual pictures of the fires on Byrd Rd.

Keep checking PPE for the next OE episode coming soon.


7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes

The Public Takes a News Quiz ... and Doesn't Do So Well

How much do you know about the news? Take the quiz HERE

One question that always comes to mind when reading a poll: How much does the public know about the issues and current events it is being asked about, particularly complex ones like health care?

The Pew Research Center looked for some answers by giving 1,002 adults a news quiz, conducted Oct. 1-4. (You can take the quiz yourself here, but no cheating by looking first at the results which are below.)

The quiz included 12 multiple-choice questions and those who took it answered an average of 5.3 questions correctly.

Here are some of the results:

Seventy-five percent answered correctly when asked which party controlled the House, (the Democrats).

Sixty-five percent knew that Sonia Sotomayor was the new Supreme Court justice.

Sixty-one percent knew that health spending in the U.S. was higher than most of Europe.

When asked in what legislative context the "public option" was being discussed, 56 percent correctly answered "health care."

Fifty-three percent knew the unemployment rate was close to 10 percent.

Forty-two percent knew that Israel and Iran do not share a border.

Forty percent knew that Glenn Beck was a radio and TV talk show host.

Thirty-three percent knew that Ben Bernanke is the Federal Reserve Chairman.

Thirty-three percent knew that the Dow was back close to 10,000 points.

Twenty-eight percent knew the correct size of the U.S. military force in Afghanistan (about 70,000).

Twenty-three percent knew that "cap & trade" had to do with energy and climate legislation.

And for all the frequency with which his face has been on TV lately and the front pages of the newspapers, only 18 percent knew Max Baucus was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

Take the quiz HERE What's your score?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vigilante Mom in Prison in Alleged Abuser's Death

A Florida woman reported to prison Thursday to begin finishing a 10-year sentence for killing a man she believed had molested her daughter.
Sylvia Neeley, now 48, admits killing Arthur Danner, 73, of Dade City, Fla., more than a decade ago, The St. Petersburg Times said.

Three months earlier, Neeley had reported to authorities that she believed Danner, her next-door-neighbor, had molested her daughter, the paper said. The girl, who is mentally disabled, was 12 years old at the time. The Pasco County Sheriff's Office investigated, but did not find enough evidence to charge Danner.
On May 24, 1998, Danner boasted about molesting the girl and threatened to do it again, Neeley said. "Stoned on beer and painkillers," Neeley went to her home in Dade City's Land O'Lakes mobile home park, got her gun, then returned and fired at Danner's chest and groin, the paper said.
Neeley was convicted of the killing in 2000 but the verdict was later thrown out and a new trial was ordered. With a new trial coming up, she pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughter. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but will receive credit for the more than four years she already served, the Times said.
Before she headed back to prison, Neeley told the judge, "I'm very sorry for the crime I committed. I just felt like no one was helping my daughter."
Neeley's daughter, now 23, has been moved to a group home, the paper said.
For more information on this story, see The St. Petersburg Times.

Missing 'Balloon Boy' Found Safe at Home

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (Oct. 14) -- A 6-year-old boy was found hiding in a cardboard box in his family's garage attic Thursday after being feared aboard a homemade helium balloon that hurtled 50 miles through the sky on live television.

The discovery marked a bizarre end to a saga that started when the giant silvery balloon floated away from the family's yard Thursday morning, sparking a frantic rescue operation that involved military helicopters and briefly shut down Denver International Airport.

But Sheriff Jim Alderden turned to reporters during a news conference and gave a thumbs up and said 6-year-old Falcon Heene is "at the house." ''Apparently he's been there the whole time," he said.
The boy's father, Richard Heene, said the family was tinkering with the balloon Thursday and that he scolded Falcon for getting inside a compartment on the craft. He said Falcon's brother had seen him inside the compartment before it took off and that's why they thought he was in there when it launched.

But the boy fled to the attic at some point after the scolding and was never in the balloon during its two-hour, 50-mile journey through two counties. "I yelled at him. I'm really sorry I yelled at him," Heene said as he hugged his son during a news conference.

"I was in the attic and he scared me because he yelled at me," Falcon said. "That's why I went in the attic."

Richard Heene adamantly denied the notion that the whole thing was a big publicity stunt. "That's horrible after the crap we just went through. No."

The flying saucer-like craft tipped precariously at times before gliding to the ground in a field. With the child nowhere in sight, investigators searched the balloon's path. Several people reported seeing something fall from the craft while it was in the air, and yellow crime-scene tape was placed around the home.

But in the end, the boy apparently was in the garage the whole time, even as investigators scoured the house and neighborhood for any sign of him.

Neighbor Bob Licko, 65, said he was leaving home when he heard commotion in the backyard of the family. He said he saw two boys on the roof with a camera, commenting about their brother.
"One of the boys yelled to me that his brother was way up in the air," Licko said.

Licko said the boy's mother seemed distraught and that the boy's father was running around the house. The Poudre School District in Fort Collins, where the boys attend, did not have classes for elementary schools Thursday because of a teacher work day.

Read More HERE

Drunk Driver Calls 911 on Self.

In Wisconsin, a woman decided to call 911 dispatch while driving home drunk from a local watering hole. The following is a transcript of the conversation.

Caller: I just want to know if somebody can follow me home because somebody seems to think I can’t drive home straight.

911 Operator: OK, why is that?

Caller: He seems to think I am too intoxicated to drive.

911 Operator: OK, and so you called 911, or he called 911?

Caller: Well, he wanted me to call 911 because he thinks I’m too drunk to drive.

The ‘he’ in this case was a boyfriend who’d consumed a 12-pack by himself, yet still had the wherewithal to point out the driver, who’d knocked back 6, should not be getting behind the wheel (and yet no foresight or judgment whatsoever to pass up a ride home).

The woman failed the Breathalyzer and was ticketed in her own garage, but not before earning the unlikely kudos from a county sheriff (possibly, a distant relation):

“I think a judge will look at her and say, ‘You know what? You stepped up to the plate. You did the right thing. I think it’s commendable.”

Any Cat Folks Around??

Our family kitty is about 8 years old, here lately he has been acting a little strange like begging for people food and getting into things that he has never attempted to do since he was trained as a kitten.

Although he was acting a little different we didn't notice any other changes in him until last Saturday morning he was acting lazy and then got sick. He then all of a sudden just stopped moving, in such a way that the wife though he was dead, he wasn't but it was obvious that something was really wrong.

The wife and son packed him up and carried him to the Vet, they did blood-work and examined him. The Vet said that he thought his liver was failing and it was nothing he could do but he would know for sure when the test came back. He gave him a shot of fluids so he wouldn't dehydrate, and sent him home.

That same night the cat started to perk-up somewhat and by the next morning he was fine; just like nothing was ever wrong with him.

The blood-work results came back the middle of the week and the Vet said he had good news, there was nothing wrong with the cats liver but he had a low count of white blood cells and to come pick-up a prescription.

The Vet then explained that he could not explain why the cat was so sick and then perked-up as if nothing was ever wrong.

Then as of yesterday he has been fine, but sometime during the night the cat is right back to where he was (sick) and it looks like he's not going to make it. He wont move, eat, and cannot stand. I have had several animals in my life but I have never seen one get so sick then bounce back like this one did just to repeat it over again.

The wife has held him all day with him wrapped in a blanket and I heard her crying once and I went to see why and the cat was dead. But... low and behold he started breathing again in about two minuets but he's on his way out it looks like at any time.

The Vet wants him to see what may have caused these strange events for future reference because even the Vet says this is a very, very odd occurrence, but the wife and kids say no.

Anyone ever had an animal that had taken deathly ill then recovered over night only to repeat a week later after being completely normal and dropped like you snapped your fingers?

'Wheelchair Recycler' Gives Back Freedom

The man best known as the "Wheelchair Recycler" has spent the past 11 years building and fixing power chairs for the people with the greatest need, but who often could not otherwise afford one.
Permanently paralyzed in a car accident in 1995, David Heim, 47, of Marlborough, Mass., knows what a wheelchair means for a disabled person: "Independence. That's the greatest thing."

"You can't be without your chair for a week, let alone a day," he told NBC Nightly News.
His nonprofit organization takes used wheelchairs and refurbishes them with other donated parts. The work ranges from quick repairs to custom-made jobs, but each one is personalized to address the client's individual needs.
Heim has helped over 500 people across the country, and even internationally, since he first started his company.
"When I go into any rehab, or see anybody, I don't see their face first. I look at their chair -- what's wrong with it, are they comfortable, how are they positioned," Heim told NBC News.

Heim's chairs typically sell for $800-$1,000, a fraction of what a chair would typically run. Though Heim's shop is struggling itself to break even, he often gives away chairs or services to people who can't pay.
When The Christopher Reeve Foundation learned of Heim's charitable works, it donated the late actor's chair. Its parts were used to fix six other people's power chairs. The foundation also provided two grants that allowed the Wheelchair Recycler to buy vans to pick up donations.
Heim envisions operations like his existing in every state, and is now working to make that happen: "It can't stop with just this one shop."
For more details, visit NBC Nightly News and USA Today.
To find out more about Heim's operation, visit

North Carolina Pastor to Burn Bibles?

A church leader in North Carolina is burning versions of the Bible he doesn't agree with.

Pastor Marc Grizzard of the Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Canton is building a bonfire on Halloween to destroy Bibles that aren't the King James Version.

His reason for burning the holy books?

"What we're doing is we're burning books that are satanic. I believe the King James version is God's preserve, inspired, in erect, infallible word of God."

The pastor also says well-known Christian ministers like Billy Graham and Rick Warren are heretics whose books belong on a long list of negative influences and should be thrown to the flames.

Newport News Girl Sells Toys to Buy Vests

There was round of applause at Tuesday night's Newport News city council meeting for a local girl taking action and getting results.

Kayleigh Crimmins has been raising money to buy bullet resistant vests for police dogs.

This one will go to a Newport News sheriff's department K-9 called Vader.

This is the fifth one she has bought with money from selling her toys on Craigslist.

"I think she is amazing I think she is determined I think she loves dogs, and there's no end to this she's made that very clear," says Kayleigh's mother Lee.

Kayleigh has also been holding yard sales and recently started a new project, 'Cans for K-9's' to help with her fundraising efforts.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

WORCESTER: Trial date set for Pocomoke blogger

Pocomoke blogger Billy Burke will be going to trial for wiretapping charges in November.
Regardless of any differences I believe that recording an open conversation on the public steps of City-hall is not a criminal action.
Maryland laws on/about recording are very strict, but it plainly states that one must have "a reasonable expatiation of privacy"
A conversation in public, outside, on the steps of the Pocomoke City Hall building is about as open, and public as one could be.

Mr. Burke recorded a conversation between his wife and the Mayor on the public steps of Pocomokes City hall building. (a public setting) IMHO and should well be in the eyes of the law. This is though for the Judge and Jury to decide this November.

The Burke's were met by the Pocomoke Police with a warrant to search and confiscate all electronic equipment in their possession earlier this year, and Mr. Burke charged with wiretapping by the States Attorney Joel Todd. Mr. Burke was charged after a recording was sent by Burke to SA Todd and the MD Attorney Generals office as what Burke considered evidence of the destruction of public documents that were under the FOIA of the Burkes, Mrs. Burke was a council candidate at the time.

POCOMOKE CITY — A jury trial is scheduled on Nov. 2 for a local blogger accused of illegally recording a conversation with town Mayor Michael McDermott.

William F. Burke, a Market Street resident and publisher of, faces a single count of wiretapping for taping a March 27 exchange between McDermott, himself and his wife Stephanie on the steps of town hall.

Pocomoke, Police Investigate Thefts of Liquor Store and Tractors

Dispensary employee arrested
PRINCESS ANNE -- An employee at a Somerset County liquor dispensary has been charged with theft in connction with the disappearance of more than $800 in liquor, according to Maryland State Police.

Dennis Wayne Johnson, 51, an employee at the store on Route 13 north of Pocomoke, is accused of removing liquor from the store, and supplying others with liquor without paying for it, police said.

On Sept. 21, the Maryland State Police criminal investigative section received information from the Somerset County Liquor Board regarding the thefts.

Johnson resigned his position with the liquor store at the beginning of the investigation, police said.

The investigation into the incident is continuing, police said.


Police investigate tractor thefts
PRINCESS ANNE -- Maryland State Police are investigating the thefts of two tractors from a John Deere dealership on Route 13 north of Pocomoke City.

The tractors were stolen sometime between 6 p.m. Thursday and 6 a.m. Friday from Atlantic Tractor, police said.

The suspect utilized some type of "rollback" tow vehicle to remove the two tractors which had previously been located out in front of the dealership, police said.

The tractors are described as:

n1998 John Deere model 755 tractor (used). Green and yellow with a small dent on the front grille.

n2009 John Deere model JD3032E tractor with front end loader (new). Green and yellow.

Anyone who may have seen these tractors being transported on the roadway, or anyone with information regarding this theft is urged to call the MSP Princess Anne Barrack tip line at 443-260-3737.


Holidays are Coming, Made In America

Shop American made. Below is an on-line shopping resource for American-made products for the home and family. Click on a shopping category, using the sidebar menu or the icons below.

Welcome to an on-line shopping resource for American-made products for the home and family. Click on a shopping category, using the sidebar menu or the icons below.

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Hat Tip; Plainsman

Having a Bad Day?

When you do think about this feller!!

Suspended Delaware student heads back to first grade thanks to policy change

Six-year-old Zachary Christie can return to school today. Inundated by more than 1,000 phone calls and a national media frenzy, and faced with a couple hundred people who showed up to protest, the Christina School Board opened its meeting by unanimously voting Tuesday night to amend its zero-tolerance policy, clearing the way for Zachary's return to his first-grade class.

On Sept. 29, Zachary was suspended for five days when he brought a camping utensil with a knife, fork and spoon to Downes Elementary. Zachary planned to use the tool at lunch to eat his pudding. Under the district policy, he was also prohibited from returning to the Newark elementary school until he completed at least 45 days at an alternative school.

Now, students in kindergarten or first grade who bring a dangerous instrument to school will face a three- to five-day out-of-school suspension and then be allowed to return to their school where they will receive counseling. The change is retroactive to the beginning of the school year.

"We need to recognize the cognitive level of these kids," said school board member John Mackenzie. "We need to provide a little leeway."

"I'm thrilled Zachary will be able to go back to school," Zachary's mother, Debbie Christie, told a group of local and national media after the board's vote. "I'm overwhelmed. I'm sure my son is overwhelmed, and I'm ready to get back to my private life."

Kenneth Trump, a national school safety consultant, said suspending a 6-year-old for bringing a knife to school is not uncommon, but forcing a 6-year-old to go to an alternative school for 45 days is "over the top" compared to other districts across the country.

"School officials are certainly much more inclined to err on the side of safety in a post-Columbine and Virginia Tech world, but that doesn't mean that we don't need to have discretion or common sense," Trump said. "The consequences for a 6-year-old first-grade boy with a camping utensil should be different than a 16-year-old student with multiple knives and weapons with intent to kill students and staff."

According to the district's code of conduct, if the full blade of a knife is shorter than 3 inches, school officials consider it a dangerous instrument; 3 inches or longer and it is a deadly weapon. The blade on Zachary's utensil was shorter than three inches.

Prior to Tuesday's board meeting, the district had said it had to follow its policy consistently to be fair.

Ronnie Casella, an associate professor of education at Central Connecticut State University, said too often districts create zero-tolerance policies because they're afraid of giving different consequences to different students.

"They're scared of opening themselves up to a lawsuit so they turn to these one-size-fits-all policies. But unfortunately that leads to some crazy kind of decisions and some strange and odd outcomes," he said.

Christina Superintendent Marsha Lyles said principals had expressed concern about the lack of flexibility in the district's policy.

"We want to make sure this [policy] is equitably addressed," she said. "We need to have very clear guidelines and expectations of behavior that everyone adheres to."

Al Cavalier, an associate professor in the school of education at the University of Delaware who specializes in classroom and behavior management, said the Christina issue is part of a much broader national problem schools have been facing as they try to strike a balance in how to react to these kinds of situations. Determining intent usually is the key.

"The context is everything. Schools, parents and children are all struggling to find the right balance," he said.

School districts also need to be more inclusive as they create new disciplinary policies, he said.

"I think we all could provide a more public hearing about these policies before they're formed," Cavalier said.

Christina had already scheduled a workshop for the beginning of November to examine the district's code of conduct and see what, if any, improvement could be made. Wendy Lapham, the district's spokeswoman, said more changes to the district's policy could be made then.

State Rep. Terry Schooley, D-Newark, who sponsored legislation in the spring to allow districts to modify the terms of an expulsion or determine expulsion is not appropriate, said she hopes the district will do a thorough evaluation of their student discipline policies and give even more flexibility and discretion to school principals.

"We need to get back to what is going to change kids behavior other than just punishment because I think in the long run, [zero-tolerance policies] aren't going to make a difference," she said.

Schooley initially thought her bill, which was passed and became law in June, would help Zachary. But because he only carried a "dangerous instrument" and not a "deadly weapon" to school -- and was suspended rather than expelled -- the law did not apply to his case.

Schooley now plans to revise the law next legislative session, which doesn't begin until January.

Zachary's case isn't the first time Christina has made headlines.

Last year, fifth-grader Kasia Haughton was suspended for bringing a serrated knife to school to cut a cake. The student faced a possible expulsion until the district reversed its decision and allowed her back in school after determining she never had possession of the knife.

Two years ago, the school board expelled a seventh-grader for using a utility knife from home to cut windows out of a paper house for a class project.

While Christie wants to step out of the spotlight, she does want to be an activist for more flexibility on zero-tolerance policies.

"I hope my voice has given other people a voice," she said.

NOTE: Thanks this is a great/well written article.


Ford Recalls 4.5 Million Additional Vehicles In Switch Recall

Faulty Part Could Cause Fire; Largest Recall In Ford's History

Ford Motor Co. says it will add 4.5 million older-model vehicles to the list of those recalled because a defective cruise control switch could cause a fire.

Ford says 1.1 million Ford Windstar minivans will be recalled for repairs due to a small risk of fires.

The company says another 3.4 million Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles with the same switches also will be recalled even though there have been no reports of fires. Those vehicles mainly are trucks and SUVs.

All vehicles covered by the recall are from the 1992 to 2003 model years.

Sherwood says this is Ford's seventh recall due to the Texas Instruments speed control switches. The recalls cover a total of 14.3 million vehicles and combined are the largest in Ford's history.


NAACP raises questions about mayoral succession

Group fears appointment of white or Republican mayor if Dixon is convicted
Can you imagine the outcry if the tables were turned here?
Maybe Obama will have a beer with'em.

Leaders of the Maryland NAACP, worried that a Baltimore mayor's criminal conviction could result in the appointment of a white or Republican leader who may not fully represent the majority black and Democratic city, are asking state lawmakers to strip the governor of authority to permanently fill the office.

The request, made in a resolution adopted at a state meeting of the civil rights group last weekend, marks the first time a mainstream organization has raised questions about succession should Baltimore Mayor Dixon be convicted of any of the nine charges she faces. Dixon has been indicted for theft and perjury and the first of two trials is scheduled for early next month.

"There is that possibility of a conviction, and we want to know those protocols that are in place," said Elbridge James, the political action chairman of the state National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "If it looks like it is going to rain, I am going to buy an umbrella."

Still, it is not clear that the resolution or a law change is warranted. According to Dan Friedman, an assistant attorney general who is counsel to the General Assembly, the governor does not have the authority to make an appointment.

Instead, the state constitution defers to the city's charter, he said, which elevates the city council president to be mayor in case of a vacancy. That's how Dixon became mayor in 2007 after Martin O'Malley, her predecessor, was elected governor.

Marvin L. Cheatham, the president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP, introduced the resolution because he heard an attorney on a radio program discussing a lack of clarity on succession if Dixon were to be convicted and sentenced.

"Our concern is who would the governor appoint?" Cheatham said. "Here you have a predominantly African-American city. What if the governor appointed somebody white? ... Would he appoint someone Irish to be the mayor?"

Cheatham also said he worried that a future Republican governor could appoint someone from his party to lead a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans 9 to 1. "Would not the Republican governor have the ability to pick a Republican mayor?" he asked. "We just think there are some unanswered questions about the process," Cheatham said.

The resolution passed "nearly unanimously" with little debate from the 150 or so delegates who attended the meeting, James said. It lays out two options, asking either for the governor to defer to the city's charter and elevate the city council president to mayor; or a revision to state law to prevent an emergency mayoral appointee by the governor to run for the office in the next election.

Rick Abbruzzese, a spokesman for Gov. Martin O'Malley, reiterated that the governor cannot appoint a mayor of Baltimore, and did not answer other questions about the resolution. The adoption of the resolution was first reported by the online news Web site Investigative Voice.

The state constitution is difficult to follow on the topic of succession, Friedman said. One section of the document indicates that the governor has the authority to appoint a new leader should the sitting mayor be convicted and sentenced. However, that section has been superseded by a separate portion which clearly defers matters to the city's charter, Friedman said.

"If the [city charter] provides for an automatic succession, then that is what happens," Friedman said. "Baltimore's charter provides for that." Should Dixon be removed from office, City Council President Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake would become mayor. The city's charter then directs the remaining city council members to elect a new city council president.

Cheatham said he wants the attorney general's office to issue a written opinion on the matter.

The mayoral vacancy would occur if Dixon is convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor that relates to her official duties and sentenced. Dixon faces seven theft-related charges for using gift cards that were donated to her office for distribution to needy families. She's also accused of failing to report lavish gifts from her then-boyfriend on her city ethics forms.

The removal provision of the state constitution could also apply to city councilwoman Helen L. Holton, a West Baltimore Democrat. She is charged with two campaign finance violations and set to be tried Dec. 7.

Should Holton be removed from office, the city's charter directs the remaining city council members to elect a new council member to finish out the term. The city's next general election is in November 2011.

Boy Hits Hole-in-One Days After Surgery

An eight-year-old Virginia boy is celebrating a huge accomplishment. Just six days after brain surgery, he hit a hole-in-one.
Jonathan Brittain was born premature with a condition called Hydrocephalus -- bleeding of the brain -- and has since endured eight brain operations. The latest came last month, reported WTKR.

Less than a week later, the young boy recovered well enough to join his father, Jeff, and his two brothers on their local golf course. Playing his favorite hole -- the 9th, a part 3 over water -- Jonathan was perfect.
"I didn't think I was going to get a hole in one," he recalled.
"It's hard to believe six days before he was having brain surgery and six days later he's out playing golf," Jeff Brittain told WTKR. "The lord's blessed us and has taken care of Jonathan and got him back to where he could even be playing golf."
For more details on this story, visit WTKR.

"Hate Crime" Caught on Tape

Report; (Queens) Two men follow a man from a deli taunting him and calling him names then assault him all while being caught on public cameras.
One suspect was apprehended in Norfolk Va.

New; Anti Terrorist Camera

Say Cheeeeeeese!!


ALL YOU CAN EAT – The Fourth Annual Crisfield Waterman's Festival will serve steamed crabs, oysters, fried and on the half shell, fried fish, clam strips, grilled chicken and more for $40.00. The event will be held on the Somers Cove Marina grounds. More details will be available later.

$40.00 per person. Call (410) 968-2501 for more details.
Visa and MasterCard accepted.

When; October 16, 2009 - Friday 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Where; Somers Cove Marina

Download Ticket Order Form


Democratic Halloween

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kratovil sending out spam

I have never been to Kratovil's website, signed-up for any emails etc.

Now I get this from;

This is an attempt from Kartovil to look like a conservative democrat, too late Frank you have shown your true colors at the town halls, and by supporting cap and tax. This is not old school politics anymore Frank, people are educated, they plant seeds in their memories, seeds like telling a small child that our returning vets commit suicide.

Sorry Frank, looks like you're a one termer......

Here's the email;

Dear Friends, October 13, 2009

As the health care reform debate continues in Washington, it is more important than ever for Congress to listen to the concerns of our constituents and craft a reform package that works for all Americans. Over the past few months, I’ve spoken with thousands of constituents at Town Hall meetings, one-on-one conversations, and telephone town hall forums. While opinions on the current legislation were varied, I’ve heard strong agreement that we ought to look for common sense ideas that protect the parts of health care system that work and fix the parts that don’t.

In order to get my vote, any health care reform bill must protect and expand patient choice, rein in skyrocketing costs for consumers and businesses, and break down the barriers that prevent millions of Americans from accessing coverage. These are goals that cross party lines, and the debate over how to achieve these goals should focus not on partisan rhetoric but on a discussion of common-sense solutions that will improve health care and reduce costs for all Americans.

Last week, I led a group of my fellow Freshman Representatives in sending a letter to House Leadership urging them to take a step back and address a number of the concerns that our constituents have raised. The letter highlights many of the common sense proposals we have heard in our town hall meetings: fostering competition across state lines, reducing malpractice suits and defensive medicine, protecting small businesses, and ensuring that health care reform does not increase the deficit. The letter is available on my website if you’d like to read more about the reforms for which I am fighting.

The message I have heard from my constituents is clear: We need reform, but legitimate concerns remain about the current legislation. In my view the current House bill does not do enough to accomplish the critical goals discussed above. However, I am hopeful that we can develop a proposal that will cut costs, preserve consumer choice, protect small businesses, and increase competition. We cannot afford to let obstructionists derail this debate, but nor should we be afraid to acknowledge that many of the concerns being raised are real and legitimate.

You can be confident that in the days ahead I will continue working to ensure that any health care reform bill meets the needs and goals of First District residents. Until it does, it will not have my support. As always please contact my office if you have any questions or concerns about this or any legislation, or if you need help with a federal agency.

With warm regards,

Rep. Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.

P.S – While the health care debate continues to draw most of the headlines, I want to touch on another issue that is affecting our district. Our national economy is starting to show some glimmers of a turnaround, but many homeowners here in Maryland and across the country continue to face the prospect of foreclosure due to a lost job, an unexpected medical emergency, or other economic hardships. On September 26th, I held a foreclosure prevention workshop in Cambridge where over 150 constituents attended and spoke privately with housing counselors, got free legal advice from experienced foreclosure attorneys, and met directly with representatives from major lenders. I will be holding similar workshops in other areas of the district in the months ahead, but if you or someone you know is facing a foreclosure, then please do not wait. Please contact my office at (410) 334-3072 to learn more about the resources available to help you stay in your home.

Judge: Runaway Convert Should Go Home

A Florida judge says he plans to order the teenager who ran away from Ohio to Florida because she feared physical harm for converting from Islam to Christianity sent back to Ohio.
>The Orlando judge said Tuesday that he will sign the order when he gets the documents on 17-year-old Rifqa Bary's immigration status.

Bary has been in foster care in Orlando while her case was being reviewed. The judge says he will likely turn over the case to an Ohio court in the next few weeks.
Bary ran away from her parents' Columbus-area home in July, saying she feared being killed for changing religions. But a Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation found no credible threats to Bary.

New Recipe Blog Added

Yep, that's one of my dishes... it's fried oysters and oyster chowder.
If you have not noticed we have added a new recipe sharing blog filed under 'links'
check it out, post your favorite recipes for others to try and review.

Obama; War on Fox, or Would that be the 1st Amendment.

Your tax dollars hard at work paying staff to investigate, analyze, operate and report on a tax funded whitehouse blog to attack Fox news.

One would think with two wars, the highest unemployment ever, a deficit that our great, great grandchildren will never pay off, the economy, a General begging for troops and a host of other things that are being unattended by dear leader, Fox should be the least of his worries.

Hmmmmmm?...........Hmmmmmm?.............Hmmmmmm? Barak Husien 0bama!


Reality Check: Trying to Turn a Point of Pride into a Moment of Shame

Posted by Jesse Lee

Last night Fox News continued its disregard for the facts in an attempt to smear the Administration's efforts to win the Olympics for the United States. In the past, hosting the Olympics has been a source of pride and unity for the country, but once again Fox News' Glenn Beck program has shown that nothing is worthy of respect if it can be used as part of a partisan attack to boost ratings.

Boy Scout, 6, Suspended for Fork

1st Grader Brings Camping Utensil to School for Lunch, But Zero Tolerance Weapons Policy Leads to 45-Day Suspension

A 6-year-old boy's excitement over joining the Cub Scouts may just land him in reform school for 45 days.

Zachary Christie was suspended from his 1st grade class in Delaware's Christina School District after bringing a camping utensil - a combination knife/fork/spoon - to use at lunch, prompting calls to reexamine schools' zero-tolerance policy for bringing weapons to school, according to a New York Times report Monday.

Zero tolerance policies were instituted in many school districts across the country, at least in part due to violence at Columbine and Virginia Tech, the report notes. Their rigid enforcement is designed to eliminate the appearance of bias or discrimination on the part of school officials.

The school district's policy is enforced "regardless of intent" and "does not take into consideration a child's age," reports CBS News correspondent Jim Axelrod.

But residents, and some lawmakers, are now wondering why schools can't apply a more common-sense discretion to such instances.

"It just seems unfair," said Zachary, who is being home-schooled while his mother, Debbie Christie, tries to fight the suspension. That involved Zachary appearing before a district disciplinary committee with his karate instructor and mother's fiancé vouching for him as character witnesses.

"Zachary wears a suit and tie some days to school by his own choice because he takes school so seriously," his mother said. "He is not some sort of threat to his classmates."

Christie started a Web site,, to drum up support for her son.

State Representative Teresa L. Schooley wrote the disciplinary committee, asking each member to "consider the situation, get all the facts, find out about Zach and his family and then act with common sense for the well-being of this child."

But the strict enforcement of the policy has its supporters.

"There is no parent who wants to get a phone call where they hear that their child no longer has two good seeing eyes because there was a scuffle and someone pulled out a knife," said George Evans, the school district board's president.

There has been a move to give school officials more flexibility in "weapon"-related incidents. After a third-grade girl was expelled for a year after bringing in a knife to cut the birthday cake her grandmother sent in to the class, a new law was passed allowing officials to modify punishments on a case-by-case basis. But that was for expulsions, not suspensions as Zachary is faced with. Another revision to the law is being drafted to address suspensions, according to the report.


Daring to Question Al Gore

Al may have invented the internet but he wont accept the hard questions...
Gore said that the judge ruled in favor of his movie, Not so.

The judge ruled that Gore's movie was inaccurate and not scientific, if it were to be shown in schools it had to be pre-approved by parents VIA a permission slip.

Easton man charged with abusing 1-year-old

Sick, Sick people... This is heart breaking, how could anyone harm a defenseless infant.
I hope his celly is about 7 feet tall and 500 lbs.

Easton police have charged a man with burning, shaking and breaking the arm of his girlfriend’s 1-year-old daughter.

Thirty-nine-year-old Earl Luther Wilt Jr. of Easton was arrested Thursday and charged with assault and child abuse. He is being held on $50,000 bond.

According to court documents, in July Wilt allegedly broke the child’s forearm. In late August, Wilt allegedly held the girl’s hand to a stove burner and then shook the girl.

The child’s mother took her to Memorial Hospital in Easton on Sept. 5.
Charges were filed against Wilt on Oct. 1.

Posted @

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Doctors Will be 'Drafted' Under Democrats' Public Option

A respected medical specialist has carefully reviewed the healthcare reform bill in the U.S. House, and he declares that it would amount to a virtual "draft" of doctors into the government's "public option" health insurance program.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, a renowned neurosurgeon, book author and editor of the Blaylock Wellness Report published by Newsmax, also warns that "death panels" could lead to the rationing of medical care to the elderly and a "violation of the Hippocratic Oath."

See Video: Dr. Russell Blaylock discusses the threats to quality medical care under Obamacare - Click Here Now

What's Lurking in Loch Ness?

There's something lurking in the depths of Loch Ness, Scotland, and it has nothing to do with monsters.
On a recent expedition to try and find evidence of the Loch Ness monster, U.S. research teams came across something quite unexpected -- not a prehistoric creature of the deep, but thousands of plastic covered golf balls.
Embedded video from CNN Video

Mike O'Brien of SeaTrepid explains: "At first we thought they were mushrooms, there were so many. But when we lowered the camera, we were surprised to see that they were in fact golf balls."

The balls were found roughly 300 yards from the beach and 100 yards from the shore where it is thought locals and visitors have been using the loch to practice their driving skills for quite some time.
One witness, conservationist Adrian Shine, told CNN he had seen locals launching balls almost 300 feet into the waters.

However, Shine doesn't believe this to be an environmental threat: "Certainly it's undesirable, but I don't think it will have a significant environmental impact on the loch."

It seems missing and discarded golf balls may not be bad news for all concerned. David Roston has built a career out of wading through rivers and diving in lakes to collect and re-sell discarded golf balls.
His online company,, had been retailing "lake balls" for almost 10 years, but even his powers of retrieval would be challenged by the monstrous task of recovering balls from the bottom of loch.

"I've dived in various lakes and found 10 to 15 thousand golf balls at a time, it's incredible -- but we've never attempted to clear a loch!"
Bobbing along at a depth of 754 feet, it's unlikely these balls of Loch Ness will ever see the light of day again.


Salisbury To Add a Million Dollar Fireboat

That's right, Salisbury residents tax dollars at work.
Right now Salisbury is rated second in the highest crime cities in the U.S. and they have approved $900,000.00 for a fire boat that will surely be a million by the time it's complete.

What in the world does Salisbury need a fireboat for? You can squirt a garden hose across the Wicomico River at it's widest point. There's not any place on the river that could burn that does not have hard road with clear access. I'm a boat guy, and the initial cost is trivial compared to the long term maintenance of a boat that is kept overboard. Also I remember a pac14 where the SFD is building a new firehouse that will cost the exact same amount, I would think that would be their priority over the boat.

So.. they are getting this million dollar boat, I wonder if they will spend the money locally to have it built?

We have some very good boat builders that I'm sure could use the boost right here in Crisfield.


Chesapeake Boats Inc., Crisfield, MD; Maryland, USA
Service: Boat Builder, Boat Dealer

Evans Boat, Inc., Crisfield, MD; Maryland, USA
Service: Boat Builder, Boat Dealer

Carman Boats INC Marion Station Maryland USA

All the above build beautiful, stable, reliable boats.

It's That Time Of Year, Is Your Vehicle Ready?

We have had a nice summer, but... it's over and winter is near, a friend of mine in the mid-west has 5 inches of snow right now. Brrrrrr just thinking about it.

A lot of folks get their house/furnace and other things prepared for the cold but neglect their means of transportation.

Well let me tell you a few things you can do yourself to save some moolah and maybe a road-call/tow.

Take a good look at all of your tires, turn the fronts hard left/right so you can see the inside treads a little better, and check the air pressure, always air your tires to the recommendations in the owners manual or the label on the drivers door/post.

Check your belt(s) for cracks and wear, hoses for cracks and pliability, if they are hard it's time to replace.

Check the antifreeze, you can get a cheap tester for a buck, check the freeze point, it my look good but that does not mean it is. Antifreeze should be changed every two years to prevent it from losing it's strength and to relieve the system of damaging electrolysis that will eat away at gaskets and soft metals.

Check the washer fluid, it's a good idea to run clear water through the washer system while it's still warm and then add clean new washer fluid. You will thank yourself when your washer is getting all that salt off the windshield without fail.

Check your wiper blades, the best way to do this is hit the windshield washer, if the blades don't flip on the down stroke or they jump on the dry windshield it's time for new ones.

Check the heater/defroster, while running the A/C all summer we don't notice if the heater/defroster has a problem.

These few things can prevent some major headaches when the weather turns cold, and could save you a tow/repair bill.

Happy Motoring

Man Shoots Fiancee Day Before Wedding

Police in Florida are continuing their investigation of a 62-year-old man who fatally shot his fiancée the day before the wedding after allegedly mistaking her for an intruder.

"We're still trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together," Winter Springs Police Chief Kevin Brunelle told CBS' "The Early Show" Monday.

Watch CBS News Videos Online
John Tabutt, 62, told investigators he got his gun when he thought he heard an intruder, then fired at a figure in the hallway, according to Brunelle. It was Tabutt's live-in fiancee, 62-year-old Nancy Dinsmore, whom family members say he was going to marry Saturday. Tabutt told authorities he thought she was next to him in bed the whole time.

Brunelle said police were not yet viewing Tabutt's claim about believing Dinsmore was next to him in bed as suspicious and added Tabutt has no criminal record on file.

Tabutt called the police emergency dispatcher shortly after 2:30 a.m. Friday, moaning and sobbing, the newspaper reported.

"I thought I had an intruder in the house," he told the emergency dispatcher. "Honest to God, she looks dead."

He then thought he heard her take a breath.

"Hang in there, Honey. Hang in there," he said.

As for Tabutt's demeanor when police arrived, "he was as frantic as he sounds on tape," Brunelle said.

The couple planned to wed in a small ceremony Saturday at St. Stephen Catholic Church in Winter Springs, Dinsmore's son-in-law Scott Sposato, of Vero Beach, told the Orlando Sentinel.

"They loved each other," he said. "It was quite apparent."

Winter Springs is about 15 miles north of Orlando.


A big thanks to BNN, the readers and contributors


I have been trying to get the blog approved by BNN, (Blog Net News), this is a copulation of blogs and one has to meet certain criteria to be accepted.

I had submitted this blog early on and was denied because I was not aware that a blog must be a minimum of 90 days old to be eligible. After the 90 day period I resubmitted as directed by BNN and I have not heard a yay or nay.... I was visiting BNN today and low and behold what do I see but the PPE has been approved/added to BNN.

Thanks to our loyal readers, our contributors, BNN, and of course those other blogs that posted bad things about us and brought new readers we are #1 on delmarva.

This is unbelievable to me as this is a very young blog and frankly I never set a goal to be #1

Thank You's too all,